Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rmsalsman
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Happy birthday
Happy anniversary
Happy birthday.

Happy Anniversary !!!!

Thank you, I still enjoy the site but don't contribute any more. Keep writing !!!
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
Thank you, I still drop in every day but have weitten very little since I had a stroke a few years ago.
Happy anniversary.
Sorry not to have seen your messages about the email address. Don’t know how I missed them but will write as soon as I can. In the meantime many happy returns.
Happy Birthday
Wondering how you are. Think of you often
Tried the email address I have which is ms@primus.ca but it bounced back so I assume you don't use that one any longer. Hope to hear from you before too long. Take care.
Look again at the email address you have - it is my initials RMS not ms
I forget things within minutes sometimes, but once we get connected by email, I should be okay, So much is happening in spiritual ways, I am anxious to hear what has been happening to you.


my initials RMS@primus.ca
or send me your email address.

I have tried several times
Happy Anniversary
*CakeP* Happy Birthday *CakeP*
*Cake3* Happy Birthday *CakeB*
*BurstV* Happy Anniversary *BurstV*
*Cake2* Happy Birthday *Cake2*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rmsalsman