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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh that we would learn to go forward in a different way so that our children and grandchildren can one day look back and think, “Those really were the days.”

Those are my feelings exactly, birthday year twin!

I write about those times not only to remember them for myself and to keep them alive in the minds of our peers but, also, so that a new generation will read about how we lived and, perhaps, find something of value in them for themselves.

Keep on writing about "the days!"

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
That's one stubborn heart your ex-husband had!

It's one thing not to believe in miracles because you'd never seen one--but it's another thing to intentionally deny a miracle that couldn't have been anything else BUT a miracle!

That cop certainly acted strange. Sounds as if they had an old boys system in place there. Had the truck driver been poor and black, he probably would have been locked up in a maximum security prison for life with no possibility of parole.

Hopefully, he has stopped drinking.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of a new beginning  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm judging this poem perfect on an emotional basis, because I know that it has come from your heart, and it has a wonderful message.

For whatever reason, you seem to have some difficulties when it comes to spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of writing.

I'm sharing an edited copy of your poem here, because I don't want people going to your page and seeing your beautiful words all run together in a rambling paragraph containing multiple punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and other errors.

If my revisions of your poem are correct in your eyes, you're welcome to copy and paste them into the spot where your writing of it now is.

You really need to try to get somebody to tutor you in writing so that your poems and other writings will look just as beautiful as they are!

Scroll down to find revisions. Welcome to the neighborhood, and I hope you make lots of friends!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

I discovered a new wind blowing slightly past my heart.
The way I was must of made my conscience be torn all apart.
I tried really hard to stay with the old news.
The more i tried, I felt so betrayed and dreadfully used.
I'm beginning a new pact now to make things great.
For now, I am the one who controls my mind's state.
I'm leaving my heartaches and miseries behind.
I'm stronger now this time, with my heart and my mind combined.
So, I pray for today
And for the tomorrow to come easily my way.
I pray for the broken, torn up inside,
Thinking they are alone and so their inner-appearance begins to hide.
I pray for the worried to gain the strength of many put in one.
I pray for the troubled who think they are really happy when everything is all said in done.
Finally, I pray about the hardships in the past.
Hopefully, now, I can be reborn and happy at last.
Review of Be the Change  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Looks as if you're off to a great start with your JoBlog I hope that more and more people will want to join us in this venture. They can check out the information by going here:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1207805 by Not Available.

Your career sounds really exciting and has the kind of feel of a blind date, grab-bag, or mystery meat--or, like Forrest Gump's famous box-of-chocolates!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Struggle  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You asked me in a letter if I'd suggested that you might be bi-polar. I can't remember asking you that, so it must have been someone else.

However, upon reading this poem, I've come to the conclusion that this might very well be the condition with which you're dealing.

Of course, you're also dealing with a dysfunctional family.

I hope that things turn out really great with the guy you wrote about in your previous poem.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! $15?
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
When I looked in my inbox and found that you were back here again writing, it made my day! Let me give you some advice when it comes to this guy. Do you have an Internet cafe in your area? Ask him if he would like to join you there for a snack and just to get to know each other better. If he seems to genuinely want to get to know you better, you can share your WDC port with him--including this poem. That--besides places like Internet cafes being relaxing places to enjoy a casual snack or meal together--is why I suggested such a place for your meeting.

If you were to ask him to join you on the computer in your bedroom, such an intense poem might lead you to go way too fast in your relationship.

The school or public library might not be the place for getting into this poem, either.

But, in a booth in a cafe, he might want to reach out and hold you, reassuring you that you don't need to build walls around yourself when it comes to him.

I remember many years ago (over 30, in fact) when I met this guy, and his confidence in himself was really low. But we had talked for awhile, and I remember how he asked me if I would do something for him. I asked him what, and he replied, "Just hold me!"

He took a risk in asking me to do this, because we had just met--but taking that risk paid off, because I gave him a nice, big bear-hug, and, afterwards, he said, "Thanks! That felt nice!"

We're friends to this day, and he's a very confident person now. He's the one I refer to often in different things I write as my "adopted" kid brother and computer guru.

This guy might or might not be your Mr. Right, but I bet he's open to being a friend. I've been very close to a man now since 1981 where it had been a case of unrequited love (I had fallen in love with him, but he didn't return those feelings). It might not have been the romantic relationship that I'd hoped for, but our loving and supportive friendship is a blessing to both of us.

Perhaps, it will turn out that way for you and this guy--but you can feel blessed in having a new and understanding friend.

Keep me posted.
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Now, this story is beyond cute and so interesting!

I'm not going to give very much of the story away at all, because I want to give you a public review.

When I reviewed your poem, I wrote a bunch of information in there about marketing your poem and other items that wouldn't have been that appropriate for a public review because it contained an affiliate link.

When I reviewed your story about the red horse, I ended up giving too much away in the body of my review, and I want future readers to be on the edge of their seats just like I was and not having the foggiest notion of what was to come next.

Again, I was on the edge of my seat with this one, but my lips are sealed--except to say that this was an amazing thing that happened to you. In a way, it reminded me of my experience with a fireplace damper except there was a clear explanation for your creeped-out feeling while there wasn't one with mine.

Everybody reading this review: Read this newbie's port!!!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Cazzie's Return  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story is the cat's meow! I'm so glad that you got your beautiful cat back just in time for Christmas! That must have been among the best presents you've ever received!

Is the shelter where you live in the habit of picking up stray cats? Or was there some reason why Cazzie needed to go somewhere?

I'm glad that he's now home to stay!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of no hope  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The last thing you wrote here was written three days after you wrote this--which means that you survived for three more days.

Each day, promise yourself that you're going to survive for at least one more day.

You've come to the right place to get support, so I hope that you haven't given up and are still here to read the feedback of other writers here.

I know that all of us wish that we knew more about you so that we'd better be able to help you.

Please come back and write more here.

I'm going to add you to my favorites list and will be looking for new items from you.

By this time next year, I predict that your life will be much better, so hang in there and don't give up on yourself!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Keep in mind that some people just can't deal with the pain of others, so they try to shrug it off as insignificant--and even get angry at the person in pain for sharing that he/she is in pain.

You have run into this, I'm afraid, and it's not your fault. It's not the other person's fault, either. More than likely, that person is feeling afraid, helpless, and uncomfortable.

He/She doesn't want to go there, and you're forcing him/her to.

There's advice given to a child who is being abused, and that advice is to go to someone with his/her problems, and, if that person doesn't want to deal with it, go on to another person--and keep going on and telling his/her story until somebody finally listens.

Each time a person here notices what you write, that is like going from person to person in search of help.

It won't be long before you'll find at least one person who can help you to at least deal with your problems if not escape them all together.

Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself!

Don't let the problem-causers win by putting an early end to your stay here in this life.

Things will get better in your life, believe it or not!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
My advice to you is to heed your own excellent advice, which you've shared here in this well-written essay!

You write wisely beyond your years--but that doesn't mean that you're old.

Your life still lies ahead of you.

If I were you, I would suggest family counseling. If your family refuses to go with you, then, go on your own.

Carry on to live out these words!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*

P.S. I'm in the process of doing a port-raid of you but need to take some time out to make some phone calls, etc. Will be getting back with you before long, so keep hanging in there...
Review of Self Destruction  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
It sounds to me as if--on top of everything else--you might be suffering from something called Bi-Polar disorder. I've noticed that there are several people here in this community who have it. If they see this piece of writing, they'll probably be getting in touch with you so that you can keep each other company.

Again, let me say that you've definitely come to the right place here.

Although I can't guarantee that you'll never run into a jerk or a troublemaker here at WDC, they're few and far between.

You'll be far more likely to find people who understand what you're going through, or, if they don't, would like to learn about it and be of any help that they can.

You've certainly painted a vivid picture of the scarf tempting you while you sat rocking back and forth in your room alone--and, then, how you were able to put on a happy face and go eat your lunch as if nothing were bothering you.

When you're not wearing that scarf, put it into a drawer and forget about it.

Take care of yourself and hang in there!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Your sister is either a very disturbed person or else she's just not taking you seriously.

Unless she has mental problems of her own, she doesn't really believe what she's telling you.

If you were to take your life, she would have a hard time forgiving herself.

This might sound very sweet to you at the time, but it isn't sweet in the long-run, because you're supposed to be growing up and living out your life and not cutting it prematurely-short here in your teens.

One of my friends grew up in a family of three kids (two sisters and a brother). From the time that she was four years old, she would have epileptic seizures.

When Diana was just a few days away from turning 19, she received the worst "birthday present" of her life. Her big brother--whom she idolized and loved to pieces--was killed in a freak horseback-riding accident.

A few days later, she overheard her mother lamenting, "Why the healthy one? Why not the epileptic?"

Of everybody in her family, Bill had been the one who had always been the most-accepting of her--epilepsy and all--and, now, he was gone.

Diana felt very alone, and understandably so.

She spent a lot of time at my place that summer and asked my folks if they would adopt her. Of course, they couldn't do that, but they certainly became great second-parents to her.

What if Diana had decided that her mother was right and had gone the route of suicide?

Not only would I have lost a good friend, but the future would be so much different, too. Two of my godchildren (Julie and Michelle) would have never been born--not to mention their own kids. I never would have met Diana's husband, Howard, and his own four kids from two previous marriages.

Diana also wouldn't have been there two years later in 1973 when I was going through my own depression and considering dropping out of college. She told me that I would be a fool to drop out of college with all I had going for me--so I stayed in. It was Diana's words that brought me to my final decision between staying in and dropping out. I'm currently writing a book about that, and the story (told in more detail) is part of it.

I went on and got that BA degree--and, then, took some other courses after that. It was in one of those courses that I had the chance to hear a classmate tell about the surgery he'd had done seven years before that to stop his petit mal epileptic seizures.

When he opened the floor to questions, I asked him if this would also help people with grand mal seizures.

He told me that it didn't at the time that he had the surgery but to keep in mind that seven years had passed so that it probably would by this time.

I couldn't wait to tell Diana the news!

The surgery still wasn't being offered in the US, so she would have to go to Canada to get it.

She checked it out with her neurologist, and he told her that he'd never heard of this surgery but that it would be worth checking into.

When he checked into the surgery, he learned that it did now include grand mal epilepsy and that it was going to be offered in the US before long, so he would be putting Diana on a waiting list right away so that she would be among the first to have it.

The surgery was still a few years away for her, due to a number of factors, but she finally had it in the summer of 1985.

Howard was sitting in the room waiting for her to come to--and he said that his first sign that everything had gone all right was when she opened her eyes and complained of being hungry.

A whole new world opened up for Diana!

She was able to drive a car for the first time in her life and to hold a well-paying job. She was even able to finish high school (after having to drop out at age 16 because she was missing too many days of school to remain a part of the student body).

She was seizure-free for over a decade and, then, started having isolated ones after Howard had a near-fatal heart-attack that were controlled by medication until she was able to undergo more surgery a few years ago to rid herself of them again.

But, back in 1971, I'm sure that she felt a lot like you're feeling right now.

Had she responded by taking her life, the world would have been much more empty today.

Please hang in there!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Anger  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
In case you're wondering about the GPs (gift points), they are a welcome present from me to you.

I'm so glad that you've chosen to join our community and that you feel free to open up to us about how you're feeling inside.

Although the message makes me sad, this is very well-written and shows me that you have a talent for expressing yourself via the written word.

Make a list of your assets and put that down as one of them:

writing talent

Even more important than the asset of writing talent is what comes across as thoughtfulness.

You feel as if you need some way out of your situation, but you're trying to figure out which way would be less hurtful for your friends and loved ones.

Being sensitive to others is a very worthwhile trait.

My advice to you is to hang in there.

It might not seem like it now, but things will get better.

The negative parts of your life are being "enhanced" by the hormonal changes that go along with making that transition from childhood into adulthood.

Nobody of any age likes to feel the way that you're feeling now--but it's especially difficult when your body is changing so much.

I'm making this a public review so that other people will get to know you, too, as you're certainly somebody who is well worth knowing.

You have a lot to offer in the way of letting people know what it's like to be so young and to feel so all alone.

You have more friends than you think--and you've done more with your life than you think.

Have you ever seen what has to be my very favorite movie: It's A Wonderful Life?

The main character, George, has really gotten down on himself and has decided that it would have probably been better if he hadn't even been born, but this angel named Clarence teaches him otherwise by showing him what the world would be like without him.

Many of the parts of his life that he didn't give much thought to one way or the other had turned out to make a positive difference to people he hadn't even met.

Get a copy of this movie and watch it for yourself.

I wish that you had your own Clarence who would give you this kind of experience, because, even without knowing you, I'm sure that you've made decisions in your life that have had a positive impact on the lives of others.

Sure! You've had experiences in your life that had the opposite effect, too, but that's beside the point.

I think that the last part of the movie will bring it all together for you. Like you, George felt all alone and couldn't comprehend that anyone would want to remain friends with him or have any respect for him after he had allowed a serious error to take place in his business. Yet, he came home to soon find the house full of family and friends who were wanting to help him bigtime after learning that he was in trouble.

You're very young, and you have a great future ahead of you. You've made an important step by letting people know that you need help. I believe that you'll find it in many ways here in our community!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful story!

I remember working with a nonverbal child (mental retardation instead of autism) named Debbie in the fall of 1974.

She was about the same age as my cousin, Cathy, and I remembered feeling sad that she would never get to do the things that Cathy got to do.

Then, the thought occurred to me that she also had no idea about Watergate, the unrest in the Middle East, and the other things that were going on back then.

Her world would always be one like the world of a baby or toddler. She would have her frustrations, of course, but her world would still be a carefree world!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of The Gift  
Rated: E | (5.0)
With every item (one poem and two stories) I've read here at your port, each one seems even more beautiful than the last one! I have the feeling that this will continue to be true as I revisit your port time and time again!

What you and your daughters write is truly a blessing!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)

So glad that I discovered you after you did my MadLib. Welcome to WDC! It looks as if you've been here for almost a year but are a best kept secret! I'll see if I can change that. Your daughter wrote a very meaningful poem and did a wonderful job at it. I'm anxious to read the other two items in your port and am looking forward to reading more!
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of My Madlibs  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Fifteen MadLibs! What a feast for warped brains!!!

Because I don't want to provide a spoiler for these juicy, little creations, I never give a MadLib a public review--at least, not when I'm sending the MadLib results back.

However, I'm giving you a review on having a folder full of MadLibs, and the only way you could improve upon it would be to create even more!

Just as soon as I finish writing this review, I'm going to play with them--all fifteen of them!!!

MadLib until I drop! LOLOLOLOL
AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Reading about your wonderful son never ceases to make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! He's absolutely precious! You weren't just given a son--you were given a very special angel!

I wish that he would become a member here just so I could give him a merit badge!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of Jimmy  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful tribute to your big brother who never had the chance to grow into a man--yet, he was more mature during his short stay in this realm than many men three or four times the age he was when the leukemia took him.

I hope that your son wears the name of his special uncle with pride!

My desire to be an organ donor was influenced by a little girl whom I never had the chance to meet but I was blessed both to read her story and to meet her family: Janis Babson who passed away the spring before she would have turned eleven and who lived in a suburb of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada called City View.

Even before she was diagnosed with leukemia, she made up her mind to donate her eyes to an eye bank after watching a documentary on TV when she was eight or nine years old.

She told her folks of her wishes just in case she died first--though nobody expected for this to happen.

Janis was described as having a heart-shaped face--and it's very fitting that a tiny red heart is what now appears on my driver's license to show my desire to be a full-body donor.

It's amazing how little ones can make such a big difference at times--just as in my favorite movie where George Bailey saved the life of his little brother, Harry, and Harry went on to save the lives of over 1000 men who were on a Naval Transport ship that was about to be attacked during World War II.

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of My Judgement Day  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This seems to be something that's very rare indeed--to keep having such a detailed dream and having it night after night after night.

I would be interested in finding out more about your conclusions re: this dream and how it has shaped your life.

Are you any relation to the Youngbloods of Indiana?

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Rated: E | (5.0)
That's an amazing story!!!

I believe that Jesus comes to us with a still, small voice, too, so I don't believe that the less bouncy services are by any means dead, but this certainly seemed to be where Jesus wanted this family to be. Perhaps, this was so that they could more often experience the feeling of real and original conversations instead of simply repeating the prayers composed by others!

Do you remember that Shirley Temple movie about the little princess and how the nasty housemother said a very formal grace but Sarah (the girl Shirley played) continued the prayer with a conversational tone? I think she did the same thing in the movie, Heidi, if I remember correctly.

Here's a delightful prayer by a child...


AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of SHOW ME HOW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Flower1**Heart* ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Now, this is what I would call really sweet, simple, heartfelt, and well-crafted! I could see it illustrated with delicate pictures and becoming a wall poster or a greeting card. In short, great work!
Review of Tiny Fingers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very sweet and clever in a very beWITCHing way!

I wonder if another name for the story of Hansel and Gretel might be Guess Who's Coming To Dinner. LOL

I've heard of Chicken Fingers, but was that old bat wanting Children Fingers?

Anyway, that's one great fractured fairy tale, and all I can say is that I hope that old hag can stand the heat, because she's going to be stuck in the kitchen BIGTIME!

I wonder if she'll smell like chicken...

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
Review of The movie titles  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really something to get one's creative juices flowing!

I hope that everyone reading this will decide to come over and participate in the fun.

Just look at all that's been written here already.

Remember to read the instructions carefully and then take off and have a little creative fun!

AJ wants U 2 meet The CanMan! *Delight*
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