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Review by Bluesman
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Jaye P. Marshall;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          This poignant opening is decent but could be better, maybe with a flashback of him cradling his past love.

What I liked Most
I think you've done something pretty gutsy here, going back and forth between lyric and story. This was done pretty well here...

*Note*          His arms throbbed with the need to hold her close. He shifted the guitar and sang:

                    “We loved each other,
                    I know that’s true.”

But something had gone wrong. What was it?

                    “I wanted power, wealth, success,”

Yes, that was it. He had to ‘make it’ first.

                    “Then I’d have time for you.”

This was well placed and versed... Excellent.

What I Thought needed Work

*Note*           But has it made me happy
                   Throughout these lonely years?
                   I dream of you and view my kingdom
                    Through a veil of tears.”

It seems to me that he is viewing his kingdom as nothing without Beth... so this last verse should say this... It is not a kingdom without her so in my opinion this verse is flawed. Now I realize that he is wanting to share this "kingdom" with Beth, but it is a "false kingdom" without her.

On a Personal Note
*Note*          Like I said, this is truly a gutsy way to write a story. I'm sure it took a lot of time to do and a whole bunch of thought and planning. You have done a great job getting this done! Wow. Write on!

The Gospel BluesMan
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Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear The Sybaritic Scribe;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          Knowing this was a life story made the opening line okay. You were just introducing the family history and getting into things properly. Good Job!

What I liked Most
*Note*          Call me strange, weird, whatever, but I like winter. I always have. Actually, I really love snow. The cold is okay.
Me too! But... I'm from Texas. Anytime we get snow down here it's a miracle sent from Heaven. Everyone down here just complains and whines and mopes around while I'm just loving every moment of it!

*Note*          We each had a place for a soda (ice cold, of course), a small quantity of perfectly formed snowballs, and a built-in seat. This seems a bit awkward to me... could it be reworded to something like...
We each had a place for a built-in seat with a place to hold a soda (ice cold, of course,) and a small quantity of perfectly formed snowballs.

*Note*          Ok, so I wasn't really strapping, but after splitting...
Ok Okay, so I wasn't really strapping, but after splitting...

On a Personal Note
*Note*          Wow, 34-inches of snow. We haven't had 34-inches of snow in the last 34-years. Sometimes I'd like to live at least one winter where they measure snowfall in feet... at least one winter!

This is a great life story. One that you and your brothers can enjoy for years to come. Personally I would try and remember some of the other things about it to expand on it about another thousand words or so, like the gifts that were received that Christmas, or what games were played indoors to pass the time while snowed in. Mother's chocolate is perfect though, I still remember my mother's hot chocolate to this day... sometimes given to me so hot that it burned the hair off my tongue! Ha ha. Write On!

The Gospel BluesMan
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Review of Pepper Kisses  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dear wiggy;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          Pretty nice opening lines... Can't say I've ever come across lines like... an exotic species of skunk - the silver-striped polecat, before. They kept me reading!

I Lyke Grammer
In this section I point out a few grammar errors because it is necessary. After all it is the nature of the beast.

*Note*          Nothing noted here.

On a Personal Note
*Note*          This is a nice comical piece that pulls humor out of a seemingly tense situation. Accidental on-purpose kisses to seal the moment. Sweet. Only one thing, isn't he going to rush his baldness by pulling those gray hairs? Ha ha... Write on!

The Gospel BluesMan
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Review by Bluesman
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

Dear Cat-Claws;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          I'd say you caught me hook line and sinker with that line... Especially in red letters.

I Lyke Grammer
In this section I point out a few grammar errors because it is necessary. After all it is the nature of the beast.

*Note*          I made you lost your dreams! Your family!
I made you lose your dreams! Your family!

*Note*          The hooded figure smiled when it realized that the man it was in charged with had finally managed to severe his tie to the world.
The hooded figure smiled when it realized that the man it was in charged charge with had finally managed to severe sever his tie to the world.

*Note*          All of the sudden, there was a strong pull; and Jonathan felt himself being harshly hurled backwards.
All of the a sudden, there was a strong pull, and Jonathan felt himself being harshly hurled backwards.
You really don't need a semi-colon here since it is the same sentence joined with an "and"; the semi-colon is used for two separate sentences which aren't being joined in any other way... besides that, "All of a sudden there was a strong pull." doesn't really make sense by itself.

*Note*          Then, Jonathan heard the hooded creature spoke for the first time,
Then, Jonathan heard the hooded creature spoke speak for the first time,

On a Personal Note
*Note*          You have a nice story here, but it took an extremely long time to get to the point. *Smile*While you grabbed me with the very first line, you would lose me then grab me over and over again. I think part of it may have been the red type set, but a lot of it was the wishy washy thinking of the protagonist. I understand that this was part of the plot, however there must be a better way to produce the same product with less verbiage. You did try to show the scene but here is a little piece from the story:
"The air didn’t feel too different, actually, but there was a certain tightness in it, an unconscious warning to the man. It was certainly… too unnatural."
The air didn't feel too different from what? a certain tightness? an unconscious warning? from the air? This was three lines that said absolutely nothing about the story. I read them over and over trying to figure out what you were trying to say. If you were trying to create tension then create tension with the surroundings and what he is feeling temperature wise,*Idea* cold/hot, *Idea*or hearing, *Idea*gunshots? *Idea*or smelling, *Idea*gun powder? *Idea*body odor? but don't try to invent something that isn't.

Final Synopsis:
*Note*          This really is a good plot line!*Thumbsup* You have a good idea here and have begun a tale that could be a life changer!!! I wish I'd thought of it. I'm going to rate this one and I can't rate something twice. So go at it again with the editing pencil and *Cut* all of the unnecessary garb and put in REAL stuff. Then generate another static item and I'll review it again when you really think it's ready. It does have potential~ Be blessed and write on!

The Gospel BluesMan
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Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear NickiD89;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          Great way to start a recipe!

What I liked Most
*Note*          The recipe... this is similar to my grandma's recipe except she used 1 tsp of cinnamon

On a Personal Note
*Note*          Families brought together by weather, how romantic! Here in the winter in Texas, back in the fifties, we would have big ice storms that would put out electricity sometimes for weeks. Of course, here in Texas many of us in the country didn't have much electricity anyway, so firing up another kerosene lantern wasn't much to fret over. Our natural gas heaters kept us warm... (as we backed up to them and heated our 'britches') then went to sit down and scalded our bottoms! Many times our family was iced in with other families and we made floor pallets for everyone to sleep on, or someone would sleep in a chair or couch. We had chickens, (how they kept from freezing I'll never know) but the next morning we kids would bundle up and go rob their nests for eggs so we all could have breakfast while granddaddy would milk the cow for drink. Your story brings back good memories...

Good job... Write on!

The Gospel BluesMan
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Review of why should I?  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (3.5)

Dear J. Aldrich;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          This was a pretty nice opening line, it did keep my attention.

Grammatic Corrections
*Note*          “ Little Jeffy, cried Sara, come and kiss mommy night-night it’s time to go to bed”
“ Little Jeffy," cried Sara, "come and kiss mommy night-night it’s time to go to bed.
I would probably use the word called instead of cried also, since cried could carry the innuendo of tears.

*Note*          “No, Jeffy said, what would happen if I don’t kiss mommy night-night ' ?
“No," Jeffy said, "what would happen if I don’t kiss mommy night-night?"

*Note*          Now Sara was listening to this conversation just outside the boys’ bedroom door.
Now Sara was listening to this conversation just outside the boys’ bedroom door.
If you are going to use the word "now," as in conversation, it should be followed by an ellipse (...) to show that a period of time has passed. Generally speaking however, this story is not written conversationally by a narrator so it is not appropriate.

On a Personal Note
*Note*          This is a very cute story about life and growing up. It has many good qualities about it in the areas of plot, structure, and planning how this would happen. However there are many grammatic errors, too many to note here in the time period that I have to do this little critique.

There are other problems also with the narrative stance in the structure as to tense. In one paragraph you are talking in third person;
"Sara was listening to this conversation just outside the boys’ bedroom door. Inside her heart she was very proud...
Then in another paragraph you switch around;
“Amen.” Says Jeffy, and then he hops into his bed.
The correct way to have written this would have been...
“Amen.” Said Jeffy, and then he hopped into his bed.

Small things such as this confuse a reader and make a story difficult to read. Sometimes I caught myself reading something two or three times in order to find out what you were saying.

So... here is the deal I'd like to make with you. I'm rating this story, but I'd like you to spend some time on a rewrite, correcting the things I've shown you, and adding in things like carpet, wood flooring? A/C no A/C? sniffles, no sniffles? things the kids were feeling but unaware of so the reader can also sense their environment, and then I'd like to have another go at rating that one also. You'll have to rename it to get another rating. Be blessed!

Good work... Write On!
The Gospel BluesMan

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Review of The Nightshift  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Jaye P.;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          The beginning of this story could be beefed to be a much better deal. The two most important parts of a short story are the beginning and the end. You sort of roll into this one with a few paragraphs describing what is going on. This is a good way to start a novella or novel, but it simply will run off many readers on a short story.

Maybe you could have begun the story with the third paragraph, something like this...
One evening Jewel Black was restocking boxes of cereal at the local 24-hour SuperMart when she heard a loud crash from one of the neighboring aisles. She dropped what she was doing and rushed...
Now you have action in the first sentence, taking the reader into the story immediately pushing him/her into the story. The first two paragraphs can follow the action.

Grammatic Corrections
*Note*          Nothing major found...

On a Personal Note
*Note*          This is a nice story with a small mystery behind it. It could be made more interesting with an injury or the threat of injury occurring from time to time. Furthermore you are telling us a story rather than showing it. We don't get the sensation of feeling the worker's. Do their muscles burn as they mop? Do they sweat? Do they get cut on the glass? Etc... This is the most important part of the story... It is an ordinary mystery of scattered merchandise causing only a little loss to the company which is why I gave you the lower rating.

Pump it up a bit with some action to improve it if you like, you are the author. It has a good plot line which comes to a good ending... Write on!

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review of They're Here  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Dear WhiteLiner;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          Your opening line was good... could have been better, but it got my attention and kept me reading.

Grammatic Corrections
*Note*           “My girlfriend lives in the ‘Sitter just up form you.”
“My girlfriend lives in the ‘Sitter just up from you.”

*Note*           I saw the realisation hit of what she had just said.
I saw the realization hitof what she had just said.

*Note*          “I take it,” I said, making sure that the door was locked behind us,
“I take it,” I said making sure that the door was locked behind us,
No comma after said...

*Note*          I realised then that paranoia just might have set in.
I realized then that paranoia just might have set in.

On a Personal Note
*Note*          I had an easy time reading this short story from front to end because of the paranoia these two protagonists had, however I had to read the story three times to figure out what they were avoiding. It wasn't all that clear to me even when I found out and I found it quite comical that they would sit in a shower stall, probably smoking their cigarettes getting cancer so they wouldn't get soused.

Then it occurred to me that maybe they were paranoid because of some street drugs that they had taken... I don't know, because I've never done drugs and wouldn't do that to my body, but anyway, to get to my point; I really couldn't find a plot in the story to follow to find if it would end or not.

On a technical note, many of your sentences are clogged with unnecessary commas. This is generally due to the writer attempting to write lines like they talk. For instance:
"For the next twenty minutes after that, we sat in relative silence, only whispering remarks to each other..."
In this phrase neither comma is needed, you might use one after 'that' but not normally.

On a more positive note, some of the spelling corrections I made above may be alright in Oxford English, I am not sure. If that is so I apologize. You have a good story here, especially if you are paranoid, *Smile* and you have a possibility to make it even better with a few touch ups. By all means... Write on!

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review of Consumption  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Dear Nicole:

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

*Note*          Using up of someone for selfish love.

What I liked Most
*Note*          Paragraph form of each section of the person used.

On a Personal Note
*Note*          My wife and I have been married for thirty-five years, and it has taken its toll on both of our souls to become soul~mates. We met in high school, she was fourteen, and I was seventeen, we have been together ever since. It seems it has been a God thing, our relationship, because we have weathered all hardships together and have always come out on top. But everyone around us has been the victim of divorce, used up. Sad.

This poem is an excellent rendering of how most of us treat our loved ones. We use them until there is nothing left, and then throw them away. At least in todays marriages it seems that is the way it goes.

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.5)

Dear Thayamax;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*          Excellent beginning, pushing the reader into the story environment.

What I liked Most
*Note*          The nurse shook her head softly. "Don't try to snap her back to reality, it only confuses her more." I could tell by the look in her eyes, she'd said those words many times.
Unusual but true... heartbreaking

On a Personal Note
*Note*          This is a relentless disease that leaves no one less the victim.

This story is extremely well written to show the emotions involved with a family member dealing with the disease. Your plot to show this was well thought out and carried out. You might have shown us a little more of the rooms and environment involved to help get us involved with the emotion of the patient, but the telling of the story did well. Write on!

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review of The Dream  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Dear Dear Jaye P;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*           The opening paragraphs are good, you might want to shorten the opening sentences to really grab the reader, because it was the the forth paragraph,
Carrie jerked awake with heart pounding and tears streaming... before I was actually drawn into the story.

What I liked Most
*Note*          Gripping the edge of the sink, she gazed out of the window at the moonlit, snow-covered meadows that drifted away to the distant mountains, and tried to calm her pounding pulse.
In my opinion, this was the best descriptive sentence in the entire story. It set the mood and put a calming emphasis on the remainder of the story. Great job!

On a Personal Note
*Note*          This story's plot is well thought out and well written. The mother's worries are well placed in the the story to add to the stress of what is surely going to happen and then when it happens, the unexpected ending. Good job... Write On!

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review by Bluesman
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

Dear Web~Witch;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

A cute little story told in first person by a pixie about her trials of becoming the "Pixie of Darkness."

What I liked Most
I enjoyed the little name chosen for her "Tara" and her nickname "Tara-Rizer," this was cute.

On a Personal Note
This little first person narrative was a short-short story giving the troubles of the pixie's dark enemy the vampire. I am not sure if this story was written for a contest limiting its word length, however with a few more words, easily less than 1000, I believe it could be shown as well as told. While the story is a nice read, there are few outside scene descriptives to give the reader moods and feelings. You have a good sense for plot and telling a story though so please write on!

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (5.0)

Dear SW Poet

Thank you for sharing your Poem with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work!

This is a beautiful work of enduring love. Your patience with having this child and the angels involved in protecting him are busy indeed. I pray that your lives are blessed.

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The Gospel BluesMan

Review of Please Choose Me  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Hello Diane;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.


This is a wonderful story about an over eager young boy... almost too eager!

What I liked Most
What if she didn't tell Mariana the things that mattered? He wouldn't get a home! Jeremy bolted out from behind the palm tree and burst into the office. Tiffany looked up in surprise as he dashed past her desk and into the office of the head administrator.
This was a wonderful illustration of a nervous young lad. I almost laughed out loud when he burst into the office.

Room for Growth
The main thing I noticed was the number of times that the word orphanage came up in the same paragraph. This was quite repetitive to me and became a bother. I think maybe you could use the word "home" and get the same message across without wearing out the word orphanage. Just a suggestion.

You have a great story here and have a great style. Keep it up!
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The Gospel BluesMan
Review of Shocked  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Hello El Bib,

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
*Note*           The woods by the lake seemed different somehow. Perhaps the stillness in the air or the shadows that danced on the forest floor from the old pines... Good opening. The first two sentences have enough question in them to keep the reader interested in reading on.

*Note*           The outdoors hunting theme is always good for this type of story. The availability of weapons being prominent is a great idea also.

What I liked Most
*Note*           The second chapter was the most solid. It appears you spent more time working on this part of the story. My favorite, "After getting their coffee they retired to a table in the corner of the cafeteria. A man of his mid fifties, Dr. Hans Rohm looked more like he was in his mid eighties with eyes that looked as if they had seen a hundred years worth of horror. His back humped at the shoulders from years of lifting patients now made his 6 foot frame look five and a half now."

Room for Growth
*Note*           "Don was a sight for sore eyes after five years..." This is a strange statement because it is not set up with what was going on the five years before. (After five years of what?) This might be reworded to include something like... Don was a sight for sore eyes after his being away in the Navy five years... or, the hospital or wherever it was.

*Note*           "They had parked their car on the road and had hiked in but had gotten a late start due to engine trouble on the tug that Don worked on and now the moon hung in the sky casting just enough light through the trees to dimly lighten their footsteps down the overgrown path." GASP! This is a pretty long sentence. It might be better broken up like this. They had parked their car on the road and had hiked in. But they got a late start due to engine trouble on the tug that Don worked on, and now the moon hung in the sky, which cast just enough light through the trees to dimly lighten their footsteps down the overgrown path.

*Note*           The Old Shack as they had called it from childhood looked just the same as it did when their father brought them here the first time. When you are breaking a sentence up to give a description, you need to separate the description with commas. The Old Shack, as they had called it from childhood, looked just the same as it did when their father brought them here the first time.

*Note*           The weather worn planks that made up the walls holding up a rusting tin roof was a wonderful site and brought back fond memories. This sentence also needs help to keep from being so wordy... The weather worn wall planks held up a rusty tin roof was a wonderful sight, which brought back fond memories.

*Note*           After relocating a family of mice that had taken up residency in the stove, Jake found enough wood to start a fire to warm up some stew and coffee while Don set up the cots that they had packed in along with tackle boxes, rods, rifles, hunting knives and the essentials. This is one of my own problems. I'll start a sentence with motion and end up with a run on sentence when everything could be said much simpler. Jake found enough wood to start a fire to warm up some stew and coffee. First he had to relocate a family of mice that had taken up residence in the stove; while Don set up the cots that they had packed in along with tackle boxes, rods, rifles, hunting knives and other essentials.

*Note*           The sun found the brothers dressed in camo gear hiding in a deer blind next to the lake waiting on dinner to walk up and have a morning drink, but being newly reunited the two regressed quickly to their childhood and began picking at one another, making enough noise to scare off the Devil himself, much less any wandering deer. This is another sentence that should be broken into two, with corrections in tense; The sun found the brothers dressed in camo gear hidden in a deer blind beside the lake to wait on dinner to walk up and have a morning drink. However, since they had been reunited the two regressed quickly to their childhood and began picking at one another, making enough noise to scare off the Devil himself, much less a thirsty deer.

*Note*           Neither fired a single shot all morning and around noon had decided to give up and go fishing. Going back to camp they changed into shorts and t-shirts grabbed their rods and headed back to the lake. Having much better success at fishing, by dusk they had enough fish to fry up and eat well. These sentences have the first and third person messed up entirely. The paragraph should look more like this. Neither fired a shot all morning and around noon they had decided to give up and go fishing. They went back to camp and changed into shorts and t-shirts, grabbed their rods and headed back to the lake where they had much better success with the fish. By dusk they had enough fish to fry up and eat well.

*Note*           The creaking of the door brought Jake from a deep slumber into a semi conscious state. Assuming it was his brother going out to relieve himself, sleep overtook him once again bringing a fitful sleep full of nightmares and visions of the past. Once again, the tense of writing is violated in the paragraph. You can write in two tenses but it is very difficult to do properly. This is not; The door creaked and brought Jake from a deep slumber into a semi conscious state. Assuming it was his brother going out to relieve himself, his sleep resumed and once again brought a fitful restless night full of nightmares and visions of the past.

On a Personal Note
I think you have a quality story going here. The second chapter works better than the first, however you are having trouble keeping your writing voice in gear. This is nothing to be worried about as it will come with time and work. Hang in there because it is well worth it. Be blessed and Write On!


The Gospel BluesMan

Review of Silent Lullaby  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello Chelsea,

Thank you for sharing your lyrics with WDC, I'm happy to have the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions. These song "lyrics" took some dissecting for an old coot like me to understand. *Smile* I first had to put all of the verses together so I could focus, and then look at the chorus later. *Blush* But here is an idea of what I came up with.

Opening Line(s)

The opening line(s) should set the entire song. note: Without hearing the melody, the reading of the words seems more like a folk song than the "Silent Lullaby" it is named. In this case you begin with "sweet memories" and then end with "I'm so worried" My concern here is what can be sweet about worry?


The theme of the song seems to be your waning away... seems like dying but is this suppose to be going to sleep?

What I liked Most

The chorus was good and strong. It said the most about your song.

Room for Growth

*Note2*           I know we live in a day and age where no lyrics rhyme, but man... something should rhyme in a lullaby. Either in the verse or the chorus. I think you have more use for a little rhyme in the verses.

*Note2*           In the chorus, I think you need to say "good night" instead of good bye. Hey... It's a lullaby isn't it?

*Note2*           It seems like you are using "I bet you'd like that (I bet you'd like that) oh I bet you'd like that" as a hook line. If that is the case, then your lullaby would be remembered as "I bet you'd like that." So... if you are going to name this little song Silent Lullaby, then you should have those words somewhere in it! Like at the end where you say something about wishing this was all a lie. You should say something about this being your Silent Lullaby!

On a Personal Note

You have done a good job getting the ideas down on paper, and I've blown them all to pieces. Oh bother... (e:worry) I have written my share of songs in the past and I know the feeling! ! ! And, I also that this is fixable if you decide to use any of my suggestions. If not... I'll be the same ol' coot that I was before, and my feelings won't be hurt at all. *Smile* I am curious though; is this song Major or minor, and what chords do you use? The musician in me won't let me go without asking.

Be blessed, and Write On!


The Gospel BluesMan
Review of Jealousy  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Hello Thayamax;

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have had the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions. You have written a great jealousy scene, here are my comments;

Opening Line(s)
Great opening sequence. You have grabbed the reader by the eyes and sucked them in, good job!

What I liked Most
*Check2*           The door opened, Cheryl and her lover stepped inside. Their laughter was cut short at the sight of me pointing my gun at them.

*Thumbsup*          Okay! Now you have really pulled in the reader, the gun has come into the picture.

Room for Growth
*Note*          Cheryl cancelled(sp) our dinner plans, telling me she had a ‘family thing'. There are two problems in this sentence. One is already pointed out. The other is the period outside the quote... It should read...

         Cheryl canceled our dinner plans, telling me she had a "family thing."

*Note*          She was lying, but when I asked her who she was seeing, she blew up and said she never wanted to see me again. Only one problem I see in this sentence, and that is the comma after seeing. I don't think it is needed.

*Note*          Anger seared through my brain at the sight of each smiling photograph of us. It was all lies. In this two sentence combo, I think the second sentence should be... They were all lies. since you are talking about multiple pictures.

On a Personal Note
Again, I think you have written a great story here on jealousy. It is never a good thing and always ends up being the loser in the end. Keep up the good work and Write On!

The Gospel BluesMan

Review of Faith is hard  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hello Christopher,

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I'm happy to have had the chance to review your work! This rate and review is offered in the spirit of assistance. Please feel free to ignore any or all suggestions.

Opening Line(s)
When writing we all have the burden of drawing interest of the reader into our story. When writing about Scripture, Jesus, or God we all have a greater burden of drawing interest of the reader into the story. If you are addressing a Sunday school class, this is a perfect intro however if you are looking to seek the non-Christian this intro should be avoided. So... what is said in Scripture that is so captivating about this subject that would make a reader want to keep on reading? Could there be a little bit of fact placed here that could preface the subject that would bring us into the story? What if the opening line were something like... You who labor in the heat without sustainance, clothing or shelter where is your faith? Don't you believe?

Room for Growth
One problem I see is an attempt to write like you would talk. This brings up timing problems to a reader in sentences like: So, if that is the way God wants us... or Well, to me what Jesus is saying is... and See, God doesn't want us to have to worry... and even Now, if you can think for a moment...

The problem here is people don't read like you talk, so these are best left out. Just begin the sentence with the word after the exclamation.

On a Personal Note
You have a wonderful skill with words here and I don't want to squelch that. But there is a way you can write which will captivate your audience with such interest it will amaze you. You simply need to rethink your wording a bit, and approach it in a different direction. I think you have written a great lesson on Scripture, so Be Blessed, and Write On! *Thumbsup*

The Gospel BluesMan
Review of Love Letters  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (3.5)

Hello NiceGirl,

Thank you for sharing your story with WDC, I will be reviewing your story... Please remember that this review is my own opinion and you are the writer; you must decide whether or not these suggestions are usable.

Opening Line(s)
         "Annie went upstairs. Passing by the library she noticed that the secretaire was open." These lines are good but weak. In the remainder of the story, does it matter if she is upstairs? Passing by the library, line is good but weak by itself... it would be better if combined with line three. "Michael, her husband, didn't like her being in this room." Your opening would have more interest like this;

          Passing by the library she noticed that the secretaire was open. She hesitated, but then entered the library; her husband didn't like her being in this room.

What I liked Most
After 8 years of marriage she almost forgot that he could be so sweet, so sensitive, so loving, so much like Michael she had fallen in love with many years ago.
This is almost a perfect sentence... but has a perfect thought in it...

Room for Growth
There are grammar errors that need repair, quite a few I'm afraid... (A few are in the sentence above...)
*Check2*          After 8 years of marriage she almost forgot that he could be so sweet, so sensitive, so loving, so much like Michael she had fallen in love with many years ago.

         After *black*eight years of marriage she almost forgot that he could be so sweet, so sensitive, so loving, so much like *black*the
Michael she had fallen in love with many years ago. Corrections are in black.

*Check2*          "Because only with you I learned what happiness is. And with you I know this solace and comfort"

         "Because only with you I learned what happiness is. And with you I know this solace and comfort."

*Check2*          "You have always given me the same feeling", she smiled"

         "You have always given me the same feeling,/c" she smiled. Always inside of quotations and parenthesis.

*Check2*          "May be question is how it happened that you entered it at the exact moment, the moment when I needed someone like you, or rather, the moment when I needed YOU."

         Maybe the question is how it happened that you entered it at the exact moment, the moment when I needed someone like you, or rather, the moment when I needed YOU.

Your story is full of these type of errors... I might suggest that you print the story out to proof read it before publishing it so errors like this will jump out at you, or have a friend read it so they might catch them.

On a Personal Note
You have a gift of plot and storytelling that many writers could only wish for. You have taken a small plot and woven a quick tale of love and infidelity and made it great. Keep up the good work and Write On!

Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (5.0)

Hello J.Allen;
Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Floyd Collins with WDC. This is a great and captivating story which makes me want to read the book you mentioned.

Opening Line(s)
These lines leave much to be desired. They could be better suited if they said something to grab the readers interest in the story. While the story is a great read, the grab the seat of your pants and sit down, is not normally a great way to start out.

What I liked Most
You have a great conversational manner of putting this story down. It was very easily read and understood, and was perfectly chronological.

On a Personal Note
You could go ahead and admit that you were afraid of the bear in the area, and not list all of the other animals you listed. It's obvious that cats, wolves etc. don't eat the berries you mentioned in the scat, so we all know , and we are all afraid of bear so you should just say you were afraid of the bear.

You have written a captivating story here and I congratulate you for a job well done. With the exceptions I've listed above I found it in great order. I normally don't give five stars to anyone, however this piece was so well written I am awarding you five stars for the effort even with the problems I've listed above.


The Gospel BluesMan
Review of The Photograph  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Hello Susie,

Thank you for sharing your work with WDC... What a wonderful story of growing old and of memories through an old picture. Your opening line made me want to keep on reading, especially since it was about fog, but I can't say I've ever read about moribund water. This was a curious description I think, the only thing I found a little out of place in the story.

Whatever you were trying to say with this I can't hold it against you with the remainder of the story. Well Done! Write On!


The Gospel BluesMan
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.0)

Hello Labentman;
Thank you for sharing your essay with WDC, I am privileged with an opportunity to review your writing.

Opening Line(s)
This essay begins with a paragraph of statements, or assumptions that peek the readers interests and entice the reader into continuing with the story. They are well written, however could be rearranged to curb even more interest.

Your theme provides insight to a speech given by a person and sticks to comparisons and arguments with that speech. This was very well done.

What I liked Most
Your comparison to the ridiculous was amusing to me... "Let's assume Google, and other information gatherers, really do have our "best intentions" in mind. That they really do care about whether or not we are able to find our limited edition Mickey-Mouse-Sponge-Bob emblazoned spatula (we just need it so badly), and that they are not using the information they gather for any less-than-nice reasons.

Room for Growth
There are a few spelling errors and grammatical problems:

*Check2*           such as thorough incidents of eminent domain,
          thorough I believe should be through

*Check2*           "The Invisible Hand is a Gentle Hand.",
          I realize this is a title, however a comma would suffice after Hand...

*Check2*           (we just need it so badly), commas go inside parenthesis...

*Check2*           However, if we are first citizens, we must demand liberty above "stuff". oops... and of course quotation marks...

On a Personal Note
This is a well written essay and I commend you on your well thought out arguments and points. Good job! Write On!

The Gospel BluesMan
Review of The Break Up  
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (4.0)


Thank you for sharing your writing with WDC, it is an honor to have the opportunity to rate and critique your work.

Opening Line(s)
These are pretty much opening statements to present a mood or setting. They are done well and do not run off the reader, but could be reworded to draw in the reader more quickly.

What I liked Most
When you used outside influences to show feelings... "Ripples were flowing through my body starting at knees and moving up my body to the top of my head. I was shivering, but it was a balmy night, the windows open and the sun setting to the west behind the Rocky Mountains." The balmy night does a lot to paint this scene for the reader... excellent writing here.

Room for Growth
You could use some spacing within the story. Paragraphing between lines spoken, would make it easier to read. Italics where Jewel is thinking would clear up a lot of lines also. Learn to use WritingML it will help you with your formatting of stories on line.

On a Personal Note
During the story when the pain begins squeezing your chest, I thought "heart attack" and it never let up. Was this your intent? I don't know of many break up stories that I've read where they end with the guy having the last word; that really didn't happen did it? Women always have the last word in real life, don't they? Every woman I've ever been around has, whether she's been right or not! *Smile*

*Note1*          Keep up the good work, and Write On!

Be Blessed!

The Gospel BluesMan
Review by Bluesman
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello SWPoet,

Great Story,
         This little story is well written and perfect for children in the age range you have chosen. I know my little first grader would have enjoyed it. Are you going to publish it? If so, do you have someone to do the artwork? It is a great story...

Be blessed, and write on!
Review by Bluesman
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Mick,
Good story, pretty well researched and to the point. We in America are over nourished and FAT. Me included. I think some of the problem is the way we are treated medically for ailments we have. My doctor doesn't treat my illness, he treats the symptoms for my illness. He really doesn't care what is wrong with me. Internal medicine is a farce! On three of my medications one of the side effects is... yep you guessed it... "weight gain." Now I am ninety pounds overweight and have high blood pressure! Oh, now back to your story, sorry... I got off line there.

The only problems I see are grammatical, in that you tend to put your periods etc... outside of parenthesis... these always go inside. And, you are using way to many slashes et.al. fruits/vegetables during the story. It is much more pleasing to the eye of the reader to just say fruits or vegetables. Other than this good job! Write on!
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