Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/reviews/daraserian
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16 Public Reviews Given
16 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Great beginning. it slowed down for me with the first long paragraph. The idea you've created here is exciting and I like the fast paced entrance with Kyle and his mother. Some of the descriptive sentences could use a little brevity. For example "They were closer than just friends, almost brothers it seemed." could become "They were as close as brothers." It says the same thing but is much more poignant. Reads often sense this without knowing what exactly makes it good. They can read less and get the same amount of info. I didn't know this for a long time and still have trouble doing it on first draft, but it's a great editing tool. So, I'm not knocking that sentence, I just used it as an example for my point. I have trouble editing my own work because I'm too close to it. I have to give it to someone else, or not look at it for a while and then come back to it. I think you have a great story here. Hope this helps.
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
I read today that a prologue is meant for providing history and background and that is should be avoided if possible because the characters can give the history and background throughout the story in dialog, memory, etc. I disagreed, but on one hand it is true. I tend get into a book faster if there is some kind a dialog or fast paced action right at the start. A forward can do this very well, or just have it in the first chapter. I haven't read that far yet but will soon.

The only other thing I thought about right away was the length of the first paragraph. If this were in a novel size book it would take up the whole page. Most readers like short paragraphs because it gives them a sense of moving forward. Some will even skip entire paragraphs if it's too long and looks to filled with nothing but description.

What I have learned to do is read aloud, hear the flow, and create new paragraphs for every to every other new thought.

That said, It's just my opinion, and i'm no expert. Think of what you like when reading one of your favorite books. Study it's flow.

This is just technical stuff, I'll read more chapters before I review the story itself. Hope this was helpful.
Review of Tribute  
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
There is such passion in the words you wrote here. I loved the flow. It made me think about what I'd write when someday my mother or father will pass on. I imagine it being very like this is feeling, flow, and something that evokes touching imagery. "she wasn't just alive, she lived" These are my favorite line in the whole piece. Thanks for the read.
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very nicely done. Short, sweet, and to the point. Love it.
Review of The Anniversary  
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: E | (4.0)
So cute, loved this a lot. It makes me think of my grand parents and parents. Thought the situations were different they got married young and are still together. You did great with the dialog and I could picture it perfectly! Thanks for that great read.
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: E | (4.0)
Oooh, I like this. The last stanza is strong and appeals to my need to face life head on. Very cool.
Review of To liver  
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)
Clever and fun, very entertaining.
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: E | (4.0)
depressing the day - loved this line

beautifully formed imagery, it made me look for my blanket while reading and think of times at a family beach property for it's cold windy days spent looking out windows.

It's vivid and well done. Thanks for the read.

Review of Hatred  
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Very interesting. Not sure I grasp it fully yet, I'll have to read it a few more times. Loved the first line "The gavel dropped and gave life to the machine;" it's a very definite, eye opening, reverberating statement. It caught my attention anyway.
Review of HER PATH  
Review by DaraSerian
Rated: E | (3.5)
That was very beautiful. I could see the image of it as I read and I got a chill as I read "a cold chilly wind blew her veil."
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