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Review of Our Moment  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
LOVE IS GRAND! This piece is dripping in love. It is a place and a time that is close to you both that has this overwhelming urge to fall together and be in love. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job and its clear that you did. How wonderful is love and you know it is something wonderful to share. Good job. Keep writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful piece of work. You have no errors and the color is right for the piece. You made it so easy for the person to read this piece for you chose the right color. It matters to me and to others about what color you have used. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. You did well as we said. I hope you will keep on writing. You're good at it.
Rated: E | (5.0)
PERFECT! This is a great piece and a good read. It is beautiful and wonderful to read. you have done well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. It shows how well you did with having no errors found in the piece. Keep writing.
Review of Ode to a Muse  
Rated: E | (5.0)
BEAUTIFUL! This is a beautiful piece and so enjoyable to read. Therewere no errors found in the piece. You did well. You did a good job and it was a great read. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job as we said. It is hoped that you will keep on writing.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a beautiful piece. There were no errors found in this piece. You did a great job. It is with the right color so that others could see it and read it. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Review of Man Child  
Rated: E | (5.0)
A great tribute s this to a man who lived his life for others. He imitated Diana Ross' look to me he did and was something else on stage. The best known piece to me was Thriller. You had no errors in t his piece. You did a great job with it. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. you did a good job. You did well as we said. I hope you will keep on writing.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a bittersweet piece of love here. You did well in telling the story. You didn't have any errors in the piece. You were right on with the color of the words for it was easy to see and I enjoyed the reading. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Review of Garbage Bin  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Now this is what I call personification! You did well with this piece for it kept my attention. That isnt' hard to do but unusual. You did this without any errors in the piece. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. You did well as we said and it is one that I am glad that I clicked. Keep writing.
Review of MY STUFF  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Now this is what I call being selfish. You have nothing to give the man but you have all these things in your home. That is being totally sefish and hard. You made a believer out of me with this piece. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did good job. Keep writing.
Review of Princesses  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have some imagination. You made this like a child was writing it. You did it so well though it was a good piece. It is sad that the child doesnt' love her mother so much. That is regretable. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. you did a good job. and it was without errors. Keep on writing.
Review of Dear Summer  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is beautiful! It is about a girl named Summer. This is what i am getting from the piece. She is a lovely person and you love her and how she is dressed. You love her and it shows so well. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. You hopefully will keep on writing.
Review of A Dream  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is ever so interesting. I loved the wording of this piece. You painted it well with the colors you used to paint this picture. There were no errors found in the piece. You did a good job. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. you did wel as we said and it shows how well you did. Keep on writing.
Review of April Shower  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a good piece. There were no errors found in the piece. It was about April showers. The kind that makes a difference in the flowers. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. You did well as we said. It is hoped that you will keep on writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
There is a lesson to be learned from this piece. You hit the nail on the head so to speak. It is with that kind of information that isgood stuff. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing and know that I didn't find any errors in this piece.
Review of Summer Joy  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This would have been a great piece if you would have chosen another color than this one. It was so hard to see I could read it but barely. I ask that you change the color and make it easier to read. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job with what I could see and it was well done. Keep on writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is dripping in love for the one that is close to you. There were no errors found in the piece and you did a good job. It is hoped that love will keep on blossoming for the both of you. You deserve to be happy and hope that you are. Youdid well in presenting this piec of literature for the purpose of reviewing and you did a good job as we said. Keep on writing.
Review of A chance  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes, it is so true that you must fight for a chance. You have done well with this piece. There were no errors in the piece at all. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. You are asked to keep on writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
BEAUTIFUL! This is a beautiful piece and one that I am glad that I clicked. There were no errors in this piece. You made it interesting and good. You did well in presenting this piece of literaure for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Review of If only  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This is a sad poem. It is sad because of the leaving for someone else is such a tragic thing. You wonder if you could ever come back to the one you are walking away from. it causes one to think hard on that note. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Review of Today  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a form I haven't seen before in the realm of poetry. You have done well in making this up. It tells a story. It sure would make things better if the US would pay for the things it has received from other countries. It would do us well to give back to the Viet Nam vets for their trouble they went through for us over there. Keep writing you're good at it.
Review of Undersea Life  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a beautiful piece of undersea life. it is so picturesque and good. It sets the spirit free to discover what is under the sea. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. There were no errors found in the piece and that is good. Keep writing.
Review of When  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Some very good advice to help someone who is down and out. it is a helpful piece and one I am glad that I clicked. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did good and a good job was done too. Keep writing. I don't see any room for improvement in this piece.
Review of Forgiven  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a sad piece. The friend of yours died. You tried to have her come back to you but it wasn't that way. It happened so quickly that the car couldn't stop. It is so regreatble about that. You have made a believer out of me. I hope this is fiction and not the case. You did well in presenting iece of literature for the purpose of a review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
You had me going there with this story. One minute you are speaking about the coffee shop then you are speaking bout bears and ponies. It was hard to keep up wtih you. Al in al it was a good story. You did well in presentingthis piece of literature for the purpose ofa review. You did a good job. Keep writing.
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a story! You captured the essence of a man named John Doe. Though his name was something else. A Henry Destous was nameyou used. It was a good story. You did well in presenting this piece of literature for the purpose of review. You did a good job. I hope you will keep on writing.
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