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I always try to be encouraging. I will be honest, though, with kindness. I will try to present examples of what worked, and what didn't work, and help you in any way I can. I graduated from the Dynamic Reviewing class. I am an Alumni in The Art of Criticism Project.
I'm good at...
Poetry, short fiction, and articles
Favorite Genres
Romance, Christian Romance, light mystery or thrillers, psychology, Christian non-fiction
Least Favorite Genres
horror, war, gay/lesbian, erotica, adult, intense mystery/thrillers
Favorite Item Types
Poetry, books, devotional type items
Least Favorite Item Types
Long books
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anything that is GC or higher, or anything containing the F-bomb or GD. Mild cursing is okay.
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Review of Worthless Angel  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)

My name is Marci, and I will be reviewing your piece today as part of the challenge for "King's Landing updating and the House of Hightower.

*Disclaimer: Everything I have to say is my humble opinion. If I mention something that is against your artistic views, please throw it at one of my enemies!

*Shield1* Title - The title is intriguing, and makes me wonder what you are talking about. It draws me in to read more, and that is the important part of a title. It also fits the subject of the poem. *Thumbsup*

*Shield1* Imagery - First of all, I like it when someone includes a picture with their work. You could have even put the picture above your poem to give it more drama. As for the imagery that your words create, you did a great job of describing the emotions that the unknown soldier would deal with. At first, he feels like his sacrifice didn't make a difference because no one knows who he is. Then, when he realizes he is part of a monument, he is proud to represent all those that have died unknown on the battlefield. Now he represents something amazing!

*Shield1* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - This poem affects my heart deeply. I had a great uncle who served in WWI, and was part of the team that broke the German code that won the war. My grandfather served at the very beginning of the Korean war. I have several family members on both sides of my family that have served in the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marines. I even have a cousin that was in the Green Berets. What if any one of those were left on the battlefield? What if no one knew who they were? What if we never found out what happened to them? Great writing in a serious tone for a serious subject matter.

*Shield1* Rhyme, Form & Flow - A lovely quatrain with an abac rhyme scheme. There is an interesting meter of 7,6,7,6 in each quatrain. It flows nicely, and I had no stumbling points. There are some good rhymes such as killed/field. However, some of your rhymes are not true rhymes. They have the same vowel sound, but not the same ending consonant sound. Example: unknown/home. I only point this out because it will be disqualified in any contest the requires true rhymes.

*Shield1* Grammar/Punctuation - I have a whole spiel about punctuation and capitalizing lines that don't begin a sentence. If you are interested in the whole thing I have to say about it, you can email me back. Just know that using correct grammar rules in your poem helps to emphasize meaning, and aids in flow.

*Shield1* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - There are some nice uses of alliteration: now/nameless, no/knows/name, speak/soldiers, many/more, and what/we. There are a couple places that you've used reverse syntax in order to make the poem's rhymes fit. One was slightly awkward and making the syntax right would only make smoother. See dropnote below for notes on syntax. However, the others weren't as awkward, and didn't hamper flow. In this case, they add to the beauty of the poem.


*Shield1* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - The way these two line are written together are just beautiful, and really sum up the entire reason for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

"To remember what we've given
To remember what we've done"

If you want more ideas on the use of punctuation or anything else, you know you can contact me anytime. I loved your beautiful poem. I gave it four *Star*'s because of the things mentioned above. Keep working on your form poetry. You are doing a great job!!! *Thumbsup* Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penr*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Love  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile* It's Marci.

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I am reviewing your piece as part of the monthly member-to-member reviews for Rising Stars. Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can, and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Star* Title - When I was going through your port looking for something to review, your picture is actually the first that caught my attention. I love hearts, and I'm a hopeless romantic. So, I had to read on. However, I would say that "Love" is kind of a simple title for a poem that is definitely not simple. Maybe that's what you were going for since this was a poem full of oxymora. I don't have to sell you on the merits of your title, so I will continue on.

*Starb* Imagery - Of course, this poem is full of the contradictions of love. Your crafting of sentences is quite artful. The writing pulls me in, and yet I fight against the premise. The reason that I'm a hopeless romantic is that I have been happily married for sixteen years. I don't know, though, you might get a different story from my husband. *Laugh*

*Star* Tone and Mood/Emotional Impact - The attitude behind the writing matches the words and flow of the poem. I really enjoyed the poem. Honestly, as I watch others go through relationships, this really is what I see. You know, it all could be summed up with one word. "Drama"! *Smile*

*Starb* Rhyme/Form/Flow - You followed the form of Cavatina perfectly. But I expect no less from a master poet. The meter and rhythm is perfect. I found no hiccups whatsoever!

*Star* Grammar/Punctuation - You followed form example found at The Poet's Garrett that included no punctuation. Personally, I'm for punctuation, but I can see where it would be unnecessary with this form.

*Starb* Poetic Devices - I would be remiss in not sharing the examples of oxymora found in your poem. Honestly, I love the use of this convention. From the days of Shakespeare to modern masters, it creates depth and interest in the poem. Here are the ones that I found: hopeful desperation, Surprising expectations, friendly adversary, and pleasant agony. I also enjoy some good alliteration: hopeful/hide, beyond/belief, and remain/remote.

*Star* Favorite Line/Stanza - I really enjoyed your final couplet the best.

Some wiser men may just remain remote
and spare the contradictions they emote

I only took off half a star because of the title. Seriously, I rarely give five stars, and you were really close. I admire your knowledge and creativity as a poet. I feel out of my league reviewing your poetry, but I always learn something new when I surf your port! Until next time... Live, laugh, and write! *Penb*

Marci Missing Everyone

Mage Marci - House of Hightower
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with Dark Side's Writer's L...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece at your request and for the Game of Thrones challenge. Everything I say is my humble opinion. Use what you like and throw everything else at my enemies! I look forward to the darkness of your dreams!

*Door* Title - "The Tempest" is an appropriate title, but has been done. I'm not saying to change it, but remember that the title is the gateway to your poem. It is what encourages other to read farther. I have additional thoughts on this. If you want more help with this, feel free to email me.

*Door* Imagery - The metaphor of the storm and how you follow through with it is amazing. Your descriptions are new, yet poignant. There are a few lines that really caught my attention.

"The bruised clouds weep my angry tears."
"The lightning strikes with all my fears."
"My voice is the thunder in the night."

*Door* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The tone and mood match as the tone is dark and the mood is eerie. I feel the emotional storm building from the beginning until it is complete at the end.

*Door* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You have done an excellent job of following the Constanza form, especially for your first try. Keep in mind a couple of things. You should be able to read each of the first lines as one poem, and make sense on it's own. As I read through in this way, the first line of the fourth stanza felt out of place. One thing I do when I write a Constanza poem is to write out the monorhymes first, and then I fill in with the other lines. Just a suggestion. The other requirement of the Constanza is that each line contain eight syllables. This is important to the overall flow of the poem. However, there is no set rhythm requirement, and that makes it easier to get your syllable count with a few slight tweaks. In the drop note below, see your lines and my suggestions.

Syllable Suggestions

*Door* Grammar/Punctuation - The only issue I see is that stanza three line two needs a period. Great job! *Thumbsup*

*Door* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - The main poetic device that stands out in this poem is the metaphor that it portrays. I mentioned this earlier, but again I have to say how beautiful it is.

*Door* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - These two lines really stood out to me as especially graphic in portraying your theme. The second line just calls to me! It is heart wrenching.

"It erupts with all of my pain,
and bleeds my sorrow with the rain."

I like the quote that you incorporated at the top of the page. It's a nice touch. I also noticed that you put a link to Shadow Poetry, but it leads to the Blitz form instead of the Constanza. It might be a nice touch to make sure the link goes to the Constanza page. Keep working on learning new forms. You are doing an AWESOME job!!!n Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penbl*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile*

It's Marci Missing Everyone . I chose to review your item today as part of my review challenge at the "Invalid Item. *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and tuck away the rest for later reflection.

*Shield1* Title - "Reviewing Poetry: Pronunciation" definitely suits this article. I don't know if this was part of a series or not, but I would love to read a series on reviewing poetry. The title is something I would gravitate to because I mostly review poetry. *Thumbsup*

*Shield1* Content - I hate to think how many reviews I get that question my pronunciation or number of syllables. You see, I live in the south eastern USA, and we are really bad about adding an extra syllable to our words, or not using enough syllables. So when I write poetry, I constantly check the dictionary for pronunciations and syllable count.

I was really glad that you included information about the syllable counts in addition to checking how a word sounds. In addition, you didn't just concentrate on end rhymes, but also words that sound different in the beginning. It's important when looking for assonance especially.

Many times when I review poetry, I try to look at the author's bio to see where they are from. This can be helpful in seeing the words from their dialect. This may be something you could add to your article. It's just one of those little hints that would help others. In fact, that tip goes along with one of your sentences.

"As the poet’s work is usually read by those with a potential of broad variation in pronunciation greater weight should be given to the “poet’s voice”.

*Shield1* Flow - The entire article flowed well. There were easy transitions from one paragraph to the other, etc. *Thumbsup*

*Shield1* Grammar/Punctuation - There were no issues, but I expected as much. *Smile*

*Shield1* Final Notes - This was a great article, and I would like to share it at "The Poet's Place . I only have one suggestion, and that is to maybe include some online resources for helping with pronunciations. Two ideas, off the top of my head, may be rhymezone.com and dictionary.com.

If you do decided to add new information to this article, might I also suggest you discuss that it also depends how a word is used sometimes. Look at the word "read". Depending on the way it is used, it can be pronounced "red" or "reed". This is just purely a suggestion and in no affects your rating. It was just something that came to mind as I was reading your article.

My favorite part of the article is the premise upon which it was written.

"While poetry is now commonly shared in written format, as an art form it is best experienced and appreciated by reading it aloud. How it sounds is of great importance. Thus, elements such as meter, rhythm, flow, repetition of sounds (e.g. assonance, consonance, and rhyme) are equally very important. So it is no surprise that pronunciation is a vital ingredient."

Thank you for sharing this information and allowing me to review it! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penr*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I chose to review your item today as part of my review challenge at the "Invalid Item Your poem is my first of these reviews, so let's discuss this poem over a soothing "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day.

*Teab* Title - I was first drawn to read this poem out of your list because of the title. "Love's Sweet Repertoire" intrigued me because I have such a good relationship with my husband, and so I wanted to know more of what you thought on the subject. *Thumbsup*

*Teab* Imagery - I always find it interesting to look at love from a man's point of view. Here you did not disappoint. A man searching for something to satisfy him. He searched for "wealth and fame," but what melted his heart and satisfied his soul was love. Even though the poem is not a long one, you did a brilliant job of taking me through the search and the feeling of being unsettled until he found his true love.

This phrase lets me know that even among friends he was lonely:
"such lonely years
among my peers"

This phrase let me get a glimpse at the heart of the man in poem.
"with your warm gaze,
and charming ways
to melt the hard veneers"

There was one phrase I didn't understand at all.
"to guide me through each phase"
I have to ask the question. What phase is he talking about? The phases of his life? I'm left wondering here.

*Teab* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I believe you have captured the tone of searching for something so important with the form used and with your words. The two middle stanzas are a little more lighthearted than the first and the last stanza. I am slightly confused by these lines:

"We overcame
a dismal frame"

No where in the poem does it really talk about such a circumstance. And since you end the poem this way, I think that would be pretty important. I believe that the mood shift in this stanza does not fit as well as the other three stanzas. However, I really love the first two lines in this stanza. They are my favorite and I will highlight them below.

*Teab* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a new form of poetry, and I appreciate the link that was left for me to follow. I checked all the important factors of this form called the Roundabout Poem. The most important features:

Iambic meter: You have done a nearly perfect job following this beat throughout the poem, though I did trip over one small spot. "It's clear now..."
Syllable Count: You follow the syllable count of 8/6/4/4/6 without one error. *Thumbsup*
Rhyme Scheme: abccb/bcddc/cdaad/dabba It is difficult to write poem when so many of the lines use the same rhyme. I applaud you for doing such a marvelous job with that.

*Teab* Grammar/Punctuation - I have one suggestion. In the second stanza, I think it would read much more clearly if you were to use a period at the end of the second line and let the third line begin a new sentence.

*Teab* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - There are some clear and lovely uses of assonance throughout the poem. Some examples are: years/near, and clear/steers. I also see some very nice use of consonance the following: hard/your/warm/charming... all of this in one verse and it just rolls off the tongue when spoken aloud. This is by far my favorite stanza.

*Teab* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - My favorite lines are

"Our lives are bound through all our days
by love’s sweet repertoire."

These lines stand out to me just as the title did. They draw me in to want to know more about this lovely couple who want to grow close and grow old together. Just beautiful!

As usual, you have challenged me to look beyond mere words and I have explored how the poetic devices, etc, add to the meaning of the poem. I have been honored to read and review this special piece. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . This review was bought for you from "Invalid Item by your Secret Valentine! Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the writing pixies for use another day. *Angel*

*Note5* Title - "The Legend of the Cherry Shake" is a fun title. I wouldn't change a thing. It drew me in for sure. It's kind of an oxymoron if you think about it. A legend is supposed to be this big impressive story while a strawberry shake is a simple thing. I like it. It's definitely fun.

*Note5* Hook - In a short story, the hook should be in the first line and the first paragraph. The first paragraph is really great, but this sentence is too much information in this particular paragraph. I think it would mean more in a longer story, or else somewhere else in the story. I know you wanted to get across that she was twelve.

"Since turning 12 in March, she was finally able to go with her older sisters Janice and Carolyn to the church every week. She was one of the “older” girls."

*Note5* Tone and mood - The story is really kind of a fun piece and is lighthearted, yet some (not all) of the writing is stiff and formal.


*Note5* Grammar/Punctuation - Make sure you write out numbers that are less than one hundred. A few other suggestions are listed below.

Fixes and suggestions

*Note5* Characters - The characters in this story were based on a real life incident, so all were necessary. No one hampered the story or slowed it down. Pretty much all dialogue was useful in moving the story along.

*Note5* Plot - I didn't realized at the first that the gum was going to play such a significant part in the plot. I'm glad you mentioned it the way you did because it does not give away the ending. The story moved along at a nice pace, except that part that was mentioned under "hook".

*Note5* Conflict/Resolution - It took awhile to get to the conflict, but in looking back over the story, all of the parts leading up to the conflict were absolutely necessary. The resolution of everyone giggling over the hard piece of gum was really funny. I about spit out my water when I read this. I bet her dad was mad, especially if he had an aversion to germs. *Laugh*

*Note5* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - "But her mother just winked at her as she passed and yelled to the other room." This tickled me. Her mom knew how to get her Dad's mind off what he was mad at. And the wink told Darla not to worry because Mom had it under control. *Smile*

This is a great "legend" as it were. Usually true stories are the best. Like people say, "you can't make this stuff up!" Don't you love these stories that have been passed down? We both need to write down more of these in order to preserve some wonderful memories. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penr*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The lighten path  
In affiliation with Blog City ~ Every Blogger'...  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece as part of your Welcome Basket from "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise Let's discuss this poem over a soothing "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Angel*

*Teap* Imagery - After reading the first stanza of this poem, I knew right away that Psalm 23 was your inspiration. *Smile* I see the beautiful comparison all throughout your poem.

Vs. 4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death" goes perfectly with this.

I can also see that you are looking for the pure light, which is God, according to John 1:9. "That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world."

And you want to avoid the false light, who is the devil according to II Corinthians 11:14. "...for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The tone of this poem is one of searching and the mood is quite serious. You want to follow the correct light, and I understand that completely. Since I am a Christian, I can totally relate to this poem.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a free form poem with lovely spacing and flow. You have a unique talent to be able to write a poem such as this at your age. I didn't even discover that I had an affinity for writing until I was in my late thirties!

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - I would recommend that you use normal grammar rules when writing poetry. Capitalize the beginning of a sentence and use normal punctuation throughout. However, you can be creative with your punctuation in order to control the flow of how a poem is read. Something to consider. This is the only area that I had difficulty with in your poem.

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - You have an abundant amount of alliteration throughout the poem, but written in a way to not make it cheesy. In other words, it's very elegant, and not a tongue twister. Here are a couple of my favorite examples: death/despair and light/life.

Now on to what has me so excited about your poem. Your awesome use of interline rhyming and assonance. Wow! Ex: In stanza two is light, shining, bright, white, right. In stanza four is light, bright, white, light, shines, life, I, light.

I could go on and on with your use of consonance, but I think you get the hint. You have done a great job with your word choice.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

"so i walk cautiously
throughout the night
as to find the pure white light.

Please continue to use the Bible as your guide and inspiration. You can never go wrong with that. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Invalid Entry
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . This review was bought for you from "Invalid Item by Gaby ~ Quiet contemplation with the message:

Part of a package you won! Congrats and I hope you enjoy it!

Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day.*Angel*

*Note5* First Impression - I believe after the winter in America this year, many will echo the sentiments in your opening and repeating line. I found the poem read in a beautiful lyrical manner, and the image it evoked was of that special moment when the sun shines through the clouds, the birds are singing, butterflies are flying around, and you realize everything is blooming. *Flower2*

*Note5* Poem's Attitude/Emotional Impact - The tone of the poem was playful, and the mood was triumphant at the arrival of spring.

*Note5* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You chose an interesting and appropriate form to go along with the prompt. I appreciate that you put the definition of the form at the bottom of your piece. It definitely helps when reading and reviewing. I see no problems with your rhythm or flow. I love how common measure reads, so that drew me in to your words. The chorus, as it were, at the end of each stanza fit in well with what you were writing. Your rhymes are all true rhymes and nothing seems to be forced.

*Note5* Grammar/Punctuation - You use a period at the end of the first line of each repeated pair. This is incorrect because none of them are a complete sentence, and it causes a hard stop. That, to me, throws off the flow just a little bit. You might want to change those to commas. No other problems were noted.

*Note5* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I like alliteration, and I noticed this was used subtly in a few different lines: darkness/dawn, all/around, and song/silent. One phrase that just rolls off the tongue because of the use of assonance and consonance is, "It's rhythmic beat imbues..."

*Note5* What didn't quite work - I felt like the phrase that brought me out of the poem and caused me a bit of confusion was, "to wash away my sins." I suppose one might think the rain can do that, but it just confused me a bit in connection with the rest of the poem.

*Note5* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - The first stanza is my favorite out of the three, but my favorite line, and one I think really fits the prompt is:

"The poet's words find voice, at last..."

Your poetry always inspires me, and once again you haven't let me down! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penr*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Emotional Drugs  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I pulled up your poem as a random review. I think I'm going to need this soothing "cup of tea" after reading this. How about you? *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Angel*

*Teab* Imagery - The words used in this poem paint a vivid picture. So vivid, in fact, that I urge you to change your rating to 18+. If a moderator sees this, they will change it because of what seems to be an intimate look at death.

*Teab* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - I was trying to decide if this poem depicted a panic attack. At the onset that's what it seemed like, and really I became confused with the "goodbye's" at the end of the poem. Is this more a depiction of a violent death? I'm not completely sure. If it is your intention for the end to be more vague, then you have achieved that. However, if that is not your intent, then additional explanation may be needed at the top.

*Teab* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a free verse poem, so there are no exact rules or limitations. However, as you know, there is still a creative knack to free verse. I think you have done a tremendous job with the flow of the poem. I especially like how you space out the lines and you use the visual space to your advantage. You definitely have more of an impact with the display. *Thumbsup* I especially like the use of space with the phrase, "where is my exit?"

*Teab* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - You have used a nice oxymoron with the line "crying, with no sound". I love to use them in poetry.

*Teab* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - Finally, my favorite line is "slippery black darkness". I have panic attacks, and I can really identify with this line.

Poetry is something that should make you think and feel something. Your poem has definitely done that in my book. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penb*

PS... I notice that you are somewhat of a newbie. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I am a Mentor with the Newbie Academy, and I would love to be a help to you if possible!

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bad Day at Work  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

I am reviewing your poem as part of the package that you won in Angel's Auction and for "Invalid Item Anything I say is just my humble opinion.

*Starp* What I like - Telling poems and stories using emoticons really is a fun thing to do. I've done one of each, and with SMs giving us fun new ones to play with all the time, how can we resist.

*Starp* Theme - A Bad Day at Work... Wow, I remember those days. Now my work is at home. I write, homeschool, draw, and did I mention homeschool. *Rolleyes* I cracked up because I have done a few things on that list.

*Starp* Form - This is definitely a poem with emoticons gone haywire. On first glance, I would say it's a quatrain all shoved together. Then I look at the bottom and it says 31 lines. I look harder to see the rhyme scheme, or anything else that may be going on. The first read through was just purely for my enjoyment, but the second time through I noticed some inconsistencies.

The poem starts out with a perfect quatrain rhyme scheme, but quickly changes. Let me see if I can pattern this out. What I'm saying will make more sense.

aabb, cdec, ffgf, hiji, klml, nopo... I could go on, but you can see the differences listed here. Even if this free verse, find a common pattern or form for yourself and stick with it.

*Starp* Grammar Punctuation - Everything looks fine as far as I can tell. Nothing blatant stood out.

*Starp* Favorite lines/stanza - I love the first four lines. I honestly believe they are the most fun and most creative of the entire poem, especially line two. "...in a rocket shop balloon," I can honestly see a big hot air balloon just heading off into space.

*Starp* Final Notes - I know this is an older poem, but if you ever want to revamp it and work on the rhyme scheme as I suggest, let me know. I'd love to come have another look.

One more thing... Thank you for including the explanation about the "dummy". That really helps with the rhyme and understanding. *Thumbsup*

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write...*Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Paranormal Poem  
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

I am reviewing your contest as for "Invalid Item Anything I say is just my humble opinion.

*Starp* Title - The title "Paranormal Poem" doesn't say much to me. You talk about the paranormal in your poem, but the title needs to draw me in. Something such as "Paranormal Investigation," "Paranormal Fun," or just "Paranormal" would all work.

*Starp* Form and rhyme - This doesn't seem to be a set type of form. I see that there is some rhyming. It looks like a free verse style, but even when using this style, you will want to have a little more consistency. Keeping lines closer in syllable count through out creates a better flow. Your syllable counts are all over the place, but you have some fun rhymes. Making the meter more consistent is fairly easy. Example: "Oh the paranormal" has six syllables. However, "ghosts and spirits" only has four syllables. Try adding a word that has two more syllables such as "goblin", "angel", or "specter."

Think about breaking this up into three stanzas. This will help the reader have a place to rest their eyes in between.

*Starp* Grammar - Be careful about filler words such as "just", "very", etc. See if you can find more descriptive words. I like to use thesaurus.com and rhymezone.com to help in my poetry writing.

*Starp* Punctuation - I kind of like the quirky feel of the punctuation you have used. This is a quirky poem, so it meshes well. *Thumbsup*

*Starp* Final Notes - I'm a believer in the paranormal, so that is why your piece caught my attention. I love watching "Ghost Hunters"! I don't like some of the other more fake ones like "Ghost Adventures", though. Anyway, please keep writing, and if you would like any extra help, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write...*Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello! *Smile*
I'm Marci Missing Everyone .

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I am reviewing your piece because I need to review an interactive story for a challenge. I also read in your notebook that you are thinking of deleting things because no one had any interest in your stories. This story has 150 chapters. I would say that since it began it has had plenty of interest. Everything eventually runs its course. However, I have some suggestions below that might help liven the story back up again. Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the writing pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Star* Hook - I was initially drawn in by the title of this interactive story. The description continued to entice me to enter the story. Great idea for a continuing interactive story. It kind of reminds me of a dark side of the old show "Quantum Leap."

*Starb* Details - Great outlining of characters on the first page. I would have liked to know a little more about what the characters looked like. For example, you say that Jenn got her looks from her mother, but you don't say what either she or her mother look like. More details on that under "characters". The introduction about Zack could have been more detailed to draw people in.

*Starbl* Tone & Mood - It started out pretty nonchalant where I thought you could have put a little more emotion into the situation. Bullying is no laughing matter. As a survivor of bullying, I can relate to Zack, and that's probably why I liked the premise of the story.

*Starbr* Beginning of the Story - Chapter One ~ "From Worse to Better". There is a lot more detail that could have been given in this opening paragraph. In fact, I think that you should allow chapters to be more than one paragraph. That is very limiting. I would allow people to write the chapter however long they are inspired to write it. Instead of the what Zach generally faced at school, I would really like to see what happened to him that day, and I would like to see him actually making the wish, and how it came true in more detail. I really think this would make the story more real and exciting.

*Star* Characters - You did a great job of choosing important characters, but I lacked a way of getting to know them better. I will list each character that you have and let you know what more I would like to know.

Zack - What does he look like? What are his hobbies besides liking KISS? I'd like a sense of his personality.

Jenn - This is the cliched older sister. I like that she and Zack get along and like to "Black Ops" together. However, why would the only thing you list about her looks be that she is a "B cup breast"? First of all, I think that's inappropriate between a brother and a sister. Second of all, I could care less about that, and I want to know about the rest of her looks.

Krystal - Again, a cliched younger sister. In fact I have a 12 year old son and 8 year old daughter, and she aggravates him to death. However, she definitely gets in trouble for what she does. But I digress... What does little sis look like? Does she always have a mysterious twinkle in her eye? Does she jump out and scare Zach? Describe how she gets him in troubl.

Jasmine and Jack - Why doesn't Zack know much about his parents? He lives with them, right? You should be able to describe them and at least give a hint of their personalities; especially when in concerns the children, or specifically Zack.

Aelita - I know more about her than any of the other characters, but I still don't know what she looks like. It would be more likely for Zack to know her cup size than his sister's. *Laugh* And that would have been more funny and less creepy.

*Starb* Plot Development - I haven't read through the entire interactive, but the overall plot is pretty fun.

*Starbr* Final Notes - Think about all the people that have contributed to this work before you decide to delete it. I really think a slight redo and a new plug would put renewed interest in this story. If you have any questions, please let me know. I'll be glad to clarify anything I've said here.

Until next time, live, laugh, and write.... *Penb*

Marci Missing Everyone
Review of The Tide of Time  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece that I found on the "Read a Newbie" page. Let's discuss this poem over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Imagery - Your imagery is wonderful. You did a good job of sticking to the ocean/water theme. Using this to describe the rough circumstances of life is not a new idea, but you have given it new life with your words.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - It was very difficult to tell what form you are going for here. Some of the stanzas are quatrains with an abcb rhyme scheme, while other stanzas are up to seven lines long. This is very disconcerting. I would say that you convert to all quatrains or all free form so that the flow is more understood.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - I noticed that you didn't use any punctuation. These days it is more acceptable to use normal grammar and punctuation rules. You only need to capitalize the first word of a line if it's the beginning of a sentence. You should also incorporate end punctuation.

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - You used a device called "anaphora". It basically means to use repetition at the beginning of lines. I can see this in these lines:

It washed away my sanity
Washed away my bravery
And washed away soul

and these lines

Free of all the worry
Free of all the greed
Free of all the sadness

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

The tide of time has come
And swept away my dreams
Tragedy has struck
Not everything is what it seems

I think you have a great start to a poem here. If you would like me to look at it again later, please let me know. Also, I see that you are very new, and I am a member of the Newbies Academy Mentor Program. If I can help you with anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Seasons of Change  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece that I found on the "Read a Newbie Page." Let's discuss this poem over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Imagery - Beautiful imagery for each season of the year.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You have four quatrains with a rhyme scheme of abcb. Nice. You used true rhymes, and that always makes for a nice sounding poem. Flow is nice. There is no set syllable count, but you don't vary much between lines, so that is fine.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems. Only one thing I would like to point out is that you use the word "soothing" twice really close together. While this is fine, I wonder if there is something you could put in place of the first one. There are many "s" words used to describe the sun. Just a suggestion.

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I absolutely LOVE alliteration! So the fact that each line was pure alliteration really pulled me in. You use some very nice descriptive words.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - Honestly, I just can't pick a favorite. I feel like I would be disrespecting another season. *Laugh* You really did a lovely job with this poem.

I see that you are new here on writing.com. I am part of the Newbie Academy Mentor Program, so if you ever need anything, please feel free to ask. I'd be glad to set you up as a mentee! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Be Free  
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece because you asked me to. Let's discuss this poem over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - This is a deep and heart felt poem. It seems to me that it is speaking to one who has been abused. And as a survivor, you are there to help the "little one" up. I thought this was very inspiring.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - This is a free verse poem obviously. I thought the line count in your stanzas were interesting as they went 5,6,7,7,6,5. Nice form and flow. I think a few of the sentences could be tightened up some and be a little more concise. This will lend to the poetic value.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - Be careful about your grammar. I caught a couple of mistakes. "Your" in the second stanza should be "you're". The first sentence in the fifth stanza needs fixing. It needs a comma after "yes" and "is" needs to be "are". In the first line of the last stanza, "loose" should be "lose". I noticed a few others, so just go read through this with a critical grammar eye. Also, there are several lines where the syntax is inverted. It will read more smoothly if you keep it simple. Most people will only invert syntax in order to make lines rhyme. That is not the case here.

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - I like your use of Anaphora (a fancy word for repetition) in stanzas four and five. I think it would be beautiful to include this in other places in the poem. That's just a suggestion, though.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - These ending lines sum up the poem are absolutely beautiful:

Spread your wings and fly.
Little one its time to get away.

If you need me to look at this again after you fix some of the suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I'm always here for youj! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "First Kiss
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello Megan,

Your story turned out really cute. I felt like your characters were to two people that everyone always envied at the dance. They tried to kiss numerable times, but little things would always stop them. This is exactly the kind of story I was looking for when I came up with the prompt. Your poor young couple at least took all the interruptions in stride. Although, I'm not sure where the skunk came from or how it did not spray Annette. Finally, they got that sweet soft kiss at the end of the night. Great little story. I know for the contest we have a word limit, but I've already judged it. Why don't you work on polishing and smoothing a bit, and let me read it again later. PS... you can check out your score at "Invalid Item.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Heart In Hands  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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I'm Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece found on the review request page. Let's discuss this poem over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - The first four lines set the initial tone of the poem. I could feel the depths of depression. In fact, the imagery in the first line is really the best. I was slightly concerned that peace could be found only by finding a partner. But often we don't realize we are incomplete until we find our true love. I can see it from both sides.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You state that this is a Shakespearean Sonnet. You have followed the rules of the form in three ways: number of lines, syllable count per line, and rhyme scheme. *Thumbsup* However, there are two other things that we need to address. The first, and least important, is that it is easier to follow the poem if you separate out the stanzas. It's not a hard rule or requirement. It just makes it easier on the eyes.

The biggest issue with this sonnet is that the meter is not iambic pentameter. You have the ten syllables per line, but the beat of stressed/unstressed syllables are off. I'm not trying to rewrite your poem. I just want to give you an example. In your line, I will highlight the stressed syllables so you can see it. Then look at how I write it with the stress-unstress-stress-unstress...

The shadow lurked in the depths of my soul.

The shadows lurked in depths of my cold soul.

When writing in iambic meter, it is hard to not use filler words such as "a, the, that..." I struggle with that. It's not a problem in your poem now, but just want to give you a heads up before you really work on it.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - I really love this line. It is iambic. It has interline rhyme. It's a call to action! *Smile*

"I must make haste; I must not waste this cue"

I think this poem has a ton of potential. You use many beautiful words and phrases. If you need any further help, please don't hesitate to contact me. Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Journey to Live  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece as part of "The Challenge. I found your poem on your newsfeed. Congrats on the first place win! Let's discuss this poem over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Imagery - This was amazing. I could see the journey of a person through a dark time and coming all the way to the light at the end of the tunnel. *Thumbsup*

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - Most of the way through the poem, there was a depressed mood and a serious tone. It was something that I could relate to as I have battled illness and depression. I plan to put this as favorite to refer back to in order to remind me that there is always the hope.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - You followed the form of a Blitz poem perfectly. I've always wanted to write one, but I don't think I could come up with anything nearly as good as this. There is no problem with flow. There are no stumbling points along the way.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - I have a few favorites throughout the poem, so I will list them here.

Travel the steps
Travel the journey
Journey through life
Journey through time

Shadows of secrets
Shadows of guilt

Trials teach
Teach through tears

Heart of mercy
Heart of power
Power in weakness
Power in strength

Live in the light
Live in the shadows

I had to really think through my favorites or I would have listed most of your poem. *Laugh* Beautiful journey! Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Carbon Copied?  
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece as part of "The Challenge Let's discuss this over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* Imagery - As I read through this poem a couple of times, it made me think about a simpler time in our country where people were individuals who cared about individuals. The more we try to "be ourselves," the more everyone looks alike.

*Teabr* Rhyme, Form & Flow - I like playing around with Haiku and Senryu. It is surprising how much you can say in such a small poem. You did a nice job with that.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - There is no capitalization at the beginning of lines/sentences with this form. I noticed that two of your lines have capital letters.

*Teabr* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

"once we were unique"

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penbl*
Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Coldwater Kansas  
In affiliation with Roots & Wings Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)
It's Marci. Thank you for trusting your story with me. I am reviewing at your request.

Since this is not an actual story yet, I've made suggestions about organizing them and where to embellish. I hope this is a help. I tried not to put the whole piece into a review, but if you need me to go back and do that, I will.

Brass Ranch: Coldwater Kansas 1966


You should write this in the past tense. It will make more sense in the scheme of the whole story. Be careful not to switch back and forth between tense.

I like that you have written this in the first person. Just make sure you follow through with that all the way through. That means that the story will not be told from any other person’s perspective.

Any notes you have should be included either in the introduction or at the end of the book.

After reading all of this info, I get that the mother was abusive. However, there definitely needs to be more cohesion in the thoughts. I know you understand this, but you have to be the one to put it together. I can just give you suggestions.

It is hot, sultry hot; the wind always seems to blow. Dust flying on the dirt roads,
This opening really gets my attention. I like the description of how it feels.
and tumbleweeds blowing across the dirt roads. ... The cries of a two year old embark from fear and the rage of a mother’s wrath begins.
I feel like this story is incomplete. If you are writing a fictional story based on some truth, you can make up how this ends. It is a great paragraph otherwise.

I would make this my first paragraph, and then go on to explain why you weren’t attached to your mother
Although a very young two year old, I recall not being attached to Mother. Dad always brought comfort, play time, and warmth, but he also had to work and provide a living for this family. He was a ranch hand on the Brass Ranch. I can still smell the horses and feel the horn on the saddle when I got to ride with Dad.

The floor furnace in the living room always fascinated me....not only did I no longer have the balls to play with but the house had a terrible odor, and Mother took me to the main bedroom where I received the spanking and shaking of my life.
Suggested rewrite for this last line to give it more significance. …and my mother took me to the main bedroom where I received the spanking of my life, as well as a severe shaking.

I have looked several times in recent years to try and locate this ranch area, to no avail, but I am sure it is because I was so little; Have you done any research online to try to find it?

I am not sure why they left this ranch , perhaps to make more money, but we moved South of Coldwater Kansas.......................
Perhaps the mother’s abusive nature was found out.

Buttermilk Kansas 1967-1968

I knew better than to tell what happened and the scream of her being hit across the face and seeing my father so angry, created a chill of fear through my body. Too young to know what hate was, but I knew I was feeling something not normal.
So, Dad is abusive to mom? And mom is abusive to the children?

Bacon and eggs, ...Romper Room was a place I always wished I could go to. Captain kangaroo was always kind, and the animals talked!
This seems to be a good memory. You might want to link it with the first paragraph under this heading where you talk about the new farm.

Most of my days on this ranch were spent outside. ... getting my legs stuck, not strong enough to push myself up and out. I am not sure which hurt more, my legs or my pride.
I feel like this also would be better if coordinated with the first paragraph. The story about the chickens and the story about the horse could be embellished to offer moments of comedic relief. In a story as harsh as one dealing with abuse, you need the emotion to change up once in a while to give the reader a reprieve. In the first section when you were two, the story about the balls is kind of funny… and then of course turns with abuse from mom.

The heat went out one evening... dad was badly burnt and carried those scars all his life.
This would probably be a significant story to tell as it most likely changed the future a great deal.
Again, if you plan this to be fictional, embellish on the ideas that you don’t remember. Before adding them all by sentence form, try writing out some notes that you can later incorporate.

Pavlick Apartments In Town

Back to town we moved. ...But Jackie told me one day soon I would get to go there too and it would be fun! I was hoping it would be like Romper Room!
It seems important that I don’t see abuse here, and Daddy is missing. Your parents must have went through a separation.

Please, as you turn this in a longer story, I would love to continue seeing where you take it. I would love to read more and review again in the future!
Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Judgment Day  
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . I am reviewing your piece as a challenge and because hopefully you will let me be your mentor soon. Let's discuss this over a "cup of tea". *Smile* Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyb*

*Teap* First Impression - I read through your piece a few times to get a feel for it and I like the deep meaning involved. Though I will talk more about it later, long lines in free verse poetry is daunting, and reads more like prose. However, I thought the message was great.

*Teap* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - You start with a dark tone and mood, and you do a good job of keeping that all the way through the piece. The ending is very dramatic.

*Teap* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Since this is a free verse style poem, there is no rhyming scheme. While I like this form poetry, it is often misunderstood. There is a lot of difference in writing prose and a poem. You need to carefully choose your word, sentence length, breaks, placement, etc. For example:

You write:
All the pour souls, that have went down the beaten path, choosing all the wrong answers just to survive.

Using the exact same words, you can break it up like this to give emphasis to certain phrases.
All the poor souls
that have went down the beaten path,
choosing all the wrong answers
just to survive.

Even though I would personally change a few words, that's not for me to decide as you are the artist. Think about trying this with your entire poem and breaking the poem into stanzas. Just because it's free verse doesn't mean it shouldn't have some structure to it. Check out some of the entries with "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest. Also, I started a group called "The Poet's Place . You have to join, but it's free. We have a wealth of information available on there. Your words and thoughts are there, now we just need to work on structure.

*Teap* Grammar/Punctuation - I saw just a few things that needed fixing. In the first line you have "a pon" and it should be "upon. In the fourth line "pour" should be "poor". The last line should be broken up either into two sentences or a compound sentence. "Your" should be "you're".

*Teap* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - Very nice use of assonance in this sentence. "Or the screams that echo, and beam". My favorite poetic device is alliteration, and you make nice use of it throughout. Here are a few examples: wonders/which, suffering/screams, and deep/down. There are many more, but these are the best ones.

*Teap* Favorite Lines/Stanzas - Though I spoke a lot about structure, I think your thoughts are fairly clear. The piece has good flow, and your words seem well chosen. My favorite part is:

He won't listen,

to your pleading,

to your suffering

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write... *Penp*
Marci Missing Everyone
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Editor  
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile* My name is Marci.

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This review is part of the gift basket that you bought from "Invalid Item. We appreciate your order! Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyr*

*Noter* First impression/emotional impact - As with most poetry, I had to read this a few times to really feel it's meaning. Even though I am not an editor, I am called on a lot to judge and review poetry on writing.com since it is my specialty. I really began to relate with the feelings being this poem.

*Noter* Rhyme/form/flow - This is a lovely Acrostic. It doesn't follow a specific rhyme scheme or meter, and yet the flow is impeccable.

*Noter* Poetic Devices - What made this poem an exciting read was your wonderful use of several poetic devices. Some words used together such as wander/wonder incorporated both alliteration and consonance. While mighty/mind was fun to say because of the alliteration and assonance. You obviously have a good grasp of word choice and placement when writing your poems.

*Noter* Favorite lines/stanzas - These lines are a great conclusion to the poem and explains the metaphor in the earlier lines.

Overtaken by the emotions of others,
Reading the minds of the mighty poets.

I enjoy reading your poetry very much. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to review a few more pieces for this package. Until next time... Live, laugh, and write!

Marci Missing Everyone
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 Invalid Item 
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# by Not Available.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello! *Smile* My name is Marci.

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This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that you won at the "Invalid Item raffle. Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyr*

*Noter* First impression/emotional impact - After reading this poem, I was struck by how close to life and Christianity this is. Whether you meant it to be spiritual or not, it definitely had that slant to me personally.

*Noter* Rhyme/form/flow - This is a free form poem with no specific rhyme scheme or meter. However, unlike a lot of free verse poems, this one is nicely structured and has nice rhyming elements and other poetic devices which I will mention below. I thought you did a wonderful job on this!

*Noter* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems.

*Noter* Poetic Devices - A great interline rhyme: gnarling/snarling. Great rhymes: fight/might and blind/mankind. I love the use of alliteration and you even use this in the title: which/one/will/win, against/another, anger/arrogance, and wolf/within.

*Noter* Favorite lines/stanzas -

Which one will win
and live to plant his seed?
The answer lies deep within.

The wolf you choose to feed.

Until next time... Live, laugh, and write!

Marci Missing Everyone

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
# by Not Available.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WDC Addicts Anonymous  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile* My name is Marci.

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This review is part of the gift basket from "Invalid Item that you won at the "Invalid Item raffle. Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyr*

*Noter* First impression/emotional impact - The subject of bullying is near and dear to me as I faced this mercilessly growing up. So this poem really had an outstanding effect on me. Then I think about my own children. They are adopted and not the same race as my husband and I. Even though they are homeschooled, they have already faced some questions and bigotry. I will be reading this poem to them.

*Noter* Rhyme/form/flow - You have followed the first rule of this poem nicely. I enjoyed reading the first line of each stanza to make it's own small poem. You have used mostly true rhymes which is always nice. The only soft rhyme is the very last stanza with dignity/bigotry. Although they do sound nice together. You've done well with rhythm and meter except in the last line of stanza 4. "those who demean and promote hate" is 9 syllables and is trochaic instead of iambic like the rest of the poem. I really stumbled over this line.

*Noter* Grammar/Punctuation - No problems.

*Noter* Poetic Devices - Nice use of alliteration with dispelling/darkness.

*Noter* Favorite lines/stanzas -

Through action we can end the pain
by saying “STOP! Enough’s enough.”
It’s time to call the bully’s bluff.

Until next time... Live, laugh, and write!

Marci Missing Everyone

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello! *Smile*

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It's Marci Missing Everyone . This is your fifth and final review that you won at the Ice Social Benefit Auction. I'm sorry it took so long to finish, but I've been sick the past couple of weeks. Anything I say is just my humble opinion. Use whatever you can and send the rest out to the poetry pixies for use another day. *Butterflyo*

*Leaf* Imagery - At various times there is great imagery, and other parts of this poem is hard to understand. I really struggled with several of the broken lines.

*Leaf* Tone & Mood/Emotional Impact - Such a beautiful life through the poem, and then the tragic ending. Unfortunately, these types of tragedies happen in real life, but it doesn't make them any easier to deal with. It's this desperation that I feel as I read and re-read this poem.

*Leaf* Rhyme, Form & Flow - Even though there is a rhyming pattern of aabb, this still has the feel of a free form poem. I liked the overall flow of the piece except for a few of the broken lines.

Example: Laughter turned our pages... fate timing. I don't get the end part. It just doesn't seem to fit together. The same happens in line two.

However, the other two broken lines in the poem make more sense.

*Leaf* Poetic Devices noticed and used effectively - Inner line rhyming and assonance: flowing/growing, and kicked/thicken. Some nice alliteration: turned/timing, plane/pages/paradise, indelible/ink, water/we, and tried/tree.

*Leaf* Favorite Lines/Stanzas -

At paradise island destiny had left us
Sun kissed diamonds… hearts content

Until next time... Live, Laugh, and Write!

Marci Missing Everyone

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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