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Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Please! ,If nothing else, you should have "simply" told that courage to resist that which is not of God, and a lie, should be resisted with all of ones heart and soul and strength as The brave monk most certainly did. He died to himself and his well being to do this great and important thing that his personal Jesus told him to do,It was mentioned but almost lost in the length and breadth of what you shared.Have a nice day sir
Review of Mount Vesuvius  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
A nice poem, and well constructed,In dealing with "misteps" in the walk of faith, it important to realize, (and mind u simply an opinion), good heavens, this corn field is full of them is it not?, which way to kansas scarecrow?...he ends up with his arms crossed and a skewered( opinions are endless look stitched his face,) however,Try to be patient and let your soul not be a aggrieved at...." one more thing", um...The medition of and on the "mistep," should be short and succinct, (the adversary recieves laud if it i not) so as not to repeat it, the meditation given on it herein, though resolved at the end, (thankfully by Jesus) is strong enough to make it a worthy piece to recieve some of the acclaim that you have won. thanks you for your work and congratulations, i was surpised it was written in 2016 "
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
We really want to think a bit about the audiennce, and whether our work will bearf fruit that will endure to eternal life.I know only ttto well, any critique is hard to swallow, but give me a minute,When Jesus wanted to bear fruit in the lives of his new disciples, he didnt give evidence of his God head that went on and on,nope,h simply said a fascinating real and interesting thing that seemingly made them leave at once and follow, him He simply told them, "dont worry, from now on you will catch men" It is good that you are sharing truth and Surely Jesus is pleased, noone knows which way is right to move souls to follow, yuor way may be the best i Gods eyes, but in these times it seems to me a little tedious, forgive me,let me exlain,(Now, whos being tedious, oh dear What a fool this mortal be..eh?"
sorry but,In a way the pandemic is a way of God saying "Knock knock anybody home"to his errant creation surely, that seems a little un holy and quite frankly a little blasphemous, that God would be so very much like us, he is not a man, and we certainly mustm think of him as such,but...he has gotten our attention has he not? and in closing if my critique seems a little annoying it wint b the first time or the last, it is A good case of the evidenciary apologetics to convince an unbeleiving soul in a court of law, but in these times we are in a God given pandemic,Im not asking that you stand down but that you adjust The bait on your line......
Review of Big Puzzle  
Review by Patrick
Rated: ASR | (2.5)
Yes, well the endless chasing and subsequent cause and affects of thoughts or things in the world is why Monastic life, or retreats to less stressfull places does assuage the outer extemities of the mind and give some respite from this endless windiness of this life.
Hmm, i must say that from a simply subjective point of view,Most people never really have a moment of deep care and thought as to what is actually going on.
The problem that arises is somewhat specific to americans,Eaurope is badly jaded,and not terribly curious,many not abel on there own to figure it out yet genuiely trying, strangely, n decidedly treacherously, when they are in this short season out of the rat race(It gets so old) are subject to cults, and persons who take advantage of this natural sense of seeking, false guides end up dominating them with some pretense of actually knowing with man made lies, in short a wonk filled bucket of sawdust that has nothing correct on the other side of real invisible spiritual reality connected to it.Its a horror movie but real,ive lived it,
Christianity is in my opinion the answer,but it is a curiously inept vehicle as it is many times subject to a brief sunday meeting,When death does come these one hour a week scattered instructions cannot prepare them for there journey after death, this is getting away from your premise wihich is much more clinical and in my opinion maybe too scientific for people imbued with souls. I read what you wrote but was slightly disconcerted with how simply and soulessly youve created a simplified reality that is kind of blaming much of it on the endless ranging of the mind.its true it is the villain but its more of an alarm that the program is not correct, it mus be God certified adn bonefide truth the mind is created by God adn will do that as a sort of alarm that the soul is not at rest Becuse it has not found the reality that God has for a time hidden from the mind.
When people who have not met God die the petty and banal thihgs thy say are startling. Iam planning a ministry called " the crossover People" these are people who read scripture to people who are dying.Im not sure if I will find anyone to assist me but I dont want to hear the thing Ive heard as people at the foot of death.forgive me i digress, thank y0u for your patience,in short few are ready, few have asked likea child with a clarion curousity and sncerty, this shoud not be.....but it be, my question is not meant to offend you, but please consider your claim more soberly sir, that your feel your clinical understanding is sufficient to defeat the fear of deathis perhaps too bold, it is said when it it is at a safe distance. i ask not to be combative, you are at least thught full...this is more than most ive bumped into in my readings, I seek only to open new and fruitfull avenues to defeat is odious power.Its a life long struggle thank you in Jesus name, God bless you, sir
Review of Keep Life Simple  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
My secret is simple, complete tasks that are simple, cut lawn, fix house do what makes wifey happy,Beleive in Jesus and do as his invisible voice tells me to do.I can juggle but i prefer to really keep it simple,if you dont peeps will be stressed amd miserable,right now people are stressed watching the politiacal fight,Frget about it. they need discipline to throw away the tv and go for a bike ride adn talk to jesus all day, none of those talking heads will ease your woes, yoursmart n sorta on the right track, but without an empiric guide in God, mines Jesus, I must wonder..dont be mad be friend itS less stressfull, I want you to succeed, succeed yes but take Jesus with you, still your will ans intent is impressive, please check out my portfolio, please if u have a chance read "Lazarus" sermon< wife read it by mistake, didnt beleieve it was me....lil annoying.. but jesus said "thats a good thing," bye patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.0)
Well.um, yes i remember the song,it was a sort of Scornful triumph of there own running after what the big thing to do was, but in fact like all current events of a milleau, (wrong spelling,is it maybe meow...um, maybe not,)are in the end going to end when the bell bottom are out of fashion,I think it was good that you annunciated what it takes to succeed at somethng, but serously, i think that most people know it intuitively,as uh, work,or in short pain, but,we most of us,simply cannot attain it without a coach, a mentor, or taking a vow of some kind, rareley but sometimes These achievements are not generally done not by individual,but it does happen, if they are self driven geniuses like the Italian guy who built an atomic reactor beneath the stadum of chicago university,Enrico Fermi or Newton,who just couldnt really stop thinking of theories of physics,He didnt invent them but discovered them by intens diamond cutter study, but after doing so he apparently needed more discoveries and started to mix in very bad and wrong theology which was one of the reason, (very sad and wrong, crazy stuff...) why, the church of England forbid ministers who were not trained to talk or preach things about the word of God or heaven beyond unless they had been ordained sanctified and exorcised of false imiagination, false professors drive folks insane, cause God intended nothing of what they preach to be preached.

sorry, got distracted um Positive thinking is a little like faith in God, but uh,, more like faith in what "we "want succeeding,its a little selfish,acrually a lottle selfish, but folks want what they want,however, this is nothing like faith in God, but is by many christians mistaken for it, when it succeds, kinda tricky, yeah seems He just lets them have there bull headed way,yuh see, God, I dont bleieve is really concerned whether anything other than his gospel and his word and his plan for the world sicced or our plans wthout him are is advented. He longs to have his work done in consort with his created beings,Jesus was a man and God and we follow his example, he said of him "this is my beloved son in whom iam well pleased" but frankly we are his children as well, but easily distracted and quite blind, we mess it up by our own polluted thinking, were going yeah ..yeah, i got a million people in my church Wow.. Gods goin yeah but your not listneing to what i want you to tell them, free will is real, apparently so, we induldge it and loose his direction, many time pastors push theres and seem to succed by positive thinking.Hmm this is boring..look

The moromon church is in fact a very Good example of this very thing. it is in fact completely made up by its founder and the engine of its existnece Brigham Young, despite the fact that it is purely a well meaning but false scripture and direction for people to follow and believe in. this might be the best example of what happens when positive thinking succeeds in the realm of religion when it is not even remotely sanctioned by God. Fermi the nuclear phyciciist knew he was only a scientist,and cranked away under that stadioum until he had a working reactor, Joseph smith was creating literature, but fell in love with it to the poiunt that he thought it was real and had happened, the writer Blaisae Cendrars named himself , this, because to write is to burn,Let it be a lesson to all writers, clearly we see the intoxicating power of creativity mixed with positive thinking and i guess an inordinat amount of devil may caredness and will power.
It is not scripture given by God, and though by his wishing he made it seem so, he will have some explaining to do on his day of judgement.um.. i found your essay refreshiing an incitefull, im a a theologian and Christian man but also a musician,and was a feature writer of sorts for a topical magazine, your logic is good and you write well and the pic was topical, the last i heard that magazine was deeply in debt and on the verge of collapse,um...yknow i dont even know if that organic "um "pause works.. i crtiqued a guy who as trying to make up a new religion called "dudism",and he mocked it in his re review.....If you check out my portfolio the best one is lazarus...now though it is or isnt appropraiate I invite you to call on the name of Jesus for any fears hopes or worries for yourself or family members, he is alive and listens....thank you for your piece...uh pax in christ alone
Review by Patrick
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Dear, dear, dear,Where should i begin,hmm okay,There was an interview i saw in the last few years of John updikes life, The interviewer was pelting him with question,and on was are you a religous person He made his face mellow and said well yes, its part of all well rounded persons, it makes a person whole, as if to say also occasionally everyoe puts on a church robe an goes to church now n then, and when on the street drops the term the "man upstairs, but um...no-one who is ambivalent about the dynamics of what it is to be born into this world will have anywhere to go that is even remotely where hes supposed to Go by God who created him, with such a balmy saturday afternoon blaisaeness like what Mr updike expressed. The dynamics and the sensibility of what you are expressing is church as a sort of theatrical scene for your story. i know its rather annoying to work hard on a pretty good sort of entertainment but there are un seen dynamics that you are not now or may not ever be aware of. hmm.. sometimes when i readThe catholic blogs on U tube i used to kinda scoff when they woudld talk about jesus and um Mary's anger and dissapontment at the callousness and rampant headlong run after sin in the world. im coming around to it lately and wonder how long the world will survive. I will tell one and only one thing, if I alienate you by becoming too annoying about something that in your case was done benignly and literarily, but Jesus is quite real, as well as the angels, they are in fact not even remotely as creative or prurient as the ones youve mentioned. in closing,please, and i stress this hopefully, dont be angry at me but know I wish you well and that you find a path of true wonder and creativity in My lord and saviour Jesus christ by the power of his blood sacrifice and most imortantly his sepertion from his beloved Father on the cross , a deepest deep chasm of seemingly endless anguish he fought through to save me and u too, I can be annoying but it is only for your Good, dont ,be angry I wish only to see you in paradise... Patrick
Review of Enchirdion  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.0)
The writings are wonderfull in the lil vignettes of youth and wrong turns until he got on the right road, you know the ol girlfreind he runs from in the market, the lady he was helping to understand sins sees a casual lover of hers stabbed to death on a pathway,and converts , forever,The dudes who steal the lead from idols and are caught,His dads insane superstitiousness that was decidedly stupid spirtually,These are the only things i remember,The theology was like a 301 philosophy course and his writings may have made the catholic church a great deal more academic and long winded,They rather foolishly think that apologetics and treatises will make a differnce and to a certin wrong extent they justify blatantly simple errors of spiritual judgement.They unfortuantely are many times unwitting victims of fascination that are subtle wrong turns,The pope is on a rollercoster high one day and the next jumped in the cloak room by other clerics and emerges confused and no longer shiny. whoops shared too much gotta skeedaddle, Pax in Christ....
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
quite well rounded and sound, I work in a small city in Maryland, since im not the mayor,uh its Green Belt.,.,Im sure you agree these little towns are like the movie ground hog day, stil being human the little human psycho dramas are hard to resist, People know iam a christian and im sure they know you are too, I was impressed with how intersting just beng honest was, Its almost thrty years that ive cut lawms in the town and im constantly not witnessing, im going to be gone one day adn im sure ill hear about my lack of witnessing in heaven,Thebest thing to do is what you just did, speak the truth and nothing but the truth about your walk adn tell them he is real ansd not a myth, we have learned to discern this, they have not, im going to tke a little of yer realness and use it in the town,in the community, I dont want to shrink, back , he is not pleased with us when we do...Good job O servant of Jesus, Good real testimony too, you are going to heaven tell all the peope that you see how to get there..blessings , realness, untiy between all peoples in Jesus holy name. patrick Pax in Christos
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hmm..There will and must be disdain in the world for Christians,thats how you know your on the right track, but Remember the incident with The apostle Paul When he was arrested and about to be flogged, as a high ranking roman officer commanded, he averted the beating, he told the officer" i must warn you sir, and you should have a care, Iam a Roman citizen" This scared the guy and permitted Paul to go Without his beating, so he could do Gods work of spreading the Gospel. But in regards To the economoc health wealth and enrichment of Christians many who use this or have used this or are sorta thinkin about it, must not only have a care, but realize something about this desire, listen,When the spirit of truth came upon judas, did the sum he recieved seem like anythtig that could cheer him up, no he went to death, and even then its truth its horrible reality followed, and that is all we need to say about that.
However, I beleieve many of the things that you said are in keeping with the way that Pauls reacted to the need for health and less trauma,"Whoever does not work nor shall he eat" so as to do Gods work, Also anyone who recieves worldly accalaim in the world is not of much interst to the advesary of mankind, but Realized servants who can see what others cant, men or weoman Who are equal in Gods sight must have a care if they, in speaking, in writing, in influencing the lost to have a " change of Heart" to the seemingly jaded trappings of this Long ago man named Jesus,If they hold him up to the light and people see him in his new and glorius light and call on him in faith,Heed o speaker! let him wear rags, let him live in a cave, let him Have nothing to do with the siren song of wealth and not look to the left or to the right.
There is a relatively small and under financed runner who was trained by a woman in South Africa,Id attempt to say his name, but well, its not really important,For some reason he didnt get a very good lane for the event for the Rios Olympics, it may have been due to slow times in the semi finals, however, it seemd to be an advantage,noone in the olympics ahd ever tsken gold from that lane. He didnt see anyone else, and just ran the fastesr time in the world and won Olympic Gold.
This doesnt mean dont listen to anyone or be in church or follow anyone but the small still voice inside, we are human, but we are also in tune with the holy spirit and he must supereseed what what other humans are saying. You see many spirtul leaders in the Christin faith Who didnt realize this and had a great and ironic fall. Its usaully due to acclaim...vanity,

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.0)
her The Mind is not spirit,When Jesus told the woman at the well,In so many cryptic words , the father is spirit and seeks those who can worship him thusly, he is saying in so many words,"Ditch your vampiric wonder brain friend for a while" Hes not born again in the spirit, and hes stealing your enertia with his jingha puzzles....Youl find out sooner or later hes like Jackie chans Grandfather saying " and one more thing Jackie".Sorry uh, rude and somewhat unchristian, but heres another try, The covid, the plague, the death and everything might end soon, whatever it is, the thing that God Jesus is doing is In some way Good!!!, why oh why do you say this, well,Remember in church at the home group or house bible study or the dinner with the famm, Before this people and there wonder brains woud not live ot give Glory to God, but would sinfully and secretivley wait like the billy Goat Gruff to take umbidge to a theologicl belief adn get on there troll charger tuh knoc smebodies bloc off, Oh Really now?Sir..No,dpnt sir me, and in fact yes really,Petty sinners but now its not really aprproriate as we are at least seemingly close to the end, maybe? maybe not, but its enough to sober contrarion folks to have a care, and, in this care let there be something there that wasnt there before,No longer be ugly in apoligetics,Wearying! have a gratefull heart for the grace sacrifice and surety of our peace to go in the world beyond,Are you ready?meditate in this christisn human!
by someone taking the rap , with seperation from the father,Mu God My God whay have you forsaken me" For them O son, for love of the lost O Son,
with abject regection frpm his creation, and blood covering all our pettiness and sin, when your frieid is packing his pipe like a like in the shire,a hobbit, like a hobbit waiin for another deabate or a twoosie feed,, tell him not to be so sure the shire will be here tomorrow, have a care,fear God, remind him of his mortality and his dependence on the one who created him, but mostly love him and give him the simple good news, not death or arguements or worldly powers none of this prattle, can snatch us from what our master has prepared for those who beieve. forgive me, my ire, it my have bubbled over ,yes,, be gracious to this sinner, fast pray be holy keep your eyes on the western sky, salvation is the only thing that really matters. Pax in Christos
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
oJust as God created everything with a purpose in Genesis and saw it was Good adn gave it order and symetry, so too with you and all the people in this sight,you are at the top of the page perhaps a thousand people read what you expressed.Good bad not important rght wrong just glad to see you welcome, What am i what do i do,I wake up read my bible read my devotinals using little tricks of memory by assoxciation to remember what I read and drink coffee and the see what is cooking in the big beach of driftwood on the beach of writing . com, at first when I saw the lil contests with three word phrases to express a pic I thought, " childish " but then "fun" so jump in not out,its lonelu n boring to be out, and keep writing,maybe press enter for indenting but im really not the one to criticize,welcome to you, I believe it was my destiny as well as yours to land in this place, really I do, it would be a little deceptive to not reveal my Back ground as a Christian man, who writes messages, oh darn he was doing so well, still is i hope, in the end there is only one big differnce between me now and brfore i acceptd jesus and that is where I will be going after I fall asleep forever,Its not clear what we will become, but when it is we will be happy, Oh dear that was a lot anyway welcome welcome welcome jump in
Review of Techno Aliens  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
People who makeup these curious engineering phantasies must be carefull not to try any of , them in the three dimensional world.these are not toys that can not be made by fools.the girl with the blazer blew her dumb ass up, my conclusion only,pardon my french uh sorry, ahem forward, Engineering for the hubble telescope was involeved and intense and then when they sent it out and got back soggy pictures,there was a huge dent in there happiness untill they repaired it and thn they all had a joint epiphonal sigh of relief.but soon the little tin soldier or woody the cowboy was left behind ad a new love interest was found, we really cant get these sort o toys out of our system, we rescued warner von braam and said "he aint no Nazi", and he really wasnt, but was dirty with many things for his work as a bad toymaker,and slave labor user, even if his empirac secret desire was no.t world domination but to go to the moon,several tons of scintific tests and results of thousnds of test and three dimesional facts tth Thetook a batrery of tests went with the deal to take hi adn his moon obcession into the land that gave birth to edison. Im not sure what to write to you, Iam a personalist christian, meaning no denomination and constant yelling up to heaven for help and recieving it.I liked the way you put your crap together, not wearying but not gonna work either, surprisingly high interest and some true teenage pathos and good values,In the end the big adventure must be our need to be realized in our being by knowing our creator,only the individua lead by the spirit of Jesus can find this. I invite you to callout and to yell to him and heaven and see what happens.many have given up in reviews and also evangelizing,Im convinces something is better than nothing, but dont be over bearing or mentoring,Its opressive, God and Jesus you patrick
Review of Ask of God  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
What many christians fail to recognize is the delights of the struggle, but like a good soldier when we have done so we shouldnt act as we have done an extraordinanry thing,They want corn but they will not pull it down then shuck and then cut off the kernals,of course we beleive that faith conquers everything and it is so, but the unseen hand of God seems to make incongruois tests appear and christians grumble, Christ had many unusual and incongruous strugglled that he conquered without sinning by grumbling,We follow his example Yes, truly you have done well to write what you did to remind us of the need for obedience and faith to overcome, but we must thank God that even when we fail we take solace in him who never failed and rest in the victory and peace of the salvation he won us, please continue these things in the sight, it is in need of these things to be remembered. a gratefull grumbler.

Review by Patrick
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
hmm.. initailly alarmed at pansy's turn around after Mothers death, then realized Its an excerpt from a novel,The dialogue is Good, bordering on cutesy, but doesnt turn into sacharine or smaltz.Im not real sure, but, I kinda tried to steer somebody to my portfolio
and may have recieved a slight warning fro, Writing . com, might, just be paranoid,

I was planning a sort of whimsical feature for the religous Genre in a C S lewis style with a lot of creative liberties, but consiering the times and the preeminent forboding of Christs coming im only doing holy things tht follow scripture carefully, Words are important, whether written or spoken they will save or condemn us,Im holding fast to all the holiness inside of me and trying to get as manyfolks wtiten in the book of life as possible, Thank you for the vignette with the two Girls God be with your novel,Maranatha
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
The image of a prison is often used in the christian walk. symbolically or actualized by the purveyers of our faith being put in them.These awfull places make one and only one clairion thought rise. How can I get out of here. We are all in there, if not physically pychologically or psychicly from time to time,The other thing that happens in prisons is that fellow human either become objects of deep hatred or desperate and though all human realtions fade,very real attatchment and fotrtunate or many times unfortuante bonding. Imagine two beings in a court yard of one of these hellish houses,"What up?" "hey, I met this guy in here..uh... hes new" "Whats he in for?" "If I told you yu wouldnt believe me" "try me...I got time" " telling the truth" "Hed better learn not to do that in here"..."uh yeah um."he thinks he can get us outta here"..."Were both in here for a while,does he have some advocates outside or somethin, they generally get tired and go back to dreamin of doin easier good stuff, were both in here deep" "nah, uh hes got a plan to break out" "Your dreamin" ", "ill just keep it to myself"............" I got time, but not for nonsense... so i gonna ask you one time again... does he have a real plan" All the money and security in the world couldnt hold Matthew tohis tax collectors chair, whenJeus called him he knew his prayers had been answered, like the character Nicodemus forgive my vanity and self promotion, in My portfolio.....He was "breakin out" your poem is great, I forgot but matthew until yu wrote it Im glad your holy n not a chatterbox like me, anyway thank yu it helped me to gt back on track, the world and its geegaw was luring me away from Jesus plan of breaking out of thie fallen adn terrible thorny worl
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a beautifull real story,Its raining so ol viral self appointed , church pastor pat read something crazy by julius jules an wrote a long review and then the holy spirit said seeyuh later,grieved him with know it all ness, I read yer stuff and instantly felt better,your very cheering and have suffered a lot sharing it has a sort of authenticity that others mimic they come off like, "can u apprecitate my realness", well maybe if that wasnt yur intent before yuh started writin,so um sorry no. I go into public places occasionally to share my faith, im not shamed of it,but its always scary,i think this fallen world is pretty damned strong, gotta punch it good with jesus ba baa ba bammmmmm,sorry im kinda silly, coffe made me do it , oh well where was I? Oh yeah,, well one day it was a cafe these Kids brought there church grandmother in to share, they knew she had the way of doin the real thing and it is nice to listen to, when we die to the false self new stuff comes out,unsaved folks cowardly boring slaves to fear, free them sister" but, because they were tryin to use grandma sorta like "dig this", The Holy spirit was like "sorry yerr on yer own... im not a side show " I kinda knew what happened being aware of grieving him, anyway you simpy must keep writing dear it real its fascinating and Jesus is there amidst it all in some way shape or cuddly form,I mean theres a lot of em, buthmmm I wont judge you, nope, instead pastor pat, pastor grants five stars...Iam moment by moment to the very best of my limited abilities and by Gods grace alone aspiring to be as Paul was.. a man set apart for the Gospel, I feel you you deserve it Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello old freind its patrick, Large fams do cause some problems, im one of nine,All hippies , children of the sixties n seventiesfew saved a sll still living, praying for all Anyway good testimony, theres a fellow brit, but im not sure a lot of his time was spent in australia, kind of a brilliant mean spirited political and left wing icon of his own making.Im not mentioning names, were in the kingdom of God not high school,I witnessed he threw stones and I said see yuh later, there a lot to be said for the courage and stick to itness of the guy who kept talkin to you, people unfortunately give up to soon, some sit passively and say no one can come except by the spirits leading, yes and no, theres a lot to be said for salt and heart too, Jesus said work for the night is coming, then noone can work,Its regection we fear but its apparently the glory, that guys work prayed of for you, he bore fruit that will not fade away, The left wing Icon guy is all the new radical ways of thinking, but eventually starts beating up on them,He was kinda rude so I just let him rage alone,The regection flattens me, one thing that Paul said that hit a chord was to be all thigns to all people for the sake of the Gospel.The people who eventually saved me proved to be a lot to domineering and in the end wanted too much human respect and honor given to the leaders, none the less they did doos things to attract young people do the all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel. plays, sports, dinners, Message training, and forcing me to study in a university to build up my confidnece all good, but only the personal Jesus which is nothing less than a sometimes abstract sensse of Jesus was all i needed,When this was realized I saw a huge disparity between what he was tellling me and they were attempting to do or attain,Its excruciatinbgy difficult to explain this to people and it pretty near impossible, theyjust smiled and secretly called you proud,quite anoying frankly, none the less in your travels adventures recreation in nature,cast yiur bread on the waters,The time is coming when noone can work thank you for yur testimony, yeah its important to be law abiding its odd that the prince of darkness from birmimngham was fatherly ans cautious with his sons jacks proclivities and was concerned with the diffeernce in americans laws.O,,zzies little charade was un masked, God help that lost Man, we are by Gods will made to fear laws as God supports those who uphold them.,,Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
I would have preferred you use your story telling gifts in a tale not bible related,But the desire to create is just below that to worship God. the triuned God of the Jews,for the record heres some interesting Facts about the tower Of Babel, and for either Good or my bad I read the whole thing u wrote, you sort of did the story tellers thing, not saying this is what happened so I wasnt terribly alarmed, you have a noble human spirit but jesus wants more for you, It was brocaded and a lot of description work went into it that literarily succeeded,Im not just saying this to evangelize but maybe iam, im pretty narcicistic adn I read the whole thing, a lil rare for me, there much better,,. also and forgive me if u can find it in your heart to do so but I just want to give a little biblical parable about that works progect for my masters sake and maybe yours, dont be offeneded, Cain was cast out into the land of nod,"James Dean" in "East of Eden" after telling burl Ives his deep secret of mistkenly but maybe intentively from jealousy killed his brother, burl thought a bit and then told Dean in that high wheezy fasaetto " well now it might be good for yu to Go east of eden to nod or wherever your supposed to Go"
The music hits an augmented minor crescendo and james dean screams as the face of the idol turns into a gargoyle.talk about creativity See? Im human too, but heres the facts,its the skinny, they were a scattered and Godless bunch of people in the middle of nowhere was the it thing to do,looks like not much has changed huh? acclaim security and attention from the superego of what all the other lost souls thought of you was at least something, they decided to build it for accalim and to be one people. God hearing a sound below in his foot stool looked down and saw the thing rising, its somewhat curious that he realized at least in what is written that if they succeed nothing will be im possible for them, to me at first this seems Good, but in truth it would lead to pride, domination of other wanderers, and people in charge whos only desire is pride. Sooo. he confused their langauages and again they scattered with factions leaving with peoples that they could talk to. in my Port folio there are four sermons please forgive my scant and bad punctuation here, some there too but less. they are part of a series called,"Walking with Jesus", or "On The Road with Jesus Christ" Im writing fast because im conflicted about writing anything to anybody because it causes a fight or a contest of will and ideas,This happened recently and I had to turn the other cheek, in the end the greatest power of a Christian to turn souls to his God is his honesty meekness humanity and understanding of scripture, Please have a look if y have time, Iwant to evangelize in reality not in my imagination, God of my faith Jesus Christ, bless you, patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I heard in my mind from My master Jesus, The psalm of David Im Paraphrasing (Yes..AAAAgain)
"Lord make me not a mule" Youll see this reference in my protfolio in the Nicodemus sermon,just before I took the listeners to my museum of spiritual heroes..Oh, forgive me welcome to our site. There is rudeness in passivity, though so hard to explain, why.

First refresh yourself with my verse for the year: Ephesians6:10 Finally, build up your strength and by means of his mighty power. put on all the armor that God gives you, so tht you will be able to stand up against the devils Evil tricks.For we are not fighting against human beings, but against the wicked spiritual forces in the heavenly world, the rulers, authorities, and cosmic powers of this dark age, so,Put on God, armor now! then when the comes,you will be able to resist the enemies attacks;and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground,..." finally, not paraphrased, hurray, but now probably puctuated wrong.... The english sailor,"John Newton" a one time slaver,Who penned "Amazing grace",mopped his church out every morn in a monks smock with no shoes on,He was depicted in a movie as counseling Wilberforce, Im sure youve seen it...He took great rest in Jesus after his sinfull life as a greedy and selfish man. Yes, sin and it reprocussions is deepley troubling.....It is written "Man is destined to live once and then to be judged for the sins commited in the body, the righteous, to a life of everlasting Glory and the sinful and selfish, the self seeking to eternal shame". I personally have no reproval, for you or any, "well... I think this,or that, and yknow, David before he died, did say that no man can live outside his generation" no. none of that..only this, I have taken a Master who came as man, though God,I trust what he said in this fallen world to be true and do what he tells me to do,He says,"Welcome Christopher," tell him of my rest. thank you come back again, Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
When i was a boy and a girl needed to be cheered up, i would reach into my bqg of circus boy tricks and say or do something until they laughed, but when i was a child i behaved like one but now that iam a man i have given up my foolish ways, none the less you stil need to be cheered up in some way,Your automatic writing is surprisingly holy and interesting,You seem to be a rare combination of a free spirit and accurate theological understanding. You may want more children and thats fine, but heres an avenue that may give you direction work and many jewels on your great and mighty mothers crown when you roll into heaven. Your writing isnt like flat stuff on paper, it has a kind of other dimension, you can follow scripture and keep it kind of lively kids in the world will sense realness and follow along.I was reading folks portfolios and a seventeen year old scottish guy had about eight short short stories about pixiie girls getting stuck in bottles barell holes, until another kind pixie girl rescued them,I scroled down and ther seemed to be hundreds of them, I thought "Oh my.. this is tooo many pixies," and then I thought ill write him something about my master adn make it so true and real with my automatic writing I will help him from this obcession, the first two or three intersting then,,,hey wait a minute,... I live to be concerned about others, its a miracale to me that a sinner like myself is concerned for anyone, Pax in christos wish u well,
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very well written and researched,however;
the church in revealation referred to as, "the Bride of christ" we are all created beings, men and weoman, so it is somewhat childish to raise one above the other with accolades making one seem shinier by the others failings.Failings which indubitably will come to us all.I certainly dont want you to misunderstand the intent of this message,hear my words and a short narrative,
I was once on a work crew for consturction, a welder took apart a huge water silo our comapany purchased, then we put it back together with welding,I was not a welder, more of a lil helper to facilitate the process I adhered to the servant of all will be the greatest, however, when it was completed, and note what happened,when it was completed, i said " we did it" but the welder said " "you didnt do it I did it all" there was a gaggle of guys staring at me to see what I would say, at that time I like you, was somewaht amazed at "Man's" selfishness, but later he was humbled and in some way, I was lifted up. Please be patient, and wait and see the equality of all servants whether male or female, to give in to one side as it is your side as superior is not biblical or true. Iam at this time involved in various domestic puzzles that i cant go into, there is no need to send a reply even if you believe you must. i look forward to your next scholarly offering and if I have time will read it carefully , thank you for your service to the religous section and May Jesus richly bless you..Patrick
Review of Good news!  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thank you, very encouraging and true,Hmm um...Im always amazed at John bunyan, his intiguing and amusing assimilitudes as he called them, so very poetic and yet so very true,
what a spiritually advanced and talented prisoner, he couldnt stop preaching,which brings me to the need for this in the our pastime of submitting to "writing .com". laymen can and should preach, it is the responsibility of all christians . I beleive it does take training but not neccesarily an ordination,I tried it with some messages and im not really sure how it was recieved , but I did it to please my Master Jesus, I found your character from your portfolio real and christian,poetry is good, but the revealed word of God can change hearts and souls to see an invisible kingdom and a living master who is the real embodiment of love.In the end he is the only one that matters, Clearly its will be like walking into a cloud and hoping Jesus will support you, I may appear presumptuos,but....souls need saving, and encouraging,I got to where I was by others just getting up and doing it, so too you, think on this, thank you again for your poem
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
I would often think why must poems rhyme,for some happy symetry truth is lost; the angel who says "Church" does work. Church is always the first fort the darkeness wants to destroy, it isnt brick and mortar or presbyterrians livin accordieng to apicket fence scripural rules, its a slow walk with Jesus as we try our best to be a Good bride and holy,
that terrible fight with the goat and stuff quite real um.. stay in church stay ready to be his, its for all of us to do men weoman children, bery enouraging and real thanks
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
encouraging poem, terribly vexing to not get the little header that message sent, no Matter you listened adn heeded what was preached in Hebrews " if you hear his voice today,"So im happy, also u bleive with a childs faith that Jesus talked of, so you have his help in times of darkness, iam confused by the gift points sending so ill just give you five stars, have a blessed sunday adn thank you for your poem
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