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Review of Tennis Anyone  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Nice honest style, reads well, might want to start some inner dialogue with not ginned up bur, honest conflict, to give it some sizzle,..some art okay,
Im nor a big proponent of drama for dramas sake to hold peoples interest,
in the end ol Hem(Hemmingway).. a sadly Godless adn selfish guy, but he had some rather engaging copy just by not holding back on his man spirits intelectual honest wandering.
you seem christian, from some of the things said ,if youve overcome little dissapontments with A christian mans philospopical view...From the holy spirit, the releigous Genre needs writers its all poetry, nice stuff...but share spirtual wanderings, yes..ill read it make it real and skeletal, just it share it...
old age is an illusion, im almost seventy,,,but,, with christ its a state of mind a strong one. Jesus help in your messages may expose it , thank you, iam a tennis player too, i have faih in the tennis doctor(nice touch) but.. mostly jesus, cherish your wife and the lord patick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Many times we forget, words are really everything and nothing,Essay/to try,French, if im not mistaken,Am I..again?, oh well.
Sometimes, it really seems, "whats the use," Like the sage in candide for the man and womnan seeking cosmic advice in ther problems, his precios word " shut your mouths" so wise..
however, rarely, but occasionally we are impelled by a spirit of "truth" to write or say things.
So listen, for better or your worse, whether you find it true or not, in God's final anlaysis it will definativly be revealed,
Sometimes, under the fire of writing, dead word have a power. it hides doesnt it, all power of word is not the same
"Gypsy poetry" unlike the stuff I pretnd to read like curlie holding a tea cup with his pinkie,Impressing no-one and certainly not me, for instance this poetry is chees cake, and get a load of this guy,,um , oh well hesre goes, "steamy stuff",sure its inersting but in truth it leaves one empty, unless your wife wrote it, or vicea, versa,
Are u wandering about me,Go ahead its truth,proper acceptable for a man of God to write,look her, dont read too much into it, dsperate times call for a fearless servant one,Why? i find it is not clear,its desperation and tempts lonley souls, please desist.you dimdinish yourself.,..Just let it happen with your wife or husband. holy moly, your gonna be disciplined pastor,Where will th mind go, perhaps not there?
oh well Il be on the mountain of truth, this unfiltered stuff Not a chore to read, why..unless im flattering myslef, yeah man it hapepne unpredictable and brave to some to o mystery...I pray its naturally engaging, but evenIt know its jazzed up not for entertainment but for the sake of the e\gospel to keep my audience, Will i regret it, and be disciplined. maybe and yes in that order.be holy , im tryin.
humans made in Gods image,as such, "spiritual beings" and made in Gods image intuitively and intellectually seek quite deeply for "truth" steamy stuff...an unhealthy diversion, clearly a dead end, truth noble steeds may I call you horsies?, No!! alwritht just askin. any way for this we run. with all our stength, like horses intent on winning, they run egually fast
Men and woeman egually,
Truth truth truth..The fallen and corrupted world cannot extinguish it, foolishly it fans the fire, but you have to beleive in it,its a sign of his followers,My followers said God will seek it, all of us are.Wake up we must run for it. In tandem with our vowed wives adn husbands,yoked to Go fast, feel the wind man and woman woman and man, waerying properness
speak or die, in your soul, it burns,..Jesus preserve this voice, keep me from harm
Fear not God will forgive,Trust him, if you are impelled and belieive its truth. raise the banner, "shout out" to the
"Spiritual Genre" spiritual?,is it.? some? uh sorta....It is the sisier sight of "reliigous,"
There pink prius is stuck in a big "Roamnce ditch", lemme hook up my truck hitch,A human being needs to be ina realtinshio with the opposite sex to ascend that mountain an take it as far as it is made to go, you guys are always reading more into it than it was crated to give yuh, ,maam, please take your cat with you this is a deep ditch Im gonna need to yank this thiang hard to gt it back on track...... sometimes? they speak truth, but truth that lasts is much deeper deeper...Who asked you Cowboy, no more judging from me, im a sinner,it the Genre has liberty and free will in it intent, it needs perhaps the truth itch and to seek an eteranl realtinship with the living God,is this not the end all and an be all of all spiritusl endeavours...yes yes yes this "is" possible,
Cmon run fast horsies, "giddeeyup" were goin rouwnd the bend um..? Somebody is thinkin "this is why they shoot horsies," run sea bisket runnnmm, what the... uh o cant resist..yeah yeah oh no not agsin .. oh man its baaaack Im suddenly "the Duke' in the meadow scene confronting the liars adn crooks, with a shotgun and one eye im running at the liars adn the cowardly and the decievers,The darkness the eternl night of spiriutl death..wow im goin ove niagra falls i a barrel and lovin it/// im loaded and screaming stuff.Mercy on me Jesus you made me to only know that I would write after I wrote it.
{gotta wrap it up},God given words in the bible are true,Bigger than ours, and this is in my opinion not subject for debate, but Let me try to explain something,
The men who wrote the gospels were "not" dictated to like scribes hearing an audible voice. Noow,,, listen, if you beleive you are "not" bound to heed them because they are written by men, you will find respite and some false sanctuary here here on earth but in my opionion based on faith, not in the world to come.. you are free to say, shuttup.. im not lstening,and take what youvve written autmatically and go away, or publicly revile me with it ,Im unabashed an unafraid, its your ooinion and free will,however,Time will definatively tell,I speak truth,in closing, "were you not entertained?"maybe inersting cool to say butplease think about what i said, something here to think about, still wonderin bout the for your eyes only,thing for spuose umm In truth it wont workd\ with mine,
l will just wait for something to happen, its always sort new, in the future i wiil proceed soberly..maybe by being truth full and brave it will Cause an unhappy ending to be averted, jesus is for everybody,Dont let the im so holy people drive you away,It a train for all people, get on... shout out to him for freedom, he hears hes for all sinners ,like me me maybe you too My intent was to show Im not so diffeernt from you guys, I live to write, but this is important... my destintion, heaven with my master Jesus possible cause he covers my sins adn all my mistakes... Iam saved, somewhat different,.by faith alone as luther embraced by trust and faith in him alone, Embrace him now in this one life,Say thank you for his sufering, accept his blood an have it fall on your forehead,ts a ticket to heaven.Yeah i hear scoffing ...so what!.
more...? okay,The four Gospel in the New teatment, The men who wrote them did so out of love to preserve the love.. truth, and work of there master.... he was God by the way,..The holiness to write what they did, "resposibility required is beyond me,I would be terrified,Im gettin there,Pray for me all who have assisted me in encouragement.thank you
These Apostles were lead by the spirit of God to do this,and they did, trust it, these gospels actually breathe ..There alive,Espescially "John " written for your good journey and to fall in love with him. Whos beinf\g roamantic now? Its kinda easy to have happen...in my opinion noting but him in this word is true and worth all of our devotion and love, Patrick

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes a relevant and fair critique, when I get carried away by my own way of trying to convince people, I feel decidedly empty....
He wants me to wait, seemingly forever, I try, (the standards of man are high those of God infinatlely higher,)

At times I get my own ideas,Astute of you to notice.
God/Jesus and Says What are you doing?" not audibly but u get th picture"
I ask him, "what then there fore can I do?" he seems to be sayng Just wait and be patient, This is my call, dont jam folks," sorta I mean, its a "faith' thing.

I say okay,its a delicate thing,
In truth, that message "Lazarus" was probably the worst one for non believers to read,Its more of a reminder of not to get to comfy with your idea of jesus, he is after all God,
Those ladies Hung out with him,it was easy to forget, it really hard to bleieve he was God, its a lifelong struggle.My weakness is holiness I was trying awfully hard to be a holy man. very little of what I wrote expressed my personal Jesus, These were the topical cryptic hidden meaning of ther for fathers of faith, I will grow and express a more personal message in the future. you might read it and like it but in the end only God knows your heart and soul. I try to do something not nothing, the latter is apathy in my opinon

Hmm.....You seem to have read "Woman At the Well" thank you for your time,Im not sure that which of those messages has the least "me" in it, but That one, " yeah maybe" It is kinda a gender friendly, and you cant really go by what people say,some of theNarried couples found it doing something real,possibly enlighthening, not me ,jesus done it
but the bottom line is pleasing Jesus this is my end all and be all,
he is aware of the sloth in regards to the preparation of these pieces..but infinatley moreso in listening to his spirit telling which way to drive the word train...everything is important you are correct in your taking of umbridge....
still My clarion jump of faith is to only stand before God himself, Jesus is there and his hamanity helps me to do this..somewhat.

Sir,The beginning of "Nicodemus" had a sortof clarion call that you might feel if your honest with yourself,The law the prestige the superego of title and The passing decetfull worlds slap on the back, "Good goin hypocryte"
wealth and title, versus love for the lost people dominated by leaders, not my plan or dynamics, Gods.
Thank you, an unvindictive and neccesary critique...Common ground is in short supply in these times Sir I sense and im not just makein this up,iam a sinner though an might just b saying it or more hoping it, God willing it may be granted by God if we are both sincere,truthfull, i did my best, God Jesus bless you

Review of More Sue  
Review by Patrick
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hmmmm...Well,um Im not entirely sure what to say about this?so.. "Haaruumph?"

I was sort of happy with the animal tales, and didnt want the, "Humans"

pulled in, in such a manner, thus, the above groaned, "Haaruumphhh"

I must tell you on inspection,it was "happily",and somewhat endearingly childish.Thank God

It just about made it around the corner to being real dialogue of the sisters, but then...Dun..dunt duuunt dunt.., the ice cream truck came... and, as they ran after it, you could see the tell-tale sign of ink and craft, "pretty good all in all" on the sidewalk, as they ran after it.

Pretty high interest,Fairly real,please, go no further, my "Cauthen Mather" puritianical advice, and mine too,I like you as, "Mr Green Jeans",That barnyard homey stuff your forte.

Other folks, not yours really "tame"
My take on the other stuff it creates " sin baggage" ,ditch it.

Any body listenin in do likewise, run free O Children Of The triuned God, dig!

smell the wind. see how "blue" the sky? Hear the clarion Gene Krupa wood pecker man, him hungy!Be a child of beauty ,clebrate.. "the day" not of the night
Any way it was written a while ago.no biggee
My intent as an Evanglelist is to save you indeed if paossibl every single person in the site, ambitious? yes.

I must be all things to all people, as far as interest level is concerned your kinda up there,you travel light, romance guy?nope, umm..hm? Me neither,

why this?,,, dont know,uh.. just came flyin in,

hmmm....when quereied in a twelve year old interview, the late, "John Updike" was asked, "sir, are you a religous man?",
The Gentlemen was wholly and completly bound to his class and said emptily, "Why , yes, um.. of course, without "this' people lack depth and are not well rounded out" something along those going nowhere to heaven trolley lines.

I judged forgive me Jesus.Thank you

Yikes, drama alert!!! My Editor upon reading this, said angrily, "this know it all unedited slop, is The antithesis of the Associated Press Format Sir" Jimmy said,No kiddin I think so too can i have clarks job?

Iam humbled, with the Papers fines, and Public, professional degredation, and humiliation deeply discouraged, um, well? sorta, yes yes,you see, "Mr, Kent" has a secret escape clause,

Lois unforutnalely is leaving me after my upbraiding, for a new love interest,,um,, which is me anyways. Wheeww ...close call. good thing I remembered that...
, In closing,Its kinda fascinating to me that at the slightest critical correction of almost all the people in this sight, that they come back almost instinctively to defend themselves,So predicatable, and wearying,
Shucks! nothing new? um hold up.. or is there somehthing new?

Solomon, in "Ecclesiastes" lamented, "there is nothing new under the sun"...however; this was before Christ advented and made peeps to have the inklings of something "new"
look ,, umm,well uh okay,,.....please, continue to admonish my pieces,
Carefully, I listen and take it all in. I mean, im giving it a whirl.
The strange and distracting "triple spacing' is simply not possible for me to comprehend.

Why folks "believe" simply because it is the new order, they jump in and do, it,
Its probably the right thing to do, but,quite frankly ,for me..uh..hmm? its like every sentence they leave the room to go to the bathroom.

In closing,didnt i just say that? oh well...
I realize the critiquing part, "small" and get a load of me.. me... me.. meeeee, wearyingly,too big...Must repent.Its a biblical and personal recurring theme. I finish reading yers stuff once i start, thats all I should honestly

Hey man,God bless you for reading this, I think I told my "Brit" buddy, "Moomintroll" i made a new friend besides him, and its you Richard, I hope you enjoy my letter and critique some of your imput is scattered in here like a hand grenade. Im not superman either, iman evangelist and want o bring many to Christ with real messages, that hold intersest, I bleieve many will march into hell because no-one was mindfull of the Fact that the writer couslnt identify with the readers need for fresh spirit adn engaging concepts from topial nuances of reall life in the world, blind to this, they bored them and didnt give them a real undersstnding of who jesus is, they simply stopped listening

If you in an way assist me you will feel his life giving water an mysteriously something " new" in your heart and soul.God blessy you

I will pray that you come into my Persoanlist "Jesus is real".. "club" and it will help you to love your wife more, fam more,...everything that surrounds you on your estate, it sounds "fun" not a catastrophe man!
Count yer blessing, repent Bro!, im Concerned for your happy ending in christ...hey man is it may fault I write automtically?,
Id steer you towards my sermon "Nicodemus" but, Its is in the shop with an engine over haul, you can peep in if your bored... but, well,, you know how you are and how iam..now. not forever, must evolve.

....truly, your spiritual well being, and that alone is the thing here...hey man,Thats my lil secret intent, unles you havent figured it out..uh, u have i know, your a smart guy, but its simply not enough to bring yuh full circle to be realized fully in all things
in closing...whoops "Deja vou", Worry not brother,it will give you a happy landing in heaven, sincerly, wasnt it? i hope so, yours, Patrick
Review of Canal Girl  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Holly: I accidently went to the children's Genre sight,Its Patrick by the way.....When I saw your small blurb about the kindly horse Named Nell in "Canal Girl', for some absoutley inexplaicable reason I thought id tell you about a short story That Im destined to write.
I wake up and go into my back yard and theres a black mare with a star on her forehead. The horses name is "Mercy". She can read minds,But sometimes she doesnt like to read mine, At times when she does, I hear a chortle and she say " what a disorgnized Mess"
I remember your Good critique Of, "The Woman at the well" It needs editing, just like Mercy told me, but you were the only one who read it and wrote am honest critique.
After words I thought, I will read her story about the,hmmm? Gosh, cant remember its title,but it was set in a sort of medaeval warrior theme, with young men and weoman struggling to overcome other warlords and perils.
It would have to be in the "Genre" of Adventure, I guess.
hmm, in closing sometime its important to understand the things I wrote in "Woman At The Well" its not all just just "Patrick" sayng and writing things to amuse and be read, Unfortunatley like Mercy Told me, "Its kinda disorganized,"
I was glad you liked the topical and current things in popuar culture that I mentioned,However,In the end, please think of some of the realtiosnship things I mentioned for your well being, safety, and enlightenment in the future.
The Beginning of the Piece drags, somewhat,Yet, you continued on, i sensed that, jesus and me commend you, but, dont forget the important part about Jesus filling all the thirst we all have with his love and living water. He brought it to us by his death seperation from the father, and shedding his blood,(He is real to this I boldly swear)
I sense you will do this to the best of your abilities.
In closing, Im kinda worried the story of Mercy might not be premitted by My master Jesus and i will please him more by writing Sermons and messages, (with topical nuances included) We will have to see.
In closing. Try to remember what I wrote, some of it was what Jesus told me to put down, and I hope it can help you in the future. Patrick

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes,Hi its patrick, correct understanding ,hmm...,,, i remember,A high ranking literary and poitical man in England passed,Im terribly sorry,name escapes me....anyway his adversary said, or rather "wrote", something terrible, and his son who seemingly took up his old cause that will never die, said " this man has defiled the words of Jesus for in our mourning he distrubed us greatly," he really was correct to say this, however, this interpretaton is what most folks do,You captured the truth well, God says, "Go a little farther folks these are symbols of not being happy with the paltryness of the world without Jesus.Mourn over this frist and so too, over your loved ones
Other examples "spot on too," (Brit lingo fun,)Hunger for God not, uh... cheese burger, Peace makers those who love first God and have his peace... and sow it out of love for angry humanity,Anger steals peace, those who create seek to assuage politiacal divisons or factions politivcally should heed his words an really believe personally in Jesus,
Saddened by norther Irealnds return of the "troubles" although if anyone could extinguish this a personalist jesus believer could. So sad, so complex, so the devil's mischief, May the blood, the seperation of the son from the father for all sins cover the land, and bring peace, "Both" sides deserve it. amen
I just went over your piece again, one of your best works,so true,itshould b brought up again and again, they always get the wrong meaning!,
Like those who suffer for "righteeousness,". this is clearly "faith" in Jesus in a fallen world, not worldly truth, not Fighting aginst fake news,or climate change, but, knowing that Jesus is the empiric truth and way to go, and folks inexplicably hating you for it.

Its many times just people thinking your a ballon headed jesus fool who bleives things childishly, so be it, alls well that ends well,in closing, sorry long
Iam asuured by your text that all is well for you and your wife, tell her I said "hello"
Im working hard at being holy,it was not a complete mistake that you mistook me for another bloke who was banned,your apology was nice, but truly when it occurred I thoght of my literary adventures and childishness at some stuff I did, and The holy spirit seeemed to be saying, " see what kind of impression u make by bieng who u think you are,?repent" W
If we remin faithfull and holy, not always easy, Our true nature and identitity will be reaveled, The Sons of God groan until this time,it will be revealed in our redemption perhaps at his coming its at times seems unclear who we are and what we will become,It will occur in his time hold on ,Be holy be dilignent to the he best of your ability,
Im making friends on the sight who may or may not be saved,Do this too, Gatehr them as jewels for an unseen crown love them in christ alone like paul did, also like I must be all things for all people for the sake of the Gospel and that they might be saved,
I know nothing about the environnent,Also i need to get my browns little book on punctuation out, the folks are chewwing me out and its ruing my vineyard the way tath ittle foxe harm a vine of truth, ahh me, but so to, ahh you, Hey man, perhaps use your envirenenementalist's zeal, yes , perhaps, it can atrract others so as to draw them out of the fires awaiting them... to come without accepting Jesus sacrifice ..not good, not a happy ending, sounds almost childlike but it is true it is writtn..... We are free brother, let us be gratefull and show it.. Tell all th epeople that you se tell allthepeople that you meet, he is real he can live inside you.
sometimes,Im really not sure if my stuff will make a change and save someone, i soldier on in this hope. I pray that the zeal for mys masters house will consume me and you too
in closing ,The peace of the lord be with you... be brave, be as joshua was exhorted to be, we need To be the reapers, others have done the hard work,
The Lord can come anytime, be strong and very courageous, patrick
Review of Payback  
Review by Patrick
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Im Terribly sorry to use this path to my thank you for my critique, of the circus short story, That comment slot after the re review has ruined my day on a number of occasions with its demands at brevity,uh,,,, yes delighted that you have said you will read or check out my sight of sermons..... gosh, spiritual messags, its not always immediately intersting, i mean I have troulbe reading them on utube, my mind wanders, but there heart felt adn scripturally pretty much okay, if you soldier through it you will be blessed, hmmm honesty is the best policy u probably in the noticed the thing about the cop at ball game, i mistook you for the fellow whos site has the pic of the captains wheel and worked at a security guard adn a bunch of other jobs,
In the end Im aways conflicted by how much the good lord Jesus has helped me and the least i can do is turn others on to him. Listen a secret, Dont be put off by the whole jesus thing as being a jamming episode that makes you fee like you have to be polite until its oveR,I ve spent my whole life being as real as i can despite the creeds orders of all the fake stuff we as humans do to get along get over adn get what we really want,Beleive me it was a real wake up when i started seeing little signs that he hears my pleas and prayers,use intuition to sense, it i not imeediately, deepl.. mysterious, until you grasp what the whole faith thing is.
Life is full of suprises, by the way I thought i was talkin to a guy, you probably noticed it from the tone and the sloppy catch as catch can typhoes, Um hmm...Perhaps The " woman At The Well" piece....Any way....I try to at leastd invite one person to the kingdom of heaven a day, not that my stuff will succedd in geting you there, but my master sees me soldieriing along and i hope hes pleased,Thank you for your polite adn cheering re review,Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hmm,Your pretty good at description and just stating the facts and letting the real details do the entertinment,
I was surprised at how accurately the bored angst, and the kids and the parents and the characters flowed along, I worked for a landscaping company in my late twenties,I had been the clown for my acting schools productions at point park college, and studied the world of clowns, acrobats, and other skilled entertiners, and have always loved circuses,um sorry to bring "me" int it, its really a disease,one you dont have.you observe and write un self indulgently and you migth have success,uouve learned to keep your nose out of the story, le t ther edader find stuff themselve,its quite good interest leve in your writing, you can include some phisosophical stuff, its in you,, your very working class,The story of being a cop at the basketball game worked well, not over written, it attracted my attention,
But anyway, back to moi the landscping gig,,I was kinda poor at the time and so walked to work, bout five miles, and along the way saw a sign for a cricus in town,I stood tranfixed studying it, as it was an old knock off of posters long ago,
My christian boss who was still a slave driver,honked his horn several times to give me a ride the rest of th way to work,he wanted his slave on time. honked his hornn to give me a ride, up until this day he had not interest in me despite our smilar faith except to use my former deacathleon stenth to accomplish his tasks adn feel happy that he got his stuff done.
suddenly, inexplicably he was infinatley curious as to why i was entranced by the sign, I off handedly told him i had worked as a clown,this seeemd to affevt him more than that fact that I was first and formeost a Christian,
It seemed to humanize me in his eyes adn he got a little more aatatached to me and began to share his views of jesus and how we should behave, it was good advice as I was at teh time a liberal personlist Christian, he worried about me and was right to do so, I was still in love withthe circus of this insane more than Jesus,
Seee how the psychological and spiritual, intirgue adn flesh out everything... dont be mad, usually i look at stuff adn just go "oh bother" like winnie the poo, i greedily read all your stuff man, please check out my portfoilo if you want, i tied to make it intersstin adn not preachy,thank you for your piece,pretty good
Review of Yashoda  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.0)
Literature is a skill that is difficult to discern, how it is done, see How subtle, carefull seeker?
Do you beleive it is a narrative that ocurred in space and time, and is being related,
The truth must be told at last, it never lived in the world. Only In the mind of Vyasudev it had its beginning,
if you wish to follow its sentiment do so. Yet..Know this, please, be not taken aback or angry,i serve a jealous God, (i must say,!. because it had been such a long time since I had read anything from the "Bhagavad Gita" I couldnt stay away) i was a seeker too,But I no longer believe it has power over death.
Listen soul, be wise and listen To what God told me to say,Beauty without power is nothing more than literature,
Many who have followed these stories have in there time of need after this "one' life find themselves powerless to secure an estate and a love realtionshio with the only living God.I warn you now before it is too late.
Think and discern my intent, I say this not to war with you, but to save you....Is it inner anger or emptiness for which i write...no, Iam bound to care for your soul take my hand of truth, the earth, the planet, the one world in which we live has only had one, true avatar of loev an power from God.. Jesus who sojourned to save us from emptiness by his life adn sacrifice in a manner that is given from the only true God,
Jesus is the only way to come down from heave heaven. In closing be not offended i must do my work while the day is still here . in love patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow that was your best writing ever,Thank you, let me calarify a few things, for the record, i was alcoholic and cant drink,no problem mate,It wasnt a carefuly crafted vessel and had leaks,uh im american, in Pttsburgh I did drive a cab, i told this to a hack in london and as usual like all londoners he ddid the one upmanship thingg and he regaled me of his traing of riding a bike aroud london for a month as his days before he mast, or trainng.also
Amazed you never checked our Charles Spurgeon, His writing are very flowery and accurate prosaic pieces, father o faith adn a prettry cool guy, he has a daily devotional that you would love, its filled with lessons from nature .
Also, the message "was" a mess..Iam a child man in transition, all mean and weoman are, but forward anyway let the immaturity die and be raised uo i the ralized man and woman in Christ, forward, ger behind me satan
Spurgeon..hmmm? fact he was violently opposed to the darwinwiwan theories of his time, unfortantley man of his colleagues though Christian questioned genesis and Were tainted or polluted by Darwins science, What happened exactly is work for a scholar, Darwin plante whether willfully or carelssly some bad science that ruiend some peoples faith, they became pragmatic I mean it turned people to question the bible,
its a spiritula template or sextent,it must be reapected and handled carefully or youll get lost, the humble saved sailor will use it aand sail happily home to Jesus, we are on our way mate. in regards to Spurgeon,
It seemed to affect his realatonshio with them, the doubtrs of the infallibility of th bible,they choked its truth wit poor understandin , and he told them so..he wEnt to war and he, had some high wire theological pissing contest with other ministers,Why they do this in rerrospect was false liberty and pride, iam perhaps, unholy by that saltiness, Jesus forgive me my weakness, but maybe it is closer to the truth than many more holy Christiains would dare to write, He did lament that many argued an grew angry at this time and forgot about the humble persopnal Jesus of the childlike heart,Men are dust but i like his spirit and stuff he left. look him up he wrote tonnage. in closing thank you for your gentility and succinctness, to convinve others We must have an officers style and bearing, not that we are but the term gentlemen is good and real christian essence,I strive for it though it seems like whats the use, however my mesaeges in y portfolio have a Gentlemens style,it just showed up, i will do what my mster tell me too to pull peole fomr th emeneint fires of hell tht would have surrounded them in the second death,I stupidly indulge my human thought a im a sinner, sometimes i forget this and may master makes me stand before the mast,The old man dies hard but by the grace of God and his love he is going away.The sooner the better,really jesus slay him completely i want to serve jesus alone.
I wrote four messages for the young people to read on this sight, we are old guys,pray earnestly to Be holy and pure in my intent to save souls adn lead the sheep to my master, be kind and loveing even if it doesnt feel quite real . it will bear fruit,, you have great and honnest spirit use it to serve the saviour,Sin is crouchig at our door but we will master it , in chirst alone yes, by oursleve no, your writing was unusually good,Trust your personal Jesus and maybe not worry so mauch about keepeing everything with checks adn balance, i dont mean be wreckless, but perhaps know in the end the mind is us, but the souls and the spirits moving cannot always moves swiftly and spiritually when it it coancerned with what we believe is a reality
sorry brother,i lecture too much, must , adress the vision of a free world in Chrisrt by ch
childlike faith in him,
Somebody sat there until its seed was planted in you.... it bore fruit,, um Drink vision, drink spirit, drink an evagelists zeal, the tie may be short to work for the master, drink Jesus vison for you and me...Selah in Jesus patrick
Review of Why Do We Die?  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Goodness me,forgive me but,Lets, get rid of the science,Or at the very least place it under scripture,
Why? first and foremost if the writers of the science are not "born again" they will ignorantly put oil into the living water of Christ an, "muck up" the clarity of purpose and understanding,
The scientist has many degrees, and has struggled to understand "things" and does in a certain earthly and dense sense have some beginnings of he jist of material things,or flesh, but those born again vastly outdistance them in undertanding,
They are privvy to invisible things of the spirit and truth, the scientist is not,Its un christian to trumpet this..but somehting should be said,Why? beacuse the "world places them above born again christian leaders and minister in understanding.
Many have been vexed by there controling mechanations and theories, Cadidates for heaven, fall prey to them and and embrace them and as a result, are biddne away by the master of heaven with the Jesus words, "I dont know you".
Universities are responsible for much of this, higher education leads to a lesser eternal destination,
I will give you one very potent and succinct example of this which you can choose either to accept or regect,however,it, and my Person, must be left alone after you read it, though i beleive its true,yet for the assuaging of arguements sake, I ask sir, that u take it as, "a thought" to be pondered but not something to be batted about in apolgetic sport.
Charles Spurgeon in his day was pretty popular,his tabernacle was across the thames fom london and the cockney hacks,( i drove a cab for seven years) would "Hawk" or "harrangue" the church goers of london in fine attire on laondo streets, be taken across the waters tuh see , "Charlie", you sir, from yer writings would probably have liked him if you met him he was a naturalist and his assimilitudes taken from nature are beautifull an engaging, anyWhooo...? thats an american term for i digress, which i certainly do...hey man, are you still there?
Charles had a terrible and unfortunate thing occur at the end of his life, the catalyst for it was, the incomplete therories of Mr. Charles Darwin.
{The thought.. is gettin too long by the way} In short and in conclusion, his theory of evolution was correct with animals evolving But he took an erratic and decidely unproven leap to lump human beings in with it.
Many ministers,journals magaziness, fellowships that Spurgeon wrote for,(Prolific) doesnt describe that guy,)Were aborted by his person due to accepting this error. His journey of life an the truly tremndous amount of Good he did for England hit a small speed bump at the end of his journey, he was not cowed by this and is a glorious and inspiring man of the living God, he lamented in his memeoires "all have forgot my himble loving Jesus jesus,..." he knew himh persoally adn intimatley, Darwin? mustnt judge but... God most certanily will.
Spurgeeon had great eloqunce, truth, and scripturally seamless devotional peices which i read every day. He inspires and encourage me to do likewise,Im mad at Darwin for his Theorizing and including people made in Gods image in his theory.God bless you, you have suffeered greatly ath the hands of the world and have been lifted up to lofe and heaelth spiritualaly and in your family as well, we are friends still, in Christ alone are we not mate? Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Many are worshipping the goddess of knowledge, Just See, what did it say of the end times, knowledge on the earth would increase,it is clearly probably, referiing to material scientific knowledge, chirps of " aha" all day long through the internet. but, so what,it only puffs Godless people up and gives them an oppurtunity to feel like someone by telling others what to do.See iam am wise, Really?
by your "{good )message sir, Jesus make all well that ends with him,happy and real, blessyou,
and so,we see,Yes we need to prosper "somewhat" materially to get a break from earthly need and have some time for peace with Jesus and be respaected enough as a sort of stamp of normalcy so people will listen to our hope and trust in Jesus and his sacrifice for us.
Therefore I dress appropriately, its never quite enough for my wife, but oh well, its jesus who rules me not my God given wife,
I sit by the road,I play a horn, and people see some kind of interest in me, Im carefull, they think im a "musician" and Iam, "sort of" if im alone, other musicians and working with them is what makes a real musician,incedibly skilled,Me um No,As long as there not around the atraction works,
If they ask for a song i play it, to the best of may ability. then moved by the spirit, then thinkin im just a normal guy, yeah sort of,I speak of my masters seperation from his Father,lately i live for this this,it completes me the symbold of his love,The love of the father for the son and vicea versa,It is Eternal and never wanes.
this realtionship,The retrun of intense feeling byeond flesh or our knowledge, was once broken by our sin,For monent in earth time, the love stopped, the light went pitch dark, a chasm of deepest hurt loneliness and oceanic cosmic woe, its too intense to explain, im throwing words at I but there really not enough, regection by his creation poured on the lamb of God,
People Godless weary of the physical suffering of jesus.Say stupidly , enough is enoug,They will regret that they dared, give me courage to save, not be angry with them,
It was real it was deeply painfull,Weomen who weep over this, "beautifull", truly, but.... theres more,What?That chasm of cosmic woe, never mock o people in this world, please listn,Contmeplate hard and grasp its freedom giving washing away of all death sorrow adn incompleteness by completing what the father gave him to drink, our sin selfishness,He drank it all,Thank you man God, thank you.
One day I will be no more on earth in this form will go to be with him,Today I serve him...please listen, be gratfull and live with us forever in his bliss Whisper "thank you" and go to your duties, thank you,Amen Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
I must say, youve mastered the game of writing inerestingly,For what ,its worth the interest meter is much higher in the prose than the, this is due to the work required perhaps,A critique it seems is so important now..but eternity,,,calls,
Come sit by the worlds dusty jaded road with me seeker,Do you look for things in my sleeve am I like the others or am I pure,neither, a sinner saved and a one time hack of words,Vanity and a chase of the wind jesus got me out.Yetlet some linger.
Lets go up the high mountain to view the history of Where we are and what has conspired.
We grew tired in the climb, would God dissapont us for our effort, take heart he is kind he says he loves us, youvve heard that before you,are wary, so I say,please sojourn with me one last time seeker,onward, tired, we come to the summit,windy epiphony or revealation,lil of both, look.The dusty bowls history of earth,
human Lights have come, people have come, some quite bright,Books theyve left, Vyasudaev, the Bhagvaad Gita and Jaytanya, his pastimes,So many others too, however, seer now see, watch one and only one from heaven, noone else.,,, i tell you now, I will not have you decieved,....Is his love real,I beleive so, iam his slave, my words, he lifts me up and says a servant, and this day I have done my duty and told you truth,..it is my life my love, my only reason for living.Jaya Jesus. Patrick
Review of Hunter  
Review by Patrick
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Well,hmm..once a rich young man, seeking jesus favor, approached jesus and called him "Good" Master,As an example for all men he said that noone was go except his father in heaven. actually he was good as he was God, but oh well....you see how tricky it is by your carefull explanation of it,For years i was a vashnaive in the hare krsna sect,Or cultic worhsippers of Krsna. I kinda recognized the parabolic nature of your pleasnatly circuitous story as someone who was proabaly raised in india. In the end It ocurred to me to become a devotee of Jesus,
there vernacular is somehat magantiec hard to get out of my mind, no matter) any way look see test and feel evedenciary probes and sense of his opresence or lack o f it after prayers to him. In the end it is my firm faith and conclusion that only adherence to him and to accept his blood sacrifice for our sins in thie one life will bring us to our destiny and happy ending in his embrace. Iam bound to this return of abor for his love to me, while I live I must witness, its easy in this mode, truly it is my joy and my responsibility. thank you for your story, I too have some anger at cruelty to animals,rural peole indescriminately kill Feral cats, that each one has a peroanlity that God created, how different is each creature made, non the less,Consider these things. AndThank you for your story and reegard my invittion to join me as a devotee to jesus, as an aside perhaps of my vanity or by Gods will, you choose oh seeker, I have several Sermonas in my portfolio, In fact today or soon, i maust clear out many reviews and do some house keeping, the sigth has warned me it is almost full.God bless you in Jesus name Patrick Jesus follower
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Youve brought up an interesting Dynamic,It really cant be either or, in order to bear fruit its impossible to help others without the charisma of a unique relationshio with An invisible Jesus, however, without care in following the scripture and being sort of turored by this disipline, in the beginning we will not be able to live in the freedom of faith. Galations exhorts,"Before faith came We were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith that would afterwards be revealed,Therefore, the law was our tutor to bring us to Chirst,that we might be justified by faith, but after faith comes we are no longer under a tutor,Freedom,
A good example of this was evident in the lives of two very lovable and frutifull beings in the more glorious past of our Body of Christ.
Mr spurgeon was like many Englishmen of his era,once an errant writer who lost his way, "blaisae Cendrars" said The english people Cannot live without Fairy tales,This is a vast Generalization, but kinda true, sometimes maybe Mr spurgeons poetic and literary nature was wonderfully and elegantdly wedded in his writings,sometimes the prosaicness overwhelms me, but other times im shamed into a vast wonder like a young moutain climber first seeing everest,His stuff rocks, Then Dwight moody he hated being bored and once at a conference to solve this problemm took all the sermons away from his invited pastors, an said, "Just say, whatever comes to you, and see what Happens, for reasns that cant be fully understood people didnt have to pretend to listen, it was suddenly ineresting. These men were trained by holiness ands scripture and then by faith were let loose to bear fruit with a moment by moment personal jesus.
our nation is in need of such men at this time,Be holy be brave be diligent to scripture and take to the road, the workplace the empty schools and cities, you re destined to live once and then be judged for sin in the body, open your heart open your bible open your will and faith and just Go.Amen Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wish I could be as intersting as you, i loved with a capitol l what the state trooper said, i also am so penny wise I would have hopped into the car until it caught on fire too,Dont feel bad one bit about that, it was the guys fault who didnt give you the heads up, quite frankly,Its really hard to tell,theres no noise,before hand, I drove a cab that it happened too, runnin fine...then a fireball,....I drove for bout seven years
really love reading about your episodes, but Jesus wants me to be a sobre man of God n pray for you, He said, "Shes a human being "not" the most intersitn writer on the site," these things thaough inersting to you are deeply traumatic, I say "Yes master i get it" so, I will pray for you that all may go very very well. I truly sense Jesus loves you and goes out of his way to protect you. In jesus name amen,
Its been quite a while since i read your stuff,
I thought you were gone forever,So glad to have found you,but now i must repent and pray for you to be well in these end times. im praying for peace in your love of jesus first, marriage, work, and lastly for all your stuff.
Hey, most inerssting woman in the worl ddont be shy, be bold, dont shrinkk back,, speak and if need be with care and his love get people onto the safe side of Salvation.As humans we should not have favorites,if we only love those whos ways please us we are sinners,Im going to repent,and i have but... i must say, you are a powerfull force of Jesus glory, dont be flattered it isnt that, that im sayin, just let your light shine. love the story, I pray for peace adn security for you to harvest souls, you have a great gift, it frees me and will please others, Patrick
Review of Passing A Church  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
I pause to wonder if the vapor of melancholy is good or not good, cant tell,Hmmm .
allow a fellow sinner, a word?
To many The things in the bible are like sleepy myths, I fault you not, dont mis- understand, But, "seeker", listen,There is a fascinating axiom in the bible that needs all of your attention,To be told of these things, such as the choir singing, a golden chariot, or a celestial being, maybe not with Gossamer wings but one clothed in light, and purity,...its bigger than a big deal... it isnt something made up , it is in dreaming of it seemingly mundane,Why does this happen,Well, a created being was allowed creative license and wrecked its Power.
Our God the only true God is a God of Creative Power, doe he use it to fascinate us...oh yes!
All of us "me included" are all contaminated by "Our" mind imaginings,They are dusty old and iconically stylized incorrectly and lose there ability to properly attract,or give real "Awe"..fascination or unbridled Awe in Gods accordance with his created beings, To be the Creater knowing in tuitively what his created beings want and will be thunderstruck by. He alone is the "PT Barnum" so to speak of all men and weoman on his plane, you see my fallen nature in that example but....
Your poem, ...i humbly submit, was a case of a souls plea, that needed to be quickened to the power of the forms of which he writes. its not your fault,and you are saved by the blood and forgive me my liberties, I seriously wonder if anyone really can or will, (after writing these things" people come back with bitterness.) Iam a servant only, a sinner, angry? If this is the case let it be so,but one last thing. The mind of carnal man is so startled by these other superior realities Yes, so starteld by them when they are advented that God, has to give the beings statements that calm them down, look at Gabriel with, Mary when she was Told what would and did come upon her with Jesus Birth in her womb,She was terrified,(d yuh think) ?but he said "Do not Fear you have Found favor With God" in closing be holy as much as you can on this sight, meaning let jusus do the driving adn creating, sure we have to do some things, but whoever is not holy will not se God or the perfect interesting magesty of what unfolds before us. God bless you a fellow stealer of creative license patrick
Review of The Storms  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice, "ruh roh", I thought,as I read it, "he has the nautical lingo down", you took some stuff From Mr. Crosby's song from several years ago, im not sure of its title, Was it "Southern Cross"?
Its genuinely "cheering" and moves deftly,Your stuff is nice to read because it has a practiced professionalism and balance to it.
Dont be afraid to loose your mind and occasionally scream at the mythichal white whale nemesis of Captain Nemo.
Churchill took a great literary risk when he kinda went off the rails with a speech about not capitualating to the Nazis, and dredged up this valiant image of never ever surrendering, and rolling on the floor senseless from the reprocussions. You really cant help but love him for it.
You have to sometimes have to say exactly what you feel in a literary ship, and let the chips fall where they may
I now i now, your thniking "this "swab" is lecturing me?, He who be, wearing all his 'typhoes" as we sit at our grubbing quarters,
After i saw you were a sort of proctor for the sight i thought , "Yikes, those sermons are a mess," however; im retired and have time to get help, yeah okay more of a HELP! with a manic SOS,
Any whoo, Thanks for the poem....Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
We will try something new,Pressing men onto the prairie schooner with wiles, decidedly wrong, but the missteps make good copy,Seeing that sailors were going awol to dance the forbidden fandango in Balboa, looking at the ginornmous crowds following a captain who makes sailors happy for a while before they fall off the end of eternity.Why, uh... they cant tie knots, they cant sound for depth, or read stars, they forget to clean out the sacred poop shoot and it ammoniates and a sailor smokes in it and flaming clouds ascend on his head and hair.
its one thing after another,Things are decidedly not ship shape.heed...look,... i looked to my failings instead of to Jesus to fix help and give wisdom to make right, paniced , i guess and hatched a plan it happened thusly,Umm its really too embrassing to say what i thought up to get new sailors on the Good ship Evangelista,in short very creative,alas, very Far from what the will of Jesus my master wanted, i was decieved and things got much worse,Then... as before and many times again on the journey magnifique, the sharp Bosuns whistle sounded and once again the long invisible submarine talks with Jesus until i was restored, made rigtht, and was shown my next destination on the charts, Hmmm now what...well...this, i read your stuff and saw you were a sailor so i thought i would do my little horn pie dance and then invite you to read my Christan messages in my portfolio, many times after these things i do, i write,What i express im accosted by doubt various and many, however, To evangelize is one of the few things that are always new,How? either in pain or pleasure, unexpected,unknown, in the end, it is better to try and serve and please may captain Jesus, than do nothing, "cast your bread on the water'[ and so... may God bless you to find him, i like your stuff it was honest,and ineresting, but.. we need to worship God in his spirit, forgive me i rambled, bless you Patrick

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi,uh... gosh i think its a case of somewhat mistaken ididntitiy but maybe not, ive only been on the site a year,lil less actually,but its not complettely incorrect,one nice lady banned me from there site which i regret because I was only tring to shed light but maybe i was too bold and not pasteural enough, i regret it,....The term gnetlemen is "english" in its source and is a Christian word Invention, if Thats what jesus wants me to be i will obey to the best of my abilities
I really thought you would see it was a little dark. but your explanatioin is right on,im glad you recognized it.
still the scoffing and the unbeleif is pretty bad and Itl going to be quite a surprise for them in there last judgement, im rebuked by the holy spirity pretty strongley when i loose compassion for them, folks think its done by magic but it takes a lot of willpower and death to our fallen natures, they forget there minds are not able to see unless they are born again, we appear to be fools and the disdain is palapable, I thought the four sermosn i wrote would get a lotta reads but it may have been vanity, but it gave me an oppurtunity to witness, this is why are names are written in the book of life, in closing im not sure it was me you mnetioned but if it its it is, in the end ihave to love all people in the lord adn this i will do for my master. Im praying for you and your wife an your nation, continue to witness in a way that jesus woud apprve of.Be gracious be sincere behave like jesus is watching you, I told thia once at a family party and was mocked, it was glaorious I didnt care,thank you mate for your long and freindly text , in the end we need fellowship with brothers ,but alas unless they have sworn allegiance to our master it cannot be real, Thanky ou and love the sinners in yyour land mate
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Dear moonintroll, its patrick, been away missed you, praying all is well, hope the brexit thing works out,i haveant been in the uK or eaurope since 78,
i remember now after hitch hikin, there its food and stuff is moved primarily by truck, Hope the legal nonsense at borders goes away quickly, it looks kinda annoying like its payback for sayin, "leave us alone we want out."
anywhoo,cut to the chase, understood the poem and inittilly liked it,Some, but it got kinda darker and darker and yet darker, dont be mad at me were "mates, now,(hope im usin the vernacular right" just sayin ,hmmm were gonna do the round about thing, listen, in my truck im a landscaper, like you i love nature too, but not cleaning, the windshield,er windscreeen on the interiior was pretty bad, but curiouslym,somehow edged or etched in the dust, grime, and neglect was a sort of dust etching,It just happpened or it didnt just happen depending upon my mood, but the important thing about it was it had a rather tall jeusus in a rob staring emperiously down at a smaller darker robed being out in the middle of a windstrewn desert of dust, dead bugs and again , neglect, for some reason it evoked jesus in the desert after he recieved the holy spirit and they tussled, Jesus soundly defeated him with the word of God and the loser fled to await a more oppurtune time.

Later, and at a more oppurtune time he returned at The end of Jesus work was coming to its climax. He probbly sensed that it would be impossible for jeusus or his follwers to get the spiritual and maybe what could or could not be called the psychological edge after this fall or loss,But our master aided by his prayers to the Father, and the omnipotent will and promise of God dis win once again, Now there was "some" darkness to over come as he is the God of Glory, the only God of us all is a God of Glory, there is no other God but him, so its kinda impperative that we understand that we look to him and away from the dark adversary, he is shorter and a mere a "tool' of our Glory imbued God,Dont be mad brother, remember now were mates and dont be fixated on that loser we look away from him adn keep our eyes adn minds on /Jesus our master adn our king adn we will join in the glory adn all its rewards and promises, thank you for your patience in reading this, pray for us here in the states, its pretty crazy, i will be sure to pray for you, Thank you mate, God bless you in Jesus Glorious name :Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Im wondering, with adults who are Ready for a change and have no time to mess around, this is good,I have to be honest, um when i was a a young person, this lasted a long long time as i was not terribly serious, still, Iam somewhat easily distracted,yet i always realized these sort of altar calls are real and i always went but it wasnt fully fleshed out in my heart and soul Hmm?n gosh sorry confusing..huh ..yess .. um, look carefully at Pilgrims progress,Ive read it twenty times, it has some analogies and a sort of divine enterntaiment in it, so too the prodigals son was a narrative told at a dinner party, also when the disciples were led to Jesus by John the baptists urging, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,"I dont know if that prose was meant but i really love it, I mean am I willing to tke a chance on that poetry, i would,I do, but you have the facts of the invite down, its legit, poetry?, a feel for truth, a love of the prose hmmm..iffy but both are needed in my opinion,God becoming divested of his glory to save me, I belive i dont doubt, must have spirtual facts though, can trust my achey breaky heart, not so easy to jump into the cloud and have jesus catchme now,people staightened me out wth correct theology again and again painfull but neccesary in order to flesh him out and make him real, jesu needs both types of servants
but remember... to see his divintity they spent the day with him chatting,somwhat less clinical but in fact both ways are Good and of God, Please if yu get a chance look at my portfoio and you may or may not see what I mean. the messages are somehat literary but have as far as i can see sound theology, please check them out and tell me what you think, i cant hear Jesus speaking audibly, help me, thank you patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Just think how large a forest can be set on fire by a tiny flame.And the tongue is like a fire, it is a world of wrong, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being.It sets on fire the course of our entire existnece with the fire that come to it from hell itself.James:3.Vs.5b,6.. I dont often take any solace or delght in secular writings, thats really a lie, i often do and grudgingly,whats more this forgiven sinner, if there clever or funny laughs and laughs...
but after I think, :oh my how the mighty have fallen," anyway,,
I beleive it was Candide who wrote a play wherein a married couple were pocessed by endless arguments, christian folks a are not foreiign to this poison ivy of the soul and heart,
In the play or novel, sorry, im not a great scholar, I blieve its a play, it will come to me later,
the two hear of an exalted wise man who knows all things and they secure an audience with him ,
No not to solve there problems but simply to declare one a "winner", whether we are saved or not we are all still childern of God, some good some bad, he, the exalted wiseman listens long and hard to each ones argumenats and rebuttalls an points,,at finally it ends and it was seemingly endless , he takes a long time and then looking upon them, nods all knowingly and shouts a little too loudly....."Shut your mouths!!"
This is sometimes the only solution im a uh.. Iam a child of God and follower of Jesus, Jesus and God have the real answer.This one amusing, but, it ends at that,
seek the lord jesus for anwers with all your heart and soul and you will recieve an answer, peace adn total union in its proper perspective through him....I would be sad adn dishonest if i did try to steer you to a mesage I wrote on this very subject, i really know how deeply annoying self promotion is, its like, he was doing so well, and this, yeah i know , but if the spirit move you check it out ,,Its titled, "The Woman At The Well" its in my portfolio,thanks for your time, the problem is real,i apologize for my indulgence, i pray uou have victory over this source of pain, God bless you, patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
Sail the crytal ship, tarry not in the comfortable city,Trust the lamb"s blood,only.

Men are not aware of this only God, he is a Son of Glory, only abject humility, wins his favor.Throw down your vanity

With mud and saliva, in rough clothing kneeling to free a man from blindness,who drinks this wine of humility,and is contrary to the power of the world,many raise there hand but in there hearts they desire fine robes and luxury, shameless blind

All day long men run after the adversaries prizes, There eyes and hearts are not converted from sin and cannot see,poseurs of deep darkness,Whence the truth is revealed, howling and bitter irony, The judgement.

Selah and meditations, no harm, an embrace, a kind lantern and rough fare offered, and mournfull hymns only, as a weary servant passes,Embrace the way of one "title" "servant" and "slave of God" yes yes,. its the safest my brother, serve the only God of Glory, our reward and kingdom is coming, only worldly regection, most sweet a premeonition.. and lost ones to save, until we go. Peace in your soul, be wary embrace fealty to the king despise praise and gold....Rise to Glory...its real,Iam not afraid to swear to this, God help meJesus most kind and true, all else not,Selah selah
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
I quite agree, the personality kinda hints at the souls inner splendor, many churches adn theologians dont understnd this, tis a pity thank you,My son in law had a very nice live in touring sort of bus,It had a 452 ford engine, big block, so im told not a gear head, but anywhoo he sold the engine online and the guy came to get it, th had to get out saws alls adn cut theh bus literally to shreds to get it, all engine repair needs an averhead crane to lift the body up and away from frame, i saw the mess and thought, "Oh My God"
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