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Review of The Music Tree  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Whatever it is your doing,its rather engaging,you have a mature sense of need of description and three demsional details without wearying the reader, it has good drama creation and The fact that the main charracter is punished with abject solitude in a wonder world of green wonder shows that you are aware of the need for team work.
We all have niches that we like to crate adn ask othrs to hang out in, yours is the green thing of nature that is currently prevalent, It always has been sorta important in literature,but sort oflike," oh hey, arent those big fluffy clouds and the trees reaching longingly for them, like star crossed lovers, a sight my beloved,shuttup adn kiss me you earth bound hickory tree lest the winds blow me to another,.. yes dear...smoochedy smooch,I dunno someone may give me money fo rthis foppish stuff adn i can eat a hotdog but now.....topical trendy and people are making the care and preservation of nature a sort of religion,
I must confess i lved the organ of oakas a sort of tempermental transport their trying to jumpstart, its creative and clever,..I do see a sort of problem from a purely inerest level,
Im actually sick of the teacher thing, its nice to just see a strange series of naturally occuring envirenemental stuff, spirtual or otherwise,
quite frankly and that though, nature is in my opinion a sort of inanaimate background an moods setter, for humans, made in Gods image to move around in nature, sort of like the stage props in a play, time of day , seasons, weather and naturally occuring ambience are imortant but humans, but the empiric thrust of us, for good or bad, we are always rootin arousnd lookin for other humans to engage in good or bad,
Either way, intersting things to intrigue the reader.
Nature is alive, but not a personality as we are..it has a sort of soul, but limited in expression, really cool stuff man, but youve gone as far as you can go in my opinion. a nancy drew lonley pine gal or somethin With a lesson of sorts for ol for lonely woody, endles timeless, predictable....I wonder how to coucil a tree with marital problems,,hmmm?
you seem wise enough to know that the loneley bachelor Trhee,(Goodname by the way) is going to have to encounter termites or a love,interest.sorry nature is nice for relaxation and vacation if has limits.i write sermons...abouthow to stay married to ne tme love interests an be happy...only jesus preserves this bond...sinfull humans are complex,but jesus make them simple, like the trees kissing th clouds if u will..possible..of course hes God...whoops done , done it agin. I digress
Any hoo its nice to not lecture about my faith and find something interesting, it was and is a good sketch, the organ, a nice surreal touch, but woody,now has to find drama, thanks for you work, I will pray to jesus for your soul. you are an intersting writer, patrick
Review of BEING OLD  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
ahoy you,listen saavy, um im workin my nautical theme tday, bear with me,ill be real, hopefully you will leave cheery...wow, okay first of all "it: the body is not you, it seems as its aged its done a good job of fooling you,me too...
believe me,my first duel with the power of the sciatic nerve doin its stuff, made me go to your place too...but take heart,,, not just rosee colered glasses stuff,
we live in it for a while but its really as jesus said, "a temple', Hes said , prophetically, " destroy this temple and i will raise it in thee days, " and he did, so rejoice in scriptural fact we live in this thing but, God in his mercy, has made us higher than it as spiritual beings,
keeping to the "no rose colored glasses things,' think how when you find somethiagn you really like to do comes along,the temple cant work its depressing wiles and its left behind in the dust.
your poem is very good ,and very poetically exacting on how the flesh squeaks moans and makes everything about its pain all about "its pain"....
but remember what jeus taugth us for now, and if its at all possible and i know its a stretch, but im a stretching call on him in pain, metaphysical or physical, but, oh dear here comes the rose coleoerd glasses thing, i get that a lot... so what, ill win in the end,
just believe he hears... cause he does ..... a mystery, many upon entering eternity ask God /Jesus why he didnt listen to their prayers...he may answer, you didnt believe i listend, so how could i answer the prayer..... believe call out..he hears..thank you for your poem very real very adult an well done, it die emote me to do what i do , rose colored glasses or not...im unfraid to have faith... come along,,,,,patrick
Review of Misunderstanding  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
,But,it doesnt have to be that way,Yes its true listen,do you imagine it is possibel to stop defending yourself from others, seriously..uh,,all of us just dipomaticaaly ascqiesing to there jibes adn teardowns of our persons,

but, listen,by bieing passive without a power to shield u when u do. turning the other cheek to hurtful words is not possible "succefully" to remain unscathed, unless you know and a are known by God. persoanlist reatisnship cannot be ginned up or false,
it takes care study and a thghtfull and sincere reading carefully of the words of jesus until we learn first what this fallen world is and who he is,dont doubt , it workd it has power to overcome others wounding, to this I swear
Listen, the reason that people run others down is that unless we are realized in Gods image,Throug Jesus,, (yes yes.. I know it seems "abstract", its cause it is not of thsi world,kinda new) but be patient,
we simply cannot interact with other beings made in his image lovingly and gently without it,
also,The capacity to resis hurting and the proper way to interact with other childern of God is perverrtd and badly maligned until the realtinship with God through jeus restores us.
Being nice being diploiamatic or avoidance are all pahantoms adn vesitgrs of fear of others adn violence of some to you or you to too otherhers,,from words, they hurt
Jeus knew this vicious circle adn obeyed the father to advent on earth to destroy it, unless you find him, im afraid it will not be in your power to overcome peoples judging now as a young perso or later as an older person... Ive written some personalist messages of my realtinshi with jesus through some sermon,(kinda long ive been told) any way, you can read them or simply in times when yer folks or colleaugues judging or messing with yer fellings just caljout to Jesus, do it.. so that you are not hurt or dominated by others, if u get through all hate anger and hurt will fade away, try either one, so now you know the way out.. the poem rhymes well and has a certain fight song lyric , its well metered and pretty good, its somewhat teenage Generac, but, still is sincere and catchy,,,,Thank you for your time and your poem.....patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
,listen,Take a deep breath,think carefully, dont mean to be rude, forgive me,im sometimes annoying, but, oh well, here we go again,,, dont you realize you are dancing before the eyes ans opinons of mere humans,
I know i know "not a lecture,"
i didint like em either, but listen, it is written,we are made in Gods image, God is omnipotent vast and free,
He wants all of us to have this destiny,this vast freedom
but because he is "inviible" and other humans and there expectations are manifested and visible, seemingly real and important, we bow to them,
dont be fooled, its his wish to rermain invisible, but that doesnt mean hes not real,think on that,
but respectfully, your drive is admirable. i say you will definatirvely need education to make your way and support or be part of a funtioning family in our society.
But you, as a creation of the triuened God are not supposese to be a slave to men or institutions,
it looks like you are in bondage to pleasing folks.sorry I have been tagged as rude, i dint mean to be hurtfull... please beieve me..uh,, two things and then no more
young person, a gospel vignette or lesson, my clerical and errors are "atrociousm", uhh.

After jesus explined the scrioture very well,how could he not , he was in fact "God,'
the people around him admired his answer, but it says "jesus was not concrned with what people thougt for he "knew' what was in the heart of men, or people,meaning please God who made you not people, its fleeting and temeporary, thinkk big you have the ability to please God..this is your destiny young person, its possible
in closing I wish you well ins your univesity pursuits, i attended the university of Pittsburgh, i didnt graduate, but I did d wander around the country on a truth Quest, im pretty old almost seventy, I was in a few cults, but finally was introduced to a personal realtinshio with Jesus, I was raise Catholic but it was quite frankly sort of like liveing in an invisible cage....
yes i too, live before people eyes just like you, we are human, but know this..occasionally when I call out to him he shows me the slavery and abject bondage, im just like you, but, "i" get rest and great peace when he has mercy on me and at times its just him an me without worrying about people and stuff and things,peace at last
if you beleive like a child he is there, you will sense him,he is holy so musst be nvisible and known only by "faith' if you are obsevant an carefull after calling on him, things will occur,
For more info on this mystery, i have some essays from the book Of john, Check out "Nicodemeus" kinda long, or" Woman at the well" they my help you to "see" him better,
Welp,thats may hope,, thankyou for your your honesty in expressing yourself, it is the squeaky wheel. who get peace, peace in jesus , try a new way of seeing things, hes real..he lives, seek patrick
Review of ulterior zealot  
Review by Patrick
Rated: ASR | (1.0)
When we miss the narrow way, the consolation if u can call it that,is... is "this",
It is this stuff from "hell",
sophisticated.. so what? and a lot of readind and understanding,Is God impressed,
of the trappings of the husk of theology, however, vanity, throw it i swear it is deadly,live in peace, light joy, not death
See seekers, uh? look, know this, The soul writing it became bitter and expressed it in a distilled sort of um death fire,it s lyric lines lead to hell
what can we call it? but snake bile, Well, its a free country, so lets investigate ots source,Come along, come along isnt always going to be pleasant,war...it a sloggin day were marchin,
the origen of this stuff,please listen, this is real info, The road to hell is wide, heaven narrow, lets walk the narrow way seekers..cmon..you want to sing? do so,Keep time with feet.. stomp,is it working? okay good.. thats the spirit.

Long long ago there was an angel,He was not God, but for reasons that cannot be told and the details are not fully explained,Details all, just dont know, but what we have been told by the bible of truth, apparenlty, in his personal wisdom and Great beauty, this Cherub who covereth or leads all angels,
two things conspired.forgive me seekers, i know u will, maybe some,congecture on my part,Iam an "ecstatic" not a great scholar, trust it or trust it not, the pen or the typing goes, an what is written is written, send truth Jesus..
the chief of angles,He couldnt grasp that he was a created being, he was , well, too much in his actions like the triuned God in his opinion, and decided the triumpaherant should be a quatrain,He being an angel merely "thougtht" it,
Unfortunately, God knew it, Saw it, understood the folly, and His office was demoted horribly into and adversary of God and man,Forever and ever
and that in its simplified form is all there is to that,
his great gifts, now mere facades of beauty,shallow fleeting, once real, butno longer, now, fallen, such shallowness of momentary but fleeting awe for his creater gone, only love of carnival,false apolgetics adn malogned logic a aginst our Master jesus,A broken existnece, hehates bleiveirs
Do you hear his threats children, dont listen one bit,
time worn traps adn old vaudvillian nothing neww edness,
The elect can see him comin a mile away," the sons and daughters of Jesus love stomp his head. be wise chldren of God,
that victims fall into his snare are here dispalyed in the clever an seemingly seamless throw up, of a soul that fell victim to his shallow old tricks adn chimeras of magic form s words and more word all terrible all ugly, flee with all your might im not joking.. from this stench, oh children, of the light, and all vanity of its nature,
writer,sir madaam, liar, scribbler,yes you, dont imagine it came only from you, be wise repent and embrace Jesus and his blood or be damned, yes Damned, you see there are men left who oppose you,with truth..hear me now, the pit, it and so too the dire circumstance of its creater who inspired the writer to put it down, Stop thinking its just your words, I assure you they are not yours alone,, Words are all and nothing, these christians reading this khow, sadly satan, his destiany with death and eternal night....Run, flee this,It is not of God but the adversary. a prayer for cleaansing of this maligned site, to believers,avoid this mistake. Selah, hallelujah,here i stand here I raise my standard over this.... I wiil defend my flock as may master told me to do,mock me i will mock back in christ,Repent and live whoever you are who left this at the top of the site shame.Patrick,I worry for him...Maddaam Sir i will pray for you foremost, my master to do so, done,Im not turning
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Soon so very soon my dear,your great and terrible suffering, that toilette paper has subjected you too, will be over,,
yes, muh doen ta earth lady, Iam truly the iconic knight in sorta shiny armor.
First things first,Wow when im asking you if your plunger is in the wash room closet a certain thrill like in "o pioeneers" whitman is asking if you have your bowie knife and long axe sharpned and ready, first never ever allow anyone to bring in or use the expensive double ply. they must be pioneers, un afaid of....you know
sometimes quadruple ply,,,banish it and them,
Iknow i know but the cheap single ply see throaugh its dangerouly thin and......yes yes, i understand but.....The sensei must have full obedience or we simply cant go on, cheapies attributes, first uh ...cheap..second cant clog cause its just barely enohg surface enough to....oh my.Think pioneer lady
second,science, look undeer your toilett see a circuitous pipe going up then down, its a flu to trap gasses and when that those darling little charmn bears use there paper it starngles it as it four plys exoand in that flu, not often no but... when horrors oh womna nd your,left to clean up after them, as they scamper away to be stars of toon town.
next look out yer front yard,See them trees lady,Each passing flush sends five {used tu be ten) gallons by them, any slowing of its transport alerts the roots to water in your drain,Sometimes roots become like fishiing line to get into tiny cracks and plumbers, the dark knights oh my lady,not all but some pretend it cant be snaked and charge you fifteen grand to put in a neww s*** pipe,,,,, when i ctch them in this avt I slappeth with my gauntlet, I do this democrativlly for all weman, expeting nohtin but heart felt, Iam a holu knight bound to jesus only,I likes pies though, enough, in closing,
elixers of s*** pipe health, some pretty hard to handle as they are acidic and disoleve paper build up, it sears the piepes clean, carefull use as directed, its way paotent stuff.but wear goves,it stop root growth and a host of preventive measures.
in closing, We as amer4icans cannot be expected t use that spray thing from across teh pond, the bedeaux I put that x there for a reason i know how to spell, uhh hmm? it, not really stange word, to spashy splashy.
well you impressed me with your matter of fact ness so i blessed you with a little info ciao the knight r ides into the night, he is dressed in white (See revealation) becasue of his good deed and honesty Pax in Christos patick
Review of There Is No God?  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Tell, and tell, and tell, and admonish, and admonish, and admaonish, but,The vapor and truth of Jesus? is it law? or....hmmmm?.. like the mysterious "wind in the willows,"
Sorry, no this time really sorry.... but look,
did you know or even underdstand, the abject grace, wonder and cosmic " what in the
world is thisedness" when, Jesus, told the story og the prodigal son at a dinner party,The strange and visceral wonder sublime synchroinisiry sorta floaoting in space, and "How does he engage us compleley?" on faces
Another time,wonder from all, when, bending low... and mixing his slaiva and dust, as the bored...(isnt this what we are all the time scribblers,.. bored?)..dont turn away,seek
behold, God, as man, he is our food from Heaven"
Mixing,Mixing in hand,Saliva , mud,,
a certain "concern", in the face, perhaps?,dont know, wasnt there,uh.I wonder...um "a smile?" perhaps. as the man acguiesces and wonders, Who is this?"
the bystanders,,,"us" transfixed,Yes me and you,
(know it all humans),predicatable to the bitter end, or maybe not... suddenly, dumb founded for once, "spellbound "by love and real purpose.
Then,Power..."go wash in the pool of Siloam."..
he obeys, but blind from birth, seeing people he only heard...Wow....Can you imagine....It would be wrong and duly narcicistic to say to you come away with me, I will show you,I cant do anything....Let the master heal you of yours and mines, (know it all ness)....dont get mad at me. Quite frankly,I just wonder at what my God will tell me to do next......Come away with him,
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
God, in the personalist form of Jesus has been talking to me abut your wwritings,
so, if you are offended and wish to hit back to defend yourself understand that instantaneusly if its Jesus will, the "cricket" bat, will instead mystically swat your head,
The effect of your writings is not pleasure,Some yes, but, endless woes, without any solutions,
Stop it,Your anger is unceasing and endless,
,Writers must have new things to say.. you seen to hope to impress the listners with your compassion, and u have some,
but no soloutins, that will work. people simply Wont listen to bad news without a way out that doesnt proceed to works for the solution of the problems. you dont "to me "seem have any O Man!!
but if you heed I believe, you certainly will,
In due time adn in his time God/Jesus Jesus/God. will take you from your closet of incorrect understanding,presumtuos on my yes.. maybe But...
A testing, an intent to find truth,Be brave.
Oh brother,If you start to use this Name Jesus. and place it as high as Jehovah's, they are egual, one and the same, read hebrews.....Then... something..What? well a change; in most a childish sanrkiness of a Demoniac power, will begin to reaveal itself,
yes yes,what then?,
Well...annoyng litles squeaks, nasty jibes, will weedle out from others of false faith around you,
as this begins to happen wonder of wonder and miracles of miracles you will see in the corner of your prison cell a tiny litle auger drill whirring away with electical truth power, Its jesus man,hes brakin you out,,, the hole will get bigger and bigger until it revaeals the saviour of all people, his magnaificent light of truth will realveal truth of what hapened t tose sucked in by the jehovah witnesses incoreect tragectory in theree lost space ship to heaeven.
Yes,its Jesus hes breaking you out,,Am i amiss in this, I think not
See...now isnt 'this" at least approaching inerestingness?
yoo hoo...?Readers.. read, readers heed, Jesus , please feel free to hit me as a child in need of disciplain with the cricket bat if need be, if not, so be it..Im not stoppin
My intent and my mission is as far as i can tell pure and if you had a heart on the rigth tragectory you might simply say " oh you?".. but here is the rub, though my aim is true, yur anger against that barbaric russians will be vented perhaps upon me...,Dah? nyet?
Is it deserved,becasuse i care deeply, about truth, and about your walk and your wifes,
Its a long and fruitless and weary one and if you arrive without a personal reltioanship with Jesus, how sad i will be,Dont make me sad, um?...in closing, please, be not angry brother, be not wrathfull, and search around for that ol crickedt bat...this will teach you the good thing about being honesty in discourses to another seeker,To you readoing this My english friend and I are on the road home to Jesus God,He is a serious and compssinate mean all those listening, be real like him be meannfull about this fallen world not petty or cowardly, be stong in jesus power, here to fore,The Religous Genre is no longer so generacaly titled....It is now titled,....Spirit of The Living truth... join us On this fourth of july all bleiviers cry out to jesus, all who seek his truth in this dark sinfull world cry out audibly ....Freedom!..FREEEDOOOMMM!!!!!! FRRRREEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! in chirsr alone in love..I speak amen
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
There is one somewhat good thing about hinduism, what i mean to say is in realation to the other religions of the world,It is primarily a cultuaral adherance out of customs and adherance to conformity,I believe many hindus beleive there is really nothing on the other side of eterntiy that matches up with these well meannng paths of thought and conduct.
It is important when your foundation is to go from earth to heaven that the evidience of authenticity for what you believe and where it is proposing to take you has sound historical and if need be archeological evidence,
few doubt Jesus christ was a person, they doubt his Godhead first, rising from the dead, and then its a vast ane nevere ending monkey hear monkey say what others say, so that no-one will rule over them, they down grade about this history of his life and his intent to make humans one with the creater through a sacrificail judaic offering of being crucifeid, slain like a lamb, by those he created.Is it real..yes..say yes adn love in the beyond or suffer in t aoart fro the God who made it happen for you to be saved,,, many say "it is Written by humans who lie and are flawed"
They wish to stay in the darkness as they are afraid of being decievd adn ruled over, in short they want to imagine themselves a Gods, its inderstandable, seem nice, but not correct, there constitutional created reality is created beings.
so look carefully at the evidince, also look carefully at your own restlessness, you are unrealized fully in who you are due to unsubstantiated fears of being decieved, so you are never fully realized as you in Gods eyes, u live in the worldfalse image, this is happening all the time, Take a chance on these words from in the spiritual realm. in closing fear not oh restless one, the evidence is real, the gift is authentic, stop doubting and thinking so much, have faith in this Man God Jesus and be free.....Come on.....Who are you really...Find out
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Some , Human beings as we get older, oh my.. some get closer and others further away from heaven, where Jesus lives they will be judged becauee,Jesus always sends hidden messages to love, and mend help and love more. Most dont listen so.. " I dont know you" this is what Jesus will say,,, to those who turned a deaf ear, their code of conduct was to serve themselves, as the god of this rat race world impells,
yet some,Those, who 0nce... after reading his words... did heed the voice and didnt continue to live selfishly, they broke out
If you hear his voice today listen I beg you, if not he will greet you and turn you from his abode, you had ears of an adder,is this what you are...think, are,Think?
sadly but its really true we see that those without a personal Jesus get more and more carefull to just do things only for themselves,look, see, investigate, is this not the paltry ways of many,
But........... not Lousis,...hmmm? uh okay!! hurray, hallleujah... fourth of july fire works for the man,, thank you!! so Much!! for your wonderfull listnening friend louis, isnt it nice to kmow he is in heaven, again thank for real life, christian story . your friend louis was a perosn who's actions Were guided by Jesus,a drink of water in the desert ,
He is the one Jesus was talking about when in john 4 he said the father seeks those who worship in spirit, not by creeds and orders of obeyance of the denominaions, full of so many dead do"s an dont"s, Just listen to Jesus like children... so sad they rareely do and so unfruitfull, one has passed and is glorifid i memory in the text, good work, cheering an a great memory of your love and his,.he picked u the mantle of this truth and did loving things,fire works ,canons, angels singing and dancind in joy Patrick
Review of Lighten up  
Review by Patrick
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Okay I agree Im not completely sure what i was thanking, i should have read the disclaimer and understood what you were really about, if as youve expressed i was was rude i do apologize.Umm I do read yoour stuff and as i stated agree with a lot of it, in truth i may ave progected things on you, in closing we are both Christian, So I will aplaogize to have peace, jesus doestn want war, he wants people of faith to work together I pray earnestly in the future we can, Im still kinda confused why i dd that ...uh it wont happen agaain peace in Christ, amen sorry Man!
Review of United...  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
scriTherepturaally correct and nicely skeletal, though they dont admit It few Christins believe in his second coming, it is such a secret adn personal glory that it eludes most beleivers, slowly and imperceptibly the power of the world, steals it and it is lost, yes. they will stil enter heaven but the wonder and the absolute magnaifigance of this secret sharer on earth is only for the holy severe believing servant. keep doing this sort of thing to encourage, the symetery of the words okay, but but if the spirit is real and strong, thats enough.

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
I see what you mean,Hmmm, well.........
There was once a man,who did whatever he wanted, He was a self styled artist and built a stupidly engineerd house on the side of a mountain, that no woman in her ight mind woud live in.
Fianlly he met an intrepid sort of self styled hobo gal the sort of raggedy ann to his raggedy andy who he let live with him becasue she was the only one who would,
Initially,He didnt think of her romanticly or as his soul mate, but sort of as his giant pet cat or something,
real cats wouldnt go in the house, (too smart),
well, one day he came home to his rickety house and saw her in a big barrel filled with rain water just taking a bath an singin to herself.....He realized in a flash that she wasnt a Giant pet cat, or hobo gal but a real pioneer girl, like in Whitmans Pioneers Oh pioneers, This is one of the few things tht I as a Christian will allow myself to like,It has an oceanic man woman power,) and so upon seeing her in said ol barrel "ker plunk" he fell in love with her,
She really didnt know what allthe to do was about hin after that but since he pretty much gave her whatever he wanted she sorta fell in love with him too,
Hmm in closing It is a little rare to find the path least raveled in reagards to courrting and being yourself andletting the chips fallwhere they may, but it is not that big a deal, as u might think the creeds adn orders of obyeance in a dying sin sick world that strives to order even every real and honest people feelings intp cages, is alway undone by the sychronicity of loves illusove way to find a way around the cages and grow a little flower, your stoty is good ann I appreciate it,slightly bu not overtly tedious , it is a good lesson
In closing, preach stuff comin, It is not meant for men or wwoman to be alone this is a blblical truth or tenant Genesis " A man and woman shall leave there mother and father and become one flesh..."Also Jesus hates divorce, these seemingly outdated adn sligly puritanicial constituional realtional realities will come back again and again, however, if they are not both realized in a realtisnshio with the creater of the two of them they wil not be able to fuffill together there deeper inner desire for love of God through jesus Christ, its mutual worship, or i fear the mourning dove will never cease to mourn... jointly and seperate, follow some truths of God.. uh hmmm.. you can take or leave the last part despite its truth, becasue if I become preachy you will feel iam bieng emperious and heavy handed,Ima not ashamed of the Gospel truths but aware that without genetleness, the instruciton can have no affect,
in closing
Im not sure how the lovely couple living in the shack on the side of a mountain really ended,
The shack.. didst, in the end, succumb to gravity and the childish but winsome man wondered how anything that took so much work could fail,
the answer in my opinion was he he only llistened to himself, God wants to help, but humans are sometimes fools. good essay by the way, uhh..... pleas if so inclined, check out "Woman At The Well", or The "Raising Of Lazarus", I tried to follow the cryptic outline of those who went before me in consort with Christ so as to build on what the holy spirit told me as best I could. bye patrick
Review of Soar  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dear Brian,To me, your effusive poetry cannot be dismissed, it has a precision and carefull exactitude,
I must tell you the one about the woman as a shiny airplane was quite accurate in what guys see feel and mourn about,but uh hmmm?... one day when i die ill find out if that uh,, um..hmm? works.Im leaning toward it doesnt///
seriously now.I feel very deeply and i would be a miss if i didnt tell u a little secret ofPeople who seek to know God through Christ,
They must be diligent careful and holy in there exactitude and there invisible seeking to attain his love.....my opinion is contaminated, but isnt something n our hearts good to express?People are such cowards it makes life so predictable ,
however,back on track, uh.. all of us long and indeed will seaarch all our lives for the object of love,
At the risk, but also at the fear of shirinking back due to false pride please look at the ""Woman At The well message", its really for men and weoman,
Dont be taken aback Brian,Were all in this love thing together brother, i am impelled by my master of love to do and say this like a child and not look back,Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes, the neighborhood,though many lofty ministers have come and gone,They tended to impart lofty things as though the ordinary was mundane,The widows migth he saw, a tiny forlorn man in a tree he saw, a blind man pushed aside,
he saw,He sees you lady,He test without warning, he see those who see what he sees and loves, the weal and woes of the mundane day will be reseen in judgement.....Look then and see and dont judge but..imagine love and see it made real,, concil those who have the heart of the world and see not.
We cannot judge or we wil err but he can adn knows and will have a day of irony for those, a look, a smirk, a "theyll be fine and he and the spirit flee. have a care,you seem of all i read to see,but......the day is not done yes, vhristian, have a care, give more spend more for others, tarry longet with the lonely and the boring soul,
listen though you know what they will say. bless you but dont prove me wrong before the master,Suffer some for his glory,but only some? life is a cheering gift, give back..the neigborhood awaits, servant of the nvisoble watcher Jesus, no denomination not cage or format...Im this im that, away.. spirit only , for these are the ones the Father and the Son seek.hold fast.. thank you for your poem, patrick
Review of Jack's Beanstalk  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
A winsome off beat wittiyness to the rhymes, not forced or over thought,The mothers scream to get the cow back, Quite funny and also decidedly "real",
Perhaps if you really want to do something totally new,not schooli jus sayin, go deeply inside your mind heart and soul, and just walk around in there in your galoshes. you are honest, come along....
look,There was once a man who just hung out in his back yard.... a real man mess!, with all kinds of cool junk he got for nohthin, that the tinkered with fruitlessly and ..."cheaply",
But,God?Jesus, was rather dissapointed with Him, becasue very deep inside, (perhaps like you) he truly..yes truly
He really loved jesus and knew that people needed his love to be self realized in a true love realtinship,not smaltz thats the devil sayig so...endure me im God's servant..
uh oh,yes yes its to be expected, yer thinkin, what is this?...stop being scared, this is uh..,hmm , yes yes, God given adventure, Dont run, dont scoff( this need s to see the ligth of day somewhere...) yes you say, but why me? take heart take faith,Its God calling, yeah really,
See we are spirit, not flesh,Other people, and stuff,seem like it will do the trick to mke us happy, but n0thing hit the spot, nothng made the soul come alive,Lets try God,or rather but actully both, Jesus.
The man surrounded by his ol machines knew,they needed to say "thank you" to him for his sacrifice, and real suffeering to save us... "just once in there soul", to get into heaven,,,, can it really be that simple, you like chidren because of there ability to bleive simply follow them silly,
Anyway,had a plan to do this, and help em to say this to Jesus, he s invisible but truly he hears sincerity and will honor it with eternal life with him,yes really,
but all the crap and misguided man curiousity in ol machine stuff was like a big drag on his ability to hear jesus. and help people.only this would make him happy now andlater... forever
Then one day... he went in to his back yard adn a jet black mare with a star on her forehead named "mercy" was just hangin out an eatin the grass between all his forlorn junk,.......What happened next....um, see what I mean, Iam not afraid to use whatever God has put inside of me to make people fully realized in love of God/Jesus....sorry I sorta spent more time with my stuff than yours,Im kinda worried about staring this new adventure, my inspiration is John Bunyans, "Pilgrms progress" a creative work inspired and written in consort with Jesus, a daunitng task sincerely patick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Yes its heart felt,yet you must understand though, human beings are anuured to too much bad, but real news, dumped on them. People need to face the decrepepid and fadng away nature of this planet and our life on earth, but its important to know how to build them and, you did in the end, however the doldrums went on rather long, just sayin, I need critiques to grow so too you brother, umm give them hope throughout, light and a tangeable future here on earth and in heaven through the freedom of woes from jesus blood sacrifice and his promise of either being with him in heaven after this life or having them join hims in the air at his coming.
yeah wow, uh i mean,I must confess at times this sceanario is hard for me to follow, and believe, but look, when joshua adn caleb returnde from the promised land they did believe what they "saw: to onquer the land they bleieved only in the power of the their faith God, they entered forty years later and all that doubted had perished in the desert.
there children entered, look up not down, say "yes yes" adn not maybe or no, dont say in regards to what God can do,its not possible or anything like it... I know you wont be mad because i beleive in our frienship and love for jesus, it is he who is saying "Behold I make all things new" he grants us power to have a victory over everything and really see here each day that everyhting is new. by faith, God and jesus bless you for your essay, we differ now slightly, but For the sake of others faith in God/ jesus let us be one in this public forum, iam praying for you and you wife, in Jesus name patrick
Review of Tome at Last  
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Gutenberg was broke,The man who bought the patent or design for his design didt give a damn about his sweat genius and pluck to figure out the thing,
It was probably purchased when nobody was in a mood to care about whirring words cause they were in a recessiin and there was nothing to eat or drink,
The money man returnded againl like satanin in the desrt to jesus. and again with the Equivalent of What would be about ten grand in todays economy.
The thing that made me think about it was your printing press logo,That one looks about the time of our revolution.
Gutenberg probably had to cast each letter,And used the idea of the chinese hardwoods covered in there letterng with ink,or what Durer did to sell his fascinating prints on the street,
sorry not Durer, was before or after Gutenberghs time. finally, mid 15oo's the bible came out,
folks are purportng that the king james purveyers solicited the aid of Shakespeare not for the traslation, yeah maybe if has the Prosiac wonder, Shakespeare?. i doubt this.
When people want to escape into the darkness that John talked about, "He was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not"
they Generally say " the book was wriitten by men" Jesus warned of this thing, when a man asked him what he must do to enter the kingdom of God, He said simply "your work is to belive in me"... People escape into darkness to miss the kingdoim of God,Does it happen? absolutely I rise against it,Help me.
Time to talk turkey,My eyes are open to the concerted effort by someone or something to hide the gospel,
I must tell you im so tired of this that t times when i bring truth, "it is written in consort with God by holy men, listening to God"...What is the mystery or beauty of God doing it all by himself" and people look at me like "yes yes but isnt this a desperat outlet to be heard as you havenot enjoyed the cheese cake and chocoate milk of the sin and indulgences that we learned and accompished folks in this seemngly endlessly flawed and shallow world have, is it not tht u cannot acquire these taht you preach at us"I read faces pretty well.
I dont like to Have to use my Gifts of uh... creative truthfullness packaged inerestingly to give u enertia to plunk down and look at my printing press and say,That capitol G casting is terrible, it looks like a sousaphone,
I want to be in heaven, with Jesus saying "well done Good adn faithfull servant, you wouldnt rest untill everone in the that God forsaken writers site read your stuff and many committed to bleieve in Jesus personally,You had interstingly writtn that was true and lead them to me,"Yes Lord but Remember that somewhat somewhat jaded brainy guy helped"
i dont like to have to keep pulling this stuff out of my mind, its not fully me...u of course sense the cheesing is unbecoming a man of God so anyway With or without you its going to happen,Men and weoman can only stuff the fake stuff of the world into there hearts, they are spirit and need spiritual guides...I thank Jesus ever day for coming in the body of a willing servant to be sacrifice like a lamb that we migth be free andw ho we really are by God who made us, here i stand jesu take all falseness theres still a lot, ,Thank you patirck

Review of Whither Faith  
Review by Patrick
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Oh my,um,First,You must understand that The pursuitof a realtinship with God jesus is fraugth with Wannabess and charlatans,It i may be so bold consider the First gold rush that ruined John Sutter's wealth health, and life, Lots o guys went, most of em just had no idea the will tenacity and stick to itness, to succeed,
This is nothing and at he same time everything about the pursuit of God /jesus.Nothing like it is that it is something invisible,It is so because, God can demand his way of being worshipped, that being, in purity, in devotion and steadfastness,
the problem is this it is to most impossible to,Irs like telling somebody to walk omto a vloiud adn God will catch you.. We doubt Gods way,but not to all, and in fact everyone is welcome,and can learn to do this if they persist to a certan point until the learning curve is overcome, so to speak is over,
Just now im recieving messages That scriture not this personalist thing will help this man to come back to God Jesus.
the realtionship that he had by education and rational thikning made him abandone it.
God damn universities,This is logic, scince, and smarmy sophistication, Love of God is beyond logic, too vast deep and oceanic when i was evangleizing at the university of Md to soon to be professors started laughing at me becasue they had learned some logic adn apolgetics. yes..truth seeker,obedient child of God, you will be thougth of as "stupid" ,well see..yes we will, though in the future, it is a reality,take heart it is written, you faith in the end wil bring you lastin honor given not by a inisersity but by God,
yes you cannot use higher educaion to help you, you must walk out with jus t you adn his inner dialogue, Nothing tht happened when i went out to share the Gospel was ever "jaded and old" , somewhat strange and seemingly unorthodox,enlivening,
in Lieau of polite society i prefer it.....But would never ever abandon it for the mundane deaths that I see people dying around me......
When a man refused to follow Jesus becasue he had to go and bury his parents Jesu/God said, "let the dead bury their. dead,
What he meant was that Te=he wayof God the way of life and the way of knowing jesus is The only thing worth living for,It to me an maybe you too.. the empiric "it",
listen man,he wants you to love your family adn be a good father and protect your wife adn love her, But sir you have it inside of of you too that just because it is a little cryptic and has some paradoxes tha are hard to swallow for a college graduate, uhh..The raltionship is real in jesus, Stop this long screea of blaisae excuses, and "See" youve been blind brother..cmon back
God came and said certian things and we are blessed and must as men of God pick them up and live them sir, even though now he has left the planet,You must discern him invisibley by faith.......Is it false because its hard? or makes you feel like a child, its better than being a jaded , take holiness and God given intuition.?
You complain of the hide and seek of it all,so did I we all do, therea re any her amaongs us who agree and see your point, but dont be decieved, , "Catholicism' can be discussed in further dialogues for sake of discretion.
In closing I have no idea what i will say next, it is a "faith" thing,This day this time, this moment stops.... Jesus tells me that the man must be prayed for deeply , You patrick have angerd him, and you may have done more harm than good.. aaagain..so, this will end it, Those who are righteous must know God by faith, Stop questioning Gods measn of raltionship, it is as it is, only,If this means asking querying and wondering what is doing to you and why all your days ,so be it,So be it, God almighry has ordainded, it,
a secret... God lets up once he know your in, you are presently out, don die this way repent my brethren, he has ordainded this way of sojourning on this sinfull planet for all those who beleive in his son Jesus, yes ,accepting tis soljourn is their entry, these are his children, in the coming days you freiends and co workers, colleagues, and family, freinds, wil be predictable and perhaps by no fault of ther own, "boring" and predictabe, sorry, I hope iam not overstepping my bounds, i beleive i know what im doing, , now, I want to say more but...but iam aware I Could wreck everything..dont give up, slowly pray for faith and believe and knwo he hears you....Its not a childish thing..have a care,.your honest plea has saved you,,,, you will soon be back "in',I will pray for you ..thanks for your essay very honest..uhh repent live.. discern by faith Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
The up up up and away of the rainbow balloon was strugglng, ordinarily these inanimate creatures are pretty inspirational but this one wonderd why he stayed at fifteen feet. Its carefull and metered, others lessecstaic soul will find it calming, dont mind me from time to time, I want to see words tth knowc ove mountains, likein in pilgrims progress,Its amazing that his pilgrim brothers sorta said..usually no, bad bad..but sir,carry on, you take the cake, , for you well done is positive, and everyhting is in its place, but remeber the history of poems, many poems, are "sernenades' sir, a birdy or two and a panorama ofmountains and a wavey blue ocean miles below, crated by our wonderfull master "jesus" perhaps jus cruisin in a two winged blue world war one airplane would be nice,
in closing sir, you are you and i for better or worse am me, heaven needs celestial accountants, (the chimed thing works,) you know what you are doing. iam plesed you are a christian, the more the less to worry abut for evangelists,n more garsoing t straws to find faultm good poem, please continue ima the exceptin not the rule,order is a sign of heavenly things, we are merely differnt,A good and well thougt out saved accountants viewppint.patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (3.5)
When John saw these things he was " In the spirit",Meaning it was what it was,lets not obcesss too much, it was "holy" intriguing and proper,the form of the messengers secondary to the message.relax,let us not fuss with the particulars too much , but listen to the message.
we are created beings, if we attmept to intrepret it too much its spiritual message will be lost and... alas we will miss the points that God is giving to us,
Moses (Perhaps_ sort of wearied god when he asked for his name, God said "Iam Who Iam" thus, the name the great Iam,
If anything, pay attention to the mistakes that God wants cleared up in the seven chuches,
Many of us are preoccupied with our householder and marital and professional affairs,We do not look up, but down at tidying these loose ends up,But iam reminded daily how foolish obcessive and cold and faithless is may walk with the invisible jesus by my side,soon...maybe today, in the next moment, i will not walk on earthly paths,
let us repent adn do the things we did in the beginning and please him with our friendshio and care for his hoy presence, non the less thank you for your essay, i look forward to hearing from you in the future, i too have a fascination with creatures, but....oh well, bless you freind, In Jesus name..amen
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (2.5)
Yes sir, someone won, but not by embracing the lust for victory, no, that wouldnt be a lasting triumph, he created his children and then allowed them to regect and shame him and at last to fufill there blood lust in killing his body and severing by there sin,(yours mine everybodies actually, is is in there too, by the way),This darknes selfishness,, pain seperated him the source of his power and celesetial union for our limited uderstnding,The Father,
Symbolically but actually, This terribel break in his Godhead happend, he couldnt see feel or know his,,,,,Father, confused in agony,not pathos...m neccesary bokenness for all of his children creatde beings,,all of us..u too... cryin out to him, as "My father my father why have you forsaken me? .... ." for us to be realized in love of God..victory is his and ours
you must see its..a rather unortodox way to overcome the world and become its main focal point...dont regect it please consider.... It was in fact the only solution to the worlds sin, impotency and selfishiness,in short a way to fix the emptness and broken nature of this creation. It works for those who embrace it, live it witjout hypocrysy. and see ts beauty and uniquenss,Truly your angst and your recurring theme offering makes you a candidtate...please meditate deeply on it, for in it there is a certain understanding of hope love adn completenss which we all need, in closing sir,bless you for your honesty, and look into this offering, you are free to read my partfolio if u wish, i try.. welcome fellow sinner, Patrick
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.5)
Terribly sorry, the info clears up a lot,i mistook the "surprise" for "meanness' i suppose,
It was not u, but the word" "surprise's loaded meaning,
It is important to do what Iam doing, "Apologizing', if for no other reason that I dont like it myself when im , "misunderstood".
Uh,The story I read was nice,that is its 'real" an came across as an honest depiction, if everyone just did that the copies interest would be fine, adding stuff is what kills it,
I could see you were a good student from your writing,you have no idea how much ive been corrected,it is deserved and to be expected.
Iam going to be using the edititng tool in the fall, when I try to create some new sermons.
the best and perhaps most important thing you stressed was the importance to take seriouslsy the teneants that God has layed down in the bible, there are many, but foremsost is the need to be holy, God is not a man....we forget that, Iam reminded of it daily,umm,
in regrds to your sight?site..ahh mee!,,, and your writing, it is sound and proper as far as I can tell, quite baptist,
you also have an out reach which is the right thing to do..... do it all your days dont give in to discouragement.....Some people were pretty rough on my sermons, pethaps warranted, in the end Jesus pleasure in my discerning his will in the words,,,,the empiric goal..please forgive any mistakes i made in critiquing your piece, The way it came into being makes most of what i said not valid....yet hmm..
..he was doong well ad then this...oh well.. Remember, perhaps Pauls admoniton to be all things to all people for the sake of the Gospel,The woman at the well said "you worship on this mountain and we on that one" But Jesus said,," {"the father seeks those who worship in spirit)... you may see me doing this to a point that makes you wonder....im not always prudent..its good todo so, i must apply prudence,most likely lacking...Isense it in my souls as a concession to indulegnce.. it dies hard... if you spot it, just as I tried to put you back on track you may freely do so with my person.I really cant see it...until its too late...The writing is inititialy exciting, but in the end it becomes wearying..in editing...... stuff goes out, and hmm.. not quite proper.
in closing Thank you for your response glad you werent too mad...in jesus name amen

Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (4.0)
Cruel to be kind,I get it,,sorta, but remember,The second part "in the right measure". All you said was true, but please Listen, and remember what came out of jesus as he was entering Jerusalem for the last
Time Before his crucifixion, "Oh jerusalem,.. Jerusalem, how I longed to take you in my arms, ( as a mother hen with her chicks) but.. you were unwilling". Truly he had the spirit of one who mourns over the lost,
Do you hope to find satisfaction in the demise of these errant sheep? I did too once, its understandable I dont mean to judge you,or do i? God truly knows, but i feel I must say, "you wait in vain and an irony awaits you",I fear,
Instead, a thought, a try... say to all the people that you see, "come into the house of the living God, he is kind mercifull and the only thing worthy of our love.His sacrifice on the cross was an authentic. sacrifice, please be carefull dont scoff..truly i say, done out of love." If they listen they will be saved if not... weep for them.. be holy to the end.. Yes there is regection as there was for him, so too for his servnts.. but dont be bitter
Be strong and very courageous...Keep you lamp trimmed and mind the oil,We must do so for our lord who has suffered to set us free,in thanks call others.. whether they listen or not...Bless you for you message.
Review by Patrick
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well im wondering if its wise to mix art with anything as weighty as Gods invisible, presence,
but first out of respect for the piece, on a worldly plane. pretty well done, Genereally, when professional poets read, if they had pieces like this. and some acting ability it would have a puckish shakakespearian cultural experience, but seriously, havent we all Seen and felt the literary skill thing enough to know that either as the bard or his entertained and impressed audience, in the end, its fleeting.. well what can be said,He is known by faith alone,It is the only way to know him
while we are on earth ....its a "real" mystery,it becomes clearer with love and devoition,amd bible study,
please Dont be mad, Iaam a writer too....
listen a secret, in the beginning I was vexed by the hide and seek of everything or nothing too,I wanted to be a famous writer,A woman with a baby carriage om a sidewalk heard me playing a horn on a street and dragged me into her home to study the bible with her, in broken korean english,
It was brutal and nor at all literary, and went on for years and years, not light and fancy as your poem was, still.. Pretty good.. you worked hard ..but listen,My pride almost made me miss the omnipresence of God/Jesus,
Its important to knowm he must be discerned by faith,
this is what freed luther from the lies that surronded him,...."the righteous must live a by faith"... he discerned by faith the lies enslaving peopele nd him
In closing,,,The liberty is vast amazing creative and oceanic..also there is "
love of "jesus"..,,,seeker, be adventurous see if it is real alone with out anyboody to help me I doubted, but with the lady who found me I stuggled, not unlike A butterfly in in a cocoon, until something was there in my inutive souls that wasnt there before,
Welp, thats all, sorry about the cryptic nature of the review, .Please read "woman at the well" only if you are moved to do so.. Patrick
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