Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1135135-a-prince-to-die-for-part-one
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1135135
a pesant from rags to riches
Living as a servant to the royal palce is all i've ever known. I grew up in the palce dungeon. My mother was a servent to his majesty the king. I lived in a very little room with three brothers. Lieon was the oldest of us all and never let us forget it. Lieon gave us all seperate corners that we could call our own. Jamie was the second oldest and by far the meanest boy in the servents part of the castle. Then there was Thomas, he was shy and quiet. He never bothered anyone. And then theres me, isabella, the yongest and i was the only girl. I was a doormat till i turned thirteen. At the age of thirteen i got my revenge on my brothers. Thomas and i never fought we were best friends.
Then that horrible day came. My mother died in her sleep. The kingdom doctor said that she worked to hard and it caused her death. I was never the same after that. I took over where my mother left off. I cooked, i cleaned, and i took over her spot as the kings top servent. One thing i found out when i started to do all this work is how hard my mother worked. As i went up to the king i noticed one other thing. The person beside him was a nasty little hog.
The more i did the job the more i hated the both of them. The prince was a snot nose kid with a bad attitude. The king was no better, but i had to do it for my family.
One night as i walked down the hall toward the servents quarters i heard a crash. I looked in a room and there stood a young man. He looked offly firmiliar.
I froze when i remembered him. I couldn't move or talk. He was the prince.The prince was the most handsome guy in the kingdom and every girl wanted him. I on the other hand was not so interested, or thats what i tried to tell myself. He was in the kitchen. "Do you need help my lord," i said with my voice shaking like a baby rattle. He turned around so fast that there was a slight breeze. "Oh um, no thank you miss isabella, im fine," he said with a smile that would melt and other girl. Not me though no sir i was solid as a rock. There was no way that smile and those beautiful dimples were going to get me. Not even that thing he does with his head. I went to pick up the pans on the floor and he grabed me and pulled me up. "It is your time to go to bed you dont have to clean up this mess," he said pointing toward the door.
That night i couldn't sleep. Everytime i would try to sleep i had nightmares about the king. In the nightmares were about the truth. The king was a evil man, but most of all he was a man. He had the urges of every man, but we, his servents, got the worst of the urges. I got the worst of all urges. The urge of sex. He would tie my wrists to were i couldn't move. and when he was done i had bruises around my wrists. The bruises were so bad that it would hurt to move them.
The next day was the day everything changed. It was the day the king died. The medic told us the he a cancer. Well to be expected the prince took the throne. There was a new king but none thought it would get better. I knew better he was different then his father, or so i thought.

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