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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1262965
He was the lost young prince. He took care of them and might have cost him his life.
Request from the King
They’ve defied the laws of nature and the laws of the land just so they can hope to survive the war that’s been besieged upon their land.

A black dragon was soaring through the moonless night sky. Black wings silently thumped and golden eyes searched below for something-or someone to be correct because the gold eyes landed on a figure that was jumping up and down, arms waving above its head. The dragon dove down, angling down towards the rock over hang. Hind legs touched the ground first but to the figure, it felt like an earthquake but when the front legs were on the ground, all the dragons weight was there. The ground cracked open and the figure jumped back when one crack went towards him. The dragons’ head lifted up, wings already folded and tail curled around its’ body. The dragon tucked its legs underneath its huge body.
‘You wished to see me?’ she asked-the voice sounded female-the figure was stunned then he seemed to get over it and stepped forward before asking “so you’re the black dragon?”

She lowered her head ‘yes, I am. Now, tell me, why did you request to speak to me?’
The man, she assumed by his voice, pulled a scroll out of his bag and held it out “A…request from the king. He wishes for you to join him in the upcoming battle with the enemy.” She snorted. She rose into the air, wings whipping up a storm, blowing small rock everywhere. ‘Tell your king I’m not interested. I work for no-one.’ 
The mans’ arms were in front of his face as not to get rocks in his eyes. He yelled out “you can not refuse the king! If you do, you’ll be considered an enemy to the empire and the king will hunt you down and have you killed!” the dragon was still in the air above him, circling. ‘Also tell your king that if he sends any warriors for me, don’t because he’ll never find Me.’ with that done, she swooped off just as the sunrises. He lowered his arms and looked after her. When he did, he gasped. The light was reflecting off of her scales and made them look like dark diamonds.

She travelled for a day, passing over one village which the villagers looked up when they saw a huge shadow and looked up and saw her. They pointed her out to others and breathed “the black dragon” but she just kept going, not caring if they reported her to the king since dragons are not allowed to travel by day. It wasn’t like she was in enough trouble as it was or followed the rules. She landed just out of sight of another village in the evening. The black dragon got smaller and her body changed until she was in her normal form, her human form.  Brown hair in a ponytail, streaks of gold in it, bangs hanging over dark hazel, nearly black, almond shaped eyes, tanned skin nearly completely hidden by her clothes. Dark grey t-shirt covered by a black combat vest, dark blue jeans, a half inch red cloth tied around her head, dark green fingerless gloves and grey sneakers.

Her dark chestnut brown tail swished behind her and her ears flicked in every direction, checking for danger. When she heard nothing, she began to head for the village she landed nearby. She stuck to the shadows when she got there, not wanting to be seen because she was considered dangerous to others with all the trouble she got into. Still, that didn’t stop her from calling the village home. The girl came to an old abandoned palace outside of the north sector of the village.

“Guys, I’m back!” she called out, standing in the foyer. Loud footsteps were heard then followed by a happy shout “SILVER!” a small child came down the large stairs and tackled her to the ground. The girl, Silver, chuckled and hugged him back “hey Winter, how are you?” dark blue eyes looked up with excitement in them.  He opened his mouth to tell her when a deep voice cut him off “you tell her and I’ll kill you.”  Silver looked up at the top of the stairs when Winter let her up. A boy that was six years older than her was glaring at the 9 year-old. The thirteen year old shook her head “did he pull a prank on you again, Hunter? Cause if he did, you might have to wait your turn to kill him.” She said playfully, spun around since Winter decided it would safer if he hide behind her so Hunter wouldn’t hurt him. Winter yelped then began to laugh uncontrollably because Silver had started to tickle him.

“Silver, stop it!” Winter yelled through his laughter. Said girl just smirked and kept attacking his sides.
“Not until you say it.” She said in a sing song voice.
“Alright, alright! You’re the wolf fighter! Now just stop!” he managed to say thorough his laughter.  Silver smirked again but let the younger boy go. He glared at her the best he could but it came out as a hurt puppy look. Silver laughed at his attempted glare
“Nice try, kiddo, but if you want to scare me, you have to be much better.” She ruffled his black hair. Hunter rolled his eyes, even though Silver and he were brother and sister, he never understood her. He then blinked
“Wait, wolf fighter? What’s he talking about, Silver?”
Silver stiffened. She bit her lip and looked up at him through her bangs
“Um, you heard of Black Moon, right?” Hunter nodded.
“Well, um, I’m her”

Hunters’ mouth dropped open, dark green eyes widening. He looked at his little sister in disbelief “you’ve got to be kidding,” he said, shaking his sandy brown head
“You can’t be, Can you?” he glanced at her, their eyes meeting. Than suddenly her form began to change until it was in the shape of a huge, deep, chestnut brown wolf with a dull yellow bandana around its neck. The wolf looked at him with gold eyes. On the shoulder facing him was a black crescent moon, signifying that the wolf was definitely Black Moon.

Hunter shook his head “no. you can’t be her.” He was cut off by a large object tackling him. Gold eyes stared him in the eye. ‘Why don’t you believe me, brother?’
She said in his sisters’ voice.  Hunters’ breath was caught in his throat.
He began to stutter “I-it’s impossible b-because you’re a-always with us w-when she a-appears.” The wolf shook her head, got off Hunter and changed back to Silver.
She sighed

“That’s not me; it’s the spirit that lives-” she paused to pull an amulet out from under her shirt “-this amulet by the name Sarah. Even though she’s older then me, she can look like me when needed.” Her brother and Winter gaped at her. Winter opened his mouth to say something when they heard a shout accompanied by a horn. Silver looked towards the palace opening, alert.

“Guess the king and queen decided to visit our humble village.” She said in a monotone. Hunter nodded, still in shock. He stood and followed his sister and the kid. Silver had taken her vest off and put on a black hooded cloak. Since the villagers never liked her because she was half demon, she always wore it when she wanted to go the village. They made their way down to the village.

“Wonder why they decided to pay a visit to, what did the king call it last time he came? Oh yeah, this manifested rat hole.”  Joked Silver. Hunter gave her a punch on the shoulder. Ignoring her protest about
“You’re not supposed to hit girls”
He bluntly said, smiling “don’t go patronizing the king when we see him or I’ll kill you if the kings guards don’t”
“Only if you do” the two pushed each other around for a bit then settled down. When they finally got there, there was already a crowd surrounding the king and queen.

The kings’ eyes swept over the crowd, his voice suddenly boomed “where is the Black Dragon?” gasps and whispers were heard from the villagers, turning to the one next to them and excited but scared words were exchanged.
“I’ve heard the Black Dragon has been sighted today flying above the town over. Maybe she will pass over our village and give us good luck” said a wife to her friend, bouncing her baby on her hip. Her friend agreed, saying that the towns that The Black Dragon passed over always had good crops and everything. The king was starting to get angry since no-one was answering him “silence!” he yelled. Everyone fell silent.   

“If someone doesn’t tell me where The Black Dragon is, I’ll-” he was cut off when he heard wings flapping and the air gusting hard around him.
‘Leave the villagers alone! They have done nothing wrong so they will not be punished by any means or you’ll have to face me!’ roared a voice within everyone’s head. Everyone began to wildly look around for the source of the voice when the husband of the woman pointed up and he shouted “Look, the Black dragon!” Everyone began to look up and they either screamed or froze with fear. They have never seen the Black Dragon before and it terrified them.They began to run away to hide  but the king stayed, wanting to talk to the dragon. 

© Copyright 2007 War of Hope (deadlywolffang at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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