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Rated: · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1374565
When love catches you when you least expect and hunter becomes the prey

In his eyes there is magic
In his eyes I see the space
Deep and wide with no dimensions
I lose myself without a trace

Chapter 1

Oh my God, I am so tired.  How many days now?  Eight, I have been staying in this hospital for eight days, my God time flies.  Well, I couldn’t have left her alone anyway; I’m all she’s got.  I should be grateful though that she feels better now, it’ll be just a couple more days I hope and we will be allowed to go home.

Me and my aunt Mary have always been close, she’s been living alone all her life; for some mysterious reason she hasn’t married, I hope I will reveal the mystery one day.  Living alone is difficult especially for a woman in her mid sixties like my aunt.

Spending weekends, holidays and summer time with her was so convenient for me that it kept stretching to living with her almost all year and only going on short visits to my family. It is quiet here with Mary, my kind of ambience, we get along well and we can understand each other.  She can understand how I am different as my mom used to say; I tend to be alone for long times, I enjoy my own company, I love reading, writing and stuff that maybe girls in my age might not be interested in just as much, they are more into parties and men but for me books are my real true friends.  I can never get bored with reading, with my books I am always relaxed feeling satisfied.

My school mates and my mom find me difficult to understand and a bit odd for a young woman like me; they believe that I should be thinking about my future which is a good catch, but on the contrary as I grow older I get more attached to reading and writing.  I wish they can understand how I see things; there is a lot more to life than just having fun and there is a lot of fun in other things than parties and men.

Most girls my age are married now with children and they live in another world than mine with very different interests, so for me it is difficult to have a friend my age and even if she is not married it is not easy to be friends with a book worm like me.  So in my case loving to read is a blessing or else I would’ve been really feeling lonely.

Mary; whom I tend to call, found in me the daughter she has always wanted or better said a friend and for me the same I found in her the understanding mother that need.  With her I found peace with my self and understanding from her which provided me the opportunity to be creative, for me she was the shelter from the pressure that I face everyday from parents while I was living there; and maybe for her I was her youth coming back from the past giving her the opportunity to relive her young days, in all cases Mary and I just bonded.

Time passes slowly when I am alone and tired, with nothing to do, other than receiving Mary’s visitors.  Trying hard to make a nice conversation with people I hardly know and may never seen them before even if they are supposed to be relatives and cousins as she likes to call them.  It is a difficult task especially that my mother is too busy with my brothers studying and quarrels at home leaving this totally for me.

Watching the clock moving slowly, minute by minute, oh, it’s four thirty in the afternoon now.  Just as I was checking the time I heard the elevator bell, the signal of people arriving.  I kept my eyes towards the elevator curious to watch the crowd coming out and spreading to different directions.

I kept staring at them watching the expression on their faces as they were moving about.  This is a habit of mine; watching people’s faces, it is interesting to imagine the story behind every face of those strangers that I might relate to with someone I’ve never met before and probably never will again.

People kept coming out the elevator and I kept gazing though the arrivals.  Suddenly, my eyes froze, looking in one direction in an utter wonderment.

What on earth could those be? Are those a pair of eyes? Yes, yes they are.  Oh my God, what are they made of?  As if they are transparent or colorless or even in all colors; but I have a strange feeling I’ve seen them before, maybe in a dream or... Oh, they are pulling me in… they are sucking me in wholly and completely… oh, there is no end, where are they taking me? I want to come out, I need to turn back, but I can’t.  Oh, they are so deep and I can feel myself helplessly sinking in, God, please help me I never had to face something like that before.  Oh, I must resist, there must be a way back.  No, there is no way back, only one way…in and in and in.

And by God, they are coming straight at me, yes, they are coming my way and there is no body else sitting here, only me, yes, only me, and they are coming towards me.  God help me, I am still falling in, what am I going to do? What am I suppose to do?

Those incredible, irresistible eyes are coming right at me connected to the most handsome man that ever walked earth.

Does it show? Is it obvious?
Will he notice what I am experiencing right now?
What is this?
A hand!
He is actually approaching me extending his arm reaching out with his hand to shake mine, and what am I doing? I am standing up getting ready to receive his hand.  Could time just pause here for a second please? Is it too much to ask in this stressful moment?  I am not ready at all.  Ok, can I just disappear now? I am supposed to be frozen but I feel myself shaking and I cannot tell if I am shaking from the inside or the outside or both.  I am going to lose it if this does not end.

He approached me, as I stood there frozen in my place like a statue with my hands reaching out in an unconsciousness motion to meet his.  While my eyes stared into his, it happened.

There were walls, corridors, doors, elevators, bells ringing, and people everywhere.  Where did they disappear to? Where did the nurses go? Where did everybody hide? Is this really happening?

Yes! In this split second that his fingertips started to touch mine and our hands just slid together in a shake, a shake that shook the world to vanish and shattered down time into small pieces making it fall right there within our hands.

I became numb to the world around me, feeling only complete surrender and a strong wave of magical feelings going through my body from my tip toes going up and up through every single point of my veins until it reached my brain, oh here comes the steam train passing through my head.  As his lips touched mine in a strong kiss, I went into oblivion, melting, going under his skin, mixing with him, there are no limits or body boundaries.  I felt that I was the most beautiful woman on earth going through the most delicious experience of a lifetime.  Losing all my senses to this massive feeling and praying, God, I think I just died and went to heaven.  Yes, I am sure.  This must be heaven and I just want to stay here.  This must be heaven and I just want to stay here.  This is it.  This is where I want to be.  This is how I want to feel.  Forever! Please God; I want no changes here, just keep everything as it is.

“Hello”, he said breaking up a train of magnificent thoughts and slamming me right back to reality.

Chapter 2

“Hello, you don’t know me” I am Jack, he said with a deep confident voice and a controlled grin.
“Welcome, you know me?” I asked with a surprise”
“Yes, aren’t you May, Nadia’s daughter?” with the same controlled grin, he asked
“Yes, I am” I answered with a big proud smile.

He really knows me, God, the earth is moving stop smiling right now or he will think you are stupid.

“Please have a seat, Mary is resting now” I added trying hard to put a straight face.

He pulled me hard; held me tight and kissed me on my lips.  His hands had a strong grip around my arms and waist, as his lips swallowed mine and his tongue touched mine, I wanted to scream my heart out so everybody can hear me and see him kissing me.  People I am being kissed by the most handsome man that walked earth.  Is everyone paying attention to what is happening here?  My tongue is splashing heat inside my mouth, I wish my tongue had hooks to grab his and never let go.

I will die right here if he dates to stop.  I am turning into a cannibal I want to eat him; I am kissing him back wildly and viciously, that’s it he is mine!

“So how is Mary feeling now?” he asked

Did you have to wake me up?

“Oh, she is much better now, thank you” I said

I have to ask him, I must be brave, I will.

“May I ask you a question?”  I said

“Sure, please do” He answered

Do you have to be so sweet and nice?

“So some come back or they are all just lost there forever?”

“I beg your pardon!” He said looking confused

“I was asking do some come back or they are all just lost there forever?” I repeated my question not believing that I was really asking him this

“I don’t understand” More confused he answered me

Oh, don’t you? Ah, you’re playing the fool now.  Pointing at his eyes I said “I meant to ask you about whoever gets lost in there, do they some come back or is it a one-way path?”

He laughed loudly and proudly.

I really boosted his ego now; I can see his body rising in the air and his hand holding the big sign up high ‘My eyes are sexy and I know it’.

I laughed too but at his image in my mind.  I couldn’t help it.  I don’t believe it; he is so arrogant.  When I asked him that question, it seemed to me as if I was watching a miracle happen.  I am sure he has seen this look before a thousand times and now, I could see the fireworks, the festivals and hear the music announcing me one thousand and one.  Visualizing this pissed me off and I got to do something about it.  By God, this man is got to go down and if no one did before than I got to do it myself and by God I will.

Surprised with the ‘straight forward no hiding behind the bush’ approach of mine; I wish I could explain that it was simply the ‘I can’t hold my feelings inside anymore’.  But not anymore instantly I’ve got a plan that I still consciously don’t have any idea about but I am sure that subconsciously I know what I am doing, how am I going to balance my taking this man down and my attraction to him .. Great I just went in a maze.

So, I popped a question

“Tell me now, how come you know my name?” I asked him

“How can I not know your name? You are my cousin’s daughter, don’t you remember me?  When you were little I used to cuddle you and play with you, you were very pretty and still is I must say” He said

“I know I haven’t seen you for years because I was away but nevertheless I’ve seen you at your aunt Madeline’s son wedding a couple of years ago” He continued

‘Oh, yes, but I had short hair then”.  Remembering the event I commented

Thinking back, he walked in, as if he was God’s gift to women and as for me, but I was too proud to notice how handsome he was.  As for me; I looked ravishing, I really made heads turn that night as I recall.  My gown, my hair, my makeup, it was on of those times when everything went right.  I was feeling proud of myself too.

I can’t deny that I was walking in vain when I saw him, he was like a flashlight right in my eyes that almost blinded me, but I just couldn’t give him that satisfaction.  I wasn’t just like any other woman, after all I always considered myself different.

I ignored him completely, watching him from under my eyelids until that moment when a mutual cousin introduced us.  I gave him a soft handshake with a very short “Nice to meet you” and I returned back to my seat without a glimpse.  I knew he was still watching me as I felt his eyes in my back burning my skin.  I was on top of the world because my gown looked great from the back and I was sure that I even looked more attractive and sexy.

So the conclusion here is that we are both proud and arrogant OK but he’s not taking me down I swear.

“Yes, you were wearing that beautiful chiffon and velvet purple gown, that I am sure whoever saw it will not forget it” He said

Looking shy, I smiled.  Wondering did I open the door a little bit.

“Did it look that good on me?” I needed to hear him say it.

“No, it looked great; you looked so beautiful with that purple lipstick that matched the color of your gown.  If you allow me, you looked a lot more than just beautiful.”  He said with a warm look in his eyes

“A lot more?” I repeated his words and blushed

He is getting to me; he is actually making me blush.  This guy is really dangerous I must be more prepared for any unexpected moves.

“Yes, everyone at the wedding was talking about you and your dress, they were confused about whether it was you looking good in that gown or was the gown looking great on you”.  He said
“Heh...heh” I giggled

My God he made me giggle, what is this I am supposed to take him down, get a grip girl.

“See, I know you, but you didn’t recognize me when I came in”.  He said.

Didn’t you notice that I was too proud and occupied with myself that evening to remember you?

“Oh, I am sorry but being tired and all you know”. I said trying to make a good excuse for forgetting his face.

“It’s ok, I understand”.  He said

“Please tell Mary I passed by to see her, and tell her to get back on her feet soon.  I will see her again in a couple of days here at the hospital or at home if they let her out before then. “He said as he was getting ready to leave.
“Let me check again maybe she woke up”. I said as I started heading for Mary’s room not giving him any chance to refuse my offer.

I went in Mary’s room and tuning on the light calling her.

“Mary, your cousin Jack is here to see you Mary”.  Forcing her to wake up I called Jack in.

He came in with a big smile on his face saying “Oh, do pretty girls fall too? She answered him with a big laugh; yeh.

Obviously, he was a ladies man; he knew how to make a woman smile.  Then of course, she started to tell him her story of the accident.  I sat there, couldn’t look at him anyway.  I was afraid he would see it written on my face.

I wanted to speak but I didn’t dare; I knew better than that.  Any attempt from my part to say or do any kind of communication with him will reveal a solid proof of how fascinated I am by him. I knew I had to offer him something but I couldn’t open my mouth.  So I just took a box of sweets and I went to him offering him some without a word, he looked at it, reluctant for some reason to pick one, all the possibilities went through my mind in a fraction and all I knew is that if he didn’t pick one I’ll die so I looked at him and said “this is not chocolate”.  Assuming that the reason for his reluctance was that he doesn’t like chocolate

He looked at me and picked one instantly.  Either he sensed what was going on my mind or I said the magic word.

I went back to my chair.  Surprisingly, my mother came in through the door with another two cousins and chaos occurred instantly they were all greeting Mary, Jack and me and talking all at the same time.  I watched them all in silence unable to open my mouth.  They started to comment on the flowers that he sent a day before and how they stand out in between the other flowers sent from others.

They were really beautifully arranged and there was this big yellow rose on the side that looked amazingly attractive, with a smile that said it all I found myself saying “Yes, look at this yellow rose, it’s awesome”.  Couldn’t keep my mouth shut and looked like an absolute fool.

I was sure he’ll turn his head and look at me but  what the hell it was done; with that smile, my voice, my embarrassment, my blushed faced; my sign said ‘ my attraction to you is as big as your ego”.  I hopelessly just gave myself away.

Once again I lost to him.

I remained silent in my deep well of shame until everyone got ready to leave.  They all stood up at the same time to say goodbye all at once in chaos the same way they came in.  I stood up and started shaking hands, unable to raise my head feeling my shame I just looked down watching their hands engaging mine and disengaging not knowing whose hands I was shaking and I didn’t care.  I was just doing what was expected from me.  Only when his hands touched mine and I felt his warmth I kept staring at our hands unable to disengage my hand from his first but to my surprise neither did he, I couldn't believe it we were in the middle of this crowd holding hands and nothing happened as if time seized. For me it was awesome although everyone else was standing between us yet his hands went through the crowd reaching and engaging mine and not letting go.  I stood there staring at our hands together in the middle of the busy loud crowd not believing what was happening; he was actually holding my hand tenderly and I just stood there staring at our hands looking surprised and trying to feel whatever was there to feel.  He started letting my hand go and I let his hand slid away from mine, no one noticed, I could see him from above their heads stepping out of the room.

I stepped aside to make way for the others to leave the room.  Suddenly, it was just me and him looking at each other with no one in-between, he was giving me this little smile that meant a hundred things and sent a lot of messages of which of course I understood nothing so I on the other hand kept looking at his eyes trying to figure out the riddles and uncover any of the mysterious messages with no smile on my face and an utter concentration.

As he turned his back heading to the elevator, I felt a strange feeling of loss.  My mother and her cousins were already following him blocking the way so I couldn’t see him anymore.

Will I see him again soon or is this the end of it?  What about my mission of taking him down? Has this changed? How on earth can I take this expert womanizer down without getting caught?

I am not going to wait for another accident to see him? No, this could not be it, I must think of something or else with what happened today he wins, I can’t let that be.  What am I going to do; he is almost more than twenty years older than me.  How does he see me? I myself don’t know how I got attracted to someone his age.  Oh, but his eyes, those magnificent deep transparent eyes moving like a typhoon sucking me in with no hope of escaping, overpowering, forcing me to surrender to my destiny.  Just looking at those eyes fills all my senses.

“Miss, the doctor will be here now to see your aunt” the nurse interrupted my thoughts

“Yes, yes, of course”.  I answered her

It wasn’t long before the doctor knocked at the door

“Mary, the doctor is here to see you” I said

“Ok dear let him in” Mary said

I immediately opened the door to let the doctor in.

Examining Mary the doctor said with an encouraging voice and a smile “How are you feeling now? You are looking much better today; I think may be you are ready to go home, yes?”

Mary smiled back and asked him eagerly “Do you mean it doctor? Do you really think I am better and can go home, I really want to go home” Mary got emotional and shed some tears.  I ran to her side and hugged her and kissed her.  She broke my heart, after all she has been through a lot the past week with all the stress of the accident and the operations she had to go through and the pain of recovery, I really felt sorry for her, it was the first time she let her feelings come out this way.  She was trying to be tough and strong but I guess it was her right to break down for a minute.  I loved her so much and at her moment of tears I could feel her pain in my heart and I expressed that with a big hug.

The doctor tapped her on the leg after he finished checking the operation area and smiled as he said “Yes, you can leave tonight if you want but I prefer if you checked out tomorrow morning; I want you to have time to arrange for what you’ll need at home to help you move around and bath, the things that will maintain the operation in good condition and help you recover.  So what do you think of that?”

Mary looked grateful and relieved and did not argue, she immediately answered him with a smile “Yes, doctor, you are right and thank you for everything, I will leave tomorrow”.

After the doctor left the room, we immediately started packing our things and I started making a list of the aids that Mary is going to need.  We both felt as if our lives are resuming after a pause that seemed to last forever.

Mary was eager to get back to her home and her normal daily routines and I was eager to get Jack.

I left Mary at the hospital and went home for a couple of hours to clean up, buy some groceries, put the aids there and get it ready for Mary.  I knew that Mary was going to need me more at home and I will not be able to leave her alone so I had to prepare things so I will not need to get out of the house at least for the first week.  It will take us some days before getting used to the situation at home without all the help and care we got at the hospital.

I got everything together but it took me a lot longer than two hours but I was thankful cause I knew that Mary was safe where she was and being cared for until I was finished.  I head back to the hospital but Mary has already gone to bed and fast asleep.

I changed my clothes quietly and slipped under the blanket on the sofa but I was too excited to fall asleep, I was thinking of how on earth I am going to get a plan to achieve what I want, make Jack hopelessly in love with me.  I have never felt this way before, I have no experience whatsoever with the opposite sex and certainly never in my life I have made a plan to catch a man but I guess there is always the first time.

Deep in my heart I believed that one day Jack is going to fall in love with me, I closed my eyes on this thought.


Chapter 3

I woke up to the sunlight coming through the window above, I realized that I was asleep, I found myself smiling, I felt relaxed and serene, the day is here and we will soon go home.

I got up to find that Mary was already awake and to my surprise out of bed sitting on a chair.

I went to her and said “Good morning Mary”.
She said “Good morning dear. How are you feeling this morning?”

I laughed and said “I am the one who is supposed to ask you this question”.

“How are you feeling this morning?  Today is the day Mary, Yes, the day to go home” I was excited

She said “I feel great my dear.  I was waiting for you to wake up to finish the paper work, I didn’t want to disturb you I know you came in late last night and you must have been tired.  So I preferred to let you wake up on your own after you’ve rested well.”

“Thank you Mary and don’t worry I will wash up and be ready in five and finish everything.”  I replied

“I am sure you will honey”.  She said

I rushed to the bathroom to wash up and get ready as the nurse came in with breakfast.  I asked her to prepare all the papers I need to take to accounting and went to get ready.

We arrived home after about three hours.  Mary felt tired because of the car trip, for her it was the first long and stressing movement after her fall, so she wanted to go to her bed immediately.  I tucked her in bed and kissed her and went to kitchen to prepare lunch.

Mary was very quiet, she didn’t say much, I knew she was tired but I felt that there was something else that occupied her mind but I was hungry and had to start lunch so I decided to leave my questioning till later in the evening.

By the time I finished lunch Mary had dozed off, so I left her to rest and went to my room to refresh myself and change my clothes, I too had a lot of unsorted thoughts on my mind that I needed to sort out.

Just when I was about to lie down on my sofa and relax I heard Mary’s voice calling on me.  So I went to her room to find her sitting in her bed.

“I feel hungry May, are you hungry too?” She said

“Yes, aunt I am but I was waiting for you to wake up so we can eat together, I didn’t want to eat alone.” I replied

“Sorry dear, I must’ve dozed off, I felt tired from the car but I am ok now, so let’s eat.” She said

I immediately started off to the kitchen saying “lunch will be ready in a minute aunt.”

That evening I tucked Mary in her bed and kissed her good night.

As I was leaving her room, she called my name.

“Yes Aunt Mary” I stopped at the door and turned to look at her

“I want to thank you dear for all you’ve done to me.”

I smiled warmly at her.

“I know it wasn’t an easy job for you to stay with me at the hospital and now to take care of me at home honey.” She continued

“I want you to know that I appreciated all what your doing from the deepest of my heart May, you know well that I love as if you were my own child and that is how I see you; the child that I have always wanted so loving and caring.  I want you to know May that you are very dear to me, much more than you can imagine.”  She added

I ran to her side, held her hand and said “ My dear Mary, this was the least that I could do for someone as loving and caring as you, someone whom I consider the mother of my dreams the most understanding, compassionate and supporting mother that girls like me would have only in their dreams.  But Mary for me you are real, you made this happen for me, I love you and cherish you beyond your expectation too Mary and I couldn’t think of you going through all this alone with me away.  We went through this together Mary because this is how it was suppose to be. 

Mary kept silent, but sometimes silence says it all.  I placed a kiss on her cheek and hugged her then went out of the room.

I went to my room, changed my clothes and put on my silk pajamas; I always feel good wearing my silk pajamas.  I tried to be quick in getting ready for bed.  I jumped in bed so excited thinking about this afternoon recalling every word he said to me, the way he looked at me.  It was like an exciting romance movie that I enjoyed watching over and over again.

Oh, this is exciting, holding my hands this way it must’ve meant something.  The way he was looking at me too, he is very interested in me or why else would he give me this grin and that look with his eyes.  God, I feel so happy, it is wonderful to be looked at this way.

Now, I must think how I can see him again as soon as possible.

I surprised of the way I am thinking.  Suddenly, I am thinking just like all girls my age.  I never thought that the day will come when I will be thinking about finding a way to catch him.  I could hear myself giggle from the inside.

The early sun cut its way through my curtains to wake me up just as happy and enthusiastic as I was the night before.

I got up quickly eager to start my day; after all, I had a task that I need to accomplish.

I took a shower and into my best pair of jeans with a sexy shirt on top revealing a health bosom and sexy body.  I put my brown boots on.  Let my long ash brown hair loose over my shoulders.  I put on my jasmine perfume and went to Mary’s room to say good morning.

I knocked at the door once and opened it when there was no answer.  I opened the door to check on her but her bed was empty.  She was already out of her bed and her room all together.

I hurried to the living room just to make sure that I am not mistaken and that she is there and called her on the way “Mary” I called

I heard her voice coming from the living room “I am over here dear.”  I was already there.

I went to her and kissed her good morning and asked her “Mary, how are you feeling today”

“I feel wonderful dear, I am so grateful that I am home now and could come out of bed without help.”  She answered me with a smile.

I went to make us tea and prepare breakfast and take it to the living room.

I sat with Mary to drinking tea and eating breakfast.  I was trying to find a way to talk with her about Jack.

“You know Mary; a lot of people came to see you at the hospital.”  I said

“Yes dear, I know it wasn’t easy for you to greet all my guests, but it was a good opportunity for you to meet the family since you were too occupied with your books than family visits.” She said

“Don’t you think it might be a nice gesture to send thank you cards or call them to thank them for the flowers and their visits?”

She looked at me with a surprise and said “This is a great idea May, I might just do that.”

“But it will not be easy to get all their mailing address but I think I will call everyone just a short thank you call.  That will keep me busy and entertained the next two weeks until I am able to go out.”  She added

“Yes, you know Mary I think it was real nice of Jack to drop by the hospital; I hear he is a very busy man who is out of the country for most of the time.  Don’t you agree? I said

“Yes dear, I know he is away most of the year, I didn’t even think he was in the country.  I was really surprised when he showed up in my room, but I appreciated his visit most of all.”  She said

“He could have just called or sent the flowers with a nice card.  But he did both, sent flowers and came to visit.  He is such a chevalier.”  She added

“Oh, I agree with you Mary one hundred percent.  I do think that you should get started about the thanking issue because it is going to take some time and we don’t want them to think of us as rude and it will be a good chance for everybody to know that you are out of the hospital in case they like to pay you a home visit.  Wouldn’t that be nice, they will also entertain you instead of staying here alone feeling bored.”  I said trying to encourage her.

I didn’t want to jump off the couch and get her the phone book to start the mission and blow my cover so I had to control my self and calm myself down and wait for her to take the first initiative and ask for it herself.  Time was killing me slowly but I had not choice, I didn’t want to feel bad about my self or that I am being mean to encourage her to do the right thing but for my own interest.  I didn’t want to feel guilty about this afterwards so I am going to let her take the first step at her own time without any more pushing from my side.

Silence filled the room, I could here our breathing and the pressure was killing me until she broke the silence and said “Dear, would you hand me the phone book please, I’d like to make a phone call.”

I couldn’t believe it, I was saved but yet the suspense was too much for me, who is she going to call now?  I couldn’t take it.

I got her the phone book and asked her “What about lunch?” trying to change the subject.

She took the phone book from my hand and looked at me and said “What about lunch dear?  Do for us whatever you like; it will be ok with me.” 

I turned my eyes away from hers and turned towards the door, I was afraid she would see all the tension and the anticipation in my eyes, I was too embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, she said “May, I know you want to get started with lunch, but is it ok to keep for a while to help me here dear, get the phone and dial this number.”

I didn’t know who I was supposed to call but all my feelings in my guts told me she meant Jack.  I didn’t want to be so obvious and show her that he was the first on my mind so I asked her “Who do you want to call Mary?”

“Jack.” She answered

I felt soul is being sucked out, as I was reaching for the phone my hand was trembling and my heart was pounding and echoing in my head.

“What’s the number Mary?” I asked her trying to control my trembling so she won’t here it in my voice.

I started dialing as she spelled it out then gave her the phone.

“Jack, this is Mary, how are you?” She said

“I am fine; I am feeling much better now that I am home.” She said

I could hear his voice from where I was sitting but I could not make what he was saying.  I could’ve done anything to know what he was saying.

“Oh, she is very well Jack, yes, how on earth can I stay here without her?  She is my help and my companion.” She looked at me with a smile, I smiled back at her and my heart started pounding again; he was asking about me, I felt on top of the world.”

“Sure you can talk to her she is right here.”  She continued and handed me the phone.

I couldn’t move quickly from my chair to take the phone I felt frozen in my place.  It was an unexpected surprise; I didn’t know what I was supposed to say to him.  I got a grip of myself and got up and took the phone.

“Hi.” I said

“Hi, May, how are you?” He said

“Fine, thank you.”  I returned the courtesy

“What are you doing?” He asked

“Just sitting with Mary, it is our first day home and we are both trying to relax and take things easy.  What about you?”  I replied

“I was reading a book when Mary rang me.” He replied

“Did you have lunch?”  I asked him without thinking.

“No, not yet May. Why? Do you have something in mind?”  He said

He caught me off guard with his questions, once again he wins.

“No, I don’t have anything in mind.  I was going to start lunch now and I guess my question just popped up at the occasion.”  I answered

“Oh, I thought you were going to ask me to have lunch with you, heh...heh.”  He said

I laughed out of embarrassment, I didn’t know what to say, and I wanted to give myself a second to think.

“Well, you are most welcomed, if you like, but if we make it tomorrow, you’ll give a chance to prepare a nice meal.”  I said

“I will love to May, tomorrow it is then.” He said

I could not believe it; he really wants to come for lunch.  His actions came way beyond all my expectations and a hundred questions popped into my head all at once trying to figure out why does he want to come? Why is so obvious about it?

Breaking in Mary’s voice came to my ears interrupting both my thoughts and my conversation with Jack saying “He wants to come for lunch?” sounding surprised and confused as I well know that they were not that close but yet he is acting today as if they were.”

I nodded in reply to her question and continued my conversation with Jack who felt the confusion.

“Did I cause any disturbance?” He asked

“Oh, no, no, it is ok; we will be waiting for you.”  I said

“Ok, see you tomorrow then, bye.” He said

“Goodbye.”  I hung up

Give me your love he will tell me
Give me yourself it's what I need
I promise you all kinds of pleasures
I promise you feelings that will exceed

Chapter 4

I finished setting the table and called "Lunch is ready", I went to the living room to help Mary Get up, I thought since Jack is here, it was a good time for her to set at the table for a change.  Jack stepped in to help her walk to the table as I lead the way.

I wish I could fall in his arms and feel the warmth of his hug. I thought to myself. My body shivered to the thought of being close to his body.

The three of us sat down for lunch.  I couldn't look him in the eyes; sitting next to Jack gave me an uneasy feeling, to feel him close to me  it was like a dream coming true, it was unbelievable to that I was living that dream in reality when  just the day before yesterday it seemed to be almost impossible to happen that easy and that quickly too.  I took a deep breath, it was a relief, and Jack is really here.  Mary's voice brought me back from my trip of thoughts "My dear what a wonderful table setting and a nice meal you made here May." She said.

He was looking at me with a smile agreeing to everything Mary was saying.

"Thank you Mary" I said feeling the heat of embarrassment and staring at my plate to avoid eye contact.  Anything I do will give me away, I thought.  Mary noticed my uneasiness and started to watch me I could feel her eyes on me.  I felt a desire for him and it was so damn obvious that I didn't know what to do to hide it, I couldn't carry the shame of revealing my feelings, after all I was suppose to take him down. 

'Have some pride girl ', I kept telling myself but it didn't work.  'What is he made of?' 'What is different about him? 'What's his secret?' 'No man caught my attention before not to mention in this enormous way.'  I wondered.  'Why do I feel this challenge towards him?' Do I feel too proud to be attracted to a man or to fall in love? What's the big deal here?  I was quiet, concentrating on my eating and losing myself in my thoughts not paying attention to what was happening around me not even to Jack.  I was puzzled with all the contradicting feelings and thoughts that were going inside of me.  I was attracted to him and at the same time I wanted him to be desperately attracted to me and to fall head over heals in my love and also at the same time I wanted to break free of this feeling of attraction.  I was refusing to be another name on his long list of lady acquaintances. I was trying desperately to find away to make me strong.  Deep in my thoughts and  oblivion to my surroundings I extended my arm to reach for the water not looking in his direction, suddenly I felt his palm on my hand, I took a quick glimpse at him but it was if for us when out eyes met we couldn't look away again we kept exchanging heat waves from our eyes and the heat went through filling our bodies with hot steam, we were locked in a hot cage hanging on fire and we were unable to escape.

I felt him making love to me.  I was wet, hot and the magnificent feeling of being felt by him made my head spin, I lost all my senses of reality and of my existence; only one massive feeling came over me; the feeling of him. 

I gave a sigh; trying to release some heat.  I opened my eyes to the sound of my sigh just to see Mary's eyes watching us in sheer shock.

Chapter 5

I couldn't look them in the eyes, I just wanted to hide away and there was no better place to run to better than the kitchen, I just rushed myself there.

My God, how did I look daydreaming this way? What did Mary see exactly and will she say about it?  Will she tell me anything? What will she do? What will he think of me?  Did he feel me?  Did he really feel the same? I felt I was going mad, this can't go on like this, I must find out if has the same feelings towards me, I must find out if he is really attracted to me, if he will ever fall in love with me, if he at all finds me different than other women he had known before?  I must find out if I am misleading myself or if he is misleading me? I must put an end to all this hazards going in my mind.  I must take control of myself; I will not allow myself to go through this kind of embracement any more.  'Come on May, don't give up now, you can make it happen, just be patient, one-step at a time you're not going to concur the world, only his heart,  beside they are not mind readers .  I was cheering myself.

I took a deep breath, drank some cold water to cool me down, got a grip of myself, put a cake on a plate and went out with my head high and a big smile on my face and said with a cheer "dessert is here".

As if nothing had happened, I put it on the table and started cutting the cake and without looking them in the eyes I asked them "Would you like to have dessert in the living room". 

"Well, that is a good idea May, let's go to the living room Jack, it is more comfortable for me there".  Mary said

"Ok." He said as he was getting up to go help Mary.
They went to the living room and I went to the kitchen to make some tea.  I brought the cake and tea and followed them there.  The three of us sat there drinking tea and eating cake, I was quiet and did not say a word, Mary on the other hand did all the  talking and Jack did all the listening.  She went on about her accident again in detail and about the operation and her stay at the hospital, her pain and her worry.  Jack was kind enough to listen to her complaining with compassion but I could feel how bored he was with her story.  For a second there I felt afraid that he will leave just to save himself from boredom, I needed to talk to him, as Mary kept going on with her talking,  I realized that I didn't get enough of him and I didn't want him to leave just yet but I didn't know what to do.  I just sat there watching them; him, I have grown very interested in him.

I can feel a strong feeling towards him but I can't make what it is yet; just looking at him fulfils all my senses, his image gets hold of me as if I am being embraced and surrounded by all the tender love in this world; enriching my feelings; caressing me softly and calming me as if I were a baby in a cradle.  What was it in him that attracted me so much?; is it his looks or the thought that there are a lot to discover I felt that he was hiding a lot of exciting things or is it just the way he was looking at me; as if I were coming from Venus that made feel for the first time in my life that I was an irresistible fully grown woman.  He makes me feel that there is a lot that he needs from me and that I am the only woman who can give him what he needs which makes me feel so complete.  The way he looks at me makes me feel sexy, interesting and has a lot to give a man; a lot to give him.

I came back from my sensual journey when I saw him standing up and heard him saying goodbye; he kissed Mary and turned to me he shook my hands and held it in a strong grip, I found myself giving him a kiss on his cheek, it was a light kiss and an innocent spontaneous one but to my surprise and probably his it came out hot a real hot kiss that woke up his senses and caught his attention, I interrupted his goodbye and said " I'll walk you to the door".  I could feel his tension from my kiss and maybe anticipation of what might happen when we stand alone by the door, I wanted him to feel excited I wanted him to think of the surprise that might happen if I get to be with him alone, I needed to really get his attention make him feel the panic that I feel when he looks in my eyes.  Oh this is such a wonderful feeling of excitement that I humble innocent may can cause the expert Jack to panic.

"This is your chance, blow it and you'll have only yourself to blame May".  I thought

"Thank you May, I had a good time".  Jack said trying hard to get over his panic and not show it to me as he was stepping out the door.

"You're welcome Jack, I'm glad you did".  I replied with a devilish smile and gave him a look from the corner of my eyes half closed by my eyelashes looking real shy and added as I took my first step outside saying in a very soft voice "let me walk you to the elevator, Jack".  It was the first time that I spelled out his name this way and I could see the heat going through his body and out of his eyes in red flashes as his panic kept growing bigger than his size.  I guess an expert man like Jack wouldn't panic easily because of any woman's action but the fact that the action was coming from someone who is supposed to be innocent and inexperienced was the main reason to give him a big surprise and surprise made him panic, at least that was my analysis for his panic cause I could not find any other logic reason or maybe the idea I had about him was magnified too much out of old ladies gossip and at heart Jack was just an ordinary man not an expert with women as rumors told.

I wanted to get any action from him something solid that I can hold on to something that will be a true evidence of his true feeling towards me if there were any special one, something to make me sure and I felt at this moment that I am coming very close to achieving it and it felt great.

We stood there waiting for the elevator to come, just looking at each other with a smile, we were tensed.  I can't deny that I was feeling very nervous myself not knowing what I should do next, what was proper or not proper, I had no idea what must I do next, all I knew for sure that I must do something or else I will be eating my fingernails and maybe my toenails too if I didn't.
But despite my nervousness I could feel my control over him, and he was more nervous than I was and that for sure was very obvious even to me and I believe that it was the first time for him with all his experience with women that a woman as young as me could make him feel uncomfortable this way when all his life he's been enjoying making women nervous with just one look of his eyes.

What a change for poor Jack I am now giving him a sip of his own potion.  We were still standing there each of us having all these thoughts and hopes going through his head but I was determined to make him make a move.  I never saw myself as an assertive determined woman before, but now I think Jack is making me discover new things about me.  I was relieved, he was about to lose control and I was right for me it was the absolute evidence that he was attracted to me.  Realizing this was comforting and assuring that my feelings were true and that I was not disillusioned and for me it was like getting out of a sinking ship.  I became more confident that Jack is finding me different than other women he has known before.  It was only a few minutes that seemed like long hours of wait, only realized when the elevator arrived, I stepped in ahead of him.  I stood inside facing him eye to eye; he was still giving me this mysterious smile to cover up his nervousness and waited for an action.

I collected all my courage and said "goodbye Jack." In a whispery voice as if I was never to see him again.  He looked me in the eyes with his transparent eyes wide open, dropped the smile and took one step towards me, his breath in mine, I froze in my place in total bewilderment that God created in this world and felt the earth move beneath me, my head spin as if it was inside a washing machine, feeling hot and cold at the same time. Losing my identity, I just closed my eyes and surrendered. Realizing what put me through this state of oblivion, when he stopped kissing me, I sighed and threw myself in his arms, he held my head, looked in my eyes and again he kissed me and I was determined this time to feel exactly what was happening but when his tongue started caressing mine, I felt and electric shock going through my body from head to toe and I just lost myself again but this time I was kissing him back, holding him fulfilling my thirst for him; my day dreaming, my illusions and my hopes they were all coming true at this moment and I wasn't about to miss any of it.

Now both of us sighing, feeling the same ecstasy and losing our separate identities, we were now one soul, one person, one feeling mixed together, united in every way; passion, desire, senses, hunger, thirst, what was happening was strong and intense, but the voices coming close to the elevator brought our minds back to where we were we looked at each other and we knew exactly where we were but we also realized that for us two there was no turning back we can never be two again.  For us from that moment forward to the rest of our lives we are one that can never be divided again.


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