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This is questions from self imposed study point me onto a fullfilling track.
10 year plan questions:

Where would you be living, in what sort of area, in what sort of home?

I really don’t want to set this too firmly in stone. I would like to be open to what is best for my family and let God guide us in our choices. But, for the sake of beginning a journey and aiming towards a dream…I would like to live in a environmentally friendly home as each home I have ever filled I will name it Sanctuary. It is important to me that it is as sustainable a lifestyle as we can attain. In ten years will I be holed up with my studies and working full time or will I be chasing my dreams around the world living wherever we need to be to accomplish my goals? Those choices will have to be made as a family. One of my thoughts has been to settle onto a piece of property big enough to put up yurts and form our home to our family needs and make it Sanctuary; Possibly having a building big enough for a bathroom and maybe a kitchen. It all depends on where society is at and how much I have learned about living a sustainable lifestyle. It would be neat to live in a tree house someday. We will see what the future holds when it is the present. I do not necessarily want to dedicate my energies to animals unless our livelihoods require it. I want to be able to extend my self towards peoples harmonizing and living healthy on a healing planet. I love this area and as a home I would likely chose here or like climate though my education, work, travels will likely take me all over the world.

How would you be making a living, doing what sort of things?

In ten years I plan to have begun on my educational track in the realms of anthropology and working either as an accountant and or in the humanities. As an accountant it may be easier to afford my educational goals, but I would like to be doing a job that is doing some good in this world and not part of the problem. This is the hardest part about a ten year plan for me is I don’t know any one thing I would ultimately want to do for income unless it is working towards making the world a healthier place to live as a socio-anthropologist. Ten years? Maybe if I find the right niches to make my way through the realms of that field as my families needs allow.

Who (or with what sorts of people) would you be sharing your time with?

I would spend time with people who do good and enrich the world as well as people whose lives can be enriched by mine and are open to the growing it takes to live healthy lives. People who grow to be the good they want to see in the world. I would spend time with people who can give encouragement and constructive criticism, and go towards their own goals of achieving a better place to live in; students and dreamers, artists and creators, servants and masters, all of which are wealthy, all who will add weight to the balance of goodness.

How would you spend your leisure time, doing what sorts of things?

I would explore the worlds wonders abroad and/or in my own backyard, adventure, reading, writing, laughing, swimming, camping, fishing, boating, same things I do now, growing in awe and finding beauty chasing rainbows and cloud gazing dreaming about my castles in the sky.

The questions are taken from a book: GETTING THE JOB You Really WANT
by J. Michael Farr
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