Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1851943-My-puppteer
Rated: · Other · Other · #1851943
Entry One. 10.14.11
Tears stung in my eyes.. i could not let them fall. Not now. Not in front of you. I turn before tears fall and you see. I cover my face and run as fast as you can to my next class. To bad yo're already there, waiting for me. Flirting with my best friend. You tell me you don't care. I think yo're right. You don't care about anything but yourself. I know you like her, and i can't blame you. You don't see how i want you to love me like you love her. i want you to think of me like i think of you. Your blue eyes never seem to escape my mind. Your personality. i can't seem to forget it. Your name carved into my head soi know i'll never forget you. Your smile just i can't live without you near. You can't leave me. I'll stop breathing. I cling to your smell as you pass me by. Not even looking my way. What happened? i think as you don't say a word as you don't say a word to me. What changed? You did. You aren't the guy i thought you where. You're no longer sweet. You have changed. In the worst way. Your smile no longer takes my breath away beacuse of the thought you think and stuff you do. and i hate it. You've become a teenage boy. Nasty. I'm screaming at you. Why aren't you listening. it's like I'm invisible. You're pushing me way too far. It's like i'm a puppet and you where the puppeteer You're escaping my grasp. Not yet. I let go. Goodbye forever, puppeteer. For your no longer the guy i wanted to hold on to. Your the guy i still want to be friends with but i fear that's all we'll ever be. So i bid you a sweet farewell my puppeteer. for i have broken your spell and i am free..
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