a stand-up comedian act |
“Hello, peeps I am Wies from the Netherlands and I will be entertaining you for a few minutes. I see you thinking… Wies, what’s that? but no, it is Wie-s! Translation from Dutch as in Who-s! It’s a fake name, a pseudonym. I won’t tell you my real name. Because, well you know… that’s a secret. So, here I am standing before you. A middle-aged woman with a strange name. Is that funny? No, I suppose not, but again… that’s a secret. Being funny is actually a secret. Yeah. I mean, what’s there to laugh about? No, really, I mean… in this world today? What’s there to laugh about? Trump, maybe? But he’s too scary to be funny. So. I can talk about tits and breasts. Oh, yeah! But that’s already been done by other female stand-up comedians. It probably wouldn’t work with this audience. No. You being too smart. Writers and all. Smart people, you know. Sophisticated people. Not your ordinary folks. No! So, I met this steady guy the other day. On the Internet. On one of those dating sites. Yeah, I thought: let’s try this! I am alone, I want to date again. Meet somebody nice. Nice! Because, well it’s been too long, you know. I haven’t had sex in years. Yeah. Now don’t be embarrassed. I am not. It’s been so long that everything is overgrown down there. Really. Up here as well, I wouldn’t know how to kiss. It’s been that long! But, anyway, I met this regular guy on the Internet. He is like: you’re a nice lady, let’s talk. So I talk with him on the phone. I don’t kiss, I don’t have sex, I just talk. Yeah. And it’s nice! Really. He’s like: you’ve got two eyes You’ve got two ears He’s like: Hey, you with the nose Let’s talk Let’s get to know each other. Yeah. I’m like Okay This could work! So I went on a date with him And asked him to call me back When he got home Yeah It’s been three weeks now Yeah. I think he must be homeless!! Thank you! Thank you all, so much!” WC:361 Note ▼ |