Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2266045-Duck
by Norman
Rated: E · Poetry · Entertainment · #2266045
He always was the tallest one

He always was the tallest one
wherever he would go.
He shot up like a healthy weed;
his parents could just watch him grow.

They always told him, “Watch your head!
and then they’d holler, “Duck!
Nobody calls him David now;
that funny nickname really stuck.

It wasn’t easy at the start;
he really was too tall.
When he stood with the other kids
he’d always tower over all.

Now you may think that he was cursed,
a victim of bad luck.
But Duck was not the type to mope;
instead he showed a lot of pluck.

At basketball he did excel.
He always was the star.
He practiced every chance he got
and soon he knew he could go far.

He knew he had to practice hard
until he’d made the grade.
If all you have are lemons, well,
you had to make some lemonade.

And sure enough he made it big.
Now everyone knows Duck.
He’s with an NBA team now,
a bona fide Milwaukee Buck.
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