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Three heroes seem to be nearing their deaths. But, then, something changes. |
The redhead opened her eyes as her head was bumped against a fallen brick. Looking up, she saw her ankle in the grip of a super mutant. Swallowing her fear, she looked to both sides. On her right, the wasteland’s premier (and only) journalist Piper Wright was in the same predicament. Glancing to her left, the recent champion of the Combat Zone, Cait, was also being dragged along. Nora closed her eyes so that their captors wouldn’t see she was awake. An aggrieved shout of, “Let the fuck go of me, ya giant green moron!” Apparently, Cait was in a mood for a fight. Though, when was the fellow redhead not? A reply of “You shut up, squishy human!”, as well as a swing that smacked her head against a mailbox, indeed shut her up. The sound of a door made her eyes open, and she saw they were being dragged into Greentech Genetics. ‘Why the hell are they taking us here?’, she thought. She soon found out, as they finally came to a halt. She saw three chairs, that looked like the one in the treatment room of Vault 95. The trio was unceremoniously dropped into them. Straps that bound them tightly were closed over their bodies. “Wha...what’s going on?”, Piper mumbled, coming around. A very cultured British voice said, “That, my dear, will soon be revealed.” Entering their field of view was another super mutant. This one seemed to have actual intelligence in its eyes. As well as a top hat on its head. “You see, there are no super mutant females.”, he said in that same tone. “Which is why I have decided to create some. After all, my race shan’t survive with only males, obviously.” “..the hell?”, Nora said. “You’re talking in complete sentences? And you don’t sound dumber than a box of empty Nuka Cola bottles.” The super mutant smiled. “I was luckier than my compatriots. When I received the FMV treatment, all of my intelligence remained. Having been the United Kingdom’s ambassador to the United States, before all of,” he gestured around, “this. I was granted safe harbor in a vault for highly appointed political figures. We were frozen via cryogenics, much like you were in Vault 111." After I left the Vault, around twenty years ago, I surveyed the rubble of America’s federal government. I decided to seize control of the D.C. wasteland, as it was called.” His eyes narrowed. “Sadly, the people up there were far too unified, with the help of that damnable Brotherhood Of Steel. So, I maundered my way up the East coast. Arriving here, I found the local populace to be far less organized. After they changed me into this form, I gained control of the majority of super mutants in Boston, and here we are. You may refer to me as Jekyll. A bit of a joke, considering my appearance and intelligence.” A large needle with a glowing green substance in it appeared out of the left armrest of each chair. “Y..you’re going to turn us into big green dumb idiots? Take away our humanity?”, Piper shouted. Jekyll nodded. “Of course, it’s the only way. Don’t worry ladies, soon you will be complete morons, unable to realize what you have lost.” With that, the needles jammed themselves unerringly into a vein in the arm of each woman. Liquid fire seemed to race through their veins, as what felt like lightning cascaded inside their skulls! Nora looked down, to see her arms begin to grow larger and muscular. A moan next to her made her glance over. Her eyes widened as she saw Cait's breasts expanding, straining her top. Piper screamed, as her expanding body rebelled against the taut straps that held her. “You fucking bastard!”, Cait growled at Jekyll. Her voice was deeper than usual. The furious redhead pulled forward with a bestial growl, and snapped her restraints. Her charge toward the author of their misfortunes was halted by her body’s convulsions. With a scream of agony, her body swelled with muscle. The other two broke free, and joined Cait on the floor, shouting in pain as they grew. Jekyll stared at them. They were rapidly approaching super mutant size, but, their skin still retained it’s original color. Their eyes didn’t show the usual transformation from human intellect to super mutant stupidity. He gaped as their clothes were torn to shreds by their expansion. Finally, the trembling and the shrieks of pain stopped and they rose to their feet. The super mutant’s eyes widened, as he beheld the work the virus had done. Their heads brushed against the ceiling of the 20 foot tall room. Their bodies were as muscled as a super mutant’s. Although, given their huge size, they were most likely as strong as a Behemoth, at least. Despite this, they had hourglass figures, with breasts that would be K or L sized proportionally, using the old US. measurements. This meant that they had the largest breasts in the Commonwealth, if not the world. Their butts were larger than their chests by a good six inches. It was plain to see that they would never be able to wear clothes again. Their skin and hair shone with a lustrous glow that the old world’s models would have sold their souls for. Far from being the ugly brutish hulks that Jekyll had envisioned, they were the most beautiful, strongest humans to ever exist. Much like Jekyll had, the trio of newly born goddesses stared at each other in wonder. Cait smirked, brushing part of the auburn hair that now flowed to her mid back behind her left ear. “Not what you expected was it, ya ugly green bastard?” Her voice wasn’t a harsh growl, as one would expect someone who received the FEV would have. Rather, it was only an octave lower, sounding more beautiful than a siren’s. The actresses of America would have gladly sold their grandmothers for a voice as beautiful and melodious as the new Cait's was. Jekyll seemed to come to his wits. “Come, lads! Time to go!” In merely a second, however, three of the mutants were grabbed by the three titans. Nora. Cait and Piper snapped their necks like one would snap a stalk of celery. Finally Nora grabbed Jekyll. She slowly broke each one of his limbs, as he screamed in agony. Wrapping her hands around Jekyll’s head and neck, Nora said, “Cheerio, you arseface”, in a bad English accent. She snapped his neck and tossed him to the floor. Breathing a deep sigh, Piper turned to the other two. “Well, I guess my journalism days are over.” Indeed, each of her hands were bigger than a computer terminal. “What say we get outta here?”, Nora smirked. She punched out the left wall, and looked down to see that they were on the sixth floor of the building. Not even taking a second to wonder if she’d survive, the pony tailed redhead jumped. Her impact on the ground made her jump from the Museum Of Freedom in power armor look like a small hop. Her feet had smashed into the street, sinking her body up to her knees into the depths below. The surrounding buildings shook and the nearby cars shot into the air. Some of which landed on unfortunate raiders in the vicinity. Two nearby buildings fell, as Cait and Piper landed a few seconds later. Their legs sharing the same fate as Nora’s made the entire street collapse. They pulled themselves out of the giant hole, onto a nearby street. Cait stared at Piper’s glistening dark hair, and moved toward her as if they were magnetically attracted. Their lips met, and a quiet moan came from Piper as their tongues dueled. Nora slid behind the now former reporter, her hands massaging the glorious musculature she found there. With an increasing need, their movements intensified. Cait guided them down onto the street, flattening a bus under them to a thin sheet of metal. As each redhead began to kiss and lick opposite ends of the brunette’s body, their cries of pleasure echoed. Soon, the trio reached their apex, and their thunderous bellows of release shattered every window in the remaining buildings. Nora kissed Cait's cheek softly, and mirrored the action on Piper's. "It's a good thing we're on .... friendly.. terms.", Cait chuckled. 'Yeah, if I tried to have sex with a guy, I'd probably destroy him.", Piper said. Curie stood at the chemistry station, attempting to create a stronger version of the current stimpaks they used. She dropped a beaker. A slight trembling grew stronger. Soon, she could see three huge beings approach the entrance bridge to Sanctuary. “Putain de merde!”, she whispered. The giant trio slowly stepped into the creek obviously mindful of the fact that their combined weight would crush the bridge into actual splinters. Preston Garvey didn’t see any of this, as his back was turned away from the bridge. Curie ran up next to him. “M..Monsieur Garvey! Mademoiselles Nora, Cait and Piper have returned!” Without missing a beat, he turned around. “I’ve got another settlement that needs…” He stopped, as he stared at the knee of a leg that was three times as tall as he was. Nora looked down at the comparatively tiny Minuteman. “I think we’ll be the ones choosing where to go, and who to save, Garvey.”, the redhead rumbled. She looked at Curie, and softly smiled. “Hello, Curie.” B..Bonjour, Mademoiselle Nora. Wh..what happened?” The three giants related how they had gained their new attributes. Piper wondered if the same could be done to Curie, before Nora reminded her that Curie was a synth. Cait, of all people, said, “Don’t you worry, darlin’. You’re just as amazing at that size.” She gently picked up the small synth and kissed her face. This led the other two to mirror her. “You are all so.. so beautiful.”, Curie stuttered. Cait gently, yet firmly, held onto the smaller woman. "Come on, little one.", Piper cooed at Curie. Nora smirked. "Let's go have some fun." They all rose to their feet, and Sanctuary shook under their footsteps. “What about the settlement?”, Preston called after them. Nora looked back. “It can wait, until after our… personal business with Curie.” Piper nodded. “Then, we’ll show the Commonwealth their new rulers.” Sharing a grin, they waded through the creek, and set off towards the east. The Commonwealth would never be the same. |