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Rated: E · Short Story · Contest · #2303804
Is a book contract worth it?
When Olivia and Jake decided to move into the old Victorian house at the edge of the small town, the locals tried to warn them. "Strange things happen in that house," they said. But Olivia and Jake, young and in love, brushed it off. They were both writers, so the thought of living in an "atmospheric" location felt like a dream come true.

For the first few weeks, all seemed well. They explored the large rooms and long hallways, appreciating the grandeur of the house. One evening, Jake discovered an old leather-bound book tucked away in the attic. The pages were filled with illegible scrawl, sketches of strange symbols, and mathematical equations. Curiosity getting the better of him, Jake decided to decode it.

Olivia noticed that Jake became increasingly absorbed in the book. He spent hours in the attic, lost in its pages. Conversations grew strained, and Olivia felt him pulling away. She attributed it to a new writing project he was consumed with. She missed the man she had married but told herself that it was just a phase.

Then the noises started—soft whispers, creaking floorboards, and the distinct sound of footsteps. Olivia grew increasingly uneasy but convinced herself it was just her imagination.

One night, Jake didn't come to bed. Olivia found him in the attic, surrounded by lit candles, reading aloud from the book. As she watched, the symbols on the pages glowed an eerie red. Frightened, she interrupted him, shouting, "What are you doing, Jake?"

He looked up, his eyes no longer his own, filled with a terrifying darkness. "I'm opening the gate, Olivia. They've promised me unimaginable knowledge."

Horrified, Olivia realized Jake was no longer himself; he was a vessel for something darker. She grabbed the book and threw it into the fireplace. The flames consumed it, turning the pages to ash. Jake screamed as though the fire was burning him. Then, suddenly, he collapsed.

Weeks passed, and Jake recovered, claiming no memory of the events. They moved out, unable to shake the terror they'd experienced. Olivia thought it was over, but sometimes, when the night is quiet, she hears soft whispers, like a distant echo from a nightmare she can never forget.

Life after the haunting experience in the Victorian house was supposed to be a fresh start for Olivia and Jake. They moved to a modern apartment in a bustling city, far away from the whispers and shadows of their past. Olivia found solace in her writing, penning tales that exorcised her fears onto the page. Jake, however, was eerily quiet about the ordeal and refused to write anything related to it.

For a time, things seemed normal. Yet, Olivia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was still lurking, just beyond the periphery of her awareness. Late at night, when the city's hum faded into a subdued murmur, she would sometimes hear faint whispers. They seemed like remnants of a bad dream, but she couldn't dismiss them entirely.

One evening, Olivia came home to find Jake sitting in the dark, staring at a blank wall. "They're calling me, Olivia. Even now, they're calling me," he muttered, his voice tinged with an unspeakable dread. Alarmed, Olivia turned on the lights and snapped him out of his trance. Yet, she knew something was terribly wrong.

Determined to get to the bottom of it, Olivia decided to investigate. She delved into ancient texts and occult forums, looking for anything that could explain the mysterious book and the "gate" Jake had mentioned. Her research led her to an esoteric cult that believed in communicating with otherworldly entities for forbidden knowledge. The cult had been disbanded years ago, but its teachings lived on. And then she realized, with chilling clarity, that the cult's symbol matched one of the symbols she had seen in the book from their old house.

A wave of terror washed over her as she understood the terrible truth: whatever Jake had tried to summon was still linked to him, bound by the symbols and incantations he'd recited. And it was coming for him.

Racing against time, Olivia frantically searched for a way to sever the connection. She stumbled upon an ancient ritual meant to cleanse the soul and banish dark entities. It was dangerous, filled with its own perils, but she was desperate.

On the next full moon, armed with salt, candles, and the newfound incantations, Olivia prepared for the ritual. She didn't tell Jake; she feared what the entity might do through him. As the clock struck midnight, she began the chant. The air grew thick, and shadows danced ominously on the walls.

Then, a guttural voice echoed through the room, "You cannot sever what is eternally bound." Olivia's heart sank, but she continued the ritual, her voice quivering but resolute. Finally, as she recited the last line, a piercing scream reverberated through the apartment, and then—silence.

When it was over, Jake appeared disoriented but unharmed. Olivia hugged him, tears in her eyes, hoping she had done enough to save him. Yet, even now, she knows the entity is not destroyed, only banished—for how long, she cannot say.

But sometimes, when the night is still, Olivia still hears the whispers. And she wonders if some gates, once opened, can ever truly be closed.

Weeks passed without incident, giving Olivia and Jake a deceptive sense of security. They tried to resume their normal lives, even entertaining the idea of going on a vacation. But the tranquility was shattered one fateful night.

Olivia woke up to find Jake murmuring in his sleep. This time, it was different. The language he spoke was neither English nor any other language she recognized. His voice sounded guttural, ancient. When she tried to wake him, his eyes snapped open, glowing an otherworldly red for a mere second before returning to normal. Yet, Jake had no memory of it in the morning.

The unsettling events escalated. Objects around their apartment moved of their own accord. Lights flickered. Jake became increasingly withdrawn, scribbling indecipherable symbols on scraps of paper. His personality changes were alarming; it was as if he were two people. Olivia, now wholly consumed by dread, knew she had to act swiftly.

This time, she sought professional help. Olivia consulted renowned occultists and even a priest specialized in exorcisms. After scrutinizing the symbols and hearing their story, they all reached the same disquieting conclusion: Jake was possessed by a malevolent entity—one far more powerful than initially suspected. It was biding its time, gathering strength for something unimaginable.

The experts advised an exorcism, but it was a risky undertaking. The entity inside Jake was old and cunning. The process could severely harm him, even result in death. But doing nothing was equally perilous. Olivia was trapped in an impossible dilemma.

Fueled by love and a desperate need to save Jake, Olivia chose to proceed. The exorcism was scheduled on a night when planetary alignments were believed to weaken malevolent entities. As they began, the room chilled rapidly, and the air thickened. Jake writhed and screamed, his voice oscillating between his own and the guttural tones of the entity. The priest chanted, his voice unwavering despite beads of sweat trickling down his forehead.

Just when it seemed like the entity was gaining the upper hand, overpowering the priest's incantations, Olivia remembered the love letters Jake had written her. In a sudden flash of insight, she grabbed one from a drawer and began reading it aloud. Each word seemed to weaken the entity. Finally, with a deafening screech that rattled the windows, it was expelled from Jake, who collapsed, drained but alive.

They embraced, both crying, both knowing that their lives would never be the same. As days turned into weeks, Olivia began to believe they had genuinely vanquished the entity. But deep down, a kernel of doubt lingered. Every so often, she would catch Jake staring blankly at nothing, and for a split second, she would wonder if a fragment of the entity remained, biding its time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike back.

They knew one thing for sure: they would never open mysterious old books again, and they'd never underestimate the enduring power of love—or malevolence. And so, they lived each day as a gift, fully aware that some shadows never fully disappear.

Six months had passed since the exorcism. Olivia and Jake were doing better; they even began to write collaboratively on a novel—a thriller, inspired by their own harrowing experiences. Yet, no matter how much they tried to sublimate their fears into fiction, some vestiges of reality refused to fade away.

The apartment they now resided in was modern and free from any historical enigmas. Still, the events had taken a toll on their relationship. Olivia found herself scrutinizing Jake's every move, and Jake sensed her growing apprehension.

In an attempt to bring back normalcy, Jake suggested a getaway. "A cabin, just for the weekend. We'll be away from all distractions, and perhaps it'll help us finish our novel," he said. Despite her initial hesitation, Olivia agreed. Maybe a new environment would bring them closer and help them move beyond the trauma.

They reached the cabin nestled deep within a dense forest, far removed from civilization. It was charming and quaint, a sharp contrast to the malevolent house they had once lived in. Yet, as soon as they crossed the threshold, Olivia felt an inexplicable wave of déjà vu wash over her.

They unpacked and settled down to write. Hours passed peacefully until Olivia stumbled upon a drawer filled with old, handwritten letters in the study. They were love letters, remarkably similar to the ones Jake used to write her. Intrigued and uneasy, she couldn't resist reading them. They told the story of a love torn apart by an unexplained tragedy.

That night, as the couple lay in bed, Olivia was awakened by voices—soft, murmuring voices that she couldn't attribute to the wind or the settling of an old cabin. She looked at Jake, who lay beside her, eyes wide open. "Do you hear it too?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jake nodded, his expression unreadable. "It's coming from the study."

With her heart pounding in her chest, Olivia followed Jake to the study. He reached for the drawer and pulled out one of the old love letters. As he held it, the room grew icy, and the murmuring voices coalesced into a single, chilling sentence: "You can't escape us."

It was then Olivia realized that the entity, or entities, were not bound to a place, but to them. Their love had become a beacon, attracting forces that defied understanding.

They spent the night huddled together, wrapped in layers of blankets but unable to shake off the cold that had settled into their bones. As dawn broke, they made an unspoken pact to face whatever came their way, together.

Days turned into weeks, and no further incidents occurred. But the couple knew better than to let their guard down. For, as they had learned, some entities don't just haunt places; they haunt souls. And their mysterious, terrifying ordeal had turned them into forever guardians of a secret they never wished to know.

Olivia continued to write, pouring her unresolved fears and unanswerable questions into stories that found their way into the world. Jake did the same, each using the written word as both a shield and a weapon.

Yet, every so often, when the world around them grows quiet, they still hear the whispers, a haunting refrain that reminds them of an inescapable truth: some doors, once opened, can never be completely closed. And so they live, in love but forever vigilant, writing the stories only they could tell.

A year passed. Olivia and Jake had finished their collaborative thriller, a novel so captivating that publishers engaged in a bidding war to secure it. While they experienced a creative high, their personal lives remained shrouded in quiet tension. The lurking presence had lessened but never fully disappeared.

Then, on the eve of their book launch, Olivia found an envelope tucked amidst their fan mail. It was unmarked except for the same unsettling symbol she had seen in the mysterious book from their old Victorian house. Her hands trembling, she opened it to find a single sheet of parchment. Written in elegant script were the words, "Every story has a price."

Before she could show it to Jake, he entered the room with a similar envelope. "I received this at work today," he said, his face drained of color. He unfolded the paper to reveal the exact same message: "Every story has a price."

Suddenly, their triumphs and celebrations felt hollow. Who could know their story so intimately, and what did the sender mean by "a price"?

Determined to put an end to this, they reached out to one of the occult experts who had helped them before. She was grave as she listened to their account. "Some stories are powerful enough to serve as incantations," she said. "Your book, influenced by real events and emotions, might have unwittingly served as a summoning ritual. It could be why the entity is resurfacing."

The revelation was crushing. Their creative endeavor, meant to heal and distance them from the past, had instead pulled them back into the vortex of the supernatural.

"Is there a way to stop this?" Olivia asked, desperation creeping into her voice.

"There might be," the expert replied. "But you won't like it. You need to write an alternate ending to your story, one where the entity wins. Only by offering it a narrative victory might you sever its hold over you."

The proposal was appalling, counterintuitive to every creative and moral fiber in their beings. Yet, they were out of options.

With heavy hearts, they sat down to write the most painful chapter of their lives. In this version, the entity not only triumphed but thrived, its power spreading like a malevolent shadow over the world. When they typed the final sentence, both felt as if a part of their souls had been excised.

Weeks rolled by without any otherworldly incidents. It seemed as if the alternate ending had done the trick. Still, Olivia and Jake lived with the unbearable knowledge of what they had penned, a story they locked away in a safe, hoping never to revisit it.

Yet sometimes, in the dead of night, Olivia finds herself waking up from a nightmare, in which countless people are chanting the lines of the alternate ending. Jake experiences similar dreams, leaving them to wonder: Did they truly sever the connection, or did they just widen the gateway for the entity to enter other lives through their words?

As they look at their best-selling book on the nightstand, they can't shake off the idea that their real story isn't over; it's just waiting to be written. And so they live, pens poised over blank pages, love binding them together, but fear forever a third, unwelcome companion in their marriage.

Olivia and Jake, both in their late 20s, purchased a Victorian home that most would describe as a "fixer-upper." However, it was more than old wood and peeling paint; it was a house of secrets. During renovations, they found an old, dusty book in a hidden compartment within the library wall. The book was filled with arcane symbols, indecipherable writing, and illustrations that unsettled the soul.

Ignoring the unease that tingled at the back of their minds, they read aloud a couple of lines, laughing off the sense of dread that filled the room. Yet, as they read, the atmosphere changed—lights flickered, a cold wind gusted out of nowhere, and they felt like someone, or something, was watching them.

Weeks passed without incident, giving Olivia and Jake a deceptive sense of security. Olivia woke up to find Jake murmuring in his sleep, speaking in a language neither of them recognized. Objects moved of their own accord, lights flickered, and Jake started scribbling symbols on scraps of paper. Olivia, filled with dread, consulted experts and even a priest, leading to the horrifying revelation: Jake was possessed by an ancient, malevolent entity.

Fueled by love, Olivia decided on an exorcism. On the chosen night, Jake writhed and screamed, but Olivia's reading of an old love letter weakened the entity enough for it to be expelled. They embraced, both knowing their lives would never be the same. They were cautious but felt they had genuinely vanquished the entity. However, every so often, Olivia would wonder if a fragment of it still lurked within Jake, biding its time.

Six months later, they found themselves at a cabin in a secluded forest, seeking inspiration for their collaborative novel. Olivia discovered old love letters in the study, remarkably similar to Jake's. That night, they heard soft murmuring voices saying, "You can't escape us." Olivia realized that the entities were not bound to places but to them, their love serving as an irresistible beacon.

A year passed. They had completed their thriller, but mysterious envelopes appeared, bearing unsettling symbols and the words, "Every story has a price." An occult expert suggested their book might have served as an unwitting summoning ritual. To break the cycle, they had to write an alternate ending where the entity wins. They did so, locking away the story and hoping never to revisit it.

Yet, in the dead of night, Olivia and Jake wake up from nightmares, leaving them to wonder: Did they truly sever the connection, or did they widen the gateway for the entity to enter other lives? They live, pens poised over blank pages, love binding them together, but fear forever a third, unwelcome companion in their lives.
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