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Two girls do not have the parentage they think they do. Things will change. |
December 21st 1823 The Kingdom Of Arendelle The servants set the cake in front of the one year old girl, who was on her mother’s lap. The King sitting in the chair to the right of the very long table, began cutting the cake. Only minutes later, young Elsa had cake all over her face. To be fair, one really can’t expect much royal decorum from a one year old. Later that night, in bed, Iduna spoke to Agnar. “My husband, I must tell you something that I have kept from you since Elsa’s birth.” She swallowed a lump in her throat. “I lay with someone who was wearing your face, the night she was conceived.” Agnar looked in shock at his wife, but soon calmed down. “Although this is a shock, to say the very least, if this stranger truly wore my face, then is it not your fault, my dearest. Do you know..?” She nodded. “After the deed was done, he revealed himself.” She shuddered. “He was one of the jotinar, a frost giant. He said….” She shivered. “He said I was not the best, but not the worst he’d had.” The Queen put her face in her hands and began to cry. Agnar held her close. “What’s done is done. Maybe nothing will come of it.” October 21st, 1824 As Agnar and Iduna, she took her husband into her arms. “I love you so much, darling”, she said. He replied, “I adore you, my sweet. I burn for you.” They lost themselves in their passion. As time passed, Elsa gained a little sister. They grew, as time went on. A terrific crash resounded in a castle hall. Several servants ran to see what had happened. It was just a relatively small thing, a broken door. The reason the door broke was not so relatively small. Princess Anna lay on the floor, covered in splinters. She stood up, and up, and up. The ten year old redhead was seven feet tall. Truly, the only person on Earth that could call her ‘little’ was her older sister Elsa. She was thirteen, and at ten feet tall, she was the largest human to ever exist. Though, neither were totally human. “I’m okay.”, the redhead smiled. The older servants went back to their labors, with some grumbling about the cost of a new door. The newer servants stood trembling and white faced, until the older servants glared at them. They rapidly ran down the hall . The two princesses had not been given any ice or fire powers from their sires. They did inherit their giant size, however. A few months later, the King and Queen stood in front of their daughters. ‘No matter how long I live’, the King thought, ‘I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to their... proportions.’ “We are off to Corona, for a trade delegation”, said Iduna. The towering sisters nodded, Elsa with a neutral look, Anna with a pout. Agnarr stepped forward. “Be good, my girls. We both love you very much.” They hugged their daughters, and walked out of the throne room. In reality, they were not going to a trade delegation, but were following rumors that may lead to the stopping of their daughters’ growth. None of them ever knew that that would be the last time they were together. A foreign dignitary stood in the throne room. He had just arrived from Freedonia. A tall man stood in front of a pair of truly colossal wooden doors. With a serious bearing, he said said, “Their Royal Majesties, Queen Elsa and Queen Anna!” Johan squinted in confusion. ‘Shouldn’t one be queen and the other princess?’, he thought. The ground seemed to vibrate, getting stronger and stronger. “I didn’t know that any country this far north might have earthquakes.” The other man’s eyes flashed with sadness for the briefest of seconds. “We do not, Master Hillen.” Finally the shaking stopped, and the doors were opened. The man’s eyes widened to the point he thought they might dry out, and it felt as if his jaw had actually dropped to the floor. ‘No wonder the thrones…. And a lot of other things, are so big’, the small part of his brain that wasn’t close to shutting down, thought. For, in the doorway, stood two of the loveliest specimens of femininity he ever beheld. They were, however, around twenty feet tall! The floor shook again as the titanic women, dressed in male attire, walked to their thrones. In a voice that sounded very deep, but still female, the blonde rumbled, “Welcome to Arendelle, Master Hillen. We are most glad to make your acquaintance.” She smiled with graciousness, but it made the smaller man freeze with terror. The red haired woman ,smaller only in comparison to her sister, said “Yes! Welcome!” Her voice, while still booming, was higher than the elder’s. “Th..thank you, your m..most gracious majesties! I am honored to meet you both, a..and I too hope for a pp.prosperous future for our countries!”, he replied, trying not to faint. Both giantesses shared a brief look of weariness, before Elsa said, “No doubt you are not used to persons our size, good sir. We are the only two like ourselves in all the world, so that does not come as a surprise. Normally, questions of a personal nature about royalty are severely frowned upon to say the least. I am prepared to allow such, though we reserve the right to cease discourse at any time.” The man tilted his head to the right, as would a confused dog. Anna smiled. “She means if you have any questions about us, it’s OK.” Her look turned severe. “But if we say stop, then stop, got it? And nothing we say leaves this castle.” A smile broke out, again. He gulped, then nodded. “Why do your majesties wear male attire?” “ Are you aware of how much material goes into women’s clothing as compared to men’s?”, Anna said. “If we wore women’s clothing, we’d probably bankrupt the treasury in a few years.” Johan nodded. “I bet I know what your second one is.”, she said. Nodding to each other, Elsa said, “Please, follow us.” He timidly followed the gigantic duo as they left the castle. All those they walked past bowed or curtsied, but none of them showed any shock or surprise. ‘Why should it?’. Johan thought. ‘This must be completely normal for them.’ However as they got closer to the walls facing the fjord, many children, as well as some adults, joined them. A young blonde girl looked up at him. “Their Majesties are gonna put on a show!”, she beamed. Approaching two cannons that were pointed away from the water, Anna grabbed one, as did Elsa. Master Hillen’s jaw dropped again. He wondered how many times it would happen that day. Without any sign of weariness or strain, the two titans… juggled the cannons! Tossing them back and forth, each one must have weighed several tons. They seemed to be as light as air to the giants. After a few more minutes, they replaced the military hardware. A roar of cheering and applause echoed from their subjects. Both bowed, Anna with a large grin on her face, Elsa with a small smile and a blush. It appeared the younger sister enjoyed doing this more than the elder did. After they returned to the throne room, Elsa said, “As you’ve just seen our strength matches our size. It even surpasses it, in dire times.” Anna nodded. “We are really really strong, yeah. But we still need an army.” She nodded her head over to her sister. “We might be able to get places much faster than everyone else, but we still can’t be everywhere.”, the redhead finished. “But, what about….”, Johan closed his eyes, as if he expected his life to end at any second. “the question of..heirs?” Amused snorts erupted from both queens. Standing up, they pulled at their trousers so that they were tight against their legs. The man blinked twice, and he goggled. Each woman had a penis! Reaching halfway down their thighs, the appendages were large, even for them! Sitting back down, Elsa smirked, “ We have both sets of genitalia.” Master Hillen gaped. “You… you lay with each other? But…. That’s incest! It’s disgusting! Amoral!” The elder queen’s voice and visage turned colder than the deepest cold of her country’s mountains. “Those are human mores and conventions! We are half giants! How do you think we became what we are? As I stated before, there are no other like us on Earth!” Anna glared fire at the small man. “We were made for each other! We are both queens! Even as half giants, we will live, and love, long after you are dust, sir!” “This is madness!”, the man screamed. “Freedonia must… No, the world must know of this perversion, this insanity! Giant incestuous monsters in human form! You must be stopped!” Wild-eyed, Johan turned and ran for the throne room doors. Anna glanced over. “Want me to call the guards?” Her sister’s face became resolute. “No. I am this queendom’s guardian, it falls to me to protect it.” She tenderly looked at her sister-wife. “And you.” With a few steps the immense monarch reached the small man. She grabbed him in one hand. “You’re insane! Everyone must be told! You can’t think you’re going to get away with this!” The giant queen’s face bore a dark smirk. “I already have.” A quiet, sharp snap, then silence. Dropping the body to the floor, she walked to her throne and sat down with a sigh. “How many was that?”, Anna said. “I believe he was number seven.”, Elsa replied. Anna huffed out a sigh. “Eventually, the outside world is going to wonder where all those people have gone.” Elsa smiled softly. “The outside world is nothing. All we need is our queendom and subjects.” She pulled Anna’s head gently forward, melding their lips together in fierce passion. “And all I need, my beloved, is you.” As two guards enter to carry the body away, the giant queens kiss again. Hands begin to roam across bodies, as the throne room doors close. |