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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
New siggie

She sat down at her old wooden desk, pen at the ready. Her thoughts raced. What shall I write today? Tilting her head to the side, a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth before enveloping her delicate face. The purple ink began to fill the once blank sheet, each stroke a labor of pure joy as the words flowed from her mind, her heart, her very soul.

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

My Dreams...

to write of romance and endless love
to love without boundaries
to learn from past mistakes
to laugh with all my heart
to be the woman I am meant to be



I will reach for the stars

Will not give up

Will give all that I have

Dare to dream the impossible dream

For anything in this life is possible

Daughter of Desire

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards <---I am blown away by this

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September 17, 2009 at 10:26pm
September 17, 2009 at 10:26pm
September 17, 2009 at 7:25pm
September 17, 2009 at 7:25pm
Life tends to get in the way of the blog, lol. It's been a wild week or so for us. I will say that TWQ has been getting mass amounts of hits since I reopened it. Makes a girl feel GREAT. *Wink* Meant to post this little pretty thing last week and forgot.

Sig for the Quickie

Not too shabby, should have went for the bold, but at least there's a sharable for TWQ.

So, I did it. I wrote a piece for Paradise Cove. I'm rather proud of it, actually. Opened it up today and have 9 hits already. Only one review, so I wonder what others are thinking about it. I have a few more days where I can edit if I want. So please, give me your opinion, send me some reviews so I know where I stand with this one. I'm sure there are errors I've missed.

A Second Chance  (18+)
Tristan and Rena take a hard look at their floundering marriage.
#1599045 by Purple Princess

I helped Lutz with the judging for her Tales from the Darkside contest. I was rather impressed with the entries. Horror/fantasy is not a genre favorite of mine, but I find it easy to get into a good story, and most were that. Funny how reading some of the entries took me back to my own beginnings with writing. I am glad that I offered my help, for I got to review, learn a few things, help out others, and lose myself into some stories. Always a bonus.

Zak is excited. Seems a friend of his spoke to his college professor about the comics Zak creates. Today, his friend introduced the two, and he wanted to see Zak's work. The professor ~ impressed. Yup, that's the good word. He looked at one comic and is impressed with the detail Zak puts into them. So, now he's going to reccommend for a certain direction in college. Even suggesting that his Anime is good enough to compete with the American style comics taught in college here. Zak was really happy today. Happier than I've seen him in a long time. He's loving the Architecture class, and now he has a second avenue to pursue. Will be good for him. The words 'major' and 'minor' were coming out of his mouth. I almost fainted. *Laugh*

Have my first big writing assignment. I wasn't impressed with the prompts, but picked one out. Intend to work on it this weekend. Think I'll make a folder for all of my essays for this class. Something for me to look back on. See where I've started, and where I wind up. I do like the class, so that's a good thing. But the teacher has a way of making jokes, laughing at them, and his laugh...well, I won't even go there.

Facebook is one wild ride. Especially with most of my WDC friends on it. I'm addicted. I admit it. I am turning into one hell of a farmer, lol.

Signed Zak up for Segment 2 ~ Again. Whatever it takes to get his license. He has a month to get ready for the driving test. Here we go again...

I came thisclose to having a car I really wanted. I'm so bummed that I lost out on it. I found the perfect 2006 BMW X3, 3.0, Silver with black interior, loaded, but high milies. Problem was that our dealer friend called and was told it wasn't available. So I called, and of course they have the truck. My mistake, I gave my name. So when said friend calls to make a deal, they dealer thinks the friend is trying to make big money off of me. SCREWED. I lost out on that car. So said friend goes out and buys me a car. Black with beige interior, with less options, for the same price. *Rolleyes* We are now having a tiff because he didn't clear it with me, and I dont' want it. Seriously. We have a black X5 with beige interior. Why would I want an X3 exactly the same? I wouldn't.

Okay, I've babbled plenty. Off to pick up dinner. This damn URI and ear infection is killing me. I need food and my meds.


~~~Update ~~ A house explosion today in St. Clair Shores ended with my cousin Tommy jumping to the rescue. Go Tommy, go Tommy, go, go, go Tommy! Pretty kewl. Thanks for the phone call Mom. Couldn't find the footage at the website, but I'll be checking again soon.
September 12, 2009 at 11:41pm
September 12, 2009 at 11:41pm
Well, it's here. Today I take on TWQ. I posted the prompt at noon and had some nice responses. Kind of made my day since I will admit to being nervous. If anyone's interested, I would love to see what you come up with for this week's writing prompt.

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest, June Theme: Power Plays
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

It's been an unproductive day for the most part. I feel like crap, which so doesn't help. I did do most of my homework, though, and am still working on two more parts of it. If I can finish it tonight, it will free up more of my time tomorrow.

With the one year anniversary of my grandfather's death tomorrow, I imagine it will be a rough day. We have a special mass for him in the afternoon. This all depresses me more than I want to admit. And just typing that brings tears to my eyes. So I'm off now. Going to finish my assignment and maybe get some more writing in for my Paradise Cove entry.


In school, I always gave 110%. No wonder I flunked math.
September 9, 2009 at 7:13am
September 9, 2009 at 7:13am
I don't even know where to begin. Life is crazy. Sometimes people see one thing, and then find that what they saw pales in comparrison to what actually is going on. I thought I had it bad with the attitude my kids have towards school. The senior who feels superior and thinks that he has everything covered. Then there's the freshman who coasted through middle school with straight A's, who feels high school will be no different, and since he hates school, he won't have to do anything extra for the next four years. If I hadn't told them both to grab a backpack, paper, folder, pencil, notebook, they would have left here empty handed. It's enough to make me wanna yank my hair out. I could barely look at the two of them last night after dinner since the comments about school were all negative and pissed me right off.

But I found out that I'm lucky. Yes, that's right, I said lucky. Because this is nothing compared to what someone I love is going through. I could barely sleep after hearing what went on with this person. Having your child speak to you with no respect, in such a degrading way, and then having a physical altercation on top of it makes me sick to my stomach. I hardly slept. I'm a worrier. It's what I do. Life can be a nightmare. But I want to help. I have this strong urge to want to jump in and come to the rescue, as if I somehow have the magic touch. I know I don't. Damage has been done, for years. Getting out of negative patterns is no easy task. All I can do is be here, and try to lighten the burdon, support her, and hope for the best. Gawd that might prove too difficult for someone like me.

I'm exhausted. Two nights of only a few hours of sleep. Tried to nap several times yesterday, but was rudely woken by the damn telephone. UGH. I swear when I get home today and intend to crash, and I do intend to crash, if that phone even rings once, I will rip them all out of the wall.

I need to get ready for class. That ought to be interesting. The old lady in the back who can barely keep her eyes open while the professor is talking. Go me.
September 8, 2009 at 12:13am
September 8, 2009 at 12:13am
And I'm still wide awake. This is not good. Kids go back to school tomorrow. We are so used to staying up til 3am, then crashing. I will have to be up at 6am to make sure they get off to school. It will be the first time they've ever carpooled, too. Ought to be interesting. I get the prime spot of picking them up everyday. It's only a half day tomorrow, so I'll be taking that day off of work. Have some errands to run anyway. If I don't get the xrays returned, they'll probably charge me for them, so that's a must.

I am stuck on facebook. That site is addicting I tell ya. I'm finding people everyday on fb. Even hubby is now on the site. Miracle I tell ya.

Most of the reviews I had to do for CRCs auction are done, and prizes awarded. Only have one person left, and I've at least started those reviews. Only 14 more to go, lol.

This Saturday will be the Grand Re-opening for

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest, June Theme: Power Plays
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

Since I'm taking it on, I think I'll be doubling the prizes for the first week. I am hoping to get some interest back into this contest.

Guess that's all I got. The T is out...
September 5, 2009 at 12:35am
September 5, 2009 at 12:35am
bitches, lol.

I can say that today has been a good day. First off, I went to class and the professor was miffed. The copies for homework he made didn't come out right because the machine was out of ink. No homework. No class until Wednesday. Woots, lol. So he passes back all of the essays. In some strange order. I am one of the last to get mine back, and already thinking I've bombed it, almost screeched in class when I saw the 85/100. Mine was the highest in two classes. Woots. How's that for some reassurance. I so needed it.

Headed off to work afterward. Convinced hubby to take us out for dinner since I didn't want to cook. Bonus. Then, after not checking into wdc for the entire day, I found 10 emails. And the sweetest little gift waiting for me to make the day even brighter.

Merit Badge in Creativity
[Click For More Info]

Giving you this MB because I checked, and you don't have one, and you do create the most sensual erotica.

Thanks, sciwriter1 Coming from you it means a lot. And the fact that you took the time to see if I even had one, well that just goes to show what a good friend you are.

Word for the day: CYBERPATH

Definition - Colloquially, a cyberpath is defined as an individual with a pathological disorder who has access to the internet and uses the internet as a medium for acting out his or her pathology. Another definition is that a cyberpath has come to mean a psychopath who uses the internet to find, stalk, and exploit others either online or in real life.

Here's some information that will give a better understanding of what goes on in this place we are all addicted to. The internet can be such a wonderful tool/place, but there are draw backs as well.

According to many researchers, finding victims to exploit, and even exploitation itself, has been greatly facilitated by the internet. The internet not only offers the possibility for contact between like-minded individuals separated by vast distances and even belonging to different cultures, it also provides the opportunities for individuals of a predatory nature to seek out prey for any number of nefarious reasons. Never before have the possibilities of networking been so enhanced, and the dangers so prevalent.

Researchers emphasize that a cyberpath is extremely difficult to recognize. Psychopaths, in general, are well known for hiding behind a "mask of sanity"; the internet provides an additional masking element, compounding the problem.

Many cyberpaths appear to be seeking only thrills and restrict their activity to the internet only, never seeking direct contact. This type of individual moves from victim to victim, easily becoming bored. Because psychological and emotional dominance are what they seek - and usually achieve - they leave a trail of psychological damage behind them. Other cyberpaths utilize the internet to find victims that they then proceed to exploit directly. The explosion in Online Dating sites has helped facilitate this greatly; however Online Dating sites are not the only venues used by cyberpaths.

For the "strict" cyberpaths, (those that never seek face to face contact), accumulating followers that accept their dominance are very important. The followers give adulation to the cyberpath - many of whom use pity as a way to get attention - and this seems to feed what appears to be a sort of virtual narcissism. This follows a pattern very similar to those used to build & maintain cults. Very often, cyberpaths will also be insulting and humiliating (in written words) in order to assert their dominance. They may seek out confidential information from online sources or from some other individual and use it to embarrass or harass a third individual. They may also use this confidential information about their victims to threaten or extort the victim; should their true agendas be found and/or exposed.

One variety of cyberpath concentrates on "web sex", seducing their victims with words, engaging in "cyber sex" which may go so far as to involve using webcameras, webphones, or may be simply restricted to written communication. They may then utilize these interactions to shame and harass the victim. Quite often, these seductions include promises of love and eventual face to face meetings which never transpire. If they do actually meet their victims, and exploit them, it passes into a different category of activity.

The cyberpath who concentrates on "romancing" and "seducing" their victims have been known to inspire almost fanatical love and devotion in a whole series of individuals they never actually meet. It seems that the combination of "love bombing" combined with sexual excitement generated at a distance, has lasting emotional and psychological effects, in many respects even more devastating than an actual, physical love affair. The sexual excitement induced by cyberpaths often has the same physiological 'bonding' results that actual sex would; at least for the victim. Cyberpaths also use seduction techniques and hypnosis, trance and neurolinguistic programming methods to induce a feeling of 'connectedness' in their victims.

Many victims of cyberpaths may end up entering therapy as a result of their interactions which are often emotionally deep and psychologically profound. Many victims believe themselves to be flawed after an experience with a cyberpath. PTSD which may last for months or years, is the most common problem victims are left with.

According to many reports, cyberpaths can do extreme psychological damage to those individuals they target. See: Emotional Rape.

Gordon Bank's work, "Don Juan as Psychopath," [1] suggests that the cyberpath is mostly interested in playing tricks with his prey, almost in a playful way. The relationship, the cybersex, the chat, the openness, the fraud, the mind-games: are all a game to the Cyberpath.

Cyberpaths are predominantly male but can be female.

Cyberpath is the term used for predators looking for victims over the internet. It is true that we do not know who we are talking to on the other end of the computer and since the internet has become one of our most valuable communication tools the percentage of crime has increased by far. Do not trust profiles and do not trust what people "tell" you about themselves. Just as they will never know who you truly are you will really never know who they really are either.
There are no exceptions to becoming a victim of crime no matter how 'smart' or educated you are.

Hmmm, wonder if the fact that I included some of this info into my essay helped me get the 85. Nahh, it was my unique ability to write a paper that actually had clear thoughts and gave mulitiple reasons for "How has the internet changed society?"

Yeah, I rock, lmao.

Night all. Take care and be safe. It's a jungle out there.

September 4, 2009 at 12:16am
September 4, 2009 at 12:16am
Read the first two chapters today at work. Nothing like doing homework at work. *Laugh* I am getting my test back tomorrow. Not looking forward to it. I knew my paper started off slow, and by the middle to the end, I was on a rant, lol. That's what they get for asking me "How has the internet changed society."

So let's play a game, or as my book says, do an exercise, lol.

Brainstorming word/subject of the day.


Ideas - turning your back on the truth, refusing to see what's in front of you, not taking a look in the mirror, not being sensible. Yeah, that's all I got, lol.

Paragraph -

How many times had they told him what he was? They were all liars. Each and every one of them. He laughed at the thought of being called a predator. He wasn't by no means. Nope, not him. He was too religious for that. He couldn't help the fact that he was good with people in need. He had the big shoulders to prove it. When someone needed a friend, he was always right there, ready to listen and lend a hand. Even money on occasion. He sat down at his desk, his fingers itching to hit the internet and see who was available, who needed him, who wanted to talk. The corner of his mouth rose slightly, hoping the one he wanted to chat with was available. She'd been so sweet, professing her love to love, even embarrassed to admit that their friendship had taken this turn. His heart swelled at that thought, knowing she'd be around for a long time. Predator. He was too nice for that terminology.

Case in point.


September 2, 2009 at 9:39pm
September 2, 2009 at 9:39pm
You know how they say death comes in threes? Well is it possible that good things can come in pairs?

First off, class was good. Went over brainstorming techniques, among other things. Have two chapters to read before Friday.

Zak had his appointment with the Orthopedic Surgeon. They wouldn't even look at the xrays I brought with me. They did ask how old they were. I told them less than two weeks, but they didn't want them. We went from one waiting room, to another. Zak had to put on scrub shorts. That boy wasn't happy. *Laugh* They took new xrays of him. It was interesting to see how advanced technology is. Right before my eyes on the computer screen the xray came up, of Zak from his head to the bottom of his pelvis. You can see that one hip is higher than the other, and the curvature between his shoulder blades. The Good News. Zak has stopped growing. The curvature is only 16%, and will not get worse. They basically told us to forget he was ever diagnosised with scolosis. GREAT. I'm so there. The only complications he will have in the future are random back pain a few times a year that will come and go away within a day. That we can handle.

I closed the CRC auction last night. Didn't do too bad. Got to spread the worth to two other contests as well as my review group.

And happy surprise number two is this.

The Weekly Quickie Contest  (18+)
Can you excite in 969 words? Romance+ Contest, June Theme: Power Plays
#1355442 by Dawn Embers

*Blush* I cannot thank Ricky enough for having such confidence in me. He did a hell of a job running the Quickie, and I for one am going to miss him. We talked about me taking it over earlier in the week, but seeing it in my port blew me away. I know it must have been a hard thing for him to, and for that I am extremely grateful to my friend. So, Ricky, remember, you can always enter the contest now. *Wink*

While driving to downtown Detroit, we missed our turn. Which took us deeper into the heart of Detroit. Once I passed a few streets, I knew we were not headed in the right direction. What struck me to the core was the amount of homeless people. Gawd it breaks my heart to see that. What a shame in this day and age. The USA is one of the richest nations, yet we let our own people live in tents, or under bridges, in fields. I swear, a cluster of at least 40 homeless people all sat around an empty field. One tent stood there. The neighborhood was in shambles. When do we as a nation stand up and ask that our government start taking care of things at home, instead of every other country in the world? Why aren't we doing something for our own? It boggles my mind, and makes me very sad.

Rant over.
September 1, 2009 at 10:29pm
September 1, 2009 at 10:29pm
Few hours to go

 CRC's Back To The Grind Auction  (E)
An Auction to help some great groups on WDC
#1588177 by Purple Princess
August 30, 2009 at 11:45pm
August 30, 2009 at 11:45pm
One week of Ramadan and all is fine. At least here. My SIL had to go to the hospital because she had food poisoning. Gawd, I feel so bad for her. It's the worst, especially with the heat wave they are having in Lebanon at the moment. Hope she gets better fast.

It's been a crazy weekend. The late nights are so odd for me. I'm not used to being awake late, and the fact that I'm not that tired amazes me. Hubby is such a night owl. But me, not so much.

First test is tomorrow. My only hope is that he picks one the prompts I liked. Chances, slim. Seriously, I have tons of luck, most of it bad. No way am I going to count on getting a writing prompt that I will do well at. OMG was that good grammar or bad? *Bigsmile*

I spent most of today downloading songs to my ipod. I plan to leave for school ten minutes earlier than I did Friday just so I can find a good parking spot. So I want my ipod to help save me from boredom while I wait for the class to start. I so need to remember to shut my phone off, or triple check that it's on vibe.

Sadly, matthewhuge has closed The Weekly Quickie Contest. I always looked forward to that one. It gave me a reason to write something new every week.

Well, I'm out. Need to do a few things before bed.

Megan's Man, chapter 6 revised and posted.

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