Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/authors.php/action/reviewers
The Writing.Com members below are accepting review requests and ready to review your item! Peruse the list, check out members' review styles and request a review from anyone who seems like a good fit for your item.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I have a review template that is only used for in depth reviews, usually those that are specifically requested. These will be as comprehensive as I can manage, including everything I have noticed in reading the piece. Most of my reviews, however, are more in the nature of reactions to the piece with brief notes on things I find particularly good and suggestions on dealing with any obvious flaws in the writing.
Registered Author
(minimum 2,000 GPs)
I tend to be nice. I never review on subject or anything but more about how things are written and how easy it is to read. If you do that I'll always give a 5 star review. :)
Registered Author
Cupadraig~The Remote Country
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I'm not sure what this means. I am honest in my review(s) and try to offer constructive advice when I find something amiss. I also enjoy pointing out what works for me in your story so you get equal positive. I want to help you get better. That's why we are here.
strategos101's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Joseph Mack
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
My style is varied for the most part meaning that sometimes I feel it necessary to comment on grammar and other times the flow of the story as an example. I will always try to be sensitive of your feelings for I know that writing is hard and personnel but even though this is true I still want to be as helpful as I can.
Preferred Author
♫~ Kenword~♫
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I try my best to read everything on Writing.com with great care. My reviews always include a first impression, my feelings about theme and structure and where appropriate, some thoughts about possible revisions.*Mugr*
Preferred Author
BIG BAD WOLF is hopping
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I'll give a quick summary of your item. Afterwards, I'll talk about your characters, any Spelling or Grammar issues, and perhaps suggest some things, like adding the item to a Genre that it would fit into.
lazarious's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Tickler Rhyme
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to give fair and honest reviews. I will always be polite and will give some tips if needed. Improper grammar in a story is something that bothers me quite a bit and, please, if you absolutely need to swear in your story try to keep it at a minimum and make it part of a character and not a narrative.
hdhdhsksid's Portfolio!
Registered User
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Not very strict. Decent grammar, spelling. Uniqueness And good story telling. That's how you will get a good review.
aundria_k's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Angels in my Ear
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
I enjoy reviewing and try to be as honest as possible. I look for specific things such as technical merit, flow and lyrical quality in poems, creativity, tone, and mood. Though I can be a tough critic, I strive to encourage writers to grow and challenge themselves. I feel that it is through constructive criticism that we grow as writers. I strive to give the writer feedback on the overall impact of the piece. I am the host and judge of the "Shadows and Light Poetry Contest and co-host of the "Roots & Wings Contest
sparkyvacdr's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 50,000 GPs)
I like to encourage writers, while giving accurate, insightful, truthful feedback. Reviews for novel length items will be an overview and general comment. I don't review line by line or focus on grammar, spelling or punctuation -except perhaps if I see something affecting the storyline, or if I have suggestions relating to improving relevant areas of the work.
knightly's Portfolio!
Registered Author
Blank Page
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
While I consider myself apt enough to provide decent, kind feedback, I'm not the sort of person to laud a man's writings. Instead, I seek to find smaller, more intricate points of interest within their writings so that I might offer suggestions and feedback so that they might better aid the flow of their work.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like to give friendly advice that I hope will help, not harm.
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I'm honest but constructive. I'll explain why I give the number of stars I give and what you could do to improve that. I do fix grammar as well as look at style, emotional triggers, characters, and other things like that. I'll get back to you with a full review in a couple of days or so after the request, depending on the length of the item.
jotokai's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I like a review that makes me edit, even if it bothers me or offends me. So I look at your piece with, "What would I change to make this better and why?" And I write down most of what I think... the limit being how much you paid, more than how much you can handle! And of course there's no guarantee that my advice won't make it worse. Well, except the long list of bestseller credits-- oh, I haven't published them yet. But feel free to request a refund if I really like your piece. It's happened, sometimes I'm in too good of a mood and I think your work is perfect. If it was, you'd be submitting it for a royalty advance... praise is nice but it's like Chinese food, you need more in an hour. Whereas critique sticks to your ribs...
Registered Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I am often very critical in the mechanics of writing as too many errors can impact really badly on the reader and their desire to keep reading. I also concentrate on the storyline pace and character development. Any reviews provided by me are honest and encouraging but are not designed to be wishy washy with kindness - my aim is to help not destroy!!!
soledad_moon's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Elisa the Bunny Stik
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In a single word, thorough. I will turn your piece upside down, shake the change out of its pockets and look at even the most minute details. I can be technical but will do so when emphasizing a larger point about the piece as a whole.
tvelocity's Portfolio!
Preferred Author
Graham Muad'dib
(minimum 2,500 GPs)
Brutally honest, but fair. I will give my impressions of the main points: Plot, character, setting, dialog. Then I will get into grammar, spelling, and typos. I will tell you what works, and what doesn't. As far as the star ratings go, I don't rely on them too much, but use them as a measure of an item's relative merit. Take it for what it's worth. Bottom line, my goal is to help the author improve their work.
Preferred Author
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
Honest and encouraging
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
In depth, detailed, and supportive.
spidergirl's Portfolio!
(minimum 1,000 GPs)
I attempt a well-rounded review where I look at the item from a writer's and reader's perspective. I'll tell you what I liked and what I think could be strengthened. I like to think I'm a courteous and helpful reviewer.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/authors.php/action/reviewers