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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1051079-Writing-Contests
Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.
#1051079 added June 14, 2023 at 8:29pm
Restrictions: None
Writing Contests
June 14, 2023
5:15 PM

I woke up to take the dog out but he wasn't in my room. I turned over and went back to sleep. I woke up hungry. I had some hot cereal and some Sunny D orange juice. It was already 85 according to the outside thermometer. I looked at the clock. It was 7 AM. Had my morning chat with my best friend. I like to hear it is cloudy and raining up where she lives. It beats 100+ heat.

The dog appeared sometime later telling me with a certain whining tone he wanted breakfast. I gave it to him, noticed my reading light was still on and looked outside where it was bright and sunny. The clock said 4:10. I assumed that meant AM and still could not figure out if dawn ergo sunlight was compatible with that timeframe.

I gave the time no more thought until now, awakening at 5:00 PM. That is PEE EMM. The last thing I remember last night was doing a little research about moles for my contest challenge to write for the Writing 4 Kids June contest.. My failed plan was to write it last night, publish and link it to the contest, and move on to the next contest that is set up by ACRO*BATICS. It is an acronym-based contest. I have my acronym and a general outline of the story. I took a break and thought I would see what other challenges were in store for me stopping on the contest about Redemption Vignettes.

I don't know if I can get 14 contests completed by the end of June but it is a challenge from The Contest Challenge by Schnujo. I am not a huge competition-driven person. I enter things for the social part. If I do well that's great but I don't expect it or make that my only goal.

So, here I am, checking in for mail, notifications, and a peek at Newsfeed. What have I done about writing my story? I got sidetracked working on my birth order project summing up the personality traits and habits of kids born between 1997-2012. I have studied and written pieces on each of the generations over years starting with Generation X the one my two children are part of. Now I have 5 grandsons who are part of Generation Z. An acquaintance is having a terrible time with her nineteen-year-old son. I got the scoop and just got done giving her the 411. She was grateful.

And there are 421 words today written here. I could have completed a contest or two in that time!


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