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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/346124-Thanks-To-Technology
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #932855
Empty or full, shiny or a little in need of washing and sometimes just cracked!
#346124 added May 2, 2015 at 11:58am
Restrictions: None
Thanks To Technology
I was really interested in Nada ,s entry about her relationship with her computer. A lot of what she said struck a chord with me too. And it seems the more advanced computers become, the more we need to learn and the list of 'things to do' grows longer. Still, we've all proved we can handle the images now, so the sky's the limit!

My doctor actually introduced me to computers. When my son was about five I was going through a rough patch of depression and sleep problems. My doc has known me a long time and instead of prescribing pills he suggested I buy a computer. He said it would suit my analytical mind. How right he was and how grateful I am to him. So, for my son's sixth birthday we purchased an old Commodore 64, complete with arcade games on tapes that took half an hour to load! We were both immediately hooked. I'd fetch him from school and we'd rush home to see if we could get to the next level of 'Popeye.' lol My nephew also had his first computer around this time so my sister became interested too.

Then, as technology advanced, we changed to a flashy Amiga. Oh the graphics! We thought the little stick men walking around our adventure games just so amazing. Many happy years spent solving 'King's Quests' and 'Simon the Sorceror' passed by; my sis and I having so much fun sending each other postcards with hints on to each other. Happy times. Then gradually, the P.C. took over and we had to give in. I was terrified of getting to grips with this new monster; with its DOS and C drives and all its other many complications. But I did it and so did my sis. I remember us hearing that one day we'd be able to talk to each other on our computers; we were stunned by that revelation.

And so the internet arrived. For me, in those days a valuable research tool for lesson planning. Since leaving teaching I've entered a whole new world on here; one I probably take for granted, and shouldn't. Yes, there's a downside and the media is quick to pounce on any negative aspects of the internet, but on the whole I believe there is far more good than evil stems from the Cyberworld. I know some would disagree!

I feel quietly sorry for my friends who admit they wouldn't even know how to switch a computer on; maybe it's true that what you never have you never miss, but I wouldn't have missed this experience for anything. I feel quietly proud too, that like Nada I am mostly self taught. Okay, I have certificates in typing, business studies, word processing and DTP but I rarely use that knowledge. It's a great boost to know that every day I still manage to learn something new about computers and am able (sometimes) to help others out. And a big thank you to those on here who've helped me lately too.

I've read in other b***...er journals that people reprimand themselves for spending too much time on computers and I know that feeling well. My house is dirtier, my cupboards untidier, my garden more neglected and my backside fatter since I became addicted, but ultimately it's what I enjoy and that's what matters most. (to me anyway)

There are other things I enjoy doing and projects I want to undertake but often it all comes back to the same route.

1. I want to sort out my collection of music. Okay, arrange the CD's A-Z - oh, this one needs a cover making, this one needs copying ...which means I need to use the...computer.

2. I want to get to grips with my digital camera. Okay - here's the manual, I'll go out to take some pics. Now lets see how they look...which leads me back to the...computer.

3. I want to expand my knowledge of my family tree. Got the folder, the old letters and photos...well who's he related to then? Better go check it out on the genealogy site on the...computer.

4. I want to start making handmade cards. Fetch all the paper and decorations out, get the cutters and glue ready. Need an idea to get started. Might be an idea to look up a craft site on the...computer.

5. I want to prepare my garden for the summer. Tidy up, prune, prepare those tubs and baskets. Drag out all the tools, sharpen the shears, how much do I cut back this plant? Maybe I should look it up on the...computer.

It seems all roads lead me back to my favourite place, or maybe I just allow them to. Better get moving, supermarket day. Oh Bliss! If it was left to me I'd pay that bit extra and order the shopping online!

My son Paul on his sixth birthday back in 1987 with his new Commodore 64.

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