Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/488911-Talkin-with-the-Angels
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1211684
My blog--I pull a card--if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it is for you?
#488911 added February 18, 2007 at 5:32pm
Restrictions: None
Talkin' with the Angels
signature created by Jem

I am finally feeling better after the ordeal of 4 tooth extractions on Wednesday.

Earlier in the day I pulled a card from my Angel Blesssings deck. Yes, I am a collector of these things. And people often gift me with decks knowing how much I enjoy them.

Some day I plan to create my own Soul Deck of cards with completely personal meanings and symbols.

Today card was the angel: ONGKANON---her theme is communication. She's a very matronly angel, a little plump, shepherding a flock of small cherubim.https://www.drstandley.com/angels_ongkanon.shtml

The card suggests that we seek truth in all of our communications from the sentiments of a simple birthday card to the sublime complexities of marriage.

How often do we falter in our lives because of misunderstood messages or missed communication?

I have finally begun to understand in my working life that when problems arise the best thing to do is not to react initially but to begin to sort the story out and find the thread of truth. Typically, something has been failed to be communicated along the way, and once all the pieces are together a rational decision can be made. But most people jump in with assumptions and conclusions and chaos reigns. I'm learning, but slowly.

Ed and Vernice Burman, friends of me and my husband, are angels on earth. They raised last week-end over 3900 lbs. of food for the Humane Society in Hernando County. http://hernandotoday.com/MGB1ALSJAYE.html

I talked to earth angels that night of their party, women caring for aged parents, a woman who nursed her husband through Guillain-Barre till he passed.

There are angels everywhere, watch out for their feathers wherever you pass today!

angel statue

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