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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#496873 added March 22, 2007 at 11:43am
Restrictions: None
Let’s Play 50 Questions
2 Baha 164 B.E. - Thursday, March 22, 2007

1. What is your Astrological sign? Capricorn.

2. Where do you keep your butter/margarine? Usually in the refrigerator unless I’m going through an episode of CRS, then there is no telling where I’ll put it.

3. What is the best Lucky Charms marshmallow? I don’t eat that cereal.

4. Jay-Z, Fleetwood Mac, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Anthrax, Art Pepper, or
Emmylou Harris? None of them, although I do have fond memories of Fleetwood Mac.

5. What do you think is gross? Obscene spam.

6. Dog or Cat? Cats.

7. Hotel or Motel? Either is fine with me, although I prefer home.

8. Why do you think people like blue? Because a sunny day = a blue sky.

9. Pie or cake? I don’t care as long as it’s chocolate.

10. Do you rent or own? Own.

11. Why should Bill Gate give you a new computer? Because it sounds like a good idea and a cheap way for me to upgrade.

12. Where do you buy groceries? It depends, sometime Albertson’s, sometimes Food4Less, sometimes WalMart and sometimes the 99cent store.

13. Sushi? Sounds good to me.

14. Name of your high school sweetheart? High school memories are traumatic enough as it is without remember that person.

15. Who was the last person to give you the finger? The driver that hanked at me yesterday because he/she was the only one in three lanes of traffic who wanted to pass the police car and get a speeding ticket.

16. New York, Montreal, London or Sydney? The only one I’ve visited is New York.

17. Glasses? Yes.

18. What are you eating? Just finished my coffee.

19. Last thing you did with a relative? Visited my mother in the hospital.

20. Who let the dogs out? Who cares as long as it’s in an enclosed backyard.

21. How many toes do you have? Ten the last time I counted them.

22. Best science? Science Fiction until I finish the novel.

23. What is the one thing people say about you the most? I have no idea and I don’t want to know unless it’s something positive or nice.

24. Is #23 true? ? ? ?

25. What do you watch on TV? The BritComs.

26. Sweet or Salty? Something sweet followed by something salty, unless it’s butter and salted popcorn. Then I like to have a chocolate bar with my popcorn.

27. How do you feel about paper clips? Alien larva, possible from Mars but they could be from one of Alpha C’s planets.

28. Who do you have a picture of on your desk? I don’t keep pictures on my desk. My pictures are either on the wall on setting on a shelf in the bookcase.

29. Children? Yes and No.

30. Do you eat breakfast? Sometimes.

31. Drink of choice? Lately water.

32. What is your middle name? Florence.

33. Are you a middle child? No, I’m the oldest.

34. what is your inseam measurement? I have no idea.

35. Funniest comic you've every heard/seen? Garfield.

36. Do you look like Garfield? No, but one of my cats does.

37. Are you 32? Double that and minus 4 is my age.

38. What movie do you recommend other's rent? Lord of the Rings.

39. Who pays for your eyeglasses? Usually me.

40. What is your favorite quote? “He who puts his trust in God, God shall suffice him. He who fears God, God shall send him relief.” Baha’u’llah

41. What was the last book you read? Sixty Things To Do When Your Sixty

42. Is it warm where you live? Most of the time.

43. Friday or Saturday? Either day is fine with me.

44. Are you scared of spiders? I have arachnophobia.

45. Do you bite your fingernails? No, I usually tear them off or out depending on my stress level.

46. How old are the shoes you wear the most? Younger than I am.

47. Did you know you should buy new shoes every 4 to 6 months or
after about 500 miles of activity? I buy new shoes when I can afford them.

48. Do you drink coffee with cream? No, black coffee is my drink of choice.

49. Do you smoke? Not any more.

50. Are you glad this is the last question? Yes and no, I sometimes have difficulty making decisions.

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