Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/732244-Goodnight-Irene
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1718540
Day to day stuff....a memoir without order.
#732244 added August 22, 2011 at 10:30pm
Restrictions: None
Goodnight, Irene....
Our first hurricane of the season is on the way, a category 2 at 8 o'clock tonight. Hopefully, it will track off the east coast and far out into the Atlantic where the warm 84 degree water temps will most likely make it a category 3 by the time it reaches our latitude. The projection now is for sometime Friday. Living in the center of north central Florida, we have never seen the brunt of any major hurricane, but we have had torrential rain (leading to flooding) and some high winds (that like to break limbs off my pinetrees). Some relief to the high temps would be welcome.

My daughter tells me they have been having lots of hail storms in her area in Delaware. She is most worried about her car having no comprehensive insurance. She said she keeps a bed comforter at the ready and if necessary will run out and throw it over her car. lol...I guess she thinks it will comfort it. I told her to put her metal colander over his own head for protection. Really...if it's hailing hard enough to dent metal, can you imagine what it would do to your head? Glad the corn is harvested.

Mopsy has a new friend. Our neighbor got a shelter doggy, a little brown mutt who is so cute and named Misha. We have a chainlink fence between our backyards. Misha lays with his nose at the fence, tail thumping and eyeballing Mopsy who is laying on the porch with her nose to the screen and tail twitching. They spent hours today in this "entertaining fashion". Don't you just wonder what animals are thinking? Is that what I look like? How do I get from here to there? Do I want to?

until next time....c

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