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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1301881
All about my thoughts. Be afraid!
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I know I look a bit scary, but I don't bite, much *Laugh*

This is my blog. A place to torture people I don't know with rants, opinoins and just plain babbling so I can keep a few friends in the real world. If you like torture, come join me. Fix a cup of tea or coffee and sit back while I tell you about the time when....
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July 27, 2010 at 10:47am
July 27, 2010 at 10:47am

I know I have been absent for a week now. I have no excuse. Life just became very mundanely busy. Mostly with lots of sewing and crochetting and the promise of doing a lot more in the near future.

My daughter-in-law to be has an idea for making small crocheted pouches for her reception to hold chocolate covered coins in. I get to help with those.

Earlier this week I opened my mouth and inserted my foot firmly in my throat and have been trying to make up for it ever since with the daughter-in-law to be. I can't go into details, (it is unlikelyany family member reads this, but I am erring on the safe side) but as I said, I have been working on smoothing over the error and in the process of doing that, I showed her the lap quilt I am making for her and Wesley. They both love it. Thankfully, they both don't know about the other full sized quilt I made for them, so they each could have one. (I feel safe in writing this as it seems no one in my family keeps up with my blog --sadness)

I was unable to take Kyle to his dermitologist appointment Monday. The starter on the car is going and Sunday the car refused to start. Monday morning it did, but I was afraid that I would get all the way to Albert Lee and be stranded (1 1/2 hours away). So, I rescheduled for in two weeks. The reschedule wait is better than the initial wait, which was over a month. Hopefully that means this guy is really good at what he does. And hopefully, one visit is all we need.

The car is in the shop today and hopefully after a few hours and much money, I will get it back in good working condition. Next week I am going to have them fix a few small items and hopefully get the car up to pretty much optimal condition.

On the college front, I have gotten basically no where. SADNESS

I really do want to go back to college for a Creative Writing degree. The only problem is I am having a hard time finding a college to go too. Oh, University of Pheonix wants to take me at outrageous prices, but I haven't figured out the state colleges around here. I want to take online courses because I live in a small town in the middle of nowhere and it would be a couple hour drive to any of the state colleges, but one college won't respond to me and the other I am still trying to figure out. It is beginning to look like I may not get to start this fall --- But I am not giving up.

That is my news for now. Hope everyone is fine.


July 20, 2010 at 9:51pm
July 20, 2010 at 9:51pm
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*
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*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*

You just can't beat chickens as weed eating, bug munching, egg laying machines. No sir-ee! In less than fourty-eight hours they have cleared a large spot in their pen and layed at least four eggs between the three of them. The girls usually lay three eggs a day, but I figure they took a day off yesterday to readjust after their tramatic change of location.

It isn't every day that a hen gets chased around by a man with a big stick. I am sure if a man did that to you, you would take a day off of laying eggs too, I know I would.

The girls seem to be quite content with their new home, but I miss not being able to watch them out the window. I am a broken record, I know.

In the news of the new and just how long will that last: I started my yoga today. I bought a beginnners CD this weekend and did about fifteen minutes of it today. By the time I quit, sweat was just dripping off of me. They may just be fancy stretches, but oh my word!!! I found the stationary bike riding far easier. I rode the bike and watched the tape for another fifteen minutes before I had to go get ready for work. LOL

I got the CD to help me stretch and tone my muscles in hopes of helping my hip. After just one short session, I see that it will probably help my posture too. This coming weekend I will buy block as I am not flexable enough to do the full stretches yet. Who knows maybe Ayron will join me and we can become more flexible together. LOL

I officially got my new work hours today. I loose half a day on Wednesdays and an hour on Thursdays. I can live with that for now. Heck Ayron brings home in two hours what I loose in pay for all that and the poor guys is working 50 and 60 hour weeks right now. This fall and winter we may have to tighten the belts, but for now we are okay.

Well, it is time to go work on one of my projects while watching my evening shows. Then off to bed to repeat everything again tomorrow.

I hope everyone who stops by is okay.


July 19, 2010 at 2:53pm
July 19, 2010 at 2:53pm
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*
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*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*

I got off my duff this afternoon and whipped up a batch of lasagna for supper. I make mine a bit different than other people. I make vegetarian lasagna and layer the noodles with zucchini. I like biting into the zucchini -- it gives it a firmness I like.

I finished one quilt I have been making and whipped up a second, smaller one this weekend. I am thrilled with how they are turning out. The first one turned out near perfect, but I cheated and bought my squares precut. The second one I cut the squares and there are few more 'flaws', but it still turned out quite nicely.

This weekend I haven't felt very well, I don't know if it is the storms, the sun chips or just time to not feel good. It could be a combination of all three. It has left me drained today, which is frustrating as I need to go back to Walmart in Worthington to buy more material and a new iron. I think I dropped the one I own one too many times.

I tried to glue parts of it back together, but only succeeded in getting glue on my fingers. I-do-not-like-glue-on-my-fingers… ICK

Ayron and Kyle moved the girls pen for me yesterday. I am happy and sad at the same time. I am happy the girls are doing their jobs by clean a spot in the garden for me that needs working, but sad because now they are out of view from my window. I really do enjoy looking out at them.

Rounding them up proved more work than Ayron expected; I got two of the chickens to follow me right into the coop but Pebbles, always her own hen, refused. Before we could get her where she belonged the other two came back out and we had to start all over again, only this time they weren't being enticed by food.

A good half hour later, all three girls were in their new location and both Ayron and I were hot and sweaty. I will make a chicken herder out of Ayron yet. LOL

I just took out a bunch of scraps to them and they seem quite content with their new location.

That is all I can think of for today. Hope my visitors are all well.
July 16, 2010 at 12:24am
July 16, 2010 at 12:24am

I see that I haven't written a blog since Monday. That makes sense as I have been scrambling all week to just stay caught up.

The 'I don't want to work' fiend has been attacking me again. Some of my problems stem from the fact that changes are occuring at work with the new boss replacing my old one and her wanting to change our schedule.

I know I have said it before, but I don't deal well with any kind of change -- good or bad. So, I am out of sorts from things and it is showing. Well, at least I am noticing my crankiness. I may be hiding it well from others.

Wednesday we had a heat index of 114 and that made attempting to work beyond misserable. Especially since one of the residents opened her window the night before and turned the whole of the north side of the building hot and humid.

Today the new boss finally decided to stop in and get to know the residents in the light house. I had gotten them together and served them root beer floats with a chocolate chip cookie on the side early. My icecream was melting and I figured what the heck. She showed up and tried to get some of them to do a puzzle. I just sat there and grinned while two of the women made her do the puzzle for them -- she got no better results than I do. It made me feel kind of vindicated.

I got out some building toys for the men only to have one start an arguement with the other guy about where to put things. We had to seperate them. Correcting an 86 year old who hits does not go as smoothly as attempting to correct a six year old especially when you can't give them time outs or paddle their behinds.

At bingo tonight, I wanted to pull my hair out because the nurses sat a resident, who is loud and disrupting with his grunting, right outside the activity room. I understand that the man can only vocalise this one way, but I had a room full of people who are hard of hearing already trying to hear an equally old gentleman trying to call numbers. The noise outside the room was very disrupting.

On a more pleasant note. I had the girls (chickens) out to work in the garden this morning. They had a blast and really seemed to enjoy taking a dirt bath in one of the few weed free spots I have outside their pen.

I told Ayron yesterday that it is time to move the chicken pen to a new spot even though it pains me to do so because I won't be able to watch them where I need to move them. Still they have a job to do and they do enjoy eating the weeds and grass. Weed control as well as bug control is why I got them. Their laying eggts is just a nice bonus.

I fear that the earwigs seem to have won the garden battle for this summer. The nasty bugs have eaten large amounts of my vegetable plants back to nothing and are still swarming all over the place.

The lettuce has bolted so I pulled it up and gave it to the girls to eat. I found an earwig nest right at the root base of one of the lettuce plants.

Oh, and I saw a dear, right here in the middle of town. I knew that I had deer tracks in my garden the other day. Tonight, I actually saw the doe who most likely made them. I do not live by a ravene or even close to the river, so it is pretty weird to see a deer on our side of town. I wonder where she hides during the day? Maybe she is someone's kind of pet.

The only other thing I have been doing much of is reading the "Plot and Structure" book I bought several months back. I am finding it a interesting and helpful read. I hope to take some of the information and apply it to the rough draft I wrote a few years back and see if I can improve it any.

Well, I have bored you long enough. Have a great night or day, as the case may be. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


July 12, 2010 at 12:42am
July 12, 2010 at 12:42am

Off and on for the last couple of months, more off than on, I have been working on one of several quilts I want to make for family members. This is a big undertaking for me because other than a couple of baby quilts, I have never really made a quilt before.

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On top of the quilt is a pillow with a hand crocheted top that my mother-in-law made and gave to my husband and I the last time we were up to visit. She may never know how much that really means to me. Yes, I said thank you, but I fear it doesn't express my excitement of getting something hand made from her or anyone for that matter. I cherish more something that took large amounts of peoples personal time verses something bought any time.

When you make something for someone, you think of them much more than if you go out and buy something, at least that is how I see it. Don't get me wrong, I am sure that some people put a lot of thought into some gifts and may have to save up a long time to get them, but I am talking about the less expensive no thoughts gifts. I have had more than my share of those. You know the kind where you ask yourself, does this person even know me?

Anyway, I am proud of how well the quilt is turning out and I am very happy with the gift that Ayron and I got.

I would have liked to display the quilt a little better, but I only had access to the ironing board to drape it over tonight.

Well, that is my news for today. Good night and happy morrow to you.

July 10, 2010 at 3:55pm
July 10, 2010 at 3:55pm

Being the bad 'Nae that I am, I went out and bought lots of meat and brought it home for the hubby to cook. Now I am sitting here relaxing while he is slaving away. In my defense though, I have caught up the laundry and removed most of the cat hair from around the house. No worries the cats are very busy shedding and there will be another bunch of clumps floating about tomorrow.

Having yesterday and today off from work has been a blessing. I needed to get away from all the drama and confusion. Hopefully something will be resolved by next week. Time will tell.

I tried to buy some new pepper plants to replace the ones the earwigs ate, but it is too late in the season. I shall have no green peppers to store this year. Sadness. I did get to pick my first zuccini of the season today. Two rather large ones. Yum. I have also been collecting cucumbers and eating them with salt on them. Again Yum.

My new writing partner and I have been trading our chapter back and forth. It is nice to have someone to share thoughts with. My other writer friend appears to be taking the summer off. I can't say I blame her, though I miss her.

Me, I just stare and stare at the computer and think I want to write, but seem unable to come up with very many words.

I must leave the kitchen for a bit. The onions that Ayron peeled are starting to get to me.

Have a great weekend.

July 9, 2010 at 12:10am
July 9, 2010 at 12:10am
Work is once again feeling stressful. I have no idea whether I am supposed to come in at 1:30 or 3:00 on Tuesday. There isn't a new schedule up.

We had to do an all staff today and those are almost always boring as all get out. Today, we got to look at lock out mechanisms and then put small fires out with fire extinguishers after listening to a fifteen minute talk I can't remember one word of and I was paying attention.

I tried to make ice-cream cone cupcakes, but I overfilled them and ended up with a pretty good mess. That led to a hug from a fellow employee that knows I keep trying to bake even though it isn't what I am best at. Then that lead to some jokes that had us all laughing.

One of the things that upset me was that there is a resident in the Light House who always feels like she has hair or something on her tongue. She gets feeling absolutely misserable and wheels herself up and down the halways crying out, "Help Me, I am sick" in the absolutely most pitiful voice. There is nothing we can do for her.

Several of us where talking about her and the situation when one of the med aids said that if there was a medicine out there to cure people of other mental illnesses, why wasn't there something to help this woman. Apparently there is, but her doctor doesn't want to prescribe it because the doctor seems to think we want her on meds to make our jobs easier, not because we want to ease this woman's suffering.

I told the nurse that we aught to make a tape of her begging for help and give it to the doctor. It makes me furious that there are people sitting in nursing homes that need medicine to improve their quality of life, but doctors take them off it or won't give it to them because they don't spend enough time with the residents to truly understand their need and won't listen to the trained staff that deals with them daily who do.

In the end, I left a note for my supervisor describing what the one resident is going through. I don't know if it will do any good, but I will do what I can to help her.

I also told the nurse that she should call that doctor back and be more insistant that something be done for this woman. There is no reason she should have to suffer the way she is.

Anyone who has suffered a panic attack or anxiaty attack or has a debilitating bout with depression knows it is not something you ever want to feel again. I almost think that psycohiatrist should have to experience something similar before being allowed to treat patients, so that they can come to a better understanding of how devistating it is to feel that way.

The Light House resident wasn't the only one having issues. Another resident on the main floor has been suffering from depression and anxiety attacks. I haven't been as sympathetic of her because she refuses to take her depression medicine.

Today she was all out of sorts and she seems to me to be deteriorating both mentally and physically. I sat and talked to her today for a few minutes, but nothing I say will cheer her up. She is another person that had some kind of medicine that helped her a little, but then because it was a narcotic, they took her off them completely and she has been a real mess ever since.

Today has been one of the first days in over a year and a half that I have not wanted to work where I am at. I don't want to be at a place where people are treated more like things that humans.

Well, I have said enough depressing things for one night. I will talk to you all tomorrow.


Even though this posts for the 9th, I wrote it by 11:15 my time. LOL
July 7, 2010 at 7:48pm
July 7, 2010 at 7:48pm
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*
*ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB*
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*

Tii, Ilm, and Elles....What are they? They are just a couple of names for a new story idea I am working on, not that I can promise it will go far. The idea is very, very sketchy as in I have been thinking about writing some kind of story based on my chickens and where they have taken my imagination -- last night I decided that if it was about them, then I should name the characters loosely after them. Tii is for Betty, Ilm is for Wilma, and Elles is for Pebbles.

I am starting out with Ilm. She is a gardening helper. So far that is all I have. Understand that in order for her to be a gardening chicken I am also making her sentient and able to do simple tasks, but not a great thinker.

The only conflict I have come up with for the girls is competing for the chance to mate. Not all hens get to have chicks, they have to earn the right.

*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*
*ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB*
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*

In other less than stellar news, I had to come home early today because my unintellegent hip had gone back out on me and this time the pinched nerve caused shooting pains up my leg and then shooting pains with my leg trying to buckle.

I went to the chiropractor and asked and yes, it is all related right down to the pain in my pinky toe joint. No there is no way to speed up the healing, but yes, I am healing. So, to keep laziness from causing a repeat of said incident, I scheduled another appointment for Monday with plans to go again next Friday and then stay on a weekly schedule of going Fridays till this heals up completely.

It is amazing the relief, pain wise, I felt after the adjustment. I am still having some shooting pain, but it has eased up immensely and I hope it is mostly gone tomorrow. I could literally feel myself walking different after, this time more than any other.

As frustrating as having to cry sick and come home early while breaking in a new boss is, I did get some things done today. Oh, no working or walking, but I did get some more done on the first afghan I am making to sell. They don't take too very long to make because they are baby afghans, but I wouldn't normally get to work on one on a Wednesday day. and I started writing on my story while I waited for Kyle to finish his interview with Dee. I don't know that he will get hired, but it was a great experience for him just to go to an interview.

I think I am going to go get the ice back out and do another round of it on my hip. You all have a great day and know that I am fine, just had a small hiccup on the road of life, but it is smoothing back out.

July 6, 2010 at 11:08am
July 6, 2010 at 11:08am
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*
*ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB* *ButterflyG* *FlowerB* *ButterflyO* *FlowerB* *ButterflyR* *FlowerB* *ButterflyV* *FlowerB* *ButterflyB* *FlowerB*
*RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon* *RainbowL* *RainbowR* *Shamrock* *Star* *Moon*

I popped out of bed nice and early today. It may have been the heat or other less savory issue like the need to go to the bathroom again. Either way, I was up and decided to stay up for a bit.

Today is starting out partly sunny though the rain seems to have cleaned the air a bit. I wrote Scarlett a long email about my moving 'issues'. They are that I have a desire almost a need to pack up and move almost constantly. It is very frustrating. I don't mean to be like this, I am not even sure I want to be like this, I just am.

It is my sincerest hope that I someday find the perfect place and settle happily to spend most of the rest of my life there. I would say the rest of my life, but I have come to realize that as we get into our 70 or 80s we really can't do what we did in our youth. That is when it is time to come in off the farm or even out of the house and move into a assisted living apartment or eventually a nursing home if you can't live with family.

Babbling today, I realized one of my issues, I don't know many people with the same interest that I have. I need to find and cultivate relationships with those who do. I need to seek them out and quit waiting for them to be dropped in my lap. I will get back to you all on how that works out.

I am also thinking about having a yard sale to decrease the items I have stored and never use...

Well, it is pushing on in the day and if I want to get any work done around the house before going to work, I better get off my back end and move.

Have a great day.

July 5, 2010 at 11:33pm
July 5, 2010 at 11:33pm
I am not sure what put Ayron in the mood of talking about moving. That is usually my job. My whole immediate family acknowledges my wanderlust while I puzzle at why I have such a strong urge to move so often.

Today was different, Ayron brought up the subject and we went around and around on the same old merry-go-round and jumped off knowing that we can't really even think about moving till the beginning of November and the Hubby isn't anxious to move in the winter. I don't blame him.

The youngest son has two more years of highschool left to him and I don't want to uproot him, an old arguement that usually helps me settle myself. This time both the hubby and son were all for him staying here as a roomate to the young man who wants to rent the downstairs. The mom in me isn't ready to let go of my baby. If they were going for the shock value, it worked. I could live with dragging my son around the country with me, but not abandoning him to be on his own at even 17, which he would be before we can even think about moving.

So, after a game of what if, we all settled down for the day. I read a book and the hubby played WOW. Then he wanted the battery operated drill, I had no idea where it was. Our oldest son had borrowed it a while back and now we can't find it. After hunting forever the husband decided to use the drill I did find..... I got up and motivated by the hunt for the drill, I began cleaning.

As I passed the bathroom, I heard a noise out of my past. The husband had drilled just a little too deep trying to put a hole in the bottom of the AC I bought to cool the bathroom and our room. Freon or whatever they put in ACs these days came steaming out. (As a kid of tenish, I was cleaning the freezer, using a knife to chip out some of the ice and I hit a line and the same thing happened)

I have rarely seen Ayron so frustrated. He came in using language I never hear from him. For a half hour, nothing I said made him feel any better, so I went back to cleaning. Never did find the drill and there aren't that many places for the dang thing to hide.

Just before I logged on here, I finished my book. Ayron has been in bed about an hour and my youngest son just came home and asked if his friend could spend the night. Life has returned to normal again.

Oh and on the work schedule front. I have been able to finally let it go. It took two days, but this morning I woke up and realized I will just do what I have done in the past and wait it out. Things will resolve themselves and all I can really do is sit back and wait for the fireworks to go off and the sky to once more go back to its normal nighttime configuration.

Good night and Hugs all around.

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