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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1301881
All about my thoughts. Be afraid!
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I know I look a bit scary, but I don't bite, much *Laugh*

This is my blog. A place to torture people I don't know with rants, opinoins and just plain babbling so I can keep a few friends in the real world. If you like torture, come join me. Fix a cup of tea or coffee and sit back while I tell you about the time when....
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June 2, 2010 at 11:32pm
June 2, 2010 at 11:32pm
I thought I had reordered my membership for the year, but then nothing happened. After checking with WDC who told me to check Paypal, I discovered that somehow my payment had not been completed.
As I now have my blog back, I know that I got it right this time.

In other news, until I sat down at the computer, I was feelilng really well. Now, my tummy is saying mean things to me. Stupid tummy

Today I came home from work and actually started cooking. (I don't do that very often)
And while I was cooking I rediscovered the wine coolers Ayron had bought me this last weekend. I drank two tonight. Whew have I felt good.

Two wine coolers? Yep. I am not drunk, but I am feeling really good tonight. I rarely ever drink because I take meds, but I thought, "why not?" tonight.

If I remember too, I will tell you how that worked out for me. So far so good, but I still have eight hours to sleep.

Not that I was gone long, but I am glad to be back and have my membership worked out.

Have a great night, day or evening and I will pop back in to visit again soon

May 30, 2010 at 6:24pm
May 30, 2010 at 6:24pm
I broke down and bought my membership again. I paid for a year this time. That should stop those pesky reminders and keep me add free for almost a year.

I got a nice suprise this afternoon. My older half brother gave me a call and we talked for about two hours. I hadn't heard his voice in about a year or so. I have been keeping up with him on facebook, but it isn't the same as talking to him.

He said that he's gotten into primitive. It is where they try and make things as they were back when. I can relate as I would like to learn how to spin on a spinning wheel. I have tried the drop spindle and either I made it wrong or was using it wrong, probably both.

It would be wonderful if I could somehow live nearly next door to both my brothers and my dad. As each of them live in a different state, that isn't likely to happen.

What I don't get about myself is my constant urge to move somewhere else. Part of me knows that other than a few small bumps in life's road, I have it very good where I am at, but part of me is just not satisfied, I want to go,go,go!

One day I want to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, the next I want to live next to my younger brother, another I want to live next to my older brother and still another I want to be with my dad. What I really need is a transporter or lots more money so I can go visiting more often.

I keep telling myself that once my youngest son is grown and out of the house, or not out of the house, then Ayron and I can do what we want, but I fear we won't do anything different from what we are doing now.

I have heard it said, what will be, will be. I just hope it is the right 'will be' for me.
Hugs to everyone.
May 27, 2010 at 10:37am
May 27, 2010 at 10:37am
The crazy tenant moved out and as bad tenants often do, she left a huge mess for us to clean out. As unpleasant as that was, we expected it. Apparently this woman went to every dump she could find and collected smelly furniture and other odd items to play with. I really don't fault her for wanting furniture, we all want things to sit and sleep on. I will even excuse her for leaving items for us to remove. But what I found in the freezer hit the crazy mark.
I don't know what you store in your freezer, but I put food items in mine and once a very expensive ring my mother gave me. The crazy tenant lady decided that she needed to put animal skulls and dead fish on cat food bags in hers.
Now I know that some people hang up skulls once in a while along with trophy heads, but who stores them in the freezer?
I called the police and they came and said, yep they are skulls. This is odd but not illegal. I said okay and they left. Well, actually, I giggled and laughed a lot. I felt vindicated in showing that the lady upstairs was indeed weird to one of the same police that had to come to my door and ask me if I had broken into the apartment upstairs while the tenant was still there. (I had not and that was the second time she had called and accused me of that)
As I am re-reading this I realized that I didn't give you the size of the fish. It was about a foot long, one of the big fancy goldfish. I suspect it was one of hers that died. Why she saved it in the freezer, I don't know unless she was going for the godfather type thing of sending a wrapped fish to people implying that they were going to soon be swimming with the fishes.
This may be the end of the tale of the crazy tenant upstairs. She has moved on and I am sure is telling everyone how crazy I am and that I break into people's houses and harass them terribly by evicting them for breaking their leases and taking them to court when they refuse to move. I, for my part, have learned the importance of doing a background check on potential tenants. And yes, I have told anyone to slow to get away that she was a bad tenant and in some cases even who she was. This has been ugly, even uglier than I think I can relay in what I hope comes off as a rather humorous blog. But I have searched for and found things to laugh about.
May this be the end of the crazy tenant from upstairs.
May 27, 2010 at 10:37am
May 27, 2010 at 10:37am
The crazy tenant moved out and as bad tenants often do, she left a huge mess for us to clean out. As unpleasant as that was, we expected it. Apparently this woman went to every dump she could find and collected smelly furniture and other odd items to play with. I really don't fault her for wanting furniture, we all want things to sit and sleep on. I will even excuse her for leaving items for us to remove. But what I found in the freezer hit the crazy mark.
I don't know what you store in your freezer, but I put food items in mine and once a very expensive ring my mother gave me. The crazy tenant lady decided that she needed to put animal skulls and dead fish on cat food bags in hers.
Now I know that some people hang up skulls once in a while along with trophy heads, but who stores them in the freezer?
I called the police and they came and said, yep they are skulls. This is odd but not illegal. I said okay and they left. Well, actually, I giggled and laughed a lot. I felt vindicated in showing that the lady upstairs was indeed weird to one of the same police that had to come to my door and ask me if I had broken into the apartment upstairs while the tenant was still there. (I had not and that was the second time she had called and accused me of that)
As I am re-reading this I realized that I didn't give you the size of the fish. It was about a foot long, one of the big fancy goldfish. I suspect it was one of hers that died. Why she saved it in the freezer, I don't know unless she was going for the godfather type thing of sending a wrapped fish to people implying that they were going to soon be swimming with the fishes.
This may be the end of the tale of the crazy tenant upstairs. She has moved on and I am sure is telling everyone how crazy I am and that I break into people's houses and harass them terribly by evicting them for breaking their leases and taking them to court when they refuse to move. I, for my part, have learned the importance of doing a background check on potential tenants. And yes, I have told anyone to slow to get away that she was a bad tenant and in some cases even who she was. This has been ugly, even uglier than I think I can relay in what I hope comes off as a rather humorous blog. But I have searched for and found things to laugh about.
May this be the end of the crazy tenant from upstairs.
May 22, 2010 at 7:17pm
May 22, 2010 at 7:17pm
Ya'll have listened to me whine and complain about the horrible upstairs neighbor. I am sure you are sick of it, because I am and I am the one telling the story. Anyway...

A bit of good news came my way the other day and you will never guess where it came from. My scale. Ever since I had my children 20 years ago, I have been heavy. I still am heavy, but since I started working at the nursing home and actually walking many miles a day helping residents to and from their rooms and activities, I have slowly lost a little weight. My first year there, I dropped 30 pounds. You round that out and it is about 2 pounds a month. Not bad and not really noticeable. But still good.

Well, I plateaud a while back and felt I was not doing so great in the diet department, so I quit checking. Then it seemed like my pants had gone bad, the elastic was shot and they kept trying to fall down. I was wondering if I should try to re-elastic them or just buy new ones. During all this I decided to get on the scale and see how bad my weight was. Boy was I shocked. I had dropped 15 pounds and not even realized it. Sixteen more pounds and I am having a big, big party.

Well, after loosing all that weight, I had to treat myself by buying the new pants. I, of course, found two new shirts to go with the pants and new shoes also. Except for possibly buying one or two new pair of shorts, I am pretty set for the summer.

While out, we bought some other items including the ingredients for a fruit salad. I bet you were wondering what the title had to do with the story. Don't worry it gets better. I came home and after a quick run down to the local nursery to see that it was closed and I wasn't getting any more plants today, I started cutting up the fruit for the salad. I got it all done and went to throw the scraps to the chickens. As everything landed, I thought to myself, I didn’t' put any strawberries in the scraps. That was when I realized I had gone to auto pilot and grabbed the wrong bowl to toss to the chickens. So, the girls are out there enjoying my fruit salad while I sit here recovering from my husband laughing at me.

I admit it is funny, but this is my example of how the stress of this last month is starting to get to me. A week or so back I did the exact same type of thing only with the keys at work. I went to put them away only to find I had 'put them away' while on that auto pilot. It took me a half hour to find the keys and I still can't figure out why I put them in the pen holder instead of the drawer where they belong. And yes, it was definitely me, I was the only one working in my department at the time.

Well, if it is as nice where you are as it is here, you should be out enjoying the day instead of reading my silly antics.

Be well, and hugs.
May 21, 2010 at 2:31pm
May 21, 2010 at 2:31pm

I need Monday to hurry up and get here because I don't know if I will stay sane if it doesn't. Yesterday, I got up and was doing my own thing. The tenant from upstairs was doing her usual thing, which was smoking in her room so I had to smell it. I sprayed the hallway leading up to her apartment and the bathroom with a lot of Lysol spray and went about my day messing around on the computer and getting ready for work.

I had just gotten dressed and was preparing to leave when there was a knock on the door. Who should it be, but the police? Apparently the tenant got it into her head that I had gone in her apartment again. Here is the thing; I know she was home the whole time. She is like the buzzing mosquito you can't quite get fast enough. You know it is there, you are aware of it; you just haven't been able to smack it yet. I am pretty aware of her at this point and time. As far as I know, she never left her apartment, so when was I supposed to have gone in it.

Now I have three very tall, tall police officers standing in my doorway. I invited them in so that Tibbles or Meemee couldn't make one of their great escapes. My house was a mess and that embarrassed me horribly. I even had one of the couch cushions missing because I had washed it and hadn't put it back yet.

One of the officers politely asked if I had been in the tenant's apartment. I said no and told them as I have before that she is being evicted and we believe that she is just doing this for reasons only she understands.

This is the third complaint she has put in against me. Not my family, me. The tenant has targeted me as the person harassing her. I am the one evicting her, in her mind, not my husband and me, just me. I am beginning to wonder if I should be worried about my safety as she has picked me out to blame for all her troubles.

Just to clarify, about my supposed break in, no reason was given for her suspecting me of breaking into her apartment. Just that she thought I did. The officers admitted that she was mentally unstable and that they thought that she just wanted them to check in on her. I hope that is all it is. There is a rumor that I was told, that she is a meth addict, possibly recovering, but still, I read up on meth addicts and they are downright scary. One of the major symptoms is that they are very, very paranoid.

So, who wants to change places with me? LOL.

hugs to all
May 17, 2010 at 2:51pm
May 17, 2010 at 2:51pm
Update and evil upstairs neighbor. We went to court today and though we won our case, proving that the tenent was playing the system and refusing to leave, the court still gave her 7 more days to move.

The upside was seeing her face when she found out that she was required to pay court cost. And I did like it when the judge told her that she really should be gone by the 24th because it got really spendy if the police came in to move her.

So, how did we loose? We are stuck with another week of smelling her cigerrette smoke while waiting for her to move out

I hope I don't sound spiteful, but I am glad to get a little back on her for all she has put us through. With her blanket accusations of harrassment against me, I am ashamed to say it feels kind of good to get back a little on this woman.

The hubby made us all stay back till she had a chance to leave the court house so we woulldn't accidently confront her or be confronted by her. Now we wait.

Oh, and let me tell you being in court is terribly nerve racking. Don't let the court shows lead you to believe anything else.

Have a great day and I will try too after I take a short nap.
May 15, 2010 at 7:10pm
May 15, 2010 at 7:10pm
I swear I woke up bored today and haven't been able to overcome the feeling of boredom. It isn't that I don't have things to do. I do, but I think I am too agitated to settle on any one thing. It didn't help that I woke up this morning with hip pain again. It was doubly annoying as yesterday I had a temporary respite from it.

Finally after a nap and first trying to chase my cat down, I got some gardening done. Tibbles escaped and he wasn't coming back till he was good and ready. The turd. Then I took my eyes of my friend's dog for just a minute and she disappeared on me. I had to hunt the neighborhood to find the little brat.

Maggie, the dog, really is being a brat this stay. Last time she was quite the well behaved lady, but this time she has been whiny and demanding, plus she keeps running off and won't come when I call. GRRR

Back to the gardening. I bought a bunch of veggies to plant about two weekends back and just now got them in the ground. I do love it when the garden starts filling out.

This year I decided to go with mostly seedliing instead of seeds because there was no little safe nooks or crannies to start seedling. Five people and five cats kind of put a kabosh on that.

The only plants I will have to rebuy are the tomato plants. I think I over watered the little buggers. They might have come back from it, but I prefer to transplant healthy tomatoe plants.

I don't think I have said much about the writing workshop I am taking online. I think I am disappointed in it. I was hoping for more interaction, but it doesn't seem likely. Believe me, I keep trying to get people to talk, but nada. Don't think I am saying anything bad about the workshop, but it may not be what I am looking for. I am thinking I might have to find some creative writing classes that I can take online from a college. I want more imput, and more than one writing assignment a week.

GWW has helped me come up with a couple of story ideas, but they don't scream write me.

Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs to all
May 11, 2010 at 11:10pm
May 11, 2010 at 11:10pm
Once upon a time, about last August, a pleasant, friendly couple rented out the upstairs apartment of their house to a woman who seemed nice enough. The woman moved in after signing a lease stating that she would not smoke in the apartment.
Almost immediately the woman started bumping and banging things at all hours of the night and day. Soon it became apparent that she was smoking in the apartment also. If that wasn't bad enough before winter set in the whole house began to reek of cat urine. What could the couple to do?
Now the landlady was not one for confrontation, but she collected all her nerve and finally confronted the tenant and told her that she was stinking up the whole house with something.
The tenant smiled inanely at the landlady and said that shout pre-cleaner would remove the smell, but did remove the offending item from the stairwell also. With time the smell faded.
The landlady bought a large amount of ear plugs and life continued on as before. Soon enough the tenant was several months behind in her utilities and a month late in her rent.
The couple who rented to her thought they had caught a break and tried to evict the woman. But the woman had something better even than a fairy god mother, she had a social worker. The social worker arranged things so that the tenant got caught up on rent and utilities and it was once again agreed that the woman would not smoke upstairs.
Not two months after things had been squared away, the house once again began to reek of cat urine and smoke. The couple couldn't take it anymore and wrote up and eviction notice, sending one to the tenant, the social worker and the HUD person who paid a large portion of the tenant's rent.
Being nice people, the land lord and lady offered to give the tenant the last month free of rent so that she could take the money and use it to find a new place. The month crawled by and just two days before the woman was to be gone the land lady ran into her while searching for her son's missing ferret. When the land lady asked if the woman would be out on time, the woman said she hadn't been able to find a place and planned to come talk to the land lady and lord about staying longer.
Now all through that month the land lady suspected that the woman wouldn't be out on time and had said as much to her husband. Her husband had told her that she was getting too worked up about it and that if the tenant wasn't out on the first he would move her out himself. Alas, he couldn't keep that promise.
You see, in the state of Minnesota it appears that land lords have next to no rights; at least no rights without taking a tenant to court and doing that is pretty expensive.
The land lady made a threat she soon found she could not carry through with. The kindly land lady turned stern had threatened to have the tenant charged with trespassing if said tenant wasn't out by the third of the month. A call to the police department soon disabused the land lady of that idea. It seems that a tenant cannot be charged with trespassing even if they do not move out in a timely fashion. The only recourse land lords have is taking the tenant to court.
On the third the tenant came to the land lord and lady's door and proceeded to verbally abuse them. The tenant then informed them that she would not be out of the apartment before the tenth of the month. She also said that if she didn't like the way the owners did things she would stay longer to spite them.
The owners felt they had no choice; they went to the courthouse and paid a lot of money to get a court date two weeks into the month in hopes of being able to finally get rid of the tenant from hell.
Once the woman was served with the court papers she laughed at the landlord from her door and said, "Ha now I don't have to move out till the seventeenth." The tenant continued to smoke and make loud noises throughout the apartment all hours, if anything she seemed to work at making more noise.
Then the calls from the police started coming in. The tenant wasn't satisfied with just annoying the stressed couple, she started calling in false reports to the police.
To be continued after the 17th
May 10, 2010 at 8:05pm
May 10, 2010 at 8:05pm
We had a tragic death in our animal family. Pierre De Weasle also known as Apocolypse by his owners was my eldest son's ferret.

Little Pierre got out sometime Tuesday night or Wednesday before 3:00 p.m. We believe he was having a wonderful time exploring and just being free when he was discovered by a day care lady a few houses over. He was exploring her wood pile. She called the police and the police decided he was a dangerouse weasle. I looked up what weasles look like and they do have a similar body type, but the coloring is very different. Apparently the police didn't know that.

The officers decided he was a dangerous animal and instead of trying to live trap him they just shot him. I actually heard the shots. Three in a row a slight pause and an extra one just to make sure, I guess. That was the end of Pierre. We didn't find out till Friday because at first we thought he was still in the house. When we realized he wasn't we spent Thursday hunting outside for him and then Wes finally called the police on Friday.

My daughter-in-law to be was so mad that she sent a scathing letter to the newspaper, which they printed. I feel kind of bad. We weren't there and if I saw a strange animal, I don't know how I would handle it if I thought it was agressive.

The really sad thing is that we knew Pierre and he just was absolutely not agressive. He was playful, friendly and liked everyone.

Wesley, my eldest son, said to me that he likes to believe that Pierre was out having a blast and never even realized what happened. I think I would prefer to think that too.

Be well.

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