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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1317094-Enga-mellom-fjella/month/10-1-2014
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "Sentinel

Sentinel on fire at night

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"Where grows the compost heap
"In search of Iris
"Speak soft my name
"Wheat penny

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del Campo:

"Death of Jeannie New Moon
"Doing and don'ting. A scene in 2nd person.
"In a garden of roses, baby
"Tupac and more poetry
"Poems inspired by maps. Remember 1963?



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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October 31, 2014 at 4:38pm
October 31, 2014 at 4:38pm
...for how I feel.


I am shaky today. Yes, I ate. Yes, I'll take my pill as soon as I get home.

There are times I realize I could use some help. Today is one of those. There is no one to ask to help.

*Reading* Time Capsule / 1929. Interesting read. I even get to know more about Rumania.

*Sun* That's outside. I'm very depressed inside.

*Witch* I could use her broom and her help. Cleaning...

*Facebook* Posted first pictures of Braga today... finally. I was only there a few hours on April 17th. It's the religious center Of Portugal.

*Countryno* Wish I were there and not here.

Breathe. Work. Breathe. Work.
October 30, 2014 at 5:40pm
October 30, 2014 at 5:40pm
...why am I inside?


No idea...

Bored and confused. Part of me insists it's Thursday. A disruption of routine and my mind can't figure out what day it is?

I'm ready for the _____.

Little news today... Estonia is still Estonia. Ebola is still Ebola. Ellen is still Ellen... I think...

May I should rejoice? After all, I don't need any drama that would keep me from my pile of boxes. And when they are gone? I get to sweep, vacuum, mop...

Now aren't y'all glad you have your own problems?

*Telephone* My phone balance is $83.94. That means I've used $16 in a little over a month. Not shabby.

*Sun* I should be thankful for every sunny moment. We're entering the cloud-covered short day time of year and I don't do as well without the sun.

*Plane* No plans yet. Should do something soon... see previous comment.

*Pumpkin* I'll go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show... if I remember. No Halloween for me. Looking forward to pumpkin pie though.

*Ghost* Need to remember the Day-of-the-Dead parade as well. Sunday? I still have my sugar skull from last year!

Peace to all y'all. *Peace2*
October 29, 2014 at 5:49pm
October 29, 2014 at 5:49pm


Managed to get up and out. The mornings are dark. That'll change come Sunday? Not! It'll just be an hour's difference.

I need about 3.

I posted something in my poetry blog. If I do that daily I'll catch up some time before the next century.

Boxes: small progress every day. Goal now is to be somewhat tidy by Monday.

A scribble from September 7th:

"Stars align and I see you as the Hunter, your arrow pointed at someone else. Oh that you were Cupid and the owner of my heart."

But where is this from? Or was it from me?

Some say cluttered people are more creative. For me? It's still a mess, creative or not.

October 28, 2014 at 5:20pm
October 28, 2014 at 5:20pm
I can't get much done if I'm in bed all the time... alone.


Got up late. Went to bed before 1... so why so late?

1. I do sleep best in the morning.
2. The sun does not get up early in Western Montana.
         a. We're at the western edge of the time zone.
         b. We're at 47º north.
3. The mountains block the dawn.
4. Many mornings have been cloudy.
5. I don't fall asleep well at night.
         a. Caffeine?
         b. Sensitive skin. Even static makes me itch.

In Costa Rica I was up at 6. On my travels it depends on who else is getting up early and whether I have a plane/bus/boat/train to catch.

Maybe that's part of the problem. I have no fixed morning schedule.

If I were to install a 200 watt bulb that was on a timer? And had a mandatory 7 am class (I did have one of those in college... in Costa Rica!)... maybe, maybe I could get out of bed early. *Rolleyes*

Clutter/Cleaning Update:

I have lots of empty boxes. More each day. I sat and watched a program on VHS last night and went through papers. Slowly happening. I think it's like a Sudoku puzzle... slow at first and then it all comes together and it's over.

I'm still waiting for it to "all come together". It'll be over when it's over.
October 27, 2014 at 3:35pm
October 27, 2014 at 3:35pm
...on the mountaintops...


I swear I saw a snowflake yesterday. Today the mountaintops look frosted. Could be. There's snow in the higher passes.

No more warmth till Spring.

I actually got up in the night and found a heavier blanket. I keep my place on the cool side, but I felt cold.

Feels like late Autumn.

The wind brought down lots of leaves. Those remaining look like a trace of color on the trees. Excellent for photos if I wanted to be out in the cold.

46º ... and snow in the forecast.

Just looked out the window... yep, that's snow up there. It's whiter than it was this morning.

In personal news: edited a few photos of Voss, Norway last evening; boiled my underwear yesterday; wrote a poem at a poetry/prose reading. Saturday? Last farmer's market, bought potatoes. Watched the second half of a dreary game watching U. Montana get their asses kicked. May go to a game this weekend.

Even if it snows. The forecast is for 45º here... ...even if it snows.
October 25, 2014 at 4:10pm
October 25, 2014 at 4:10pm

Last market. A dreary dank day.

Progress at home but otherwise same-o same-o. Potatoes at market and a free sandwich.

I should've done my blogging first. Posted two dreary poems though. One hour and my time at the library is running out. Toodles!

October 24, 2014 at 3:54pm
October 24, 2014 at 3:54pm
Much like the Old South, my energy is Gone With The Wind.


a note to follow sol:

Bought two wooden (heavy sturdy wood) cabinets. Each has 30 slots for folders. Not sure whether I'll place them vertical or horizontal; but, either way it should help with sorting my writings. I think one cabinet will be alphabetical and the other by task or theme.

*Reading* Finished Ringworld Throne by Larry Niven. Not overly awed by it but it provided good distraction.

*Penb* Edited another poem and put it in my poetry blog.

*Bookopen* Also, wrote another scene of "Wound" and did word count. Barely over 2,200 words. A long way to go.

*Books2* In going through a box, I found copies of a couple Zmitri poems. This is important as I need to gather them for submission somewhere.

*Bookstack2* I bought 4 new 3x5 memo books. I'll start with the red one. They cost me 88 cents at WalMart.

I used the duct tape... I now wait for results. What am I trying to do? I'll tell you someday if my devious plan works. If not... *Silent*

Do I sound perky? Got you! I'm not. *Pthb* It's a cool grey day here. Dreary. Still no energy. My sap is returning to my roots to hibernate. I just might.
October 23, 2014 at 5:36pm
October 23, 2014 at 5:36pm
Read some blogs yesterday. I need to do that more often. Back in the days of Blogville...

...the burlesque was amazing!


Yesterday evening... after dark... I washed my clothes at the laundromat. I went to the market for duct tape, soap, mouthwash... and picked up some flax cereal and chicken breasts.

Spent over $30? Ouch.

At home: found a picture of my favorite barber in Kansas and one of another friend from when I lived there. I'm going through papers. Fortunately I'm looking at each piece. Slows me down but this has to be done and slowly is the only way that works for me.

There is a wonderful event in San José, Costa Rica this weekend, another in Pérez Zeledón next week. I'll miss both. Getting 5 days notice doesn't work for me... but it's tempting.

Awful time of year to visit due to the weather, but I wouldn't be going for the weather.

So... Australia? An Italian friend of mine is visiting there. Maybe I just need to visit friends (like I did in England) instead of visiting a place. Still...

In any case, dragging my butt around behind me today. Just like yesterday, just like the day before. Friends are starting to notice... and commenting. Hmm.

Need to read more blogs... tomorrow.
October 22, 2014 at 3:20pm
October 22, 2014 at 3:20pm
Am I?

ME, myself, and...

I no longer know whether I'm being honest or just negative.

I do know that today I want to take a nap in spite of how beautiful it is outside.

I could read... but even that takes effort.

I'm at the Drop Dead Den (a.k.a. the Senior Center) having eaten eggs, bacon and blueberry pancakes for lunch. Breakfast was buttered reheated roasted buttercup squash.

Maybe I'm suffering from an overdose of butter?

Last night I went to one of my writers' groups. Listened to their stories and wrote another scene from my NaNoWriMo offering, Wound.

That went fine but then I went to poetry workshop and no one was there... *Frown* Not happy about that.

I have things to do most every day. But... I still want a nap.
October 21, 2014 at 2:55pm
October 21, 2014 at 2:55pm
...on me.


It's raining. A light but wet one. (Yes, sometimes the rain barely wets the pavement here.) Some leaves will fall but it should still be beautiful for a few days. Frost, possibly freeze, this weekend though.

Can't complain. October has been lovely.

I do like the rain. Just not grey skies for days on end. I travel during the winter to escape the grey not the cold. I can handle the cold.

Where to go this year... or do I stay... Difficult either way. Portugal comes to mind. Cool but sunny in Algarve.

So... feeling like I accomplished something yesterday by moving a cardboard wardrobe (with my Italian suits in it) into the closet. A bit of a squeeze as I forgot about the molding at the base of the walls. But it's in. I do a little then sit (write or read) or cook or.... I have so much to do that it doesn't matter what gets done as long as something is started and preferably finished. Finishing is another of my issues.

Why do I do it this way?

1. Exhausted. Any exertion tires me out.
2. Overwhelm. I feel like nothing is getting done. So getting anything done and acknowledging that is good enough some days.
3. If I go from one task to another I'm tackling no. 1 and 2 in a positive way. Some tasks are more physical, others more mental.
4. There's a lot to be done. Unless I hire someone to unclutter and clean it's going to take awhile.
5. I keep up with dishes and my wash so that they don't add to the long list of undone chores.

Portugal? I wouldn't have to unclutter or clean much! I travel light. Plus, I really liked it there. Sénégal and Colombia are still options. I could always visit Central America, even Costa Rica... someday.

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