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by Noe
Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1578708
There is nothing special about me, I'm just like everybody else...
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My name is Noelani. If you can pronounce that you get a cookie.
Most folks just call me Noe, let me make that phonetic for you... NO-E.
Very easy, but you'd be surprised at how many times I get called "No".
It's enough to make me crazy.

I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you a few things about myself.
A few things you may want to know before you start reading my blog.

I'm thirty something.
My birthday is 9/11 and I was born in the year of the Snake.
I'm a mother, a wife and all that entails...

My son, Malcolm David, was born on December 30, 2006.

I also have four cats.

I work at an animal hospital.
I have a large family but am myself an only child.
I do not like my Mother-in-Law.
I smoke pot, and tobacco, usually together.

I've seen my share of shit...

But try not to let it get to me.

I'm biased and opinionated.
I'm not a fan of Jesus, Religion or Church.
I like to think I'm always right, even when I'm talking out my ass.
I have a PhD in Bullshitology.
Sarcasm is who I am.

If you're new to my blog and would like to breeze through "Invalid Item,
then please be my guest.

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August 1, 2009 at 12:42pm
August 1, 2009 at 12:42pm
No room for confusion this morning. Oh no.

Open your eyes to a beautiful smiling face that is right in your face and how could you be confused-for even a moment? Couple that with the cat, that suddenly seems to be twice the size of a normal cat (proximity here) and you realize that you have woken up in Noe's bed.

Now brew some coffee, change a diaper, pour some milk and fetch a muffin. Peel an orange and blow your nose, feed the cats and pack your bowl.

It's fucking Saturday.

I know this is supposed to matter. I know it's supposed to be important. I also know that those of you who manage to entertain me with your Emails and blog entries are still in bed because, unlike me, you get to sleep in on weekends. Personally I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's just another day for me. Same as yesterday and tomorrow. Monday and Tuesday though... That's something a little different.

But enough about that, I'll tackle today.

Today I'm not expecting anything exciting. There are a few things that I have to take care of, a few things I should take care of and then there are the things that I will actually take care of.

Instead of listing them all I'm going to take a different approach and say...

Today Malcolm and I are going to go and visit my mom.

Anything else that happens today will depend on mood, time and energy levels.

How's that?

I actually keep the above statement in mind a lot. Despite the fact that I plan my days out in advance if I were to actually write it all down instead of keeping it safely tucked away inside my head you would see an asterisk next to 98% of the items on that list. At the bottom of the page you would see...

Depending on mood, weather and energy level.

Never used to be that way.
Ask Catherine.

Who, BTW, called me yesterday an left a very excited message on my voice mail telling me to call her.

So I did.

But she wasn't home and didn't answer her cell phone.
I left three messages, called the wrong phone, made an ass of myself, laughed at myself and got on with my life.

She called me back, but I either didn't hear it or pretended like I didn't hear it when the phone rang. She still didn't tell me what she was so excited about. I guess I'll have to call her again.

I need a cigarette.
So here is another song/video for you to enjoy while I'm off taking care of that... Oh! I have to change a diaper too...

I told you I've been listening to country lately... and for some fun stuff about that lovely, yet sort of nasaly sounding singer...

So today... It's twenty to ten and I really should make some banana muffins as Malcolm has been requesting them and I told my mom that I'd bring her some today.

I can't forget the old locket of hers that I have. I need to give that back to her as her dad gave it to her for her fourteenth birthday and since he's gone... Yeah. Its been hanging on my corkboard for about a year now. See how good my memory is? Bet I forget it again today and kick myself in the ass for forgetting it... again.

I'm nothing if not predictable.

Okay. I'm going to get off my ass and make those muffins, then think about clothes and stuff...
July 31, 2009 at 10:46pm
July 31, 2009 at 10:46pm
I've noticed, many times, that when I blog in the evening it leaves me lost and confused for a short time in the mornings. That almost happened today, but then I got 40 Emails from Thomas and yes, I replied to each of them. He sent them all at the same time and it was quite hilarious. You see... I caught up on blogs and Emails and a few other things, then I got Malcolm and the two of us went to the grocery store. First we got all the paper out of the trunk by making a ten mile side trip to the recycler (five miles there and five miles back) during which time he fell asleep. Of course, the excitement of seeing so many garbage trucks at once has a tendency to wear anybody out.

When Malcolm and I returned from our adventures... which resulted in a cart full of fun things like blueberries, milk, butter, eggs, cheese, fruit, flour, bread and Doritos (not to mention some Circus Animals and candy) Malcolm was served his lunch (despite the many calls for candy and cookies) which he ate well. After his lunch I sat down in front of the computer intending to check my Email before settling down for my own lunch.

It said I only had like... 3 Emails or something.
But then I opened it and almost shat myself.

So I threw my pot pie in the microwave... I was craving it yesterday but was too lazy to go to the store. They were on sale, which made me happy, so I bought two, ate mine and now my craving is satisfied and I am happy. Anyway... 15 minutes to cook it, some time to cool followed by a leisurely consumption and a handful of candy corn.

I responded to 40 Emails and then read Thomas' 40 responses. I only responded to a few of those.


So that aside, during my trip to the grocery store I had two OMG moments that I wanted to share with you.

The first comes at the end of our shopping venture while we were in line. We were being rung up and I was chatting with Malcolm and the check-out clerk. I noticed that the guy at another aisle looked vaguely familiar, so I read his name tag, which conveniently had his first and last name on it.

It was a name I would never forget. In eighth grade my science teacher, who was an asshole, once bitched about how my last name and the one before it on the role call were so similar that he often mixed up our grades and had to double and triple check himself to make sure things were being recorded correctly. He asked, in a half-joking and half-serious fashion, if one of us would be willing to change our last name for the semester.

This guy and I were never friends, just had a class together. We ran in different social circles and I haven't seen him since that day in the summer of 1991 when I left Buchser Middle School behind me forever and moved on to the "bigger and better" things of high school. The story has fallen into my head a time or two, and I've told it a few times in the last 20 years... It's not funny, it's not even something that most people would remember-but I did-because it was the first time that I considered taking my step-dad's last name. I always knew, from that day forward, that if I ever changed my name it would be to my step-dad's or my mother's maiden name.

I still feel that way. My dad's last name (and my mom's) is Speulda. Pronounced: Spall-Duh. My mother's maiden name, the side of the family that has had the shit beat out of it these last three years, is Williams. I am a Williams, through and through-the fact that it's not my last name is just a technicality. Besides, my last name-Kurtz-is a part of who I am. It's a part of my identity and my sense of self. The biggest reason I refused to change my name when I got married-despite the fact that my husband and most of my family felt I should have changed my name....

So I figure the next time I go to the store I'll pay attention to who the clerks are. There are a few I really like and I tend to stand in their lines whenever possible, but I'm going to seek this guy out and say hi. I'm going to ask him if he went to Buchser and was class of 1991 and see how he responds. I'll laugh and tell him that the only reason I remember is because of that one thing. When he gives the obligatory "nice to see you" I'll smile and say, "Nice reminder of how small the world is, puts shit in perspective."

Now for the second OMG moment. Malcolm and I pulled on to our street and cruised up the driveway. As usual I saw a lot of foot traffic around and was people watching... Then I saw someone cross the street... and it almost made me shit myself. Same height, same "baldish" head, same fucking sunglasses, same build, same everything! I swear to the gods all around me I saw Phil's twin! (Phil, for those of you who aren't IN THE KNOW is Catherine's spousal unit and a good friend of mine as well... It made me laugh my ass off because...

The guy was black.

I have a picture of Phil in my WDC photo album... Let me find it and post it. Hilarious... Okay. The kid is going into the tub and I think I have some stuff to do. The question of course is whether I need to do it or not.
July 31, 2009 at 3:59am
July 31, 2009 at 3:59am
In honor of Zack I was going to sit here and write a stoned blog for you all to enjoy. Then, as I was responding to an Email from Bert, and rambling on as is my fashion, it dawned on my how dreadfully tired I am.

I did a lot of laundry today.
I cleaned my fucking bathroom.
I cleaned both bedrooms and cleaned the cat boxes.
I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow and it's after midnight.

Not that any of these things have stopped me from staying up late and rambling away on the computer in the past. I'm outside and I want to go inside because that is where Jake is, so please take this moment to enjoy a song that I was listening to earlier while washing the dishes...

My inbox is full of shit... Survey responses I need to deal with, reviews that I need to take another look at... *sigh* It's not that I don't have the hour to sit and sift through my inbox, it's that I simply don't have the desire. I sat down tonight fully intending to do just that and quickly got side tracked by my desire to take my stoned ass over here to write a blog about nothing. Then I realized how tired I was and had second-thoughts, yet here I am writing that blog anyway.

Okay... I got it down to four messages. I need to go and clean up my plug page too... See how many items are now invalid and have to be removed. It irks me... I haven't posted anything on my plug page in a long while. One of these days it's going to get so short that I'm just going to get rid of the item altogether. But then again, who knows? Maybe I'll get really active on the site again and start updating. Time will tell I suppose. It's virtually impossible for me to be active here, it's virtually impossible for me to write anymore. Shit, a blog entry is an exercise in patience the likes you've never witnessed unless you yourself have attempted to write anything-from a grocery list to a fucking novel while being interrupted every five seconds by a two-year-old who speaks barely understandable toddler-ese.

The fucking joys of motherhood.
He drives me up the wall and sometimes I wish he head a mute button.
But fuck if I don't love him more than anything.
It's disgusting, really, how quickly he can turn me into a ball of mush.
I can watch him "read" a book and literally be dissolved to tears by the wonder and beauty of it all.

I fucking made that.
It scares the shit out of me this parent thing.
Not sure if I'm cut out for it.
But the kid is happy, healthy and seems smart... *Wink*
So I suppose I'll fumble through like my parents did.


Jesus Fucking Christ.
I just had to remove so many invalid items from my plug page I think my eyes are going to pop out of my heads like I was being squeezed too hard...

That was nuts.

I have post-its that are shaped like dog bones.
I love them.
You know you're jealous.

So my inbox is almost empty. I'm almost happy.

Look at how productive I'm being while sitting here drinking soda, getting stoned and listening to the world outside my window.

It's very quiet out there at 12:30.

Chris went to karaoke with some people. People being friends of ours like Dave and Sarah, Tom, Clare... An old friend that none of you have ever heard about has appeared back in our lives. Back when I first met Chris there was this chump who hung out with him, this kid named Paul. Paul had broken up with his girlfriend and, as a result, his friends were remembering his name. Well, this lasted about a year and then they got back together. This was about five years ago. Well, they broke up again and Paul has materialized. I have yet to see him so I don't know if he's still a chump, but as much as people change they certainly don't change that much so I'll be sure to let you know when I see Paul and can determine these things for myself.

Chris may fill me in though.

Spot drinks loudly.

The inbox is empty.
Now I need to get started on the other folders I have in there and that, my friends, is something that will take quite awhile.

I'm not really looking forward to it.

Let's see how long I can procrastinate it.
How long before guilt overwhelms me and I delve in there to see what I've forgotten, to see who is counting on me and who I've let down... To see what a lousy SOB I am and remind me that yes... I am only human... an apologetic Email and a C-note will make it all better...

So let's see... Some of this is easy... I can do some of this...

But now I'm realizing that I need to clean out the files on my computer.
Which means I need a flash drive.
I've always needed one of those


Geez... Okay. If I don't stop that shit soon then I'm going to be up all night long making folders and shit. I love it. I love organizing shit on my computer. Then I get something that I can't fit into one of my little boxes and it becomes a quest to find other things that would go with that one thing so that I can justify making it a little box.

I fucking love it.

This, my friends, is why I have my own computer. I can be so OCD about it and nobody cares and it doesn't matter and I can procrastinate about it and leave it there for months and months before I finally go apeshit and it's all mine and nobody knows the password except my husband and to him it's taboo. He is finally letting himself be free with my iTunes... as long as he deletes no play list and changes no ratings on the songs. He can do whatever he wants... See? I'm reasonable.


Quit peeking into my head!
It's making you nervous.

I want cookies.
I want chocolate.
I should make chocolate cookies.
But I really want peanut butter cookies.
So perhaps I'll make peanut butter cookies and brownies.

That sounds really good.
Too bad I have no intention of doing it now.

I suppose I could stay up all nigh baking. It would be productive. But then I'd be grumpier than usual tomorrow and my husband already puts up with enough of that shit from me.

When the fuck is he going to start working?! OMG! I'm going insane. Kill him or something. Get him the fuck out of my hair! Grr... We're waiting for him to get put into the computer system. It's a corporate thing. He can't start working until some bitch with a nail file in hand and gum in her mouth waiting to be snapped enters his information and hits GO/SEND/EXECUTE.

So let me get on with my life.

I need another soda but I can't justify opening one. I know that if I don't I'll blog for hours, getting thirstier and thirstier, making Thomas laugh harder and harder, convincing myself-and you oh fearless reader- that I'm going to end this charade once and for all at any
July 30, 2009 at 5:47pm
July 30, 2009 at 5:47pm
So I got some good ideas from laurie_o, hailey and inhercat. Due to one of Catherine's ideas being a bit long I shortened it, and then runningwolf04 came up with another shortened version.

The nine options have been put into a poll...

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1586513 by Not Available.

Get your ass over there and vote or my blueberry muffin recipe will be confined to my kitchen for all eternity. *Laugh*

So I've got both bedrooms cleaned and I've started on the bathroom... I got one load of laundry done and waiting to be folded, the other load of laundry is in the dryer. The load I did yesterday has been folded and put away. Malcolm and Chris are at the library and have been for awhile. I'm not protesting the unexpected time to myself... I am reveling in it.

There is a concert in the park thing again tonight.
I do not wish to go, nor has my going come up in concert.
I went last time and said nothing about going next time.
I am, in fact, quite busy and taking time out of my day to go deal with my MIL is not my idea of a relaxing evening.

Sitting in front of the TV and watching the latest episoe of Warehouse 13 while killing off another carton of ice cream is my idea of a relaxing evening.

I've been listening to country music lately.
The good stuff, not that crap they play on the radio nowadays.

I'm reading a Stephen King book.
I need to do another book entry... I should get on that.
Maybe later.
I need to go clean the bathroom and I really want another cigarette...

So yeah, that's my poll.
Go vote!!!!
July 30, 2009 at 2:48pm
July 30, 2009 at 2:48pm
Yesterday was interrupted.

I was in the middle of an Email, still catching up on my blogs and 1/3 of the way through a song when Ellen walked in my door and put the entire rest of the day on hold.

We had left-overs for dinner and Ellen and I were both so tired and out of it that we pretty much napped on the couch.

We did walk to the liquor store for ice cream, and I woke Chris up at about 3:30... He took Malcolm to the park and they played for an hour or so... Nothing overly exciting happened. I made three candles and the blueberry muffins turned out perfect. Very happy with this recipe.

So laurie_o gave me three suggestions for a name for my recipe forum...

Recipe Roundup
Recipe Exchange
Hometown Cookin'

Now the rest of you need to give me some ideas...

Come on kids... You can do it!!!

My coffee cup is empty.

I hate it when there is only enough left in the pot for 1/2 a cup and I have no reason to brew another pot. I suppose the coffee gods are just reminding me that I've already had two cups today so I need to stop. But I did get a muffin while I was up. So yummy!!

I also did a load of laundry yesterday, but I did not fold it and put it away. I'm going to do that very soon as a matter of fact. I also have a few more loads to do today in addition to the cat boxes and the cleaning of the apartment. But it's a quarter to twelve so... Well, I'll at least get the bedrooms and the bathroom done today. Maybe more, but we'll see how the day progresses. The cat boxes smell bad so they are at the top of the list...

Wish I had something exciting to say.
But I don't.

July 29, 2009 at 12:53pm
July 29, 2009 at 12:53pm
Something tells me that this is going to be a long entry. One that will be written in bits and pieces over the course of a couple of hours.

But then it could be an incredibly short entry that I write in one sitting. Of course that one sitting would have to be under seven minutes in length as I have blueberry muffins in the oven.

Since I still have no idea what the hell I'm going to... wait... let me re-phrase that.
Since I still have no idea how I'm going to pull this entry together I would not be putting my money on the whole "short entry" concept.

Besides, if the entry is too short Thomas will be shocked into a heart attack, and that would be bad.

So it appears as though I have three days to share with my loyal readers and friends here... Three days.

Let's start at the beginning.


I drove to SF.
I met Frank at his old apartment and we wandered around a bit taking a look and seeing what the day had in store. Then we moseyed up to Clem-Bag to meet Jodie for brunch. To my surprise Jay and Lisa were there as well. Although I shouldn't have been surprised as Jay always has Sunday Brunch there. Always good to see those crazy kids.

After brunch we parted company with Strauss and Co. and headed back to Frank's old apartment where all three of us began. Frank and Jodie got all the last minute stuff out of the apartment and I wandered around cleaning windows, windowsills and the tops of the doors. I also got the heater, spots on the walls, the light switch plates, etc... I got the bathroom done, we took a couple of breaks, Frank cleaned the oven and Jodie cleaned the outside of the fridge and the face of the oven while I did the rest of the kitchen. Then they took the last load of stuff down to the car and I vacuumed up the living room and made my way out the door. I think I left about four footprints and there were about three feet of carpet that the vacuum wouldn't reach because the cord was too short. *Laugh*

So I ended up taking them home. They had come over the bridge in Frank's car, but were leaving it in the city because they were leaving to go on a camping trip on Monday morning and it was easier to leave the car in the parking spot that they have paid for then to drive it over the bridge to leave it on the street.

So I drove over the Bay Bridge for the first time ever. Oh I've been over the Bay Bridge, but I myself have never been the one behind the wheel.

Everyone think back to 1989. The big earthquake that postponed the World Series (it was Oakland vs. San Francisco that year)... the Loma Prieta? The bridge of which I am speaking is the very same one that was on the news because sections of it were collapsing.

Pleasant thought isn't it?

Don't worry, it has been retrofitted since then.

Upon our arrival on the eastern end of the bridge, spitting distance of Oakland, we veered right and popped into a mile-long tunnel, going under the water and re-emerging on the small island of Alameda. We hit a Mexican restaurant and had some tasty dinner then headed to the new place.

Very cute. Two bedrooms and an extra room that doesn't qualify as a bedroom because it has no closet. The apartment is on the ground floor of an old Victorian-esque house that has been chopped into three apartments. The apartment is nice and I would totally live there... But it's just not big enough. It may be bigger than my apartment (square footage wise) but the layout is such that although it would be doable our books wouldn't fit.

If our books won't fit then we are just not interested.

Speaking of books... It's time to do another book entry... Perhaps I'll work on that today.

Anyway... Damn! I need a cigarette.

But before I do that I'll finish this up.

I had made peanut butter bars for Frodie and had lugged them around all day waiting for an oven. So upon our arrival to the new home I turned on the oven and threw the pan in. When the bars were done I liberated them, let my pan cool, ate one, threw two more into my purse for Chris and said my goodbyes. It was late and I had been gone for 12 hours. I wanted my boys, I wanted to be home and I had to work in the morning.

So I came home. Finding 880S was fun, but with the help of Google Maps and my unerring sense of direction (not to mention the simple fact that Alameda is a grid) I was able to get safely off the island despite the fact that the road I needed was closed for several blocks due to a street festival which had occurred earlier.

Alameda is a strange place. I will speak more on this later.

So I got home, I went to bed. Sunday was over and I was much more tired at the end of the day than you will be when you get to the end of this blog entry so kwitcherbitchin!!

Monday and Tuesday are, as usual, a bit of a blur. I worked and it was... work. Monday got a bit busy, which was nice, but I still got a lot of reading done. I shaved a dog down for the first time ever. Okay, all three of us worked on it, but I did the lion's share of the work. The people were sick of the dog hair, the constant shedding, etc... My solution to the problem is not to have a dog, but their solution was to shave the dog down.


I also got scratched up on Monday-by dogs. One scratch on each bicep. Not only that, but the dogs each hit me with so much force that they bruised me. It did not make me happy.

Tuesday I got irritated because when it came to the end of the day and I was trying to get the floors swept and mopped I kept getting interrupted and had to sweep one room twice. It irked me.

But I came home, got some time to myself while Chris went to pick up Malcolm at his folk's house and picked up dinner at Carl's Jr. I needed a terriyaki burger with grilled pineapple.

I needed it.

So here it is, Wednesday morning and Malcolm woke me up at 7:30. It's a quarter to ten and I've been working on this entry for about 45 minutes.

Rest assured that I am almost done.

I made blueberry muffins.

I have quite a bit of other stuff to do today. But I'm not really in any hurry to get any of it done. It's early and I have, all things considered, a relatively easy day ahead of me.

Chris was out late hanging with some friends last night so he'll probably sleep for a good part of the day.

Malcolm will drive me crazy.

Ellen is due to come over at some point.

I was cleaning out my yahoo inbox the other day and discovered that I really do have a twitter account that is active. I was so confused. It turned out that I had two. I was mortally confused. I have had so many issues with twitter that I chalked it up to lost and walked away. I thought I had deleted my account but I was wrong.

So I got it all figured out.
I'm not giving up completely.
At least not yet.

I am creating a forum here on WDC for recipe swapping and stuff like that.
But I need a name for it.

If you can think of a good name for such a forum let me know.
If I end up using your contribution then I'll give you one of those fancy cooking merit badges that they have here.

And that's it for now.
I think I have to go change a diaper.
Regardless I have laundry and dishes to do and other domestic shit like that.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
July 26, 2009 at 12:26pm
July 26, 2009 at 12:26pm
Too many exciting blog entries in a row could give one of my readers a heart attack.

So I'll try to tone it down this time.

Yesterday... Wow.

I puttered around and did some dishes.
I cleaned the cat box and swept the balcony.
I read.
Chris and Mal went to spend some time with Chris' folks and I stayed at home to get things done.
I did a load of laundry.
I made pizza for 4.5 people.
I played a riveting card game for over an hour and Tom kicked all our asses and pissed Chris off.
I got high.
I had one beer so I didn't get drunk.
I tried not to laugh at Ellen's orange hair-she wants to kill her stylist.
I burned some CD's for Bert...

I think that's about it.

So now I'm sitting here with my coffee and... Yes.

It's about twenty after nine and I have already taken a shower, done 1/2 the dishes, fed the kid and changed a couple of diapers. Over the next couple of hours I need to clean out my car, hit the grocery store for milk and soda and get ready to leave.

Before I head out of town I have to run to the recycler and drop off all the mixed paper that has been sitting in my trunk since... shit, I think its been in there since before Scotty's funeral.


You know... Speaking of Scotty I got pretty pissed off last night at the candid talk of suicide. There Ellen is, with another crappy hand, talking about how she's just going to kill herself. I'd gotten a text from her earlier in the day saying that she was going to slit her throat because of what the stylist did to her hair. When she said that she was going to kill herself slowly with a spoon I told her that would be fine as long as we could film it and post it on YouTube. But when she kept going I eventually had enough. I looked up at her and said, "Why don't you go ahead and vaporize your head with a fucking shotgun."

All talk of suicide stopped.

Yesterday it was one month since Scott died.
Let's not forget that this is still fresh and something that I'm still struggling with very much.

So save the candid talk of how you're going to take your own life with a stick of butter.

The plans for today are not monumental. I have been looking forward to today for the last week though. Any excuse to see Frodie is a good one as far as I'm concerned and, my dears, it has been too long.

(Frodie BTW is Frank and Jodie)

So I'm heading up to SF around 11 and then we'll see what happens.

In the meantime I need to put on my shoes and go have a cigarette, scoop the cat boxes and... whatever comes after that.
July 25, 2009 at 3:26pm
July 25, 2009 at 3:26pm
I slept until 11:15.

But I didn't go to bed until four in the morning so it's all good.

Tom came over last night and the plan was for the three of us to hang out and watch the first two or three hours of Torchwood: Children of Earth which recently aired on BBC. Of course Chris and I had it on the DVR and intended to watch it in one or two sittings. Well, about twenty minutes into the third episode Chris went into the bathroom and didn't come out for an hour.

But let's rewind a little bit.

I cleaned the bathroom, living room and kitchen yesterday. To keep things really easy I threw the Stouffer's lasagna into the oven. But I did make cheesy garlic bread version 2.0 and this time it was perfect. *Bigsmile* When Tom arrived he came bearing beer and tonic water. When Chris got back from the store-as he had run out for some cigarettes-he went into the kitchen to make himself a G&T (disgusting things really). Well... tonic water exploded all over my kitchen. It was fucking glorious.

Chris also managed to spill 2/3 of a gin and tonic on his lap, luckily most of it stayed in his lap. A tiny bit managed to hit the floor but none got on the couch.

We, as in Tom and I, were watching Chris get drunk, and all the things that entails. My husband is not a pleasant drunk, but he's not a mean drunk either. He's belligerent and a bit of a dick, but not necessarily mean.

Tom and I only recall Chris having one beer and one G&T, but this morning I found out he had three... or 2.5 considering how much was in his lap. I guess he was making them quite strong...

So when Chris disappeared into the bathroom Tom and I had no idea why. We suspected vomiting but as we thought he'd only had one drink we weren't sure. So we took a smoke break and talked for a bit before deciding to go ahead and keep watching. Eventually I went into the bathroom and checked on my husband, to find him curled up on the bathroom floor, less than an inch away from the swinging door, and half asleep.

I fucking hate getting so drunk I vomit and then fall asleep in the bathroom because even the idea of moving makes me nauseous.

I turned the bed down and got it all ready for him with water and garbage can, tissue and hand towel then left doors open and lights on and headed back into the living room. After a bit he managed to get into the bedroom but I didn't see him (Tom did). I did go check on him, cover him up and turn off lights and stuff.

But Tom and I had to keep watching the mini-series until the end.

We had to.

Literally, the third episode ended and I immediately started the fourth saying, "I have to watch it until the end and you're more than welcome to stay."

A heartfelt "Thank You." Came from the other side of the couch along with a sigh of relief.

It was that good people.
It was that good...

If you've never seen Torchwood than WTF is your problem? Don't you read my blog? Don't you listen to me when I tell you to watch something because it kicks ass and is actually worth your time? Come on!!! I would not lie to you about this!

Besides... There is hot man kissing!!

I'm seriously considering adding John Barrowman to my top 4, thus making it a top 5. I think it's only fair...


*happy puddle of Noe*

So that was my night. When Tom left I seriously considered staying up. I mean, what was the point in going to sleep just to get woken up in three or four hours? Especially knowing that Chris would be hungover. Shit, even when he's not hungover he only gets up long enough to hand out milk and Cheerios and change a diaper! But this morning he got up, played, fed and hung out with Malcolm.

The first thing I did upon regaining consciousness was enter the living room and dole out hugs to my boys, thanking them for letting me sleep.

Then I checked my voice mail.

My mom is sick. *Cry*

So today we're hanging out at home and doing nothing. Wait! The boys are going to go hang out with Grammy (Chris' mom) but I'm going to stay home and get some things done. I have to do another load of laundry and clean the other cat boxes. I need to get ready for my cleaning job up in the city tomorrow so I have ducks to put in a row. Ellen is coming over as well and I'm going to make some pizza.

I'm considering trying the yeast-free crust recipe that uses milk instead of water but as I forgot a couple things with this recipe (oops!) I'll try it a second time. Besides, Tom and Chris really liked it so...

All right. I have to pee and I need a cigarette.
July 24, 2009 at 2:37pm
July 24, 2009 at 2:37pm
What's grosser than gross?
A vampire eating a maxi pad.

I used to know tons of those, but now that's the only one I can remember.
Go figure.

So yesterday I went to bed with a feeling of... Dissatisfaction. I felt as though I hadn't done much during the day, that I'd had a day of laziness and hadn't accomplished much of anything.

I really hate going to bed feeling that way. I have to remind myself that even on my lazy days I get more accomplished than most people but I suppose I just hold myself to too high of a standard. After all... I know I got a lot done yesterday.

I kicked the boys out, sent them to the park and attacked Malcolm's room. I moved his crib to vacuum under it and I did a toy purge. I dumped out every single toy bin and cleaned them, that is a task in and of itself. In one of the big bins I found the remains of a spider and what appeared to be the beginnings of an egg sac. Stupid thing thought it could live in a toy box. Darwinism at its finest.

I also did five loads of laundry and I folded them and put them away. Amazing. This of course required a quick trip to the bank to get quarters.

I also had to go to Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart and almost never shop there, but next to Costco they have the best price for cat litter. While I was there I wandered around and picked up a couple of other things. I got a pallet for Mal's paints, a couple of dinosaurs and some toy cars which I put up in the closet to save for Christmas (yes I'm already Christmas shopping) and I got Play Doh.

Play Doh rocks.

I've been wanting to get Mal some Play Doh for awhile, but every time I've checked at Target I haven't seen anything good. But at Wal Mart they had a ten pack of 2 oz tubs for less than $5 so I grabbed it. When Mal woke up from his nap we gave him two colors and let him go at it. He loved it. In fact, he loved it so much that he wanted his Play Doh this morning and is currently sitting in the living room making things. Mostly he mashes it up then holds it up and tells me what it is. He pulls it apart and then hollers for me in excitement saying, "Ta-Da!" Then he mashes it together and says, "Ta-Da!" It's really quite annoying adorable.

We did go to the concert last night. They closed off some streets in downtown Mt. View and had a local band playing, there were tons of people there. For two blocks there were classic cars parked and left for folks to look at and check out. So that's what Malcolm and I did. We walked up and down the street looking at the cars and I told him that they were "Bitchin' cars." He agreed, repeatedly telling me that they were bitchin' and being absolutely adorable about it. Of course, his favorite vehicle was the Fire Engine that had been parked on a side street. We spent a lot of time over there checking it out.

I lost his sweatshirt. I had it draped over my purse and as we were walking it slipped and I didn't notice until quite awhile later. I re-traced our steps but couldn't find it and was very upset. The sweatshirt is covered in dinosaurs and Mal wears it all the time, he loves that sweatshirt. It's a 3T which means that he'll be able to wear it this fall and part of the winter too so the fact that I lost it upset me. Chris told me that we'd get him a new sweatshirt when he needed one but I was still upset. I hate losing things. Hate it! Luckily as we were leaving I saw the sweatshirt hanging on a barrier that they had used to block off the streets. I felt so much better! I wished a thousand karmic blessings on the person who put it there as well as all the people who left it there instead of taking it for themselves.

Chris helped me make dinner last night, putting the chicken in the oven while I was at Wal-Mart so we were able to eat before we went to the concert, which was good. When we came home we tossed the kid into the tub, then had story time and tucked him in. I then took over the TV for about three hours and watched the first two episodes of Warehouse 13. It was nice to get the TV for a change, usually Chris is watching ESPN and sitting there with my laptop playing Tribal Wars and I'm left to fend for myself. Gets annoying since the TV in the bedroom doesn't have cable.

So Malcolm has interrupted me after pretty much every sentence here and I've finally had enough. I'm about to snap and have, in fact, woken my husband up and told him that he needs to get the fuck out of bed before I lose my mind. I should have finished up here a half an hour ago... It has taken me about 45 minutes to write this entry. I need to clean the kitchen which is truly disgusting and I also need to clean the bathroom and the living room today. It's 11:30 in the morning and none of that is going to get done if I have to switch Play Doh colors every two minutes. *sigh* So Chris got up and promptly hopped into the shower. So now I get twenty more minutes of torment before he's up and I can start getting things done. Because he'll have to eat and Mal will need lunch I'll probably start in the bathroom... Joy of joys.

So I actually had an exciting entry.
How cool is that?
July 23, 2009 at 2:02pm
July 23, 2009 at 2:02pm
Let's see how stunningly boring my blog entry will be today.

My finger looks good. It's healing nicely. Thank you for asking. I tried to take a picture of it, in fact I did take a picture of it... quite a few to be honest... but none of them turned out.

I slept too late and there is a concert in the park over in Mt. View tonight. I told Chris that I'd go "next time" and this is "next time" so I figure I'll go play nice with the in-laws. This means that I need to clean the apartment, make dinner and eat it all before six. So I think I'll only clean half the place... but we'll see. The cat boxes need to be changed but that will require a trip to Wal-Mart or a sending of the husband to Costco. I also need to run to the bank and get some quarters for laundry... *sigh* Too much to do today and I know I should have done some of it yesterday. When I decide to have a lazy day it means that the next two or three days are going to be insane... I was fully prepared and I have nobody to blame but myself.

Stupid Noe. What were you thinking?

I wasn't. I need a cigarette.

Yesterday afternoon while Malcolm was napping Chris said, "I want to go to Olive Garden."
To which I replied, "Are you paying?"
"How are we going to pay rent?"
"I'm going to talk to my parents."

So I didn't have to cook and Malcolm ate like a pig. We all did. It was good. We love the Olive Garden.

All right. I should take care of a couple other things and then figure out where I want to start and how far I want to go with the housework today. *sigh* Yippee...

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