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by Dee
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #1657895
Just got the best surprise in a long time...from an anonymous person.
Today i woke up on time, but i wasn't feeling like myself. This has been happening a lot lately, i don't know what's going on. I've avoided anything that will make me look at myself and wonder what i have become.today however things turned out different. I decided to check out my writing.com account and there it was...The one thing i have been working for, wanting so bad but it was beyond my reach. I received an upgraded membership from an anonymous person. Maybe for some people its not something big, but come on, i can now set up the blog I have always wanted to. So now no more excuses, no more lying to myself and procrastinating day after day. This is my chance to do something, not for the sake of doing it but because i love it. Welcome everyone, i am so excited just wish you could see my face. This is even better than my CAT results yesterday. This is way above stealing candy from the jar as a kid. That was fun, no doubt about it but its a new beginning that i am ready for (i think). And for what its worth i am really grateful to the person who sent me this. I owe you. Watch this space
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April 6, 2010 at 4:18pm
April 6, 2010 at 4:18pm
Some people prefer to know the truth on some matters, I don’t at least not when it’s right in front of me. If I haven’t seen it, maybe I don’t want to see it, cal it an escape plan but it works for me and as much as I doesn’t change the way things are it helps me cope. It’s easier to laugh and pretend things are ok for sometime before I figure out how to work them out than to cry and be too depressed to do something about it. Today I told a friend about the call I made yesterday. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut-not that I listen to my conscience- but I still did it. Do I even have to mention the earful I got? Well not that I blame him, in his position I would have done the same thing but what harm does spending some time with someone I had and still have a crush on do? It’s not like we’re getting married or something. I need some fun and excitement in my life right now which I will welcome then worry about later. I have some reservations about the whole visit myself but what’s done is done and I can’t and won’t undo it. I brought this on myself and I will not spoil it by having regrets, it doesn’t do me any good. So far this week has been really good, it would have been even better if I did not have a cold but hey my voice sounds great. I think I’ll even try karaoke and see how it goes. Tell you what lets make a deal, no more regrets, no more worries at least until the end of this week whoever wins gets to order me around for a whole day, I’ll do everything that you say-except maybe jump off a 10-storey or more building- You rule. How does that sound?
April 5, 2010 at 3:37pm
April 5, 2010 at 3:37pm
I knew there was a reason i liked usher's song 'you got it bad.' One is probably since am one of the few romantics in this era. I don't know if romantic is the word to use but for lack of a better one allow me to use it. See on my first year in campus i was really crazy about some guy. We used to hang out a lot and i knew he liked me but i never told him i felt the same. Long story short i something happened and we parted ways. I changed courses moved to a different campus and life went on. That was three years ago,i never saved his number i knew it by heart. Today i thought of him and my phone was near. It was a bad idea but i went ahead anyway. I kept hoping he changed his number but it rang, and he picked up. He knew who it was even after all that time. We talked for sometime and we decided to meet-for old times sake- which is why am floating on cloud nine and not getting down anytime soon. I don't even think am getting any sleep today. There's too much on my mind. Here i am still not over a crush even after three years! I've got it bad, in case i never told you happy easter.
April 4, 2010 at 10:30am
April 4, 2010 at 10:30am
You think waking up on a monday is stress, try doing that on a sunday when its raining and outside is really cold. Do i even have to go to the part where taking a shower was a nightmare since, in case i haven't mentioned we don't have water.Yes, don't give me the look i know for some people water is a universal right, but seems not everyone agrees. Compared to some people our estate is lucky since at least we get water from thursday to saturday before the taps run dry, some places haven't had water fro as long as two months which really sucks. I wouldn't want to be them. Anyway today i was in time for mass. I got my favourite seat-just behind the church choir-. Its not much but since i don't have time to join the choir seating near them compensates for what i have and will miss in the future. It was fun, at the end they sand Alleluiya so beautifully, i liked the way they ended it. It was so sudden, for sometime everyone was so quiet they didn't know what to expect then a clap was heard and the whole church was standing and clapping for them. I hope i get to do it some other time. I don't do much on sundays, its very boring and everything seems like its slow motion. Maybe i'm used to a faster pace of life i don't know. Sorry about yesterday, i got busy. I have been watching Ghost whisperer marathon. I had to know how it ended which was a bad idea since now i've been left in suspence and i have to wait till the next episode comes out. P.S. Just because am out of sight doesn't mean am not thinking of you. Love you guys and thanks for keeping me company, it gets lonely sometimes.
April 2, 2010 at 4:20pm
April 2, 2010 at 4:20pm
We have had a blackout since yesterday that lasted a record 8hrs to say am pissed off would be an understatement. I haven't had a long holiday for so long and when i finally get it this is what happens? I don't know what i ever did to these people, or what they have against me. Anyway i am changing and i won't let a small issue lke that keep me from enjoying myself this easter break. I spoke to my big brother today, i don't think my mind has really registered the fact that he is almost 1500km away. I keep thinking he's still around just busy with work and other stuff. He tells us they're in autumn right now, where i come from its either raining or sunny so this whole business of seasons is kind of new to me..to all of us. My mum was going on and on about how he should start looking for warm clothes to wear. He is a big boy, he can take care of himself but try telling that to my mum. As long as he is still unmarried and perhas even after i think it doesn't make much difference to her. She still sees the little boy in him. Not that i blame her, maybe when i become a parent some day i'll understand this fascination parents have for their children. My best friend and his girlfriend broke up yesterday. When he called me with the news i thought it was a prank, he was in tears and sounded so tired and sad my heart lept up for him. I wish i could hug him and tell him everything is going to be ok. He is so heartbroken and so lost, the best i can do is be there for him and give him my support. At times i want to shake him so hard and tell him its not the end, life still goes on and he's stronger than he thinks or feels. I just don't know how to get through to him. It hurts a lot becase he's been there for me and i want to return the favour i just don't know how. When will all this ever end. I read a book called The Little Prince today, and his love for a flower so common yet unique unlike all others. I want to be the same for my best friend that's why i picked up that book today. The lesson the prince learns from the Fox is that -the heart sees rightly what is essentially invisible to the eye. I will take a leap of faith, reach out for more and maybe, just maybe i can learn how to be a better friend.
April 1, 2010 at 4:21pm
April 1, 2010 at 4:21pm
I feel really tired and sleepy i doubt i'd be of any good here. I made a promise to try my best to keep my blog going. Which is why,even though i'd feel much better sleeping in my warm bed, am here wading of mosquitoes and trying to at least write something. If whatever i come up with doesn't make sense,don't worry you are not alone. My mind switched off like 5min ago so i also better head off. Will tell you all about my day tomorrow. Take care
March 31, 2010 at 2:49pm
March 31, 2010 at 2:49pm
Ever since i got tired of trying to be heard and decided am better off being invisible, i've been waiting. For what exactly i don't know but knowing someone noticed me would help me feel much better. I admire my pal Angela a lot. She's easy going and gets along with pretty much everyone. Even those she doesn't like she still talks and laughs with them. Maybe if i tried i could do it but i feel too much. Most times i think with my heart and am not a very good actress. Today for instance a colleague said hi as he passed by. I should have smiled and nodded back like Angela did but my conscience wouldn't let me. This is a person who lied downright to my face with no apology. Pretending things were ok,to me, seemed like accepting whatever he did was cool which is not. One of these days however i know i'll have to push some of those feelings aside. Worst of all is that i can never face a person and tell them when they wrong me. Its easier to sulk in silence and pretend that am ok and everythings fine. Most time i wish people would notice just how bad it hurts or how i feel. Call it immature or what you may but i learnt long ago that at times you have to be thick skinned to survive. If you are not then you can join the rest of us who swallow it up but when we are alone locked in a room safely we let the tears fall. We cry our hearts out and curse at the world. That time when we are most vulnerable we empty our souls and let all the pain,hurt,anguish,sadness flow out. For when the door opens we have to wipe our tears, put our best foot forward and dive into the world again. Our only hope...that our hearts will hold up and when the shots come our defense will not crumble. In case i didn't mention please pardon any errors i might or have made, i've been updating the blog using my phone which is not very effective. Oh and we have a blackout which is not romantic at all the place is just spooky good night everyone!
March 30, 2010 at 3:29pm
March 30, 2010 at 3:29pm
Sometimes i think my life would be much easier if i was a boy. Not that boys or guys for that matter have easy lives i just think they have fewer problems. My day has been hectic we had elections today to choose our class representative. Even though the person i voted for didn't win am glad all went well and the best candidate won. I recently started a new hobby to help me pass time during those endless evenings when i can't get any sleep. My new hobby is collecting song lyrics. In the end am hoping to compile a lyrics book with my top 50 best songs of all time according to me. Mostly its songs i know but can never sing along to since cramming lyrics is not my forte. So far so good only problem is at times i get inspired to sing along in the middle of the night which according to my neighbours is not entertaining at all. In my defence my voice may not be like beyonce's or rihanna's but come on...am not that bad,am i? Speaking of which is it just me or does carrie underwood have a really great voice. I shouldn't be biased but i have to confess she's one of my favourite musician's. If i went to a karaoke right now i think i'd rock at least if my mum doesn't pull me out by my ears which is exactly what she'd do if she caught me singing in public. So for now dear fans am restricted to the bathroom....feel free to eavsdrop. I've got to run catch you later good night everyone.
March 29, 2010 at 3:22pm
March 29, 2010 at 3:22pm
First of all is a big congrats to our class which made it to the football finals. I feel really proud of them especially since i never showed up to cheer them. I am so sleepy hope i don't doze off before am through. I had a dramatic day to sum it up apparently someone said something inappropriate. Certain people were not very pleased...tempers grew hot n words were exchanged. In the end we discovered just how divided we are which explains the endless calls for unity. Personally i think that if everyone put their selfish interest aside we'd be much closer to reaching a truce. But that's just me. Anyway am fed up with trying to be heard. Let them go ahead and do whatever they want i'll do my best to sort my issues. Its been raining since 4 in the evening. Watching rain drops was fun. I haven't done it in a long time and it felt good. Reminded me of my childhood...back to being an adult now i feel really cold. Am hitting my blankets in some few minutes time. My immunity is on strike and there are some opportunistic pathogens waiting to strike so i've got to go. Love you guys... oh and chics too!
March 28, 2010 at 2:39pm
March 28, 2010 at 2:39pm
Some things never change no matter how old i get like being scared because i get my cat results tomorrow. I've had butterflies in my stomach since morning. The worst part is that am more worried about what people will say once the list is displayed. I know my results are anything but good but am proud of myself. I shed enough tears over my marks and i finally accepted that whats done is done. I can't change all the answers i messed up but i can make sure it doesn't happen again. I've always been smart, that hasn't changed this time though i guess i didn't give it my best shot. I can only imagine what they will say,what will go through their heads. Vic,my best friend tells me not to think about it,am trying...really but its not that simple. For once i'll know how it feels to be at the bottom. I have made my peace or at least thats what i want to believe. I hope everything works out. Ciao
March 27, 2010 at 4:25pm
March 27, 2010 at 4:25pm
In case you're wondering yes this is my 2nd update today. Did i ever mention that there's nothing better than spending a whole day sleeping on the couch doing absolutely nothing. I finally got my rest and it feels damn good. Have an early day tomorrow and for what it counts everyone deserves a breather once in a while. Sometimes we get so caught up by other things that we forget it's ok to let go and rest. For me watching Ghost whisperer the whole day gave me that,it did leave me a bit spooked but hey that's a price i gladly paid. See you

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