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by Janine
Rated: 13+ · Book · Writing · #1979876
Journal entries of my life as a writer.
This is a journal of my writing life since I joined the Writing.com community of writers. This is such a different place for me, I think it's a good idea to document my new writing adventures.
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June 16, 2014 at 12:11am
June 16, 2014 at 12:11am
June 16 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Riddle me... All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held, can be heard.
What is it?

I believe the answer is air/wind. The air in the wind can be heard.

The only riddle I can think of right now is an old one from when I was growing up and people used to tell it every time they came up with a new solution to it.

What's black and white and red/read (supposed to be said outloud) all over.

The first answer I heard was the newspaper. But the next answer I heard was a zebra with a sunburn. I liked both answers. There are more, I just can't think of them right now.
June 15, 2014 at 11:57pm
June 15, 2014 at 11:57pm
*Heart* I can't believe how much I got done today. My cousin is coming to visit, so I wanted to get some artwork done for her to take back to Virginia for the rest of the family back there. She's bringing her kids, so I'm going to let them pick the ones they like for themselves and the others. That means I need a lot of choices for them. I want them to have a hard time choosing.

So I finished ten tiny acrylic paintings today. They are the size of baseball trading cards. They're two and a half inches by three and a half inches. They're real canvas paper. I think of them as short attention span canvases.

For six of the paintings I took a picture after each color was added and put those pictures into Word documents to show step by step how to paint the pictures with overlapping layers of paint. I posted them in the art section of my educational website. This is one of the newest sections on my site, so it was good to be able to add to it, so it doesn't seem puny. https://www.edonyourown.com/art/art.html

I also added another art question and answer worksheet. I include a photo and then follow it with questions related to the photo. I think they are good resources. The one I added today was a photo of six crazy quilt blocks. I had fun asking questions about the details and quilting in general.

So today was filled with productivity. I always feel good on a day I get that much done. Yay!
June 15, 2014 at 1:13am
June 15, 2014 at 1:13am
June 15 Blogging Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Three favorite cereals...

I like Captain Crunch, Honey Nut Cherios and Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. Of course I like Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, too. I feel like I'm eating the most unhealthy thing in the world when I eat Captain Crunch. It's my treat and I usually have more than one bowl a day whenever I buy it. Yes, I feel like I'm breaking all the rules whenever I buy Captain Crunch. I just like the taste of the other two cereals. It's Captain Crunch that takes me to a different place and time.
June 14, 2014 at 10:38am
June 14, 2014 at 10:38am
June 14 Blogging Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe
Write a story, a poem, your thoughts, or an essay. It's Saturday, so be creative and have fun with this prompt.

A Dream Within A Dream

Is this a dream?
Is this reality?

How do we distinguish?
Dreams seem so real

Are we just someone's science project?
Do we have a real point to our existence?

If we only exist in the dreamworld,
Do we really exist at all?

I think
Therefore I am

Ah yes, we still have philosophers to guide us
How do they know so much?

How do we determine awake versus asleep?
Does pinching ourselves really do the trick?

Are we all collectively daydreaming?
This is our reality, dream or not

Live life with caution
In this dream people do still expire

Take vacations, even if just of the mind
We need breaks from this dreamscape we call life
June 14, 2014 at 1:01am
June 14, 2014 at 1:01am
June 14 Blogging Prompt for "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Tell us three things you absolutely love about yourself.

What do I love about me? Well, me of course... Truly, what is there not to love? Yes, I do believe in self love. I know there is more than one definition for that. How do I love me? Let me count the ways...

So for starters, I like my ability to grasp concepts and learn. I believe it gives me an edge in life to be able to pick up on how to do things easily. I think being able to research and learn on my own has also helped me. Being able to share my knowledge has also been a huge help. So I gather knowledge and I share it in an understanding way. That's all good in the workplace.

Secondly, I like my inner strength. I have always been strong. This doesn't mean I don't get my feelings hurt. I do. But I'm able to soldier on and be there for others and be my own cheerleader, which I believe is vital to my well being. I have a very strong belief in my abilities and I expect a lot out of myself, even though I'm trying not to be a perfectionist anymore.

Thirdly, I like my loving and caring nature. This can lead to the doormat issue, but I try to show my limits, so people understand they exist. There are people who are sorry for mistreating me and taking advantage of me in a bad way. I leave a large void when I leave a situation. There are people who wish they had been nicer to me so I might have stayed. It's their loss. I do know how to cut my losses and move on with my life.

I like who I am. I like being the person I am. I like my creations. I like my accomplishments. I like my work history. I like my ability to give back to education. I like my ability to share my experiences. I like being creative and I like being unique.

Take me for who I am. I am woman. Hear me roar.

My resume is on my yellow website under the webmaster link at the bottom of the page. https://www.edonyourown.com I am a career changer.
June 14, 2014 at 12:36am
June 14, 2014 at 12:36am
June 14 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Is your personality more like your mom or your dad?

I believe I got my smarts from my chess champion engineer dad and my creativity and leadership/organization from my Girl Scout leader mom. My voice sounds like my mom. Some of my other traits don't seem like they come from my parents. My grandma was an English teacher, so I think I got some teacher genes from her education family. Her dad was in charge of the Long Beach school district and has a sports field named after him.

I'm kind of a black sheep of the family and I didn't really fit in all that well with my family and some of my traits seem to be unique to me. I am stubborn and my family has that in spades. My family has many strong women and my strong personality comes through loud and clear. My supportive and caring side is there in my family somewhere, but they kind of believe in people being independent and not being supportive.

I have issues with both my mom and my dad, so I don't really want to say I'm like them. I decided not to be like my family, even though there are some things I have in common with them. I was raised to be independent and to rely on myself. So I just try to get by on my own to the best of my ability, including living in my car because that's what my family wanted for me. Oh well... at least I have a bed and food and running water in the nursing home.
June 13, 2014 at 4:32pm
June 13, 2014 at 4:32pm
June 13 Blogging Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Online friendships...

I know some people say online friends aren't real friends, but what are penpals? Isn't it the same kind of thing? There was a post on Facebook a while ago that said Facebook friends share in their joys and sorrows and cheer each other on in their lives sometimes better than people you see in person on a regular basis. The post said Facebook friends are real friends.

I got connected with people on Facebook when they were using it to gather people for a high school reunion. Now I'm connected with people I grew up with and now I assiciate with them more than I did back then.

I signed up for Writing.com a few months ago because I wanted to know what it was all about. Someone encouraged me to post more of my writing and I had a little money, so I signed up for a paid account. That lead me to wanting to start a blog and then I found out about blogging groups and it just keeps going. So now I have a list of writing activities to do and a bunch of writers to write back and forth with. It's like stepping into a writing community with all kinds of things going on at all times.

I have been doing more reading and wfiting and communication with writers than usual. I had an online writing group for a long time and I really enjoyed it with three writing prompts a week and there was guaranteed feedback on the stories written and shared in the group. The reviews are different and more complex on Writing.com, but almost all of my stories get reviews and people seem to like reviewing the few poems I have on here.

As far as online friends go, I've been impressed with the level of caring responses I've received and seen here. People seem to truly care. I have received negativity as well, but it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round. I know writers don't always get positive comments. I feel like there is a sense of community here and I like that. I wanted feedback and I received that and other things as well that I didn't even know about. So I should ask if my life is better with online people in my life or not. I believe my life is much better with online people in it. My online connections with people are very significant for me. My life is enriched with my online communications with people I know in person and people I might never meet in person. Yay for online friends. *Smile*
June 13, 2014 at 12:27am
June 13, 2014 at 12:27am
June 13 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Have you ever done anything you wish you hadn't? Have you ever not done something you wish you had?

I let a man move into my condo who turned into one of my stalkers. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when I made the decision. I couldn't possibly have been able to guess he would turn on me the way he did. It was so scary. When I realized that moving out of the area wasn't stopping the problem, I felt lost. I had left my life behind for my safety and it didn't work.

I think there might have been some relationships that could have been salvaged if I had done things differently, but maybe those relationships just weren't going to work anyway. Hindsight being 20/20 doesn't always work.
June 13, 2014 at 12:14am
June 13, 2014 at 12:14am
June 13 Blogging Prompt for "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Friday the 13th...

My great grandma refused to be the thirteenth person at a table. She would sit at another table by herself to avoid the unlucky thirteen. I grew up in a city where they skipped 13th St and called it Euclid instead. There is something special about the moon on this Friday the 13th that makes it extra special.

I think there are so many old tales in different cultures that it's hard to get rid of them. They are passed down through the generations. I remember being told some of the old tales and wondering if there's something real about them. But when I heard about stepping on a crack would break my mother's back, I thought about all of the cracks I stepped on before I knew about it. So I got the idea that maybe it was just a story. I couldn't see how finding a penny would give you good luck all day, but that one could be true. So I grew up thinking there must have been something that happened to make people believe the stories. I still think there must be some grain of truth burried there somewhere. Maybe some people have a reason for not liking 13. Maybe the baker's dozen so they didn't lose a hand had something to do with it.
June 12, 2014 at 9:16pm
June 12, 2014 at 9:16pm
June 12 Blogging Prompt "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS


I decided to start a crazy quilt today. I was craving something to do with my hands and crazy quilt squares can be done by hand. I don't have access to a sewing machine at the moment. The squares are actually going together quite fast. I have six blocks so far. I haven't decided how big I'll make the quilt yet. It won't be too big because of the work area I have. Maybe I'll make it double sided quilt, since I don't have any backing fabric.

People came to me today and told me people are lying about me again. They wanted to send me someplace because of the lies. It feels like an every six month thing here. I wish I could find a way to resolve my issues with my living situation. I don't know what to do about it right now,.so I will just challenge the lies and ask them for proof. It seemed to work a little bit for today. I don't know how to fix it over the long term.
June 12, 2014 at 2:06am
June 12, 2014 at 2:06am
June 12 Blogging Prompt for "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Your book is a movie. Who is part of the cast?

My book would be Chickidoodle Chronicles and I would cast Ellen Degenerous as me. It's basically my life story through difficult times, so that's a lot of people to cast as the people in my life. Maybe it could be a mixture of stars and unknowns to make it feel more real by having people play parts they live in real life, like teachers playing teachers and techies playing techies.
June 12, 2014 at 1:56am
June 12, 2014 at 1:56am
June 12 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Write about your first memory of exploring nature. Were you in awe or not impressed?

Our family camping trips were first in the desert and I was impressed with the petrified forest. I thought it was cool that trees had turned to stone. Joshua Tree was also interesting because it was such a strange forest in the desert. It was just odd.

When we took the trip to the rainforest on the Washington/Oregon border, that was very impressive. There was so much green. It was like an overload on green. But it rained so hard, our tent spot was flooded and we had to move to the car for the rest of the night.

After that year, we had to buy new gear, so we decided to go backpacking. It was so amazing how few people were out there. We had people pass us on the trail, but it just seemed so empty of people. We were up in the high Sierras. We would climb to the top of passes and look at both sides of the mountain to see where we came from and where we were going. It was amazing. It was like living in a landscape painting.

My favorite part of nature is the redwood forest along the coast in Northern California. The dampness required for them to grow means a lot of grey days with a lot of rain. But it's not the same as the rainforest. It's like a drier rainforest. I love the fog and the big trees. The bark is so interesting. Redwoods are just very different from other trees. Humboldt State Univetsity is up that way and I was there during a really bad storm that took out all ways to travel there. We were cut off and the shelves at the grocery stores started looking bare. There was no mail. We still had phone lines and electricity. It was a memorable experience. I couldn't believe how fast they rebuilt a major bridge that was taken out with the rush of water filled with debris. Nature can be so very dangerous.
June 11, 2014 at 6:44pm
June 11, 2014 at 6:44pm
June 11 Blogging Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

Write about kids finding out about sex.

I saw a movie once where the wife didn't know about pregnancy and where children come from, so she kept trying to keep from getting fat and losing baby after baby because she couldn't stand not being skinny. This sad tale makes me sick that people don't understand the concept of how to make a baby and what happens during pregnancy.

We have sex education in elementary school and there's biology class. I took second year biology to find out the real scoop. All my mom told me was not to get pregnant while I was a teenager. She dropped out of college to get married because she got pregnant outside of wedlock. Then she lost the twins. I was supposed to make them feel better after losing the first pregnancy. They liked my brother better... Oh well...

I think it's sad when people don't understand the facts of life. Kids are able to get pregnant, so they need to know the facts. Girls start menstruation in elementary and middle school. Boys are capable at what age? It's difficult to explain things, but if people aren't willing to educate the children, they might end up with information like jump up and down to get it out of you. How reliable is that pull out method? When you add date rape into the equation, things get really scary. Girls and boys need to know the facts of life at an early age so they can make educated decisions. The mothers telling their daughters to take a knitting needle to bed to fight off the one eyed snake once they're married needs to stop as well. I have major issues with this concept.
June 11, 2014 at 12:22am
June 11, 2014 at 12:22am
June 11 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Where do you go for blogging prompts when you run dry or if the blogging prompt given isn't your cup of tea?

I first go to what's going on in my life. Then I go to what's in the news. Lastly I search the internet for ideas. The internet has so much out there that people have collected and presented as part of the online encyclopedia that the internet is. There's always something out there these days.
June 11, 2014 at 12:14am
June 11, 2014 at 12:14am
June 11 Blogging Prompt for "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Is there something you always take with you on vacation?

I take clothes and a camera and a journal and colored pens. I don't take too many vacations, so these are things I would bring if I do go on vacation.
June 10, 2014 at 9:02pm
June 10, 2014 at 9:02pm
June 10 Blogging Prompt for "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS

What would it be like if you suddenly had kids.

If I married a man with children, then this could easily happen. I would take time for us all to get aquainted. It would be something to get used to and I might have a harder time adjusting than the kids. It would be nice to have kids to help raise. I would give it my best shot to be a good mom.
June 10, 2014 at 12:45pm
June 10, 2014 at 12:45pm
June 10 Blogging Prompt from "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

If I could change my... Complete the statement (multiple times if that floats your boat). Play it crazy or play it safe - as long as you play.

If I could change my life, I would make my life easier to live. I would have a husband and kids and money would be there to cover the bills. Life would be wonderful and there would be vacations, too. Happiness would be the theme.
June 10, 2014 at 12:37pm
June 10, 2014 at 12:37pm
June 10 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Are you a better sport as an adult or more competitive than you were as a child?

I've never really been very competitive. I try my best and if we win then that's great. I was in an award winning music program and all we had to do was our best and we could get top awards. It was all about excellence.

Now I do like to win card games, but I think it's great when different people win at different times, so everyone wants to continue playing.
June 9, 2014 at 11:24am
June 9, 2014 at 11:24am
June 9 Blogging Prompt for "Blogging Circle of Friends

Serendipity. Use it in a poem or a story.


I found something
It's serendipity

I didn't look for it
I just found it

I am so very lucky
I love serendipity
June 9, 2014 at 11:17am
June 9, 2014 at 11:17am
June 9 Blogging Prompt for "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise

Procrastinate Now! What are your thoughts on procratination? Do you procrastinate?

I do procrastinate. I have since childhood. The only way I get much of anything done without too much stress is to set my priorities and try to knock things off the list first thing in the morning or as soon as possible.

I was responding to blog prompts right after midnight, but then I got too tired, so I changed to first thing in the morning. But sometimes something else takes priority and my blogging falls later and later and sometimes just doesn't get done.

So I just do the best I can and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes I just don't feel well enough to get much of anything done and I just have to deal with that reality of life.

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