Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/7-14-2020
Rated: E · Book · Contest · #2050986
Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
An opinion or two...or three or four...
July 14, 2020 at 11:06am
July 14, 2020 at 11:06am
PROMPT July 14th

If you won a free trip to any foreign country, all expenses paid in your own private jet and had the time to go (and there were no travel restrictions due to a global pandemic *Pthb*), what is the first foreign country you would visit? Who would you bring with you? What would you spend your time doing?

I actually did receive an all-expense paid trip to anyplace in the world I chose to visit. It was bonus for a job well-done and it was from the owners of a company I just despised. I tried hard not to accept the trip...but...who could really turn down a trip to anywhere with all expenses paid? I hate to say it, but as much as I wanted to stand tall for a cause in this company, I literally caved. I took the bonus with a smile on my face and ran home to Spouse, and immediately started to plan.

We thought about it for a very long time. That's because we are the type of people that NEVER do ANYTHING fast. Honestly, it took us 3 years just to buy the HD TV we wanted. That's because my husband is a research maniac. Sometimes it drives me crazy.

But I digress. Back to the trip. After doing more research than just about anyone on the planet we decided to travel to England. We reasoned that it would be easier to navigate seeing as how we already spoke English. And at the time the British Pound was a lot cheaper than it is today.

So we finalized our plans and off we went. It was a spectacular trip! London is one of those gritty cities that's grimy and raw and beautiful all at the same time. The Underground is a nightmare, but a fun one. Always packed with people of every kind..dubious at best. The parks are lush and green and filled with artisans, buskers, nannies, children, and tourists of every kind. Just a note here. It's very easy to pick out the Londoners. They are dressed up and ready to get on with their day. We Americans are very casual. It's easy to spot us with bluejeans and t-shirts and money flying everywhere.

And then there's the food. Bland at best but the pubs are a lot of fun. If you like fried fish with french fries and a pint, then London is the place for you! I remember ordering a glass of water at a pub. The waiter asked, "Still?" I was confused and responded, "Yes, I would STILL like some water." He was also confused and responded, "No...do you want bubbles in your water?" I said I didn't. He said, "Then you'll want still." It all made sense then!

My favorites? The outdoor markets. The Crown Jewels. The Tower of London. The Tower Bridge. Picadilly Circus. The taxis, the people, the weather. I fell in love with London. Gritty, grimy, raw, yet inviting, beautiful, comforting. London beckons and invites you back. And yes, I hear the call...

Before I leave, here's one interesting fact about the people of London: They see us Americans as their long-lost cousins. One Beefeater told us that one day in the future we'll all be British again. *Wink*

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/7-14-2020