Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/7-24-2020
Rated: E · Book · Contest · #2050986
Blog Challenge And Other Tidbits
An opinion or two...or three or four...
July 24, 2020 at 12:20pm
July 24, 2020 at 12:20pm
PROMPT July 24th

If you could switch places with one other person, who would it be and why? What in particular would you do?

First of all, Happy Friday to everyone out there. If Friday is the start of your weekend then I wish you a happy and restful weekend filled with the kind of writing that feeds your soul. It's the weekend for me and I'm really looking forward to some down time. But as a writer, I also know I've got to put some words on the page, right?

I have to say today's prompt just isn't moving me one way or another. Unfortunately it's not creating that spark in me that says, "Yes! I've got this!" And to be brutally honest, it isn't moving my friend, Collin, either. In fact, he's had nothing to say for the past few days. He's quite sulky and refuses to engage in any question I ask. Who knows? Maybe it's just too hot. Or maybe he's down in the dumps. Or maybe he's just overworked. Or maybe he's even bored. Whatever the case, Collin is laying low.

But for me? Trading places with someone? No. The answer is definitely "no". Not anyone except me. If I were to trades places with someone it would be me at age thirty-one. Why? Life was good. I was healthy and fit. My career was on the rise. My entire family was happy and well. Paradise was truly paradise. I was, in fact, living my best life.

And if I traded with my 31-year-old self I would be confident in the wisdom I gained since then. I would know it was my best life, and I would do everything in my power to live it even better. I would savor it and not let it rush by. I would document everything I could. I would take as many pictures as my camera would hold. I would bake more and write more and love more.

But now I have to ask the next obvious question: Would my 31-year-old self be willing to trade with my 60-year-old self? I think the answer would be "yes". Because my 31-year-old self has the energy and the motivation and the positive outlook my 60-year-old self is craving. Thirty-one has lessons to teach Sixty. And Sixty has lessons to teach Thirty-one. And the lessons would be valuable.

So...no trading for me...unless it's me for me.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2050986-Marys-Golden-Moments/day/7-24-2020