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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #2186370
Well, not so much fun and leisure as...get some damn writing done, you fool!
A while ago, I attended a writers' workshop and the lady who hosted it told us all to go away with this bit of advice - to write for just ten minutes a day. I was determined to go ahead with it and I did...for two days. So today I remembered that I'd resolved to do so and I whipped out my journal and wrote for fifteen minutes.

I'm typing out pretty much the same thing that I wrote earlier, with some differences. I find I can go a lot more in-depth when I'm typing than when I'm writing by hand. Writing by hand is such a chore!

I've struggled with loneliness a lot throughout my twenty-nine years. I struggled with it when I was the only one home with my mum when I was a teen and everybody else had other places to be. I struggled with it after marriage and when we moved into our own house for the first time. I struggled with it after my son was born and I felt torn between pursuing my writing and being a good mum, because my culture seems to indicate that a woman has absolutely no chance of living her own life - or at least, she has no chance of attaining any goals she hasn't already attained - once she has children.

I feel it occasionally still, even though I get so little time to myself nowadays that any alone time is simply awesome. I've tried to come to terms with the idea that being alone isn't a bad thing - and a lot of the time, it isn't. My friends don't live nearby so I don't get to see them often, and even when I do, I feel like there isn't much depth to our conversations. I'm surrounded by people who do not think like me, who do not share any of my interests and hobbies. I feel like I've become desensitised to isolation. Loneliness is my preferred way to be.

I walked into my college cafeteria at lunch today and it was the usual hubbub of activity. Youngsters walking around, chatting animatedly, shouting across the room, laughing, eating, socialising. I could recall how that clamour wouldn't have bothered me ten-twelve years ago, when I would have been one of the youngsters talking excitedly with her friends. But, as this moment, I just found an out-of-the-way little table and sat down. I watched the crowds for a while, wondering why it was only at moments like these that the sense of isolation became so strong. In the middle of a crowd, I feel most alone.
July 7, 2019 at 2:28pm
July 7, 2019 at 2:28pm

I bought myself a Chromebook today, as I could not do without a laptop during my long stay at my parents'. But I'm so used to the computer now that I'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to the keyboard. The keys are too low down, the sound when tapping the keys isn't the same, the layout is different, and it's just all-round weird. So apologies if my entry today contains more typos than usual. I've already corrected a million mistakes.

Yesterday, I did a bit of backgrounding for Blujarmin, the personification of Chaos, and...Thassemia, the personification of Creativity. Brother and sister or two halves of the same coin? Or husband and wife? Well, I intended to give Thassemia a romantic side-story with Settia. In that case, I think the husband-and-wife thing would just add too many complications to the story so I'll leave that out. Who knows, I might bring it back later. It's all up in the air at the moment.

All-righty...Settia runs into Thassemia while on his quest to stop Hunter. Hopefully, I can get in some worldbuilding here so the reader can have a little tour of Blugaste. Which means...I have to do some worldbuilding. Damn.

Okey-dokey, let's get down to business! All of Blugaste was united under the banner of Svolteria some two centuries ago, although the Empire of Svolteria had been steadily expanding for several centuries beforehand and began in medieval times when wars were commonplace and clans fought to establish themselves. The Svolteria Clan had been the strongest and conquered all the people in their land, which was originally Cateria. Under their rule, Cateria grew from a humble little island into the busiest and most diverse country in the world within just a few centuries. But this was not enough for the Svolteria. They had a vision. They would unite the world. They would stop the wars and establish a peaceful world.

Maybe the Svolteria have been influenced by the Chaos/Creativity forces, which is why they were able to rise to the top so...completely. Should there be a magic system? Should there be any magic at all?

My brain hurts.


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