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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
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January 29, 2024 at 7:52pm
January 29, 2024 at 7:52pm
One of Terry's sister's friends dropped by three big bags of clothes today. I was just telling myself I needed more tops and that's what most of this was......

but there was another blessing in it. Three dresses in the style of Witchy clothes! I love them! There also was two shirts with sayings on them "baddest witch in town" and "there's nothing scarier than me"..... Whoever these came from must have been a witch..... Thank the Higher Powers for letting these wonderful clothes find their way to me.....

Been scratching down attempts at a new chapter for my novel and I keep tearing them up. More and more I think I need to restart from the beginning but then I don't know if I want to start a new book or edit the entries in the current book or just keep adding new entries to this book item. If you think that sounds confusing it is only half of the dizziness it causes me.

I have all this free time and I have plenty of opportunities to write. Do I take advantage of that? OF course not. I'm tired of beating myself up about it.

January 28, 2024 at 10:54am
January 28, 2024 at 10:54am
my mind is in a fog and everything I try to look at this morning doesn't make any sense. I can't tell what I am supposed to do, especially for Dragon Vale. My poor dragons are going to remain eggs forever......

I don't feel right today. Every time I move my head the room decides to take a spin. My brain is numb. My sinuses are active. I feel like crawling back into bed and covering my head.

It doessn't help that I hate the diamond painting Ilm working on. It's supposed to have all these details in it that are just not coming through. I can't tell where I am going wrong .I swear it is the graph that is screwy. Oh well. Sooner or later I'll be done with it and I don't even care how it comes out anymore.

I'll write more later....

It's later...

I'm getting depressed about my writing. I told myself (and others) in Habit Heroes that I was going to add a chapter to one of my novels this month. I was just looking at RoE and THTW and they both look like confused crap to me. I want to trash them and start fresh. I guess I'll look at my other projects under construction and see if I can write something on one of them.

What's in a name? Let me tell you a quick story.
When I turned ten I told myself I was going to be a best selling author when I grew up. I was going to use my initials as my pen name. KAB I started writing little stories about my stuffed animals and their adventures. They were mostly gibberous about them hiding how they could move and talk when they wanted.

At twelve, I chose a better pen name. Kristy Parkers. I don't know where it came from. It just popped in my head as a decent pen name.

Now here's the thing. When I was sixteen my Mother told me that my name was supposed to have been Kristen but my Dad didn't like it. He said it sounded too much like a boy's name. It was a surreal moment for me.

Khola Mousethyme is my Witch name. I don't know where Khola came from either. Mouse is my spirit animal and Thyme is an interesting herb. It is used for cleansing, protection and healing. Khola just always reminded me of a koala bear.

Anyways there are my names.

January 27, 2024 at 11:44pm
January 27, 2024 at 11:44pm
Been living on Vistaril for the past two days. Tension can't be cut with a chainsaw around here lately.

Terry has been up in arms over S. She's out on a run and making excuses why she can't go back to rehab. Terry had a dream of S dying and is beside herself.

Terry being upset about S does nothing to improve her tentious relationship with David. They both seem on edge and getting upset over the tiniest of things. David hasn't been on one of his 2-3 day getaways lately and he needs to.

Last night someone walked up into the house but ran back out when they encountered Prince barking in the living room. No one we know would run out because of Prince but we could be wrong.

What's happening new next month? Money is going to become tighter than it has been. We are going to be ordering water delivery from the Culligan man and have to pay cash for it. Tr is ordering us gel foams for our chairs so we will have to pay for that. Already put out $80 for new door locks. I guess things are tight all over but not everyone has three other people breathing down their neck telling them what to spend every cent on.

Terry's cousin is staying with us now. He's pleasant enough and a good cook (so far). He says he is going to help out around here and get some things done like the bathroom and finish painting. Says the only thing he doesn't do is electrical. Whenever I can afford my ceiling fan (probably when I get my taxes if Terry and others don't already have plans for it) I'll have to hire someone else to install it. Maybe though I can get some other things done like my shrine curtains hung and my wall hangings put up.

Looking forward to talking to Sally and Jacob on Monday. I want to start doing things again. I know DBT Graduate Class is starting up soon and everyone agreed at their case planning meeting that I would be a good fit for it. I still hate losing Cathy as my therapist but things are set up the way they are.

Hopefully getting back into the swing of things soon........

January 23, 2024 at 9:33pm
January 23, 2024 at 9:33pm
my keyboard doesn't want to work.. I think it might be dead..

My room has been in shambles since before the weekend. I am just not in the mood to clean it. Why? Nothing on my list is ever going to get done. Okay, part of that is because I'm afraid to talk to David about it. Still, I should be able to do in my room what I want.

I am just so tired all the time and I am in pain. I have more than convinced myself that I have Parkinson's disease even though there is not an official diagnosis. People were saying I had Tardive dyskinesia and restless leg syndrome but those are not accompanied by the pain I am in. I wish someone would believe me and help me.

The past two days I have had nausea and diarrhea. Not fun. More than once I've been glad I wear pull ups .

I haven't been able to write much. I am having to force myself into writing this blog entry tonight. There is nothing to say. I have been rolling my eyes at the prompts I've been getting lately. No offense please. I probably could write for them if I tried.

I've got to plug my tablet in.
January 22, 2024 at 11:57pm
January 22, 2024 at 11:57pm
It was a fair day for my birthday. Like Christmas, I already had gotten most of my gifts. My sister, Sarah, took me shopping at Dollar Tree. She bought me a few little things. I got a monkey that will hang from my shrine curtains once I get them up.

I made a list of things. I called it my W List. I didn't feel I should call it a want list; I already had one of those before and it just made me mad that it wasn't getting done. I didn't feel like calling it a wish list either; basically it is wish in one hand and shovel poop with the other and see which one fills up first. anyways, it has stuff on it like "get my curtains for my shrine up" and "get my wall hangings put up".... there's a couple of other things but I just can't think right noe.

What can you do when a friend is headed down a dark path? Try to be a light to show them the right way.

January 20, 2024 at 12:58am
January 20, 2024 at 12:58am
I don't want to hear about snow today. We had a couple of feet fall today and our person to plow our driveway insists thaat he came by this morning. Funny thing though. There's still the same amount of snow on the driveway as there is on the sidewalks. Go figure.

Been looking up things on YouTube. I'm convinced more than ever that what I have is Parkinson's Disease and not Tardive Dyskinesia. I can't get in to see my doctor until February. I'm thinking of switching doctors but I don't want to start over with all my maladies. I keep thinking my health does need an overhaul though. I don't know. If I can't get in with the doctor I want to switch to I'll stay with the one I got.
Also looked up Diamond Painting to see if there was any tips or tricks I could use. Figured out that the way I do it is easier for me.

My rent is going up. The girl handling the bills for us is buying things for us like gelfoams for our beds and chairs and the 5 gallon water bottles for the cooler. I did look up how much it would cost to get a different place and it would be really reasonable if I could get into a senior facility. That doesn't mean I would be able to though. Besides there's the promise I made to Terry that I would stay here and help with the bills. They also say my food stamps are supposed to go down. Believe it when I see it. There is always some rumor going around about lowering food stamps.

Have been doing Diamond Painting the past week. It is tedious but rewarding. I love watching it come together point by point. I want to start crocheting again. That I can do in the living room and it will keep me from falling asleep.

I should be working on my mouse drawings or writing. All I do for writing lately is scratch notes and blog. It fills my 15 minute obligation but still.

GERVIC 🐉 WDC Dragon Vale introduced me to Bing AI Image Generator. I've been having fun with it. I created a tattoo image I wanted at one time and am creating images for me and my friends.

Speaking of friends, I haven't heard from a couple on here lately. I hope they are all right and justt busy. I know it's been hard for me to carve out time for the computer.

Until next time.

January 18, 2024 at 9:15pm
January 18, 2024 at 9:15pm
We used to play this game in writing class once in a while as an ice breaker when we had new students. It was called "3 truths and 1 lie". We each would write these down then in turn read them to the class. The rest of the class had to guess what was the lie.

One truth I always put down was "I have a tattoo". and each time I would have to show it to at least one person in class (it's a mouse on my right shoulder blade that actually looks more like a blue chinchilla to me). to prove it.

I have told myself for years that I was going to get it covered. My idea to cover it is a mouse wearing a witch's hat stirring a cauldron. Now, thanks to Bing AI Image Generator I am able to have a physical image.
I am a mouse and a witch.....

Thank you, GERVIC 🐉 WDC Dragon Vale for introducing me to this wonderful program.
January 17, 2024 at 8:35pm
January 17, 2024 at 8:35pm
TV Commercials and Ads in general......

I don't know. I don't watch that much TV, or I try not to. Terry always has the TV going. Lately she's stuck on ION.

You see, we have ROKU and I think it plays different ads than regular TV. They seem to be longer and more boring.

The latest John Cena Hefty commercial almost got us into an argument. Terry says that she would tell him off for telling her to wash her dog. I said I would tell someone if their dog smelled. She said she would then tell me to wash the damn dog... I let it go before it turned into one of those things that causes tension in the house all day.

There hasn't been much going on. I think I am getting cabin fever. I feel like pretty soon I'm going to go running out the door screaming. I was going to go to Clubhouse but I changed my mind when I thought about the four block walk to the bus stop and then having to walk back from the bus stop when I came home. Besides, I have fallen every winter for what is going on six years. Four years ago I managed to break my ankle. ....

There's something around here that's been bothering me lately. It seems lately that they are making a really big deal about reviewing here on WdC. Now while it may help some people, I don't seem to get anything out of it. I didn't come here to read other people's stuff.......but then again I do want opinions on mine.......or at least I used to. Now I could care less...... I don't know it is just bothering me because I keep seeing more and more stuff on here that requires you to review to participate.

I feel like a cynic. I don't like to review but I expect others to review my stuff. I'm here to write but lately I can't get myself to write anything more creative than a blog entry. I just don't know anymore.......

I found out one of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease is Apathy. The more I learn about Apathy the more it fits me to a tee. I don't know for sure if I have Parkinson's....I have not been definitively diagnosed by a doctor...... but the more I learn about it the more it describes what I am going through most days....... I need to get in to my doctor but then they're probably going to refer me to a specialist and then I'll have more reasons that I have to drag my butt out of the house......

Now that we have gone through the loop and back again I'm going to stop before we get lost in some parallel dimension.

January 16, 2024 at 8:09pm
January 16, 2024 at 8:09pm
There are waaaayyyy too many Disney characters to narrow it down to one.....

I know who I don't like.... believe it or not it's Mickey and Minnie...... They are not mice by any sense of the definition..

Now if I had to pick Disney mice...... You can't beat Bernard and Bianca from The Rescuers. They are the sweetest little couple and use what's available to mice ..... (You'd never see Mickey and Minnie in a sardine can on the back of an albatross. ) Yet even with their small size they get the job done and save the day........

and let's not discard Fievel... that little boy can bring about the emotions in the toughest of hearts.

Then there is Jaq and Gus ....... they're my buds.... They can camp out in my room and help me anytime like they did for Cinderella.

And we can't forget my childhood friend, Timothy O. Mouse. I got a stuffed mouse for Christmas when I was six. It wasn't Timothy, but that is what my family wanted to call him..... I called him Mousey and he's been with me ever since.........
what does that have to do with Dumbo's Timothy? Not much other than it became my favorite movie because of them calling Mousey that.....

And that is all I got to say for now.
January 15, 2024 at 8:59pm
January 15, 2024 at 8:59pm
People who offer to help usually want something in return. That is just how the world is. if they don't ask for something up front, they will come to you later with a reminder of what they did for you and asking for something then. Very few people do things out of the goodness of their heart.
There are a couple of people doing things about the house for Terry. Terry was, and still is, a generous person. She will sometimes give out of her own need. As a result, though, she is asking people she has helped in the past to help her now. I guess it is still the same story after all.

I wonder if I come off as highly cynical at times. I am not really. I believe in a lot of things and want to believe in a lot more. I want to believe that people thhink kindly of their fellow man. I want to believe that everyone who has pets treats them with love and kindness. I want to believe that people most people don't abuse their children and that those who are being abused are eventually getting the help they need, sooner rather than later.

I want to believe that the worlld is full of love and roses and sunshine and butterflies and unicorns.


There is also this big black ugly thing hanging around called REALITY. Reality dictates that things will be cruel and will go wrong. That's just the way it is.

Sorry, but you prompted about helpful people and got me on this subject.

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