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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dyrhearte/day/1-22-2017
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

Highlighted entries:

[#732826] "In Memory

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
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Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
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Member of the Month - September 2008
 [Link To Item #1340208] 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
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  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
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Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
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  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
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Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
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A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
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  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
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Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
January 22, 2017 at 10:33am
January 22, 2017 at 10:33am
Anne sat watching the data unfold upon the small 12" computer screen. The numbers and colored bands told her a story of which she had read many times, over the years. Yes, there was the marker showing the first migration of humankind from the Earth continent of Africa.

Anne leaned forward as the data continued to stream across the screen. Her stomach gurgled, she must eat her evening meal soon; but, there was at least another hour of data left to transfer from the DNA samples extricated from the ancient jaw bone of the giant woman found on Titan. (10:33am)

What was a human skeleton doing on Jupiter's moon when as far as history knew no man had set foot on Titan until fifteen years ago? That was the first big question. October 7, 2219 had been a big day. On that day, all theories of human evolution was set on it's ear.

The discovery of Hrist, so named by the Icelandic scientist on the First Titan expedition, was initially surmised to be of complete alien origin. As Captain Harrald Gisterr reflected later, The oversized humanoid skeleton was as nothing found on Earth. He named her Hrist being the first named Valkyrie in the heroic poems listed in the poetic EDDA.

But later after initial dating and genetic decoding, the questions got even bigger. Radiation dating showed the skeleton as over 70,000 years old. Carbon dating was done also and showed the remains as even older...but given the inaccuracies of carbon dating when found on worlds other than Earth, the majority of the anthropological world went with the newer more accurate dating of gamma radiation developed around fifty years prior. The ancient female stood nine feet seven inches tall. Her genetic code matched current Hindi-Eurasian populations some 99.999997%. The 0.000003% difference amounted to two areas of code mankind shared with every hominid since Australopithecus. So how could this being exist? Where did she come from. How'd she get on Titan?


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DyrHearte writes has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dyrhearte/day/1-22-2017