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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dyrhearte/day/1-8-2017
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing.Com · #388967
Daily notes and timed freewrites but mostly my blog
All comments are encouraged, I am interested in what others think and feel along the topics I choose to write about.

Highlighted entries:

[#732826] "In Memory

Thank-you geja8856 for this wonderful gift

Soaring EagleMother Goddess

Gift from Jilley's PeteyHalf Borgevna and half Morivini and destined to save her world.

Merit Badge in Supportive
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Thanks so much for being a great support and wonderful friend *^*Heart*^* Merit Badge in Fantasy
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Member of the Month - September 2008
 [Link To Item #1340208] 
Congratulations! *^*Bigsmile*^* Merit Badge in G. o. T.
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  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 3rd Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby 
Merit Badge in Dark Dreamscapes
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Thank you for you participation with  [Link To Item #1157596]  and for supporting  [Link To Item #dreamscapes]  as a member of House of Baratheon.  Merit Badge in Short Stories
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  Thank you for your participation in  [Link To Item #1157596]  with written pieces. Whether you wrote poetry or a short story, doesn't really matter. I just want you to know that I appreciate your time, effort and working with short deadlines. You did great! ~ Gaby
Merit Badge in Generosity
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Thank you so much Dyrhearte for your generosity! May this merit badge inspires you to keep spreading the joy of giving. Merit Badge in Writing
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A small gift for a fan, and a friend. Why? Because we are writers. Merit Badge in Campfires
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  Thank you for your steady participation in your campfire, as part of  [Link To Item #1157596] ! You've shown courage and originality, and you've stepped up to the plate when it was needed. Kudos to you! *^*Thumbsup*^* You're one of the few who are receiving this special MB as a thank you for your teamwork. ~ Gaby Merit Badge in Good Deeds
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Congratulations, you won  First Place  in the  March 2014  round of  [Link To Item #gooddeeds] !

At my Sister's Wedding
January 8, 2017 at 2:10pm
January 8, 2017 at 2:10pm
Running toward the sound; Iron on bronze. Can't mistake the ring of sword hitting sword. The technology is off balanced but the skill of the swordsmen seem equal. Must hurry. I draw my own iron and smell the fresh honing oil. Grunts of effort are now following the clang of swords. Someone is desperate to end the match. The sounds of battle are closer but I can't see who fights. I slow my approach and peer around the corner of the doorway. In the gloom of smoky lantern light I must see who struggles and who commands the moment.

A man in bright armor parries the heavy bronze stroke of a skin clad barbarian. He is pushed back with each ponderous stroke. It is the armored man who wheezes and grunts with each effort to avoid the crushing damage of that massive blade.

I step into the room, my iron ready. The barbarian's back is to me. I must move quickly and strike while surprise is my advantage. The paladin deflects another blow and is pushed backwards against the wall. His eyes stay on his attacker and do not give away my approach. One, two, three steps, swing low and slash at the back of the bend in the huge legs. My blade cuts clean. A leg is severed and the barbarian screams in rage and shock. I stand frozen by what I've done. The bronze claymore clatters to the wooden floor. The barbarian falls and rolls upon the floor grabbing at his bleeding stump with powerful hands. I hear his cries change to a sob cut short. I blink as an iron sword cleaves his shaggy head from shoulders. I feel the splatter of arterial blood soak my breeches.

"Thank you for getting here when you did." The paladin speaks in panting breaths. I turn from him as he sags to the floor in exhaustion and relief.

The eyes of the severed head recognized me and labeled me traitor before the light of intelligence dimmed into death. My insides quiver with my own shock and I wipe the blood of battle from my blade.

"The price of this battle is still to be paid." My voice quivers uncharacteristically and the paladin opens his mouth to question my statement, but I turn from the room and walk speedily from whence I came.

© Copyright 2022 DyrHearte writes (UN: dyrhearte at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
DyrHearte writes has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/dyrhearte/day/1-8-2017