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  1. More girls, more stories!
  2. How it all begins...
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2069009-Endless-Beauty/cid/2076755-More-girls-more-stories
Rated: GC · Interactive · Fantasy · #2069009
A beautification GTS interactive that's all about nice girls growing into sexual goddesses
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Chapter #2

More girls, more stories!

    by: infinity421
More beautifying girls, then? Well, okay...


First up is Breeze. Breeze is an anthropomorphic horse and a longtime pet, who one day transformed from a completely ordinary mare into something far closer to a human. Despite still being cared for by her Master, and despite her beautiful white fur and mane, Breeze is unhappy: her Master doesn't seem to understand her affection is anything more than the gratitude a pet has for their owner, and she's as flat as a board - if not flatter. Not helping is Breeze's personality - she's gentle almost to the point of it being a fault, and a little shy and skittish.

Breeze still has some hope for her, however: she's still a growing girl, her body still undergoing changes beyond simple anthropomorphisation - changes that are about to come far more rapidly than either Breeze or her Master could possibly anticipate. A little beautification certainly isn't something Breeze would say no to, but what would happen if she's so beautiful her beloved Master can no longer think for himself; and getting more beautiful with every passing second?


Sarah is, on first glance, like any other eight year old girl, if a bit short - kind and gentle, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. However, Sarah is cripplingly shy and nervous, finding even basic interaction with strangers to be an arduous task. When Sarah starts to age far faster than she should have, and her body starts to mature and grow beyond what should be possible, it most likely won't be pleasant for her - she'll be scared and frightened, unless a major attitude shift takes place. Being so beautiful that others becomes slaves to her is a prospect that would terrify the poor girl - so it's a good thing she has you to babysit and take care of her while her mother's away. Let's just hope you can prevent the beautifying scaredycat from accidentally causing any damage in her frightened panic.


Kimi is six and a half years old, with dark hair and brown eyes. She's also four feet and ten inches tall, which is a positively monstrous height for omeone her age. She's also incredibly intelligent alredy, her intellect skyrocketing so fast that her efforts to convince her parents that she's completely ordinary are becoming almost impossible to keep up. Luckily for Kimi, her parents are going away ona long business trip, so you've been called in to babysit her over this extended period of time. Also luckily for Kimi, she's started to grow, and if there's anything that Kimi likes more than anything else in the world, it's growing bigger, and more beautiful.

Kimi is the kind of girl who would revel in her size and beautiy - and demand more, and more, and more, because nothing will ever be enough for her. Age progression, impossible beautification, and a towering intellect - with all three combined, Kimi's fantasies of towering over building may well come true.

You have the following choices:

1. Breeze!

2. Sarah!

3. Kimi!

4. More girls!

5. Even more girls!

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