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Rated: E · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #2141885
You shrink near girls. (300 Word Minimum.)
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Chapter #41

The Next Morning (Now In Color!)

    by: Gfan735
"What the hell?" you murmur as you gaze at Wanda's flowing red hair. More specifically, the fact that it's actually red.

Looking around, you realize that your bedroom has completely changed as well. Not only is everything now in color, but it's also now an entirely different aesthetic from what you last saw before falling asleep.

"Honey?" Wanda murmurs as she begins to wake up. Her bleary gaze meets your own for a moment before she blinks a few more times. It seems that your escape from underneath her thighs managed to wake her up. "What's the matter?"

"Wanda, I think something is wrong here," you state nervously. Your confusion has now escalated into full-blown paranoia at this point as your mind desperately tries to explain how reality itself has seemingly shifted overnight. Despite this, you have faith that Wanda can handle it with her powers.

"Wrong? What do you mean, dear?"

"Everything's in color now," you explain. "I distinctly remember everything being in black and white yesterday."

"Honey. I think you're just imagining things," Wanda chuckles as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes. "Your head injury is probably causing you to remember things differently."

"No. I don't think it's that," you shake your head fervently. "The decor in the bedroom is different from last night. Plus, you have long hair now!"

Sure enough, Wanda's hair has now more than doubled in length. Instead of the curled hairstyle that ended at her neck, her hair is now completely straight and long enough to reach her chest.

Wanda's expression suddenly darkens as if you said something you shouldn't have. You're about to ask what's wrong when your world goes white.

You feel a sharp pain in your head, like your mind itself is being stabbed over and over by an outside force. As you reflexively hiss in anguish, every breath you take feels like a herculean task that you only just manage to pull off. You try and make a noise but find that you can't move anything at the moment - as if your body is in too much pain to do anything at all.

This living hell drags on for what seems like an eternity before completely ceasing all together, leaving you kneeling on the ground gasping.

You can hear Wanda's voice in the distance, but the persistent ringing in your ears muffles any sound trying to reach you. After a few more moments, the hum fades enough for you to hear again.

"Honey? Are you okay?" Wanda gently scoops your tiny form into her hand and brings you up to her face, her expression full of concern. "You froze up for a moment."

"Y-yeah," you murmur between harsh breaths. "Just zoned out."

Seemingly satisfied with your answer, Wanda bring you up to her lips and gently pecks the top of your head.

"Good," she nods as she pulls away. "Now, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

You try and think back to what you tried to tell Wanda. You know that you had an issue with something, but you can't remember what exactly it was.

You're about to write it off as unimportant when you realize something: the same thing happened yesterday. You distinctly remember having a problem with something but forgetting it after getting a headache. While that may be related to the head injury you have, there's one thing that challenges that theory: Wanda.

Both times you've told her about something being wrong, you've somehow forgotten what was wrong in the first place. While you can't be sure that she's the cause of it, the evidence points to her being connected to it at the very least.

The suspicion lingers in the back of your mind as Wanda throws on her favorite patterned dress and a pair of knee-high boots before taking you downstairs to the kitchen.

By the time that she finishes preparing breakfast, you've decided to figure out what exactly is going on. You know that something is off, but you can't pinpoint what exactly it is.

Near the end of all of this planning, you become resolute on not telling Wanda about it. Until you can determine whether or not she's involved in your memory loss, keeping her in the dark is a safe bet.

You're finally brought out of your scheming when Wanda sets a massive bowl of cereal in front of you.

"Ummm...honey? How am I supposed to eat this?" you question as you try and devise a method for climbing up.

Suddenly, you find yourself floating in the air as Wanda uses her powers. Within a few moments, you are suspended above the sea of cereal and milk in the bowl.

You're about to question what exactly your wife is planning when you begin falling. As you plummet downwards, you only catch a few glimpses of the cheeky grin on her face before splashing into the milk below.

After surfacing within a few moments and taking a look around, you see cereal the size of small pool inflatables surrounding you on all sides. You begin to have an idea of what exactly Wanda is planning when you see her grab a spoon and look towards you with a smirk.

What is she doing?

You have the following choices:

1. She eats around you

2. She tries to scoop you up

3. Something else

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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