Path to this Chapter:
  1. Scales
  2. Bitten
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/968735-Bug-Hunt/cid/2967967-Scales
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · #968735
A teacher's class takes a field trip; a bug bite spells trouble for the teacher.
This choice: Ryan sees a scaly patch on his arm  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2


    by: Unknown
"Mr. Dalton?"

Ryan found himself lying on his back, having fainted from the strange bug that had bit him. Three of his students stood, hovering over top of their teacher.

"Maybe he's dead," Jeremy commented, poking at Ryan's arm.

"He's not dead, Jeremy!" Nathan chimed in.

"Yeah Jeremy, you buttmunch, why don't you just shutup?" Peter spoke up.

"I'm not a buttmunch!"

The three boys bickered back and forth to each other, as a dazed Ryan continued to wake. Without responding to his students, he sat up, absentmindedly rubbing the side of his head.

"See! Told ya!" Nathan said, playfully punching Jeremy in the shoulder.

"Well how was I 'sposed to know?"

"Guys, please," Ryan said softly.

"Mr. Dalton? Are you okay?" Peter asked, stooping down next to the teacher and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I'm fine, Pete. Thanks guys."

As Mr. Dalton began to stand up and regain his balance, he noticed a strange spot on his forearmarm. It was yellow and purple, the same colors as the winged creature that had bit him before he blacked out.

What the hell? He thought to himself, not wanting to raise any alarm with his pupils.

"Why don't you guys go join the rest of the class, hm?" Ryan asked, patting Peter on the shoulder. "I'll be fine, thank you for the concern, guys." He said, faking a smile.

"Sure, Mr. Dalton!" Nathan responded.

The trio walked back over to their nets; leaned against the oak. Their boyish bickering began anew as they argued over who was going to carry the bugbox that contained their catch thus far.

Ryan couldn't help but grin; he loved teaching, and he loved his class. He was thankful to have some thoughtful students. As he walked back over to lean against the shady oak, he rubbed at his arm.

*I just don't understand...* He thought.

The scales were only a few inches around, but the vibrant colors (and it 's presence in general) were major red flags. He'd taken this field trip with his students for three years now, been bitten by a plethora of insects, and had never experienced anything like this. Then again, he'd also never quite seen a bug like that. Even throughout his college years and in-field research studies, this was a new one for him.

Breaking out of his thoughts, Ryan...
*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/968735-Bug-Hunt/cid/2967967-Scales