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A Critical Commentary of the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
A Critical Commentary on the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution


         Thomas Jeferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, "[w]e have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us" ("Declaration of Independence"). The Tenth Amendment states, "[the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people" ("U.S. Constitution- Tenth Amendment"). The founding fathers ratified the Tenth Amendment to prevent a centralized government from taking away individual rights. One of the purposes of the Tenth Amendment is to prevent the federal government from directing the states or using states as federal government's assets (Ehighalua 12). The Supreme Court confirmed this purpose in a significant case (Vile 159-60). Another purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to prevent "'. . . . . federal government legislation that goes too far into areas of traditional state concern, areas like family laws, criminal law . . . . ." (Ehighalua 12). The last purpose of the Tenth Amendment is to protect individual rights (Vile 159). The United States should repeal the Tenth Amendment due to the States' misuse to prevent federal intervention in their unconstitutional actions.

Point 1

         The main reason the united states should revoke the Tenth Amendment is the States' misuse of the Tenth Amendment to prevent federal intervention into their discriminatory laws that deny people their rights. Those discriminatory laws then causes harm. One example is States denying same-sex couples the right to marriage. The States defended their marriage ban using the Tenth Amendment to argue that the Supreme Court should not intervene (Denniston, "Argument"; Denniston, "Same-Sex"; Dorf; Duncan). The states use federalism to prevent the federal government from intervening in their unlawful denial of the right to marriage. The founding fathers intended for the Tenth Amendment to protect individuals rights; however it failed. The Supreme Court eventually held it was unconstitutional for States to deny same-sex couples the right to marriage (United States Supreme Court, "Obergefell v. Hodges, 681). However, the States' misuse of the Tenth Amendment to defend it unconstitutional acts is blatant, and those acts will have negative consequences.

Point 2

         Many States do not have laws protecting sexual minorities against discrimination (Bynum and Kastanis). Sexual minority continues to suffer discrimination. Those discrimination will lead to adverse outcome, as seen in Bobby Griffith's story. Bobby Griffth wrote around his sixteenth birthday,
I can't ever let anyone find out that I'm not straight. It would be humiliating. My friends would hate me. They might even want to beat me up. And my family? I've overheard them. They've said they hate gays, and even God hates gays too. Gay are bad, and God sends bad people to hell. it really scares me when they talk that way because now they are talking about me" (Aarons 57).
Bobby committed suicide two months after his twentieth birthday (Meyer 38). The cause of his deathis an environment that refuses to accept him (Meyer 38). Unfortunately, there have been many stories similar to Bobby Griffith.

         A 2008 meta-analysis found that "LGB people are at higher risk of suicidal behavior, mental disorder, substance misuse, and dependence than heterosexual people" (King et al. 83). This finding have been replicated numerous times (Hottes et al. 1; Liu and Mustanski 221; Miranda-Mendizábal et al. 77; Plöderl and Tremblay 367). Researchers currently explain the differences using the minority stress model (Meyer 38-39). Dr. Illan Meyer, a researcher with impressive credentials, is credited with creating the model (Trial Transcript 807-17). Dr. Meyer identified the processes of minority stress,
"So the first one is called 'prejudice events,' which encompasses a bunch of concepts. The second one is called 'expecations of rejection and discrimination.' The third one is 'concealing,' which refers to hiding your sexual orientation, . . . . . [a]nd the fourth one is "internalized homophobia," which refers to the internalized of social attitude by a gay person or a lesbian (Trial Transcript 835).
Dr. Meyer defined prejudice events as "stressors that are related to prejudice" (Trial Transcript 86). Dr. Meyer defined "expectations of rejection and discrimination" as what the phrase sounds, "expecting rejection and discrimination" (Trial Transcript 851). Dr. Meyer found the negative effects of minority stress on health in a 1995 study (Meyer 38). Researchers have been able to replicate Dr. Meyer's findings (Doan Van et al. 159; Dürrbaum and Sattler 298; Flentje et al. 673).The minority stress model is also confirmed through personal stories (Turban 1306).

         Dr. Meyer linked laws banning same-sex marriage to the minority stress model, he testified,
". . . . . the Proposition 8, in its social meaning, sends a message that gay relationships are not to be respected; that they are of secondary value, if of any value at all; that they are certainly not equal to those of heterosexuals. And, to me that's - - in addition to achieving the literal aims of not allowing gay people to marry, it also sends a strong message about the values of the state; in this case, the constitution itself. And it sends a message that would, in my mind, encourage or at least is consistent with holding prejudical attitudes. It sends the opposite message, in my mind, and therefore, would - - I would think, add to that pressure, to that social environment that encourage people, some people, to conceal" (Trial Transcript 854, 862).
Dr. Meyer explained that laws that ban same-sex marriage will lead to negative outcomes under the minority stress model. Dr. Meyer's testimony shows that when states deny same-sex couples the right to marry, the States harm same-sex couples' health. The United States Supreme Court stated in Obergfell v. Hodges,
Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civillization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right” (681).
Furthermore, studies have shown that allowing same-sex couples to marry help their mental health (Boertien and Vignoli 2109; Carpenter et al. 376; Chen and van Ours 42; Drabble et al. 1; Wight et al. 339). In summary, when States denies the right to marriage to same-sex couples, it harms them.

Point 3

         One counterargument to my example of same-sex marriage would be that sexual orientation can be changed (United States Supreme Court, Brief of Amicus Curiae 20-21). The argument is often wrong (Beckstead 121; Diamond and Rosky 363). Efforts to change sexual orientation have not proven effective (Dehlin et al. 95; Przeworski et al. 1; Serovich et al. 1). Efforts to change sexual orientation might even be harmful (Blosnich et al. 1024; Przeworski et al. 1; Ryan et al. 159). Also, the argument is a non-sequitur, as it does not follow that States should be able to ban same-sex marriage because sexual orientation can be changed. Therefore, the counterargument is both logically and factually flawed.


         In summary, the United States should revoke the Tenth Amendment because States used it to deny people their constitutional rights. This paper has shown that states misuse the Tenth Amendment to deny constitutional rights, and those actions have caused harm.

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