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Birthday Bash Relay. Excited on Second Place! Now for various WDC contests and activities
Team Ahimsa

My Turn

The WDC Birthday Bash Blog Relay  [E]
Form teams, take the baton, and for 9 days share stories for chances at fantastic prizes!
by iKïyå§ama

Thanks! "*Trophyg*2021 Blog Relay Winners!"  
Merit Badge in Blogging
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Congratulations to  'Team Ahimsa'  for your excellent entries earning you the 1st-Runner-Up prize in  [Link To Item #1803384] !
"Note: They came, they ran the race, they conquered! ..."

"Congratulations November 2021 Winners!"  

Merit Badge in Blogging
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Congratulations on winning second place in the November 2021 30DBC!

30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer

Poetry Topic of the Month Contest~Closed  (13+)
Win Exclusive MBs. It ends at midnight at the end of each month. Suggest the topic.
#2216416 by Sharmelle's Expressions

Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

The Daily Poem  (13+)
A Week of Poetic Craziness - Paused
#2133562 by Jayne

Muffy's Mischievous Challenges  (18+)
Fun mini challenges for the SuperPower Reviewers to enjoy
#2319692 by Maryann

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September 2, 2022 at 2:57am
September 2, 2022 at 2:57am
Birthdays are a time to count

The real gifts, the blessings

The friendship and the love

Not just material things.

On your birthday you blow out

The baggage that makes you ache

As you take aim

At the candles on the cake.

Each year, you get a special day

Just for you to celebrate

When you cherish what's truly

Joyful, blessed and great.

For Task #2, "The WdC Birthday Challenge!!! CLOSED
August 4, 2022 at 2:33am
August 4, 2022 at 2:33am
"Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

You know what?

At first, I thought, what the heck, I don't relate to this. But then I saw the title -Virtual Insanity - and I thought - aha, that's what is being reflected in the song. Since I don't relate to a lot of virtual things, I'm not relating to the visuals here! So it actually works!

This led me to thinking - guy makes crazy music video to reflect how insane the world is going. He sees it as it is and puts it out thee. But then, it becomes as crazy as the world he is reflecting! So is it good or bad to reflect, in art, what you perceive to be real, very closely? I mean, then, are you guilty of doing what you are protesting against? Do videos, movies, books, and so on which are against something glamorise it for a while?

Ugh those crawling bugs. Now I know there are creepy crawlies in life, but do we have to give them screen time?

So - the age old debate.

Which came first, the importance or the screen time?

Are creepy crawlies important, or did they become important because we gave them screen time?

Is the insanity important or did it become important because we highlighted it?

I dunno. Do you?
July 7, 2022 at 8:04am
July 7, 2022 at 8:04am
For "Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

What doe fireworks mean to me?

We used to light them in Mahabaleshwar, but I can't recall them though Mom used to tell the story of the leopard who visited the back yard when we were lighting fireworks (noisy ones) in the front yard. She didn't believe the gardener when he said there's a leopard there, she thought it was surely too noisy for a wild cat to come by. Next day he showed the *PawPrints* pawprints.

We used to light fireworks at Mont Blanc (our apartment house in Mumbai) too, and at Harkness Road. Some fun memories there.

But mostly when I think of fireworks, I think of the TV programme on how these are made by little children in the factories of Sivakasi. The kids were hiding from the cameras and the crew had to pull them out. So I'm not really pro-fireworks. It's a topic I give for every debating batch I come across.

And I feel old when I can't relate to today's music. I couldn't relate to this song! The sentiments are great, but the music didn't speak to me.

That about sums up this entry!
May 5, 2022 at 10:26pm
May 5, 2022 at 10:26pm
For "Note: 48-HOUR CHALLENGE : Media Prompt Deadl..."

It's about how you look at it, isn't it?

It's like rain
on your wedding day

Are you saying this is a bad thing?

Rain cools everyone down.
Rain makes the plants glow green.
Rain makes the air fresh.
Rain brings the rainbow
with all its colours
Rain is a blessing
and if you're soaked
be grateful!

It's a free ride
when you've already paid

Well, that's fine you could afford it
there are many who couldn't, you know
And if it was free then you've now got credit
Something to carry forward, to grow.

Don't grumble coz you thought the blessing
Things happen when the universe thinks its fine
Some day it all works out the way it should
All you need to say now is 'I'm good'.
April 1, 2022 at 8:29am
April 1, 2022 at 8:29am
Some pranks are funny
and some are just not
Some pranks are visible
And some, never caught.

I think it's nice
When the day is done
Prankster and victim
Each have a share of fun.

Pranks that are harmless
And well thought out
Are the best
Without a doubt.

When my cousin was engaged
To a girl in another city
Their love long-distance,
which was a pity

My cousin likes to sleep in
but on April Fools' Day
My uncle woke him at 6 AM
saying: "Phone call from your fiancee".

He jumped out of bed
And headed for the phone
There was nobody there!
Just the dial tone!

He got a bit grumpy
But soon had to agree
That the prank his Dad played
Was really funny!

Some years ago
On this very site
StoryMaster pranked us
Much to our delight.

Our handles scrambled
Our exclamation marks went PING
Our forum posts went inside out
And many a funny thing

So yeah, if it's funny for all
Then on the first of April
Go ahead, prank away
Feel the comic thrill!

March 10, 2022 at 12:09am
March 10, 2022 at 12:09am
Words: 377
Many artists are one-hit wonders.

9.) Did this fate befall your Muse and Andre?
Why or Why not?

The duo have had many long years together, and several hits – and counting!

They are collaborators, friends and (as Anne of Green Gables would say) kindred spirits. They work as two socks in one shoe. Er – well, you know what I mean. Two prongs in one rake. Two roots grounding one stem. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean.

Their strongest point is that they manage to stay contemporary. They are constantly learning, constantly looking for new ideas, constantly growing. Every now and then, they do what they call an ‘upside down’ and take lessons from a talented youngster, instead of from an established musician. This keeps their music fresh and ensures that they stay in touch with current trends. It keeps them humble, too. Youngsters these days can be very demanding as teachers! *Smile*

“Nobody has produced more surprises than they have,” says Andre’s cousin, Josh. “You think you know their music, and then ka-boom, out comes something totally new and unexpected. And you are – like – hey where did that come from? And yet you can tell it’s them, you know. They do have a core style or signature.”

“It’s evolution,” Andre grins, when asked. “Like everything came from the amoeba, like that. You remain true to your amoeba roots (or blobs) and keep growing!”

Their hit songs include “Bananas are Manna”, “Don’t Bungle in the Jungle” “For Rest” “The Peeves of Leaves”. They have won several awards all over the world, but their biggest reward is the love they get from their fans.

“I listen to your music as soon as I wake up in the morning,” writes Brinda Shankar. “It sets the mood for an energetic day ahead. Sometimes, when I hum your music in the bus on the way to work, other passengers hum along with me. I’ve made a couple of new friends that way, thanks to your music.”

“My whole family gathers when I put on your music on You Tube,” Malvika Goculdas emails. “We sing and dance together. It makes for great bonding between members of three generations!”

Go out of style? They have soul. They can’t go out of style.

Thanks, Kiya, Webwitch and the Angel Army!

March 9, 2022 at 12:39am
March 9, 2022 at 12:39am
Everyday Miracles

Andre often listens to one song over and over.

5.) What song and why?

Andre loves this song from the movie The Fiddler on the Roof. It’s one of those he learnt to sing and dance to for his world tour.

When he was a little monkey and the movie was playing in theatres, his parents had taken him to the town nearest the jungle to watch it. Monkeys watch movies by climbing trees near the theatre and peeping in through the window. If the movie is playing at a drive in, they simply climb any tree around, or sit on one of the cars. People are usually too absorbed in the movie to notice a monkey or two (or half dozen) sitting on cars. Now, with people going less to theatres and getting their entertainment at home, monkeys are more tuned to You Tube and other online stuff, too.

Andre loves all the songs in The Fiddler on the Roof. He appreciates the dilemma in ‘Tradition’ and the wistfulness in ‘If I Were a Rich Man’. Both songs have a touch of comedy, too. He likes the melodious ‘Sunrise Sunset’. He chuckles at ‘Do You Love Me’ and ‘Matchmaker’. He has often sung ‘To Life’ on festive occasions, and he weeps when he hears ‘Far From the Home I Love’.

After giving it much thought, he finally chose ‘Miracle of Miracles’ for his world tour for many reasons. The sheer happiness of the two young people. The references to God, and miracles, which Andre believes in. But also (here’s something you didn’t know!) Andre is hoping that one day, he’ll find love and sing this song to his chosen lady. So he listens to it over and over not only because he likes it, but because he wants it to be so much a part of himself that, when the right time comes, he doesn’t blabber any nonsense, he sings this appropriate song.

“This man is a poor tailor. The world would think he has nothing to be happy about because he doesn’t have much money. But look how joyful he is. Look how devoted he is to God and to the one he loves. Look how grateful he is for what he has been given. Gratitude and devotion and joy are our true, everyday miracles, aren’t they?”

March 8, 2022 at 12:25am
March 8, 2022 at 12:25am

4.) With what great musician did Andre study?

Andre had the good fortune of growing up in the jungle. He studied with the best musicians ever – the natural musicians.

Early in the morning, he heard the birds in chorus. His day began to a rousing tune. Through the hours, he heard the music of nature – the leaves rustling in the wind, the water gurgling, insects buzzing and all his fellow creatures at work or play. Footsteps, wing-beats, slithering, hissing, beak-snaps and splashes surrounded him at every instance. Squeaks and roars, trumpeting and barking sometimes created their own concert.

The sounds of nature echoed the rhythm of his heart, the melody of his soul. He did not need to have any formal training, he had music seeping through his conscious mind when he was awake and sub-conscious mind when he slumbered.

Andre’s parents were musically inclined, and encouraged him to understand the harmony and contribute to it. Sometimes, the monkey family invited the cicadas and nightingales for a sing-song round the water hole. Occasionally, the crickets and bats joined in. When owls and hyenas yodeled in time, even the youngest creature in the forest quivered with the excitement of the music.

We’ve said that Andre didn’t need any formal training, but he did have some. In India, he learnt to play the Jal tarang with Vidushi Shashikala Dani. He learnt to sing devotional songs with Vidushi Aditi Kaikini Upadhya.

He had a few tabla lessons with Pandit Yogesh Samsi.

And, of course, he learnt the Bollywood song, Yeh Raat Aur Yeh Doori, from SP Balasubrahmanyam himself. He has learnt the popular songs of at least nine other countries form the famous artistes there.

The mix of simplicity in everyday learning as a youngster and disciplined practicing as he grew has helped Andre in all aspects of his life. “Sometimes it’s simple and spontaneous, at other times, it’s designed and rehearsed,” he says. He is also happy to understand the culture and philosophy of various regions of the globe, via music. “What they sing is what they think and feel,” Andre says. “Everything they care about, everything they want to tell the world, is in their songs.”

Let us all raise our voices in peace and harmony.

Dragon Sig created by Kiya gifted by Secret Squirrel! Thank you!

March 6, 2022 at 2:51am
March 6, 2022 at 2:51am
All Words: 377

2.) What is Andre’s favorite genre? Does he have a favorite artist, Who and why?

As we know, under all his goofiness, Andre is a very deep sort. His favourite music has always been devotional music. In the jungle each day, he’d listen to the devotional songs emanating from the churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship around him. This uplifted him, made him see the good in humankind and all nature.

"Everyone should sing songs that connect them to the divine, that bring out their inborn divinity," Andre says. "Whatever our specific beliefs, or even if we are non-believers, our core is pure. Some of us get confused and lose our way when we lose touch with this core. That's when the negative tendencies can overpower the good ones."

Surprisingly, Andre's friends don't even think of teasing him when he talks this way. He's so much in earnest and so sincere that they love him for his devotion. To the younger generation, he is swiftly becoming a spiritual guide of sorts. And not even his clown cousin, Josh has nicknamed Andre 'The Monk Monkey' or something silly like that. This would've been second nature to Josh, but he has some depth too.

It's difficult to pinpoint who Andre's favourite artiste is. He loves the gospel choirs he has heard, he loves the ordinary people reaching out to the Almighty in prayer. He loves devotional music of any sort. "You know what?" Josh confides, "Andre even listens to all the devotional music on America's Got Talent, and loves it!"

On his visit to India, he heard Vidushi Aditi Kaikini Upadhya and her disciples sing various devotional songs. He was absolutely mesmerised by the purity of Aditi's voice. After the performance, he went backstage to meet her. He found that she comes from a family of musicians. Her late father and guru, Pandit Dinkar Kaikini, was a vocalist, too. Her brother, Pandit Yogesh Samsi, is a tabla player who has often toured the United States, to much acclaim.

Andre asked Aditi about the song he loved best of those she sang. "That one simply speaks of God. God is for you, God is for me, God is everywhere."

God is everywhere, especially in the music.

Image created by Gervic, gifted to me by Maryann
March 5, 2022 at 2:39am
March 5, 2022 at 2:39am
All Words: 544

10.) How did Andre get into the bar business, how did he acquire the Banana Bar?

"it's hot," Bambi said.

"Be patient, dear," replied his mother, a gentle doe with a soothing voice. "We'll reach the water hole soon."

"Why are we going to that water hole? Why not our usual pond?"

His mother smiled. The young always ask questions, and it's up to parents to have the patience to answer.

"The usual pond has dried up," she replied. "It doesn't contain water any more."

"It can't be a pond if it doesn't contain water any more, can it?"

Unknown to the mother and child, someone was listening in to their conversation. It was Andre, quietly up in the trees. Deer are stealthy animals, but monkeys can be stealthier. Besides, nature does not generate alarm bells against friends. From above them, Andre followed Bambi and the doe, eavesdropping shamelessly.

Water. They were talking about water, They needed water and were having to walk a long way for it. They had to expose themselves to their natural predators, and to the most vile predator of all - the human being.

Everyone in the jungle needed to quench their thirst, whatever the season. Why should they be deprived in summer, just because the pond ran dry?

"What if ..." Andre was getting the glimmer of an idea. "What if there could be a place for the animals, a haven where the water never runs dry?"

Thus was the idea for a bar born.

Andre thought over his idea, and then discussed it with his friends. Herbivours, carnivours, omnivours, creatures of the land and creatures of the air ... all agreed that what the jungle needed was a BAR, loaded with drinks which didn't run dry whatever the season.

They got to work.

First, they formed a committee. A core group wit specific tasks and responsibilities Then they formed a working unit - those who carried out the committee's plans.

The elephants helped build. The beavers helped channel the water. The birds were the messengers. Every creature used its unique abilities to contribute to the task.

Soon, the jungle had a bar, and Andre did a flourishing business. He used the profits to expand the bar and take on other things the jungle needed. Within weeks, they had a hospital and an all-creature school and recreation centre.

The creatures were proud of Andre and wanted to honour him. They had a meeting while he was taking a nap.

"How do we show Andre our gratitude?"

"Andre is a monkey, he loves bananas," replied his cousin Josh. "Anything to do with bananas, he'll be happy."

They thought. The idea hit several of them at the same time, and they smiled at each other.


They'd build Andre a banana bar as a gift, as a token of their gratitude! *Smile*

It was hard to keep it a secret, but they did. Andre didn't suspect anything at all. So when, on his birthday, he was taken to the clearing and caught his first glimpse of his new Banana Bar, he was speechless and then all teary-eyed.

ANDRE'S *Banana* BANANA *Banana* BAR

the sign read

where every visit is fruitful

"Yup," Andre chuckled, pulling his friends into a group hug. "Fruitful, built by my fruitcakes!" *Wink*

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