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Rated: GC · Book · Opinion · #1591550
One writer's journey
New siggie

She sat down at her old wooden desk, pen at the ready. Her thoughts raced. What shall I write today? Tilting her head to the side, a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth before enveloping her delicate face. The purple ink began to fill the once blank sheet, each stroke a labor of pure joy as the words flowed from her mind, her heart, her very soul.

Lost in a haze of purple she stands alone

My Dreams...

to write of romance and endless love
to love without boundaries
to learn from past mistakes
to laugh with all my heart
to be the woman I am meant to be



I will reach for the stars

Will not give up

Will give all that I have

Dare to dream the impossible dream

For anything in this life is possible

Daughter of Desire

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards <---I am blown away by this

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October 4, 2009 at 9:40am
October 4, 2009 at 9:40am
Ah the weekend. Chaos I tell ya. All my homework is done, and all I have to do is study for Friday's test. Next essay due in two weeks. I happily turned my first one in Friday, so I have my fingers crossed that it's good enough. Got a quiz back, 7.5 out of 10. I can't believe the stupid mistake I made...like not reading the entire question that said - list all conjunctions, and write a sentence using one......yeah, I forgot the sentence, just thought, no biggie, I know all 7. Hmm, need to remember this come Friday, lol.

Essay 1

 WDC  (13+)
Essay 1 for Eng 093
#1603849 by Purple Princess

Lately in my house it's repeats. Songs that is. The music wars between brothers can sometimes get on my nerves. And then there are the times that I like some of their selections. I am really loving this song that Danny plays constantly. Too bad I couldn't track down the actual video for the song, but this was the best of 30 links I checked out. Give it a listen.


I never did the last entry for the 15 for 15 contest. I injured my left hand Friday, and typing one handed was not working so well for me. I still never went to have it xrayed. Yes, mom, I know, I just don't want to spend hours there for someone to tell me to rest the darn thing. So I'm taking it easy this weekend, and it's slowly getting better.

No entries for the last round of the Quickie. I'm kinda bummed, but what can I do? Hope I get at least for the next round. Kudos to Ricky for hanging onto it for so long.

CRCs contest is up and looking for entries, please check it out.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1601656 by Not Available.

The Cult is up and running. Seriously, if I'm going to be associated with this term, then I might as well plug and use it for all it's worth. So here we go!

Installment #1

As T sat in chat, thinking up ways to draw more unsuspecting chatties into the vileness, mind warping, nastiness known as THE CULT, an idea struck her. She immediately sent a whisper to L. "Hey, bet we can get R on our team. Cult-master Sci would love it!"

T waited on pins and needles for the response to pop up shaded in yellow. "LMFAO T, omg, you are so wicked!" L replied.

T laughed to herself, knowing it to be true. "What can I say? You know it's true."

L and T sent whispers to R, warning her of the predator that has ITs eye on her and where IT could take her.

At that moment, E popped into chat. The cyberpath was on the prowl again. Spreading the word in whispers, warning of The Cult, and how IT didn't want to see any other chatties get caught up into that mire of insanity.

Whispers flew thru chat at breakneck speed, leaving poor R caught in the middle. Would R believe E, the charming teacher, or the T and L, the groupies, the terrible spreaders of so-called gossip, out to ruin E's reputation.

To be continued...

** Image ID #1591886 Unavailable **
October 1, 2009 at 8:19am
October 1, 2009 at 8:19am
It amazes me sometimes the people we choose to befriend. Many surprise me, being the best thing to ever walk through my door, and yet others are a nightmare. Not always easy to walk away from.

But WDC chat freinds, ah well yes, they are a breed all unto their own. Most mean well, are here for a few laughs, and don't get involved in the personal drama that tends to go on. Others are the ones to keep around, they keep you sane, make you laugh when you're down, cry with you, send you cnotes, etc just because. I never understood the gossip chain of chat. I mean, I knew it exsisted, it's how I knew things about people I barely spoke to. What boggles my mind, is the way people think it's alright to divulge info about other members, as if it is their right, which it clearly isn't. In fact, if nothing else, it makes those chatterbugs backstabers. If anyone wants to display their troubles, their doubts and insecrurities, hell they can blog about it, put it in their port for the world to see, add it to their handle, announce it in open chat. Why would anyone go about spreading personal information without their so-called friends persmission? One ~ and only one ~ answer. They are NOT friends. Not to be trusted, and for gawd's sake, if you don't want your business spread throughout the site, then it's time to be selective in terms of whom you tell things too. Sad, but damn true.

Paper is due tomorrow. I have one paragraph written. Can I get an "UGH"? I do enjoy the class, and am now chatting with classmates. I think I shocked a few yesterday by admitting my real age. A few jaws dropped, well yeah, I'm 41. The old lady in the back of the class. I even told them that, and they weren't sure how to respond until I told them it's ok to laugh. *Laugh* One girl in particular was interested in my dream goal, wished me luck, read A Second Chance and then told me it was good. I handed the copy over to my professor, hoping to get some feedback and direction as to whether I should attempt to send it into a magazine. He did stress the importance of the cover letter, and if I couldn't sell my work in two sentences, that would be an issue. I like this guy!

Kind of nice to come home and grab the mail. *Shock* OMG ~ Danny!! You have a letter from the White House! Oh, yes. My child had to write a paper in 8th grade about something he considered needed fixing. So he wrote one about texting while driving, hoping to sway the President to take action. And Barak responded. Thanked him for the letter, admitted there is a problem. It's so cool that he has that letter. Something definitely worth saving.

Zak is getting straight A's ~~Theresa faints, picks herself up and collapese again~~ JK. But I am amazed that he actually gives a damn. I always knew he had the potential, but Zak is the kind of kid who does enough, and only works harder if he feels like it. This year, with the gf in his life, yeah, he wants to do better than okay. Woots!

Question of the Day
Ever get a whispered kiss in chat? Yeah, that can only mean on thing. Trouble! Run ladies, the cyberpath has you in his sights.
September 29, 2009 at 11:05pm
September 29, 2009 at 11:05pm
Oh my, take a look at my port. I love my new awardicon. I still can't believe I won Paradise Cove. Thanks Jace. I am very proud of that piece and glad it is recognized. It also came with an erotica merit badge, so awesome!!

Had a second 15 for 15 win, so yeah! Theresa can write.

Now if only I can slam out that essay. I have to start from scratch and get it turned in by Friday. UGH. Yeah, maybe the under pressure thing will be good for me. One can hope anyway.

I need sleep. Class in the morning. New 15 for 15 entires posted in the same link as before.

September 25, 2009 at 10:51pm
September 25, 2009 at 10:51pm
I'd been thinking. Well, I've been busy, and the brain cells don't work like they used to. *Laugh*

So parents, my parents. Here is the link for the contest I'm in. You can click on it, and see the pictures of the prompts I've been writing about. I know, we're seven days out now, but hey, at least you'll get to see the pix for the next 8 days. Better late than never.

15 for 15 Contest --- Closed  (18+)
Do you have 15 minutes? Come in and join this contest!
#994771 by Legerdemain

 15 for 15 Contest   (13+)
My writings from the 15 for 15 contest.
#1600765 by Purple Princess

Had to do a peer review session on class today of the Essay The two old people teamed up. Didn't like the thought of having a fellow student reading the essay first. Strange since I post so much here ~ even things that aren't ready to be seen. I can't explain that feeling of uneasiness I felt at having to hand it over. At least I got some good feedback. Will have to do a major rewrite this weekend since I was off topic and a little slow to get started. Typical of T, I'd say.

Guess that's it. I'm tired and off to sleep! Nighty nite.
September 23, 2009 at 10:25pm
September 23, 2009 at 10:25pm
is short. Too much going on to sit and blog. Just want to link the latest entries in the 15 for 15.

 15 for 15 Contest   (13+)
My writings from the 15 for 15 contest.
#1600765 by Purple Princess

Check out Penquin and Corner.

September 21, 2009 at 10:08pm
September 21, 2009 at 10:08pm
You know how days start well, then something happens that puts it into a downward spiral. Well, that's how today was going. It is Monday, it's to be expected. And then...I went into the 15 for 15, and found out that my entry from yesterday was a winner. It totally made my day and turned things around. So instead of making the fam click on the link, here's today's little lovely.


Staring off into the distance, diamonds glitter across the vast land, suddenly turning to water before disappearing from sight. The desert is most deceiving, playing tricks on my mind, granting me what I wish for like a tease only to take it away. It’s hot, the sweltering heat making my lungs ache with each breath I take. Wrapped too tight, the turban squeezes my head so hard I can feel the constant pulse beside my right eye. I want more than anything to remove it, but the fireball in the sky will make this trek in the sand ten times worse. It is my shield, my protector, and I must embrace it.

The camel continues its slow walk, the pace irritating as my body jerks from side to side. The wool blanket between the beast and me does nothing to cushion my bottom, only makes me sweat, my pants soaked and sticking to me like a second skin. The canteen around my neck beckons me. What I wouldn’t give to dump it over my head and find temporary relief. Knowing that it wouldn’t last, I refrain and concentrate on what’s in front of me.

The sparkling jewels seem to float as if a boat on the sea and I smile. It is something I delight in, can see myself dancing upon and that takes away this journeys hardship. Diamonds are a girls' best friend, and today, millions surround me, just the way I like it.

Since Ramadan is over, hubby and I hit the mall yesterday. He bought me the most awesome Guess purse. I think it's my favorite by far of the 5. I've become obsessed with Guess purses, just can't help it. I check out Macy's and G by Guess, and Guess itself, hoping to find another must have. There is a purple one I have my eye on, and soon, it will be mine. mwahahahaha

Class was good. Still not a lot of progress on my paper, but I came up with a beginning I actually like. Since I'm not working tomorrow, I'll be working on it. I want to turn it in Wednesday, so not waiting until Friday. Oh, seriously, is it bad to correct your professor? I kinda did that today. He admitted that I was right, fixed what he'd written, and said it was early. *Laugh*

The car I want is a no go. Can't find one that has decent mileage that doesn't cost both arms and legs. I'm kinda bummed, since I got my hopes up again. Guess I'll just have to deal with it for now. Off to hang with hubby.

On a side note ~~ Those who compare their sordid history to books (knowing full well it's a total stretch and play for sympathy) ought to remember this. The boy who cried wolf. Any questions? I'd say man, but that would put a whole different spin on things, *Wink*
September 21, 2009 at 6:04pm
September 21, 2009 at 6:04pm
He hides. A wolf in knights clothing. Calculating. So sure of his every move. They don't see him, most don't want to. They love the charm, the caring ays, yet they are mistaken. He'll take it all. Everything you have to give. Suck the life right out of you. Selectively he plays your friends right under your nose. Secrets you're told are to share, to enhance the love, but it's all a game. The knight moves forward, he's found new prey, leaving you to pick up the pieces. But if you think he's done, think again. He will come back for you. To torment you. To make sure you know he's around. Lurking in the shadows. Using others to gain information, to keep a hand at your back, ready for the day he pushes you over the edge.
September 20, 2009 at 10:40pm
September 20, 2009 at 10:40pm
The holiday is there. YEESSSS. I'm hungry, can I say that? LOL. Ramadan was a rough one this year, and I can imagine how difficult it will be for the next 10 years or so as we move closer to the summer months of July and June. Good thing it only comes round once a year.

Having a rough time with the Essay due by Friday. 15 for 15 is easier since I can go ahead and write. I think I'm putting too much pressure on myself to make it perfect. You'd think writing about Lebanon would be easy, but nnnoooooo.

Here are my last two 15 for 15 entries. Duel and Raft. Keep in mind they're picture prompts, and it's what I see when I look at them. Welcome to the warped mind of the purple one. *Laugh*

 15 for 15 Contest   (13+)
My writings from the 15 for 15 contest.
#1600765 by Purple Princess

I'm going a bit crazy with the car situation. Should probably wait a bit, find the perfect vehicle, but I'm too afraid if I put it off, it will never happen. Prices will go up, the car I want will become more popular than it already is, blah, blah, blah. Had someone bring up an X5 to the garage on Friday. Hubby said there had to be issues with it for that price, and boy was he right. Have I mentioned before that my hubby is smart? Well, he is. So the truck arrives, no regular key, they are using the spare which is bare bones. Steering column, broken. A few other things. Yeah, so not digging that. So I'm looking at the one in Chicago again. I so want that truck. Not sure if it will happen or not, and don't want to get my hopes up. Only issue will be getting a ride to Chi town to pick it up.

Hmm, guess that's it. Time to get back to the essay. Class tomorrow.
September 18, 2009 at 11:38pm
September 18, 2009 at 11:38pm
All in all it's been a decent day. I managed to come up with at 15 for 15 entry. What should have taken only 15 minutes stretched to an hour. Why? Hmm, lets see. Laundry, telephone, unload the dishwasher, intererupted by children, TV was on, text messages on cell phone. I kind of like what I ended up with, and don't believe I monopolized the full 15 minutes on it. So, tomorrow, I refuse to do anything while working on the 15 for 15 entry. Seriously, there is multitasking, and then there's insanity. *Laugh*

Here's my entry for a visual prompt of hands holding a bright orb with a clock face.


Danny got his pictures today. Zak's back to driving. Life moves on. And it's chilly. I am so NOT ready for fall. So winter just better hold off for a long while.

Danny will be getting braces in two weeks. He's not ready. I'm not ready to start paying for them. *Laugh*

Guess that's all I've got today. Have some major homework to do this weekend, including a paper to write about my favorite place. I have two in mind, so I need to narrow it down, pick one spot and knock out 450 words. I swear the kids in my class are lazy. The professor says, must be typed, and people still ask if they can type it. The paper states at least 450 words yet they ask. "Can you go over 450?" Seriously? I now remember what I hated about high school. Plain stupidity, lol.

T is out...

September 17, 2009 at 10:26pm
September 17, 2009 at 10:26pm

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