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Has anyone ever had a concussion and then a headache and blurred vision for 3 weeks afterward? Any suggestions on how to make it stop? I just want it to go away.
How do you make it stop? ...by using the KISS acronym (Keep It Simple Silly)....and STOP PLAYING THE MAN.....&get yourself to the doctor right now! Playing the macho card will get you killed, son.
I have gone to see a doctor and he said I pretty much have to wait it out. I just thought there may get be an end in sight that was not over 2 months out.
Some concussion symptoms can last up to a year, I have heard from a doctor- research for a book of course.
Why is it that five million things crop up when a person decides to spend a month writing? Blah!
It'll be all right. Just do what you can.
Life has a twisted sense of humor.
Congrats on finishing prep! *Ribbonb*
Thank you! I am hoping to also finish the novel...heh heh.
Good luck!
Just a little virtual kick in the pants regarding your NaNo project - GET WRITING!! *Laugh*
Don't give up and write on!
I know this is exceptionally short notice, but would any lovely groups out there care to sponsor me in the NaNoWriMo this year?
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Hi Eristikos! It's Khariyy! I believe you've made a few reviews (or 1 I forget) on one of my stories. Well, I'd like to say that I am now personally hosting a writing contest, and I think you have a GREAT chance at winning! The prize is 4,000 Gift Points and for more information visit my portfolio by clicking my pen name in bold type above. Everything's under 'Story Writing Contest.' Thanks!!!

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Everyone must read this heartbreaking story...to understand War.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/eristikos