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Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your funny story, "Mother's Day Tulips" painted a picture of what this morning is like in your household. Everyone was sitting on the sofa being quiet. I know that doesn't happen every day. I never did find out anyone's name mentioned in this story. I like to know who I am reading about and picture the characters in my mind. Maybe you had a reason for leaving out the names. The story was still the same.
Keep on Writing,
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

The wonderful, tearful story you wrote, " Mom, Who Was My Dad?" touches me to my soul. Noni sure was "Hell on Wheels!" It is a shame more adults couldn't have her spirit, intelligence and attitude. Knowing her condition as she did, Noni may not be able to run track, but she sure had the heart!

In a million years, I never would have guessed that you and Steven were brother and sister. But I don't think it matters at all if you love each other so deeply that you can also be best friends.

Your serious story was not without a few light moments, like Noni's close monotoring the nurses. Another sentence I though was great and so descriptive. "She was surrounded by the white coats like geese pcking up seeds."

Most of all, Winnie, as you wrote, " The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt in the heart." That is so true, yet many people never give it a thought and the ones who know about some things must be felt with your heart, could care less.

Have you submitted any of your work to a magazine, just to start out and work your way up to a real Author? Womens' magazines are always hunting for feature writers or even copy setters. But so many people, men and women, read those magazines. I don't know how much you could make, but it would help put gas in your car!

Would you mind telling me how to post my mothers day reviews on the review page? This story would be so perfect! If you don't use it, whould you let me borrow it? I'll give you complete credit. I may need your last name. I'll be here for a long time trying to figure out how to move things to where they belong

Love, hugs and kisses!

I can understand how difficult it must have been to write such a heartfelt story.
Review of Nonsense  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your well versed and formatted poem called, "Nonsense," was funny and I also have the answers to most of your amphibian riddles. If a frog is placed in the dirt bank and the toad in water, the frog will rush to get back to the water so the sun won't dry our his skin. The toad, who is a good swimmer, may swim for up to an hour or until he is tired.

Also, the questions about when is a toad a toad and a frog a frog?" I am paraphrasing. They are both Amphibians, but different species. Frog breed in water, as a general rule and toads will breed anywhere. The male toad clasps the female tightly enough to make her eggs pop out. This stimulates him to release his sperm to fertilize her eggs. When the deed is done, he's off to find another female.

If a large male accidentally jumps on another male, the one on the bottom must give the "warning croak" or his insides will be coming out. The other frog thinks he is with a female because he didn't hear the warning croak.

Didn't mean to lecture. I am the South Carolina Herpeticology Society Secretary. We learn a lot from our guest speakers and everyone likes to bring huge snakes along. Some of them are too big for one person to hold. Check out my story in my port called "Giant Snake Holds Community Hostage." The story is completely true and not embellished in any way. You will read it as it happened.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
The femminist writer of this letter, "A Femminist Letter to a close friend" wrote aboout all of the fun and adventures they loved. The person who sent this letter to her friend is also full of promises she will try to keep. She promised herself that she will be 'saved' one day." They sit on the rocks in the warm sun, saying nothing, each praying. But they aren't saved yet.

I, among friends, family and neighbors say, " Oh no! Here comes the Jesus Freaks again! Don't answer your door. But I am not rude and like to meet people different than myself, so I open the door. I tell them my ten feet long python is still missing. So I stand on the steps to chat.

When I tell them I am a Sage of the Tao and they look confused as they leave.

Review of My Feelings  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
It seems to me that you think you are responsible to these people. You don't want to be mean and kick them out. You are doing the grocery shopping, as well as you can. Ya'll should take turns doing the grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, even the toilet and put these rules in big letters at the top of the rules. Make the rules only a few fonts lower.

You are not helping them learn responcibility, on the other hand, you are reinforcing the habit of having someone to alway take care of them. I say evict them ASAP.

Review of WDC Power Sig  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This sig is pretty with the rainbow colors an the letters are a good size. I am hunting for a sig with a whale and her calf. I've seen one, and it was perfect. We emailed each other a few times, but we didn't know exaclty how to make it a sig. Also, I am Upgraded. Do I get a sig?
Thank you,
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I checked over the Power Reviewers' Sig group. The main reason I don't have a sig is that there isn't much for me to choose from. I've been looking for that special sig, but I can't get back into the site. It was a beautiful picture of a whale and her pup. Does anyone else know how to find this? There are two whale sigs on two sites. They aren't offically sigs, but gave me permission to use them, not lose them. I'll keep looking when I take a break sometimes.
Don't forget to send me the picture or site these pictures came from. They are so perfect for an Animal Rights Activist.

Thank you, I wil have a sig soon and I hope ya'll will like my reviews

Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This contest was written just for me. But I deleted just the ones you would like. I have a couple of stories. One is being locked up in a nut ward. I don't think that is troublesome enough. I might send you one called, "Do you really know what you're eating?" In the meantime, I'll try to write something more suitable. I also have a close friend who is transgender. Not that it counts.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The story, entiled, "Weanling Cub" gave me the idea that a homeless cub would show up soon.During the first year of Kai'eyrein's first of leadership. He promised he would rule fear, as well as empathy and tenderness. Those are the things he felt is what makes a good leader."When pkaying with the other children, she could maintain her position with apparent ease.'

Since the bond wolf was good at playing mock battle. Two childfen hit the ground. At first, most of the children who played the mock battle game were surpised. As time passed, Aririk, was soon accepted into the group.
Keep On Writing!
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I am ernjoying this book, or the chapters. This one, " The Free People, " Is especiall chapter. No only did the catastrophy, cause a numbef of trees to break off of become uprooten, the people of the clan had a long amd dificult time ahead.

I may be wrong, but the two trapped people will form a special bond and maybe fall in love. In this clan, marrages are arraned fo all of the young women. Ayliah couldn't even manage their own affaifs. This responsibility fell to the man of the house.

Women were considered to keep having babies, keep their campfire glowing as well as to keep her man satisfied with her often reluction, making loved for more babies. No woman said, " No" to their master. I was a mans' world.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a wonderful story, set in another time when people were still savage and treated women like cattle. Ayiaj was not very pleased when her father announced her engagement to the son of a father who would be rich someday.

Ayiah was hurt because, no one mentioned the betrowal until her father announced the union. In her crowd, women where considered chatel, meant to have babies and take care of the home and cooking. Aiiah was a better hunter than a good wife.

She was not pleased that the women could not responsible, not even the shares of her own shares that she owned. After he could stand an walk slowly, the rescued man. She wanted to know more about their customs. Her father, as well as Gerimani, where unhappy with the situation. At this time, Ayiah was determined to learn more about his tribe.

This is a good story and I suggest anyone who can handle the story should read it and read the story to their family.
Review of How to love you  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This lovely poem, " How to love you," is about a lonely person wanting to find true love. She has been hurt a number of times and is a bit horseshy. The author mentioned falling in to the fire, even if they'll be burning. Every one of us wants to find everlasting love. Some find love and some don't.
Keep on Writing!
Review of Hoarding You Say?  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This good article make a lot of sense to me. We recycle and have to use newpaper bags for the landfill. It' not okay to those who don't have a negative effect on our planet. We should all do what we can to end this visious cycle. One of our neighbors, too lazy to put his leaves into a bag, burns all of his trash. I can spell the plastic burning. I always call the Fire Station and they give him a warning. After reporting him a number of times, he hasn't burn damp leaves and leave the fire to burn.

Don't be afraid to report situations like this and cruelty to animals. No one has to know who reported the fire.
"We don't wanttp wake one dau swimming in our in our own crap. do we?" I believe this could happen if we nurture our planet.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was, indeed, a bitter sweet story of lost members of the author's family, her father passing away so close to Christmas. Granny, now dead as well, was not there to make her special Christmas cakes and cookies.

But the author decided to make sure the rest of the family should have a merry Christmas. That is what Mom and Grandmother would have wanted.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Your short story, "Creative Inspiration part two," was a good read. I didn't know ghosts could be killed. The story was well written and the story flowes, as well. I think the dialogue was realistic and the subject about a haunted house was not the usual ghost story.
Keep on Writing,
Review of Not Coming  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked your short story, " Not Coming." I think everyone has been through such a let down. I get the feeling the main character is depressed, but does talk her selt into feeling better for a while. The last line sum is all up, " And I sit there at my desk waiting in my skirt and top. And then I realise. He's not coming." She can either be crushed and depressed. Hopefully she picks herself up and knows someone else with come along.l
Keep on Writing,
Review of Ice cream night  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I really did like your story about ice cream. It made me want to visit Dairy Queen. I like the Blizzards the best. Mother does have kids to be proud of in the long run. I am sure she is proud of her offspring. The girls were on their best behavior aftter they had the treats in their hands. That is the best way to make kids behave. I was a handfull and nothing made me behave.
Keep on Writing,
Review of I See You  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I did enjoy your story about recurring dreams. It was well written and I liked Kathi and Beth. It is kind of spooky and I couldn't stop thinking about the mirror, and what was there for Kathi. I was dying to know what she would find. Could it be nothing? Could it be a reflection of someone standing behind her? The ending finally answered my questions. That is a really good way to write.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think this is a great idea for your contest. I love writing from prompts because it challenges my to use my imagination. I almost always write true stories, unless they are for a contest. I am looking forward to submitting my entry as soon as you are ready.
Your Friend,
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
That is a really great image. I like it better than most I've seen. I get dizzy when the item is busy. My mind can only take so much. I have been in therapy for 35 years, approximately and feel like seeing the shrink is the sameold-sameold. But I guess I need to talk to him and catch him up on my life. Then he writes my 'scrips, and off I go to face the world armed and ready.
I didn't mean to write a novel here. I get long winded sometimes.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Your story about Napoleon's invasion of Russia was exciting for me to read. I was looking forward to what would happen next. You painted a great picture of what it must have been like to the men; trying to funtion in the blustering snow and bone chilling cold.
I am also glad to know that I don't have to capitalized god. That will help me in future writings.
Keep on Writing,
Lesley Scott
Thanks for making history real.
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I believe tis informative artcle was written with me in mind. I remember some of the rules of grammar from school. I was an English Major in college, but that was 40 years ago. I think English is the hardest lanuage to learn. We have so many rules that sometimes seem to contradict themselfs too much. Learning Spanish, which I never mastered, is easier, and so is math. It is alway one thing is right and nothing else.
I learned a lot from your item, and jotted down some points I don't want to forget.
Thanks, again,
Lesley Scott
Review of Cellmates  
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The story, "Cellmates," was a very good story. It is simple to read the words, but the story means something more. At least I got more out of it, this being my first story as a Non-Human Member. I learned that a lupine non-Human, is not such a hideous, detestable beast. When the was returned to her daddy, I was happy.
Keep it up!
Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This contest is one that will never run out of things for us too write about. We see such happiness in so many things because we are poets and writers. We always see what others miss. That is why we write, to let everyone know about the world around them. I am driven to write, because it just pops out, but I want someone else to know what I feel.
I am pleased with being in "A Happy Place!"

Review by Lesley Scott
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

This Story, The Vampire and the boy," was touching the way Beth, a born, not made vampire, was kind to a lost child. She didn't want any of the made vampires to get ahold of the innocent child. After he finished a hearty meal, Beth decided Child Services would be a safe place for the boy.

On of her friends, a vampire and other non-humans watched over the boy while Beth accompanied her friend to take care of some drug dealers.

Great story! Very original. I look forward to reading more.

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