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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2317385
The group was supposed to find the defendant with beings had altered DNA .
         The shuttle arrived there. There were remains of trees that had grown up in the desert, the deciduous trees were without leaves on them. The shuttle arrived on the ground, the earth was a waste land. There were buildings made of stone and sand was perhaps appeared vacant. The crew looked through the windows of their shuttle to arrive there, they saw no sign of life there. The satellite showed that the people should have been here. It looked desolate and barren of life.

         The squad walked out of the shuttle were it lay was a flat surface of desert sand, the dirt still was slowly falling back to the ground. The squad walked out, wearing their armor. The ground was covered in sand and there were trees barren of leaves rose from the ground they looked as if they were reaching for the sky as if to pluck something out of the air.

         They knew that the humans who were here, were hid inside of places where their radar could not penetrate their protection of what they used to protect them from being seen.

         It looked as if there was nothing there to be seen, by the radar that the satellite had on them. Their radar was ground penetrating, but it did not reveal what they could see with their eyes. The officers on the comm link at the satellite were watching the area intently looking for signs of the human's revealing themselves in their radar beams. They did not detect any sign of them being here.

                   The soldiers had emerged from their shuttle to see what was before the ship, there were mountain ranges that were visual there. The range was covered in black craters that revealed no signs of life. It looked so quiet so still. That there was nothing that they could imagine there. Sandra was given armor with binocular vision on the visor, she turned to her right. Her eyes saw something that moved there.

         It was radiating heat there. It was perhaps a mammal there, it had pointed ears, a snout that protruded from its face, with a flat nose. It looked to have been a wolf or a dog, She was not sure of what she was looking at it. She lifted her laser rifle to her shoulder to point at on the ridge of the mountain. As soon as he rifle arrived at her shoulder.

         She was driven into the air. She tumbled back spilling across a dune. She felt something hammer her in the chest cavity, she felt something lift sway from her. Her left side of her chest stung as if she had been stung by many hornets at once, she lifted her hand on her lest side to reach for her chest there. She felt heat through her armor, there were scratches on her armor there, there was an indentation on her chest there. She could not draw in another breath just yet. She felt what seemed like small poker head having touched her chest there in a small place, she felt something spill and run from there to run down her body. She now felt a chill register on her chest, where this poker had touched down on her.

         "What the hell hit me?" she asked as she tried to lift her head from the sand, Her hand touched down on the scratched surface, fluid ran from the hole in her armor.

         "I don't know. Sat do you see him?" her sargent asked as he began to fall on the ground along with the other soldiers.


         The officer looking through the satelite feed said,"I see nothing there?" The officer lifted his head from the screen to see the other officers looking confused at him/ They could not see or imagine what he did not see. They watched as the soldier was lifted from her feet to arrive on her back. She had been driven seven feet backwards, and into the air.

         The other soldiers there sprang to the ground, they lifted their weapons up and pointed in the direction where the shot had come from. They looked through their sights to see if thay could find the shooter.

         The hole was a center meter in width. The medic crawled across where Sandra lay, There was some blood on the surface, bubbles appeared on the surface of the armor. The medic said,"What the hell did they shot her with."

         "She's wounded. We have to carry her to a retreival vehicle to get her back to the HQ." the medic said over the comm.

         "That will expose us to whoever is here. Our presence here is not to be exposed, you think our arrival here will not expose us to whoever in hunting us here. I think, they know that we are here," the sargent said, as he looked at the medic. The medic grit his teeth and looked at him with disbelief.

         The medic said, "I know, but I don't think I know, how we can get her out of here."

"Maybe we can work out a deal for her to stay alive, Do you understand me," the sargent said as he looked into the unwavering eyes of the medic.

"We have to do something to keep her alive, do you hear me! We have to keep her alive. Do you understand me,"


"Have to go where the shot had come from? It is our only chance of staying alive here."

"How do you think, their going to act as we try and kill them. I think they'll object to that. I certainly would if I was them."

They began to crawl toward the place where the shot has come from. Their eyes saw a small protrusion there, there was a jutting rock over this place, one of the officers saw a muzzle of a rifle and a figure kneeling there. The figure looked to have been maybe sixteen years of age. The figure wore a tshirt, and some jeans.

As they crawled toward this place, the ridge grew in size and width. It looked as if it was a lot larger than it should have been, the ridge had wooden braces to keep the roof from falling in on them.

The figure holding the rifle began to crawl away from the people who were coming towards him. He was afraid, his chin had some stubble on it, hie eyes were blood shot. He looked as if he had been drenched in the debrie here, hia skin looked exactly like the earth here. His nails were long, and jagged.
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