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My journal and blog
My name is Billie Gail Stanley-Lackey-Turknett. I am a Christian fiction writer and I write poetry. I am currently working on two books. One called My Brother's Keeper about three brothers back in the western days that struggle to make it through their own personal journey and helping their mother through her own struggles as well. Their dad is lost in the war and another man is plotting to steal their ranch and their mother.

The other about a lady that has been put through hell during her childhood and through her first marriage. She accepts Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior but has to learn to forgive her abusers fully and completely.I hope the book's title will remain "Forgiven" but, you know how some places are. They like to change the titles.

I am a member of The East Texas Writers Guild and I have been able to meet writers and read their work. I can't wait to be in that minority one day.

The song below is one of my all time favorites because of all the changes I have gone through with my sons. I love them heart and soul. Some changes were good and some weren't. I don't regret a second of it all though.
{link:<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/A6i1ywioIm0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>}

I am a Sinner saved by His mercy and grace. I am married to Bobby Turknett. I live in the tiny town of Slocum, TX. I have three sons. Marshall Lackey, Otis (Odie) Lackey III who is married to Courtney Bohannon-Lackey and they have one son, Kason, and one son on the way, Tucker. Then there is Cheyenne Lackey who is married to Danielle Willeford-Lackey and they have one daughter, Abbigail. I have two brothers (one passed away) Bobby and George Stanley II who is married to Rebekah Stanley and they have four kids together George Stanley III, Madison Stanley, Matthew Pendley, and Nate Stanley. My sister, Kimberley Stanley-Bailey lives in Michigan with her husband, Kevin Bailey. They have three daughters together. Jessica Stanley-Robbins, Robin Bailey, and Casey Bailey. I have a wonderful Mom, Susan Gail Lamb-Stanley-Lawhon and a great stepfather, Briggs (Skip) Lawhon.

I attend Evangelistic Temple in Palestine, TX and I have a ministry called Assisted Living and Nursing Home Readers program where I go into Assisted living centers and nursing homes and read to patients. I believe in paying it forward. These unique people did so much for us in this country and we owe them something for that.

I am a poet but, I have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. I am studying several books and watching a lot of youtube videos to get a grasp on what it takes to write right. I also joined this site to learn all I could about writing and it has been a struggle learning how to get through this site but, I am sure I'll get it all down soon.

Everyone here has been so helpful and I am grateful. I hope that I can manage to become half the writer some of the people here are. I will feel accomplished if I am able to do just that with my writing.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will read more in the future.

Billie Turknett

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October 20, 2014 at 2:43pm
October 20, 2014 at 2:43pm

Prompt: What's so special about October 20? Why is October 20 special? One reason is that it is National Brandied Fruit Day, but there must be at least 100+ more reasons why October 20 is special. Can you tell us one of those reasons? Be creative and have fun.

It is the day I got my loan to get my Tahoe. I go pick it up tomorrow in Henderson. I am so excited about it. It is black with captain chairs, sun roof, DVD player with wireless headphones, heated seats, CD player and cassette player, plenty of room in the back, seats seven adults comfortably, and it's mine. I can't wait.
Blog City

Prompt: Annoying Habits: yours, a loved one's or just one that drives you bonkers.

Smacking while you eat drives me nuts and my husband does this. I don't say anything because I don't want to hurt his feelings, but when go out to eat with other people I tend to regret not saying anything to him about it because it is embarrassing. He eats with his mouth open as well which is another pet peeve of mine. I really have to ask myself what is more important though. The man as a whole or the little things and I have to take the man because he is unbelievable. He really is a blessing to me. I feel bad for him because his teeth don't line up like normal teeth do. He has an under bite, so that makes it hard for him to eat like normal people do, so I just let it go and forget about it and try not to listen or watch him eat.
30-Day Bloggers

I did it! I quit smoking again. I have to give all the glory to God though because I did nothing on my own. Only through prayer did I manage to quit smoking. I turned it all over to Him and quit worrying about smoking and it worked. I really didn't think it would, but I just prayed about and it just left me. The need to smoke just left me and didn't enter my mind again, but a couple of times. I am glad I don't smoke because it stinks and I watched my father die of lung cancer and it is the most heart wrenching disease to die from. You go from being this vivacious person to this skeleton of a person who can't do a thing for yourself and your chest caves in and you eventually just die. You lose your hair, your eye sight, the feeling in your limbs, and the ability to have control over your bodily functions, it is a horrible disease and if I can save my kids the heart ache of that then I will.

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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 18, 2014 at 9:58am
October 18, 2014 at 9:58am

Prompt: Your ship has just wrecked on a deserted island. What skill do you have that will make you useful to the group?

I use to be pretty good at reading animal prints pretty well and how long the animal had been gone. Helps with hunting them. I can set traps, but it has been a long time since I made any.

Blog City

My First Flight: You might be moved by the sheer technology of it or the travel abilities that it affords. Let's see if you can connect with the excitement and the mystery and how it has changed your view on travel.

I've never flown, but I'd love to fly to Scotland or Ireland. I believe flying has changed the way of traveling like no other way of traveling ever has done before. Trains were once the life changing way to travel, but the air plane has really turned the industry on its head. I'm not saying I won't be afraid to fly, but I can't wait to get on one and head to the destination of my choice.

30-Day Bloggers

If you are not a grandparent, I am here to tell you there is nothing like it in the whole world other than being a parent yourself. That is just what I want to talk about today. Which is easier to do? Be a grandparent or be the parent? I am only talking about when you are watching the kids, not when the parents have the kids. Was it easier for you to tend to your own children when they were fussy or teething than it is your grandchildren or does the fact that you are sending them home at the end of the day or the next day help calm your nerves and get you through the situation.

My grandson cries a lot and I mean a lot. I find it is harder for me than it was for my own kids at that age because the parents have their reasons why the baby cries and you have yours and you can't act on yours because you will upset the parents. That is what makes it tough. Do you ever find yourself in this situation and what do you do about it?


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 17, 2014 at 4:57pm
October 17, 2014 at 4:57pm

Prompt: Oprah Winfrey said, "So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground." Do you embrace failure?

I don't embrace it well, no I don't. I am sorry to say. When I fall down I get right back up again to try my hand at something else. I don't believe I'll do that with a book though. I am going to put up too many stopping points along the way. I am going to ask people from wide demographic to read my book and give their honest opinions. I am a member of a writers group, a member of WDC, and a critique group. With all these points I just hope that this book that I am writing will be published.

Blog City

Prompt:Tell us about your favorite costume from childhood.

Alternate Prompt: Orange is a color that people either hate or love: tell us how you feel about it.

I don't like the bright orange you have to wear when you go hunting, but I love the cream orange and the orange of flames as they dance in a fire. Orange can be beautiful just like any other color. I love the various degrees of orange you see during he fall. Fall happens to be my favorite time of the year thanks to the color orange and all that orange can do to a field or group of trees. Just beautiful.

30-Day Bloggers

Funny Friday

There was nothing funny about this Friday, but there was something kind of funny about my Thursday. I am expecting a check to be automatically deposited into my account and they told us this three different times, so we had our bank looking all over the place for this check that was three days late being deposited. Come to find out they mailed it and we had our bank searching for nothing.

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 16, 2014 at 4:35pm
October 16, 2014 at 4:35pm
Blog City

Prompt: You are making a magic brew. What does it do?

It is a special brew made from angel wings. It repairs the memory of those with Alzheimer's and those that suffered from strokes. It also helps to heal those that suffer from hurts done to them by others that need to learn to forgive and let go.


What would you do if it physically rained cats and dogs? How would life be different?

I'd be the person trying to find them homes every day. I can't stand to see an animal without a home. Here is a poem that makes me cry every time I read it.

Don’t close the door! Don’t push me away.

Why are you leaving?

Don’t make me stay.

Slow down the car, I can’t keep up.

This pavement is hot and my pads are cut.

I’ve got to quit running or my heart will pop.

Every muscle is aching.
Why don’t you stop?
I’m so hungry and thirsty. Darkness is near.

But I shouldn’t leave, he will come for me here.

Several weeks have passed, I am dead on my feet.

They call me a nuisance because I eat off the streets.

Every car that passes, I chase it to see
If it’s my master coming for me.

Though I approach those that come near
With trust in my eyes and no sign of fear.

With hate in their voices and a cold, heartless stare,
They threaten to kill me – they don’t even care.

Batter my body with rocks that they throw,
I will not leave, he will come, don’t you know?
Overtaken with weakness, my body is numb.

I’m sick and so lonely.
Oh please, let him come!
I will go back where he first threw me out.

I’ll wait for him there, he will come, no doubt.

My thoughts are fading. My chest feels like lead.

I’m sleepy, so sleepy – I can’t lift my head.

It’s so quiet, so peaceful — all remains still.

There is my master at my home on the hill.

Yes, I can see him, he’s calling my name.

His voice is so gentle, his hands are the same.

He decided he wants me. Things will be fine.

I really do love him, that master of mine.

My tail wags with pleasure. I can’t catch my breath.

He came in my dreams, but so did my DEATH!!

_________________________________________________________30-day bloggers


I am not good at having to make decisions. I hem haw around about it and debate it in my head. I let others determine what I do most of the time. I am getting better and better with it, but I am not where I need to be. I don't like being this way and wish that I was like my husband who can make a decision right away and stick to it without anything to it. If someone gives me options I am stuck for life. I can't do options. I will do what the other person wants to do every time.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 15, 2014 at 4:54pm
October 15, 2014 at 4:54pm

Prompt: Write a story, poem, or song about a town called Drywater. If you want to place the town in a specific state, country, or planet go right ahead.

Martha steps out of the shower and starts drying off when her husband calls her name. "Martha, what town is this again?"
"We are in Drywater, Texas dear," then she closes the bathroom door again. "Real dry water" she says to herself. It didn't matter what moisturizer her soap, shampoo, and conditioner had in it, it didn't moisturize at all. Her skin felt sun burned and dried out. She couldn't run her hand down her arm without skidding in several places. She had to lotion up after every shower here and she hated it, but she loved the little quaint town.

Martha and Matt, her husband, go to speak to the manager of the hotel about the water problem. "Hello, may we speak to the manager."
"Sure, I'll be right back," the lady behind the desk says. They see a balding, overweight man approach the desk in a pinstriped suit. He stuck out his hand in greeting and said "Hello, I am Doug House and I am the Manager of Drywater Inn. How may I help you today?"
"Hello," Martha said. "I'm Martha and this is my husband, Matt Lindinger. We noticed you have a hard water problem here and wanted to know if was all of Drywater that had that problem or just a few places? See we are looking to buy here and don't want hard water problems."
"I am sorry that you are being put out because of our hard water. I'd like to comp you a night on us for that."
"Oh, no. Nothing like that. We are happy to be staying here. We love it here at the Inn. You don't have to do that, really." Martha and Matt said together.
"No, I want to. See the problem is it takes a special piece of equipment to stop hard water and it is expensive for just one house and this is an entire hotel. We just can't afford it. Since you will be moving here and I am afraid all of Drywater, that is why it is named Drywater as well, is suffering with the same problem, but many families have this equipment. You can go to the hardware store and Andy can price it for you there."
"We thank you for your time and information. We are about to go house hunting now and window shopping. I love this little town!" Martha squeaked.

Blog City

Prompt: Twenty years from now, what song will remind you of the summer of 2014?

All summer long by Kid Rock

30-Day Bloggers

Negative campaigning

I live in America. Home of the negative campaigning and terrible slogans. We have politicians that deserve to be caught and fried, but that should not be done the way it is done today. I don't know how they could do it because they are public figures and role models and have to lead us into victory with a clean record and if they don't they need to be cast out. Maybe there should be a board they could go before that would cast them out instead of doing it on national TV. You would think that the risk is so high that the people would never take a chance at being caught, but they do it anyway. I'll never understand them.

I hate to watch TV and see their ads come on. It is always this guy did this or didn't do that. America is the capital of crappy ads like that. I don't know of any other country where they play as dirty as we do in politics, but then I don't watch them either. I am ashamed when our country men behave that way. I want to hit them over the head with a coke bottle. Knock some sense into their heads.

Another thing that gets my goat is that only half of our country votes yet they complain. I have a saying and so do many others in this country. If you don't vote you have no right to complain about what goes on in the government. If this other half would vote then we could get some decent people in there. We wouldn't have this want to be dictator in the White House right now.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 14, 2014 at 9:45pm
October 14, 2014 at 9:45pm

Today is Ada Lovelace Day. I bet you are wondering who she is, I'll give you one hint~ She's Lord Byron's daughter Augusta Ada Bryon she was raised by her mother Annabelle. She is a powerful symbol for womanhood. Do you know what she is noted for doing? Did you know about this woman? Did you know October 14th, was celebrated in her honor?
If you would rather talk about her famous father I would love to read that too.

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace,was an English mathematician and writer. Known for Charles Babbage's early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine, and the first algorithm, and because of this she is known as the worlds first computer programmer. She was the only child of the poet Lord Byron and his wife Anne Isabella Byron. She had other siblings, but they were born out of wedlock to other women.

Blog City

Prompt: Let's talk about Halloween candy. Favorite, worst, or fond memories of a particular treat - share with us.

As a kid my favorite was candy corn and suckers. I could live on those things and they were cheap, so people bought them by the pound. I remember every year there were rumors of razor blades being put in apples, so we couldn't eat them until our parents looked our apples over very well. They also looked our candy over for needle holes. We still do that with our kids today. It is better to be safe than to be sorry.
30-Day Bloggers

October's weather

I love October's weather. It is cool and sometimes cold. We don't get that much here in Texas, so we soak it up when we do get it. Jackets fly off the shelf here at cold weather because we love to pretend we are cold when in fact it rarely ever gets below sweater weather.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 13, 2014 at 11:39pm
October 13, 2014 at 11:39pm

Prompt: "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities." - Dr. Seuss
Write something about this quote poem, story, or nonsense. Be creative and have fun.

Dr, Seuss is a loose goose.
He flies around in a caboose.
He waves his spaghetti like arms.
Toots his locomotive horn.

Dr. Seuss comes from a wonder filled land.
Where deer are pets and cats are wild.
Dr. Seuss is a silly old goose.
Always running around on the loose.
Blog City

Prompt: Think of something (book, movie, song or the like) that you once loved but over time it lost its appeal to you. Tell us about it and why did your feelings for it change.

I love to be scared as much as the next guy or gal, but when it comes to Nightmare on Elm Street, I could not take it anymore. I loved watching the first two movies, but after watching the second one I started having nightmares real bad. Now, I can't seem to watch Jason or any other movie like theirs anymore because it does something to me. I am really scared like it is real life and it is happening to me. I had to give it up. Something in me just broke one day. I could not take the pain that was being inflicted on the humans in the stories that were being told, I guess. I can't watch any movies with Jews being led to slaughter or anything like that. I cry for them, I hurt for them, and I rage against their captors. Jesus died for every single person on this planet and I can't stand to see a one of them hurting and especially by another's hand.
30-Day Bloggers

Wildcard Mondays!: To free a day of the week up for some more interesting prompts, Mondays will now be a quite unpredictable! *Bigsmile* Prepare to think on your toes! *Smirk* Prompts will be a mix of anything I can think up. You may be prompted to write persuasive articles, quote analysis pieces, current world event summaries, or general writing adages.

Drivers. I am beginning to agree with my husband and the rest of the men in my family. I am in a group full of women and we have to ride together to get to the meetings. When they drive they scare me to death! When I ride with the men in my family they just make me impatient because they do everything right! I know I am not the best driver in the world, but I thought there would, at least, be some other good women drivers out there, but looks like all the eggs in this basket are bad.

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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#2006684 by Not Available.

'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 11, 2014 at 7:37pm
October 11, 2014 at 7:37pm
Blog City

Victor Hugo said: "Intelligence is the wife, imagination is the mistress, memory is the servant." Do you feel that your memories work for you, or do you feel beholden to your memories?

Definition of beholden:being under obligation for a favor or gift : indebted <I'm beholden to you>
I had to look that up to be sure of the exact meaning of the word. I'd say that it depends on which memories we are talking about. I am beholden to some and not to others. Some are good while some are not so good. This is a tough one for me because I have memory problems, so I don't have a lot of late memories to go off of and the newer memories are all mixed up. I don't, however, feel as though my memories work for me, but then I don't think I am completely understanding the question.

Prompt: What specific companies or types of businesses are you extra cautious about because of their shady behavior?

Fortune five hundred, government, state, stock market, entertainment (moives, music), lotto system, etc... There is an eclectic mix written there because there is an eclectic group of businesses out here in the real world that you have to deal with on a daily basis.

30-Day Bloggers

Creation Saturday: A creative writing prompt from the War Chest will be used. Challengers are encouraged to write a poem or story.

For my granddaughter, Abbigail, who lives many miles away from me.

Your growing
Without my ever knowing
Oh the miles, the many miles,
try to pull and tear at our hearts.
But I will hold strong
I will never let go
I will love you forever more
Nothing, not even the miles that separate us,
can keep our hearts apart.
October 10, 2014 at 9:41pm
October 10, 2014 at 9:41pm
Blog City

Let's talk~ How do you start conversations with strangers? What topics do you avoid? Is it easier with one gender or another?

I don't usually start conversations with strangers because I am not the out going type of person that tends to do that sort of thing. I am introverted and shut off. I have anxiety issues and being around strangers makes me shut down. It takes a person getting to know that person for me to get to know them. Through a third party. I just don't put myself out there.

When I do talk to them most subjects are up for conversation. I am not shy about what I believe in or why I believe a certain way. If they don't like me for who I am then that is there problem, but then I have this "like me" "like me" button in side of me that gets pushed when I meet people and I want them to like me, but I just can't pretend to be who I am not just so they will like me.

It is easier with males because they cut through all the crap and get down to business. Women are just too judgmental for my liking and they have a hard time finding a great friend because most can't be a great friend. This has been my experience, so please don't get mad at me and think I am judging you guys.


Let's talk about the psychology of fright. What do so many people enjoy about being terrified? Discuss the physical and emotional needs that are filled through this experience.

Excitement. People don't have enough excitement in their lives, so they turn to doing crazy things or watching really scary stuff or even doing really scary stuff. It could be not traveling enough in life, boring love life, dead end job or no job, it could be just whatever.

Do you know that most of the people I know that love being scared to death are wimps. They love scary movies, but need someone to stay with them if they have to be alone that night. I think it is too funny. What makes a person do this to themselves is beyond me, but I am the same way. I love being scared, but I wouldn't want my children doing some of the things I'd be willing to do.
30-Day Bloggers

Funny Friday: A funny prompt, usually from the War Chest.

I am just getting the hang of the rules of 30 day and what days are for what. I have been blogging just whatever, but I will try to stick to the rules from here on out even though I am not, in any way, funny.

Tonight I had to call customer service because my website payment was due and my payment wasn't going through in Paypal for some reason. We kept checking everything and could not figure it out, so she was going to email this instruction sheet that explains how to add a credit card to my billing thing and she kept calling my email address something other than what it was called. We kept going around and around with this for about fifteen minutes and she finally asked me how I could have possibly set my website up without this email. I told her I set it up through this other email and that is when she realized my website email address was forwarded to my gmail account. It was exhausting, but kind of funny in the end.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 9, 2014 at 10:06pm
October 9, 2014 at 10:06pm
Blog City

Prompt: They say you can't go home again. {After leaving a home you grew up in for years.} Do you agree with this staement?

I agree. There is just too much water under the bridge or too much time has passed. You have changed, your parents have changed. Nothing is as it was and you can't be sent to your room when you get on their nerves, but I do agree that you can get that feeling back. When you feel safe and secure In the bosom of your family. When you walk back into your room and your parents have kept it as it once was and you find that safety of feeling like a kid again. When everything is taken care of for you and all you have to do is get up, play, and go to bed. I believe you can go home again.


Prompt: Which of the four seasons best fits your personality?

Fall because of all of the changes that takes place. The brilliant colors, cooler weather, leaves changing, and so much more. Fall has so much to offer and it has the best holiday's. I am bipolar, so that is another reason fall resonates with me so much. I change all the time and I love change in the seasons.

30-day Bloggers

I had my nails and toes done today and I am here to tell you that I have been having the toughest time spelling with these things on. Everything has extra letters included or excluded. My toes hurt from them digging around in there and I just don't know about going back. I say that every time though. I love having the nails, but I hate the maintenance of them. Anyone else ever feel that way?


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~

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