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My journal and blog
My name is Billie Gail Stanley-Lackey-Turknett. I am a Christian fiction writer and I write poetry. I am currently working on two books. One called My Brother's Keeper about three brothers back in the western days that struggle to make it through their own personal journey and helping their mother through her own struggles as well. Their dad is lost in the war and another man is plotting to steal their ranch and their mother.

The other about a lady that has been put through hell during her childhood and through her first marriage. She accepts Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior but has to learn to forgive her abusers fully and completely.I hope the book's title will remain "Forgiven" but, you know how some places are. They like to change the titles.

I am a member of The East Texas Writers Guild and I have been able to meet writers and read their work. I can't wait to be in that minority one day.

The song below is one of my all time favorites because of all the changes I have gone through with my sons. I love them heart and soul. Some changes were good and some weren't. I don't regret a second of it all though.
{link:<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/A6i1ywioIm0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>}

I am a Sinner saved by His mercy and grace. I am married to Bobby Turknett. I live in the tiny town of Slocum, TX. I have three sons. Marshall Lackey, Otis (Odie) Lackey III who is married to Courtney Bohannon-Lackey and they have one son, Kason, and one son on the way, Tucker. Then there is Cheyenne Lackey who is married to Danielle Willeford-Lackey and they have one daughter, Abbigail. I have two brothers (one passed away) Bobby and George Stanley II who is married to Rebekah Stanley and they have four kids together George Stanley III, Madison Stanley, Matthew Pendley, and Nate Stanley. My sister, Kimberley Stanley-Bailey lives in Michigan with her husband, Kevin Bailey. They have three daughters together. Jessica Stanley-Robbins, Robin Bailey, and Casey Bailey. I have a wonderful Mom, Susan Gail Lamb-Stanley-Lawhon and a great stepfather, Briggs (Skip) Lawhon.

I attend Evangelistic Temple in Palestine, TX and I have a ministry called Assisted Living and Nursing Home Readers program where I go into Assisted living centers and nursing homes and read to patients. I believe in paying it forward. These unique people did so much for us in this country and we owe them something for that.

I am a poet but, I have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. I am studying several books and watching a lot of youtube videos to get a grasp on what it takes to write right. I also joined this site to learn all I could about writing and it has been a struggle learning how to get through this site but, I am sure I'll get it all down soon.

Everyone here has been so helpful and I am grateful. I hope that I can manage to become half the writer some of the people here are. I will feel accomplished if I am able to do just that with my writing.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will read more in the future.

Billie Turknett

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November 3, 2014 at 4:00pm
November 3, 2014 at 4:00pm

Prompt: Use this quote from one of Michael J. Bugeja's poems as inspiration: "a place the poem just left".

I read a poem the other day that touched me in a special and unique way. I had a revelation while reading it. The author wrote it in such a way as to have it seem like a phoenix rising out of the ashes. A part of my life that holds me back or is a destroyer unto myself was healed a little or maybe a lot, I can't tell just yet, and I have to say that this poem holds the power to change lives. Especially lives like mine.
Here is the poem I am taking about.
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Blog City

Prompt: Have you ever been cruel to be kind? For example, have you told someone the truth, knowing you would upset them? If you don’t want to write about yourself, you can always generalize.

Yes, I had to. We watch our grandchildren a lot and it got to where it was an everyday occurrence. My son worked out of town two weeks and home two weeks, so he didn't know. My daughter-n-law would go to bars, parties, and just hang out with her friends while my son was gone. Well other people started talking about how much we had the kids and it got back to my son. To top it off one of my other sons asked me about it and I was honest about it and he was a little upset about it since I have a lot of health problems. He said something to his brother about it and my d-n-l went ballistic when she was confronted by her husband and the rumors. They called us over and she kept telling us that we had the kids one time a week when we had them four or five times a week. I had to be honest about it and it just about destroyed our relationship because she looked at like it was betrayal.

30-Day Blogging

Today I wanted to get online and take care of some things, so I jumped in front of my laptop and went to typing only realize I had limited internet access. It finally petered out after a few minutes and then died. I noticed a new internet connection, but it was limited as well. I tried the connection since it was open and my computer instantly started acting weird with bells and whistles going off. My virus blocker started blocking viruses left and right. I got off immediately and called my internet and phone company.

They came out and discovered that someone high jacked my modem. Changing the password, name, and inner workings. Not even the tech could do anything with it. He was blocked at every turn. One of my neighbors or someone messing with me is close enough to my house (this morning) and knew enough about computers and gizmos to jack with my computers. I am uncomfortable now with my neighbors and I don't like living here anymore. This is not the first time this has happened, but not in this exact way. A few times before my neighbors tapped into my systems. I only know of two neighbors that are computer literate enough to do this and one is a single man that is like a hermit and another family that live on the computer and they have a house full of them. It could be either one, but it didn't start until these new people moved in. I know nothing about them though, so I can't say if it is them or not. I just know it is irritating and freaky.


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
November 1, 2014 at 8:44pm
November 1, 2014 at 8:44pm

Prompt: How good are you at managing finances? What things do you feel are a waste of money? What things will you not skimp out on?

I can manage money just fine, but do I do it? No, I don't. I am terrible at it. I forget to write things down, I am a spur of the moment shopper, I buy things I don't need. My house is filled with unnecessary things that I'll never use. I own more books than a small library and they are not selling on Ebay and Amazon like they use to. As a matter of a fact I have not sold a book in months from either site and I don't ask a lot for my books. I am a sympathizer as well. I see someone selling something on the corner and I feel like I am hurting their feelings if I don't buy from them. I am the same way at Wal-Mart. I feel like I have to buy something at every location I stop at because of these feelings I get about hurting their feelings. My husband is Exasperated with me over all of it. I am also the same with websites. I feel like I owe them something, so I buy their product. I am working on it, but not fast enough. I just bought a new car and the payments are going to kill us if I don't get a handle on this spending.

Blog City

Prompt: If you had to get locked in some place (book store, grocery store, a church, amusement park, etc) overnight alone, where would you choose to be locked in?

I need to be locked in a church, but I'd choose a book store. I am always thinking that I need to be on my knees before my Father in heaven asking for forgiveness and I do, but I also love to read more than anything else. I love to listen to books as well. I get lost in my books for hours and hours without doing anything else. Here lately it has begun to become a problem. I have gotten lazy. My house needs my attentions.

30-day bloggers

Today is a sad day for me. My beloved pet, Maddy, died today. She was a full blood black lab and she was 13 years old. She finally died of what we don't know, but it ate here alive. She couldn't walk or move around in the end and we were going to have her put down, but lucky for us God took her in time for us not to have to do that. I will forever miss her. She came to me after my pet, Queeny, was taken by a mountain lion. Maddy looked just like Queeny and I fell in love with her at first sight. I wanted Queeny back so bad that it did not matter that I was filling her role in my life with Maddy. Maddy made her own place in our lives though, separate from Queeny. She was always a shining beacon in the darkness. I hate losing pets. I have one more dog, Riley, and two cats left. After that we don't want anymore animals. They are just too hard to lose, but I am afraid of not having one as well. I am so use to having an animal in my life. I will see how it goes. My husband is set on no more animals, but me... I will have to see.

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 31, 2014 at 6:00pm
October 31, 2014 at 6:00pm

What traditions or customs exist where you ? Is there mumming and guising? Is there trick or treating? Are there festivals?

We have a traditional fall festival in town where the local businesses showcase their work and try to get more customers. Others show their handmade items, others try to get you to buy in on those vacation spots, and there is just so much more. It is like you imagine any festival would be.

We do have trick or treating here and I have never heard of mumming and guising before. We let our nieces and nephews trick or treat us, but we live so far into the country that we rarely see any children at all on Halloween.

Do you see this as a Pagan celebration? If you live where this is not celebrated is this custom similar to this that you would like to share.

I do see it as a pagan celebration and it wouldn't bother me in the least to see it disappear from our history. I know what you are saying "but you are participating in it!" and I'll be the first to admit I am being a hypocrite about it, but my faith in God tells me this is a pagan celebration, but I am a fallible human and I have grandchildren who love Halloween, so what is a Nano to do?

Blog City

Let's talk about trends: In my grandmother's house she had all kinds of white milk glass decorative vases and bowls everywhere. I thought they were ugly. I am not a fan of white. What about yours? At the time, it didn't seem ugly. Like most trends, it was in fashion, and everyone was doing it -- What three popular trends that are happening now do you think will not survive.?

I don't keep up with trends and I am out of the loop on this one. I am not sure, but I will go with cut out should tops in shirts for women. They are ugly and look like big droopy eyes. Designer Puns. As a lover of wordplay, this pun abuse is deeply disheartening. And holographic. We get it: you’re so far out you’re practically galactic. Please, come back to earth.

Bonus question: When you were a kid did houses decorate for Halloween like they do now? Is this another trend or do you think it will last?

They have always decorated and it seems to be that they are doing it more so now than then. I don't know if that has something to do with the mass production of products for display available today rather than back then or not.

30-day bloggers

Happy Halloween my fellow writers. I want to write about Halloween from a more personal standpoint today. I struggle with being pulled in two different directions. I believe that Halloween is a pagan tradition and founded in the roots of evil and that I should not have anything to do with it at all. Satan uses this holiday to teach and encourage our children to dabble in black magic and the dark arts. I am also a grandma and a mom, who use to take her kids trick or treating and had a blast. My grandchildren love to trick or treat. They are innocent in all of this and don't understand the facts. Should I continue to participate in encouraging them to trick or treat or stand strong in my Christian faith and walk away from Halloween once and for all. I will be missing out on my grandchildren's most special holiday.

I know I won't go to hell for this one transgression if I decide to keep encouraging them with this holiday. My God is not a cold hearted god. He loves me and knows my struggles. What I want to know is, is there any others out there with this kind of struggle or debate raging within themselves? How do you reconcile it?


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 29, 2014 at 10:57am
October 29, 2014 at 10:57am

Prompt: Night Writing - Are you a night writer? Use the following quotes as inspiration about night writing.
“At night, when the objective world has slunk back into its cavern and left dreamers to their own, there come inspirations and capabilities impossible at any less magical and quiet hour. No one knows whether or not he is a writer unless he has tried writing at night.” - H.P. Lovecraft

I am a night writer, but now I have to take my medication early and it knocks me out. This keeps me from writing late into the night like I like to do. My imagination is greater at night than in the day. If I took my medication later then I wouldn't get a lot of rest because I wake up early every morning regardless of what time I go to sleep. I write until I pass out which causes me to have mistakes that I end up having to correct the next morning.

Blog City

Halloween! Prompt: Who would you rather live with? The Addams Family or The Munsters?

The Addams family for me because they are funny and laid back. They are always pulling pranks on each other and they have that hairy creature that lives with them and the hand. At least I think that is the Addams family.

30-day bloggers

I am preparing myself for November's writing nano. I have a sponsor finally! I am a little nervous because my time is usually ate up by other things throughout the week, but I have already told everyone that I needed space for the entire month of November. I am excited about getting my book finished, but I don't even know where some of it is headed just yet, but I can always go back and edit it later, right?

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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 28, 2014 at 9:48pm
October 28, 2014 at 9:48pm

Prompt: What do you like to do between coming home and going to bed?

I like to sit and visit with my husband, watch some TV, and read a good book. Then I will get on WDC and blog, check email, and check the forums out.

Blog City

If your life flashed before your eyes, what are 5 moments you know would be included? Bonus points to the monthly blogging if you tie this in with Halloween.

The births of my children, my marriage (wedding), the births of my grandchildren, the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, and any one day of my life that included all of my family together when I was a child. I lost my brother when he was eight, so it would be before that happened. I'd love to relive having him in my life again even if it is only for a moment in time.

30-Day Bloggers

I was recently in a wreck that I lost my dream vehicle in and I have been in mourning over it ever since. Everybody was okay in the wreck, so it is okay that I mourn for my truck. We saved for a long time and searched for a long time for this vehicle and finally found it to lose it three days later. I have great news today though. We thought we would have to save for another four months for a down payment for another truck and look all over for another truck like it, but the dealership had one come in today that turns out to be better than the one we had. We are going through the approval process now. I pray that we get it and that I'll be driving it by the weekend. If you are a praying person, please keep me in your prayers that I am able to get this truck. I am afoot right now with only an older truck that I can't drive very well. I desperately need this truck.
Thank you and God bless


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 27, 2014 at 5:16pm
October 27, 2014 at 5:16pm

Prompt: Write a story or poem about your relationship with food.

I am not any good at coming up with poems with a prompt, but I will give it a go.

Strawberry and grape jams are the best and so is ham
but I don't care for those cans of spam.

Oh how I love bread loaves,
and especially like garlic cloves.

Rich, dark, brown coffee starts my morning right
after I wake from a dream filled night.

Blog city

Prompt: Unique Family Traditions: Do you have any or do you know of one done by another family. Do you feel tradition is important?

Yes, I buy my grandchildren books and a personal ornament each year since the year of their birth. I feel it is important to pass on this tradition to the children. I also always read "T'was the night before Christmas" each year before opening the gifts.

30-day bloggers


Let's see, I have a million things to be grateful for, but the first thing has to be my salvation. I am a 100% condemned sinner, but with the blood of Christ, I am saved and will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.. He forgives me of my sins and let me tell you that I have to try His patience sometimes because I am a sinner through and through. I am not a bad person, but I am a sinner.

I am grateful for my family and friends my health or what I have left of it, and for my pets. I am grateful for the air I breathe, the ground I stand on the water I drink, where I come from,, and hope of tomorrow. There is just a lot to be gracious about and this whole page couldn't list them all if you started interviewing people and getting their thoughts on this subject. The scope is just too big.


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 25, 2014 at 8:41am
October 25, 2014 at 8:41am

Prompt: Today is Pablo Picasso's birthday. He said, "It takes a long time to become young." What do you think this quote means? Do you agree or disagree?

When you are young you just want to be older and when you are older you just want to be young again. When you get to be a certain age you are young at heart and I think that is what he is talking about here.

Blog City

This question may not directly affect you.. but it may affect your children, grandchildren, or siblings. If not you do have the non-prompt option.

What do you think of a two-tiered system. Is it the solution to our education woes?

Were you told college was the only solution to a good career or were you told that a trade was more important?

I don't know anything about the two-tiered system, but I was told while I was in school that the trade school route was the best way to go for most people because college was just too costly, at least it was for my parents. I paid for one of mine to go to the university and two to trade school (all their choice) and I have not regretted it. They all make good money and take care of their families, are happy and well adjusted young men, and I don't regret going to college at a later time in life. I enjoyed it, but I have yet to finish. I will though.

30-day bloggers


Somewhere out there
There is a star shining bright
The sky is dark as night
but the star still shines all the night


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 24, 2014 at 5:04am
October 24, 2014 at 5:04am

Prompt: How did you know you were ready to commit to a blog?

When I realized I had something to say and when I realized I needed all the help I could get with my writing.

Why did you want to start a blog?

Because I am a beginner writer and I thought a blog would help me be creative.

Was it for personal events, writing practice or social connections?

Personal events and writing practice along with creativeness practice.

Did you consider where your blog would be in two years?

Not really. I just started blogging and hoped for the best.

Blog City

Let's talk about personalities. I am told there are 3 specific types:

• Type A, which they labeled as competitive, ambitious, impatient, aggressive, and fast-talking;
• Type B, which is more relaxed and non-competitive, and
• Type C, which is hardworking, but becomes apathetic when faced with stress.

Which one are you? B

Were you always this way or have you changed with circumstances? Always this way.

How many of these tendencies do you now experience?

The personality type theory is based on the behavioral pattern portrayed by an individual. Personality types classify people broadly according to their behavioral traits, attitudes, preferences, way of life, etc. According to one of these personality theories, people are broadly classified into type A and type B personality.

Individuals belonging to type A and B personality are completely opposite to each other. In order to understand the traits of a particular personality type, it is essential to have brief information about the other. Knowing your personality type will help you know whether you are at a risk of suffering from coronary heart disease or not. People belonging to the B type personality can deal with stress, usually do not suffer from anxiety, and hence, are not at the risk of suffering from heart diseases.

Understanding Type B Personality

It is essential to note here that the comparisons between personality types A and B are simply made for better understanding. It is in no way intended to prove that one is better than the other.

Relaxed: One of the major traits of type B personality is that these people do not get irritated or angry easily. They are laid back and relaxed. They rarely tend to be aggressive or frustrated. They are very calm as compared to their highly strung counterparts (type A). They are very patient and usually have a lot of self-control.

Less Stressed: They are not obsessively competitive. Their competitiveness is often productive. These people tend to be productive under stress. People of B type personality tend to plan things in advance before executing them. They rarely complain or fret. They do not obsessively wish to lead the group or be in control of all the situations. They can easily face things and situations as they come.

Flexible: People belonging to type B personality are very much tolerant and flexible. They can comfortably adapt to situations and changes. They may even let go of their habits, routine much easily than their counterparts. They do not mind waiting in a line or waiting to get their work done. They do not suffer from anxiety or extreme temper in these cases.

Emotional and Expressive: They are social and love to be part of a large group. As they are fun loving, people love being in their company. They are emotional, tend to express their feelings and are not indifferent towards others. They usually have a good social life. Relaxation, enjoyment, fun comes very naturally to them. They spend their free time socializing, shopping or having a good time.

Laid Back Attitude: People of type A personality often wish they were working rather than spending their time in leisure; but, the type B individuals are just the opposite. People with B type personality have controlled eating habits and lifestyle. They usually do not have any obsessive compulsive habits.

Procrastinator: On the other hand, people belonging to this type may also be criticized for not following time schedule. They often tend to procrastinate things and do their work at the last moment. Even then, they do not get stressed.

Too Casual: Due to their excessively relaxed attitude, these people are also, sometimes, criticized for being too casual in their approach. Secondly, they may even be overly emotional and lack the ability to take decisions.

Type A and type B personality theory was proposed in the 1950s when studies were carried out to identify behavior pattern that could, possibly, lead to heart diseases. One of the negative aspects of this theory is that the characteristics mentioned for personality types A and B are often limited to middle-aged people. They are also very broadly classified, and hence, may not be applicable in all cases.

Also note that there has been no direct link between personality type and heart diseases. But, studies definitely prove that showing characteristic traits of certain personality type may have a negative effect on your overall health and also on your chances of developing any physical or mental illness. For e.g., being constantly nervous, anxious, stressed or high strung can be detrimental to your health.

The traits mentioned above broadly describe the type B personality traits. They will help in knowing whether you belong to this personality type or not. However, for more detailed and personalized result, you can consult a counselor or a psychologist and undertake a personality test.

Lastly, remember that although the personality type A and type B theory is one of the most popular theories in psychology, it cannot be taken as a foolproof basis to determine whether you suffer from heart diseases or not. Belonging to a particular personality type is not the only reason to induce or avoid heart diseases. Good luck!
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/type-b-personality-traits.html

Were you always this way or have these tendencies increased over time? Your significant other? Or which one do you want for your significant other? I know I ask a lot of questions, answer what you want or all of them. Or use the non-prompt option.


Were you always this way or have these tendencies increased over time? My procrastination has increased over time. I do have to say that I have to have some type A in me because type B usually are not larger people.

Your significant other? My husband is type C and that is fine with e. We get along great.

Or which one do you want for your significant other? Type C is great.

I know I ask a lot of questions, answer what you want or all of them. Or use the non-prompt option.


Describe one of your worse days that has happened lately.

I bought me a brand new suv Tahoe and it saved our lives. The main two lives I was worried about was my son and grandson because the car hit on their side of the vehicle. It was a total loss and we will be upside down on our payments. We will be paying on a car we don't own is what that means, I am terribly upset by it all and all I want to do is cry. Now we have three loans to pay back and no car, so no down payment. I don't know what to do. I am just so devastated.

Let me tell you a little about my Tahoe though. It started from the key chain inside your house, had heat and cold for each side, radios for front and back, had back-up sensors, DVD player, CD player, Sun roof, TV with two wireless headphones and so much more. I could go on and on. I had another Tahoe before and it had heated seats as well as all that listed above. I just love Tahoes.

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 22, 2014 at 8:45am
October 22, 2014 at 8:45am

Prompt: What is your definitions of success?
Alternate Prompt: Write a story or poem about light and darkness.

When you have personally reached a goal or a level that you are comfortable with. You may want to publish one book for now and not a complete set and you make that happen. That is success. Let no one tell you any differently. Just because it is not like the Outlander series doesn't mean it is not a success. It may only sell a couple hundred copies, but it is still a success because it sold one copy. You are a writer and you have a fan.

Blog Ciity

Prompt: What do you look forward to every week?

I look forward to a lot of things. Like, going to church classes, getting on WDC, seeing my grandchildren, seeing my children and d-n-l's, spending Saturday's with my husband, writing in my book a little each week. Life is happening everyday around me and I absorb it in like the desert drinking up the rain.

30-day bloggers

Do you really think that time apart from your loved ones makes the heart grow fonder or do you realize that you could live without them?

I am going on a two week trip to see my son, his wife, and my granddaughter. I know that I will miss my husband so much because I just went on a trip to see my other son and I missed him terribly. So for my husband I would have to say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. As for a few other people, I realize that I could go a lot longer without them bothering me every day.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 21, 2014 at 3:05pm
October 21, 2014 at 3:05pm

They say writing is lonely work. What do you think ? Is that an exaggeration or the truth?

I don't think so. I think it is relaxing, but I like isolation a lot. I could be alone most of the time and not complain about it at all. If all I had to do all day is learn to write and then write, I'd be a happy camper.

Blog City

Prompt: If all tablets and smart phones ceased working, how much impact would this have on your daily life and routines.

Let's see... I don't use my phone that much and I don't understand it either, so it wouldn't bother me much to go back to a regular phone, but to lose the ability to use my laptop... that would be devastating. I am online a lot and I depend on it for so much. I write my books on here and have become so addicted to WDC that I would not know what to do with all of my free time. I guess I could use my desk top computer though if it came right down to it. I like the keyboard a lot better on it anyway. It wouldn't hurt for some of us to lose the electronics for about a week a month and be forced to do something other than look at a screen. We might even meet real people face to face.

30-Day Bloggers

My morning routine is waking up to a huge dose of medications and waiting for them to kick in before I can function. I am in pain all of the time and I depend on them to be able to function. I hate it and I have tried everything else, but there is nothing else to do, so I am stuck. I normally like to turn up the Stereo to a Christian praise and worship station and dance, sing, and praise my King, Jesus Christ. He gets my day going. While I am waiting on my medication I go through my morning devotional and check my email on WDC.

If my grandchildren are here I skip WDC for the morning because I am normally running around getting breakfast ready for them, getting them dressed, fed, and getting cartoons turned on for them. By the time I am done with all that I am in need of a little rest, and so I take a mini break.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~

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