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My journal and blog
My name is Billie Gail Stanley-Lackey-Turknett. I am a Christian fiction writer and I write poetry. I am currently working on two books. One called My Brother's Keeper about three brothers back in the western days that struggle to make it through their own personal journey and helping their mother through her own struggles as well. Their dad is lost in the war and another man is plotting to steal their ranch and their mother.

The other about a lady that has been put through hell during her childhood and through her first marriage. She accepts Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior but has to learn to forgive her abusers fully and completely.I hope the book's title will remain "Forgiven" but, you know how some places are. They like to change the titles.

I am a member of The East Texas Writers Guild and I have been able to meet writers and read their work. I can't wait to be in that minority one day.

The song below is one of my all time favorites because of all the changes I have gone through with my sons. I love them heart and soul. Some changes were good and some weren't. I don't regret a second of it all though.
{link:<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/A6i1ywioIm0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>}

I am a Sinner saved by His mercy and grace. I am married to Bobby Turknett. I live in the tiny town of Slocum, TX. I have three sons. Marshall Lackey, Otis (Odie) Lackey III who is married to Courtney Bohannon-Lackey and they have one son, Kason, and one son on the way, Tucker. Then there is Cheyenne Lackey who is married to Danielle Willeford-Lackey and they have one daughter, Abbigail. I have two brothers (one passed away) Bobby and George Stanley II who is married to Rebekah Stanley and they have four kids together George Stanley III, Madison Stanley, Matthew Pendley, and Nate Stanley. My sister, Kimberley Stanley-Bailey lives in Michigan with her husband, Kevin Bailey. They have three daughters together. Jessica Stanley-Robbins, Robin Bailey, and Casey Bailey. I have a wonderful Mom, Susan Gail Lamb-Stanley-Lawhon and a great stepfather, Briggs (Skip) Lawhon.

I attend Evangelistic Temple in Palestine, TX and I have a ministry called Assisted Living and Nursing Home Readers program where I go into Assisted living centers and nursing homes and read to patients. I believe in paying it forward. These unique people did so much for us in this country and we owe them something for that.

I am a poet but, I have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. I am studying several books and watching a lot of youtube videos to get a grasp on what it takes to write right. I also joined this site to learn all I could about writing and it has been a struggle learning how to get through this site but, I am sure I'll get it all down soon.

Everyone here has been so helpful and I am grateful. I hope that I can manage to become half the writer some of the people here are. I will feel accomplished if I am able to do just that with my writing.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will read more in the future.

Billie Turknett

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October 8, 2014 at 4:06pm
October 8, 2014 at 4:06pm
Blog City

Prompt: Hope Always. Write Anyway. What do you think?

I hope I have a good story in me. I write it anyway and hope that others will read it. I don't get many readers anymore since I am no longer a fresh newbie, but I hope that my new stories that I am working on will draw people in. One is about angels and demons.


Prompt: What would your weapon of choice be in a zombie apocalypse?

I am not sure because I don't know much about weapons, so I will go with an AK47 and a Bazooka.

30-Day Bloggers

Your opinion would be great here, please. I raised sons and my sister raised daughters. My brother is raising both. All of us claim that ours is the easiest to raise and that the other's isn't. I watched my sister go through pure hell with her girls and is still raising her grandchildren. My brother's kids are great, so there is nothing for me to complain about there. My boys gave me some trouble growing up, but nothing like my sister's girls gave her and my friend had three girls as well and her girls still put her through pure hell. What did or do you raise and who do you think is the easiest to raise?


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 7, 2014 at 9:17pm
October 7, 2014 at 9:17pm

Prompt:Tell us about your ideal hayride. What would you bring? Who would be there?

I would wear a good suit made for hay riding with a straw hat and a bouquet of flowers, so I could pass a flower out to every person I ran across to brighten their day or night. I think I would bring a hay rake to tote around with me for good measure. I think it would complete the package. I would want my whole family to be there. My husband, three sons and their families, my mom and her boyfriend, brother, sister, and their families. I have a few friends I'd like to invite. There is Lucy, Dawn, Lorna, Becky, Valory, and Yvonne. That should complete it for me. If I could bring back the dead for one night the list would be very long indeed.

Blog City

Prompt: Ebola. Thoughts?

Not really. I pray that I never come in contact with it or any other disease like it. There has been big news breaks here in our area due to this one black man contracting it in Africa and not being treated the first time he went into the hospital. The hospital says he lied on his paper work and said he had not been anywhere near any Ebola, but the man says he was honest. The people that he came into contact with refused to stay at home under contamination or something like that, so the police had to put guards on them for twenty-four hours a day for a week or two. Now all of the black leaders are coming forth saying there is discrimination in this hospital, but the hospital is known for helping the people in that neighborhood regardless of race or income. They have never had a problem before. I don't know what to believe because it can happen to the best of us. All we have to do is say something wrong one day in the presence of another and be labeled prejudiced. Come to find out the guy picked up a woman that passed out in Africa and took her to a hospital. She had Ebola and he knew it. He came home and went around one hundred people before he finally went into the hospital. I feel like he should be charged for something because he came from a high Ebola area, knew he picked up a lady with Ebola, and contaminated over one hundred people. Lucky for him none of them came down with it after being treated for it by this hospital.

30-Day Bloggers


Fibromyalgia is a nerve disease that affect more women than men and happens more times than not after a major accident or major surgery. That is what happened to me. I was perfectly fine and had to have a hysterectomy. The minute I had the hysterectomy the pain started and never stopped. It burns, stings, throbs, aches, and just generally hurts. It hurts to take a bath or a shower a lot of the time and hot water is bad for fibromyalgia. Taking a shower is like having a hail storm with tiny sharp missals flying at me. It hurts to wear clothes at times. The clothes run my skin that is very sensitive already. There are no answers for us. The only answer that makes any sense to me is what my doctor told me one day. She said that the part of your brain that houses the pain sensor and the nervous sensor gets switched on in a wreck or surgery and something malfunctions and it sticks and stays that way and there is nothing anyone can do about it. A healthy diet seems to help some people and exercise seems to help some, but you have to get through the pain to get through the pain if you get my meaning. It hurts like hell to exercise to "maybe" get some relief, if you're lucky. This is not joke and it sounds like it can't be true, but there are times where it seems that my hair hurts. I know that it is just my scalp that is sensitive, but it seems like if you touch my hair it really feels it and I hurt from it.

I just wanted to share a little about Fibromyalgia with you today. If you have any questions just email me.
God bless

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 4, 2014 at 7:43pm
October 4, 2014 at 7:43pm
Blog City

Prompt: What smells do you connect with autumn? Write a story, a poem or blog to your hearts content about what fall aroma tickles your fancy.

Pumpkin pie is my aroma for fall. It is a beautiful aroma and it brings fall to life for me with it rich smell and enticing odor. There is this thing called the limbic system, which is part of the reptilian brain, the older embryological part of brain that is one of the first to form as a fetus.It is the interface between the brain and the outside world. It is too complicated for me to go into, but I will tell you that smells can and do trigger things such as events in your life. There is a smell associated with very event that happened in your life and when you smell that odor, even years after the event, you are sucked back in time through your sense pathways and this goes for bad memories as well. There is more about it here:

Prompt: Talk about a song, book, or movie that you didn't like at first, but love now.

I'd have to say Noah. I was against it at first because it was preached against at my church and the people I go to church with were so against it. I had heard all this stuff about it, but my son told me to watch it and I'd be surprised to find out that it was closer to my beliefs than I had originally thought. So I bought it and watched and loved the movie. It was not 100% in line with my beliefs, but it was close and I enjoyed the movie.
30-Day Bloggers

I believe I have overwhelmed myself again here on WDC. I have gotten involved in so many activities that I can't possibly participate in them all and I am beginning to be dropped from groups because I can't keep up. I have to figure out which are the most important ones to me and keep at them. I will be here six months this month and so I won't be a newbie anymore. I have to have my crap together. No more free rides or excuses. I probably have over 100 favorites right now and that is the ones I can remember off the top of my head. There are probably twice that many if I would just go check, but I don't want to be honest with myself right now about that because it makes me feel like an idiot for getting this involved with that many places. I am sure others have done it as well, but what do you do about it? What did you do about it?


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 3, 2014 at 10:21pm
October 3, 2014 at 10:21pm
Blog City

I was thinking today about this. How do we strike a balance between self exposure and discretion with our writing. I am sure each of us has a comfort zone but how? Will what we publish hurt someone? Will it embarrass us in years to come? Am I the only one who thinks about this when I write?

I will be publishing something that will expose my father and what he did to me. It is not really exposing him because everyone knows about it and I am writing fiction after all. I just know that everyone will associate what I write with what I went through as a child if they ever read the book. I will not deliberately go after someone to hurt them though. I won't try to ruin someone or shame someone. I have to draw the line somewhere and I draw it there. I will pour my feelings out in my writing, but will always write fiction and will always change the story up so much that no one will know who or what I am talking about when it comes to my personal life. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to "self expose" either. I like being a private person. I don't want the world to know everything there is to know about me. I will be honest about as much as I can be honest about and the rest I will remain silent about because it is my business and no one else's.


People sure have a lot of opinions about washcloths, towels and sheets: whether to use them, how often to change them, when to replace them, how nice they should be, and on and on. What do you think? Let's talk

Washcloths should be placed or hung near the sink so you can wash your face through out the day or your hands and be kept near the shower or tub. They should be used a couple of times by the same person or a couple and then washed. Towels can be used twice by the same person if it doesn't get placed on the floor, and if it does get hung up on a hook. Sheets should be changed once a week to keep the bed fresh and clean. At the least it should be done every two weeks depending on how dirty you are when you go to bed. My husband works in the oil fields and is covered in oil when he comes home, but he takes a shower, so he is good to go, but there are others that shower the next morning (my husband showers the next morning as well) and so the sheets get a little dirtier and should be changed more often.

30-Day Bloggers

Prompt dependence.

I don't believe I am prompt dependent, but it helps a lot. My mind often goes blank and I can't think of anything to write about, so the prompts help. Sometimes I am in a mood to talk about my day or explain something. Sometimes something is on my mind or something happened in the news that is bothering me or with my faith. You never know with me. I am bipolar after all and you never know what mood I will be in from day to day or from moment to moment.


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 2, 2014 at 9:36pm
October 2, 2014 at 9:36pm
Blog City

Prompt: Do you believe in angels?

Yes I do, but not like most people believe in angels. I am with Charles Stanley when it comes to angels. They are warriors for Christ. Not floating babies or dead relatives tucking you into bed each night or standing by your night stand while you sleep, or sitting next to you in your car during a wreck. Angels are here to fight satan's demons and to keep us protected from satan and his army of demons. We are in the middle of a spiritual battle and we don't even realize it. I do believe we have angels guarding us and keeping us safe and being there for us in general. Here is what the bible says:“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them” (Psalm 34:7). Psalm 91:11 tells us, “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. And Hebrews 1:14 says of angels, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” Also in Hebrews, we read that “some have unwittingly entertained angels” (13:2). So, yes, we can entertain angel unawares. The beggar on the street could be Jesus or an angel. Who would want to disappoint Jesus or an angel? I know I wouldn't. Don't think that angels are to be worshipped though. Many people are on the angels worship thing nowadays and it is just wrong. Angels are a little lower than us humans and are not to be worshipped. You won't get to heaven worshipping an angel. You won't get a magic message trying to communicate with an angel either. They are not aliens and won't beam down in a ship to communicate with you one day, but they may show up on the street with an outstretched hand or knock on your door one day in need and I pray to God you help them because by helping them, you help our Master, Jesus Christ.


Prompt: Have you ever accidentally made a terrible first impression on someone? What do you think makes for a good first impression?

I was trying to make a good first impression on someone one day by not being myself and ended up making a bad impression on the one person I wanted to make the good impression on. It took a lot to fix that. I believe that you need to just be yourself. They are going to find out anyway one of these days and if they won't like you then, they won't like you now, so why bother.

30-Day Bloggers


I am disorganized. I want to be organized, but I am also a procrastinator and those two together make one messed up little momma. I have papers everywhere. I have books everywhere. I have stuff everywhere. There is nothing to be done about except spend a week with an organization specialist and get it taken care of. I have thought of it and I am thinking about it again. I desperately need to get this done. My house is getting out of control. Well, I say my house is getting out of control when it is really my computer room and one bedroom, but that is enough. My husband is an organized man and he is not a procrastinator and doesn't understand people like me at all. I don't get people like him. Well, I do, but I just wish they would get people like me and leave us alone. Let us be who God created us to be because I have tried to change and I am just too disorganized mentally to do it. I'm a basket case.


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
October 1, 2014 at 8:30pm
October 1, 2014 at 8:30pm
Blog City

Prompt: If you could be anyone or anything this Halloween, who would you want to be and why?

I'm going to be a clown this year because it will make my grandchildren happy.


Prompt: What is your favorite thing about October? Write a story or poem. Be creative and have fun.

Halloween is my favorite thing about October and the weather. It is so nice and cool this time of the year.

Trick or treat, Trick or treat
Give me something good to eat
Oh, I know. It will rot my teeth
Candy, Candy everywhere.

30-Day Bloggers

No prompt for today.


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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
September 30, 2014 at 9:26pm
September 30, 2014 at 9:26pm

Multiple choice today: Choose one of these topics as your blog topic and tell us what thoughts evoke.
The spanking.
The slap.
The hug.
The handshake.

The handshake. Just think about it for a minute. What does it tell you when you shake someone's hand and it is cold, clammy, and wet? They don't keep eye contact. It tells you that they are nervous. What does it tell you if the handshake is firm, has a good squeeze to it, a solid shake, and they look you in the eye. It tells you that they are confident. Handshakes can make all the difference in an interview or with a first impression. Some times handshakes can show cruelty in a person. You know this by the way they shake and look you in the eye with that evil eye. They shake with that crushing shake, like they are trying to break your bones, or show you they are out to get you. Handshakes are like your face in a way. They show you something about that person and teach you a little about them all at the same time.

Take a look at these examples:

1. “I get it, you’re stronger than me.”
Your hand is not trying to wring all the juice from a lemon, so please don’t attempt to crush every bone in the other person’s hand—it just makes you look like you’re trying to prove yourself.

2. “Oww!”
An overeager shaker can catch the other person by surprise, so by the time the handshake starts, you’ve got one person grabbing on to four fingers. It’s awkward, yes, and painful for the person whose four fingers are being cracked.

3. “Sure, I guess I’ll pretend to care about meeting you.”
Some people liken this shake to a dead fish. It’s limp and apathetic and very awkward for the other person. Don’t give the impression that you’re disinterested—that’s no way to give a greeting.

4. “We’re now bonded together for eternity.”
An eternal handshake usually comes from people who are a little too happy to greet you or who are extremely nervous and forget to let go. You do a few hand pumps…and then some more…and some more…and finally you start to wonder if you’ve just participated in some sort of wedding ceremony.

5. “Bet you didn’t see that one coming!”
Although in most cases we don’t suggest changing who you are just to fit in with the crowd, the handshake is one instance. Most people use their right hands for a shake, and so if you extend your left hand, you end up with a fumbling, awkward encounter that leads to a strange hybrid of a handshake and an old-fashioned Southern Belle’s greeting (charmed, I’m sure). In this one scenario, follow the crowd and use your right hand.

Ultimately, you want people to remember you, not the handshake. Rarely do I remember a good handshake, and even less often do I hear anyone discuss a great handshake. I do remember the bad ones, and I’ve had people ask me if I remember so-and-so because he gave such a strange, awkward shake. In the grand scheme of things, handshakes aren’t the most important part of life. However, in today’s competitive job market, no one wants to get dismissed for something as frivolous as a handshake, so you might as well put your best hand forward.


Blog City

Prompt: Let's go with a creative idea: "Pahligma" - define it

I Googled this book, tried to find it in my dictionary, and searched other websites for it, but was not able to locate it. I don't know what it means.

30-Day Blogging

Plot the perfect crime was the beginning of this series on September 29th.

However day 2 September 30th was supposed to be you proudly acknowledging your success except.... things are happening to you just as you plotted by who because your victim is having everything happen right along with you. How can this be possible? Who, Why?
That's exactly what Norb and I want to know.

My victim, Ms. Sally Rae, sought to poison me for life insurance money, so she could go to a specialist that promised more years to your, already, long life. While I was seeking out my way to kill her, she was filling my tea glass with this poison hoping I would be thirsty when I finished running her bath. I sought to drown her and she sought to poison me. Who would come out the victor in this situation? I am in the bathroom running the water, getting it just right. I came out a minute later and laid out her clothes as I always did. I then helped her into the tub. I then lowered her down to wash her hair and pushed her lower, lower, and lower until she was covered with water. I held her there with little effort. She did not have that much fight left in her at that time. If she had fight she didn't have the strength to fight the fight with. I held her there until the bubbles stopped. I slowly untangled my hands from her hair and dried them off. I didn't raise her up out of the water, not just yet. I had to make sure.
I go to the bed room and make the phone call after working myself into a frenzy, which is not an act anymore, because I am now scared to death of getting caught. I screamed at the 911 operator and paced the room. I am in panic mode and I suddenly feel very thirsty. I go to my tea glass and pick it up and take a drink. It taste especially good today. I drink the entire glass and within minutes I feel tired and I lay down on the bed... I never even know when the emergency crew arrive. I am assumed to have committed suicide because of the tragic happenings of the days events.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
September 29, 2014 at 9:00pm
September 29, 2014 at 9:00pm
Blog City

Prompt:"I had such great plans..."

I had such great plans for today with my mother. It is my deceased brother's birthday and we planned on visiting his grave, bringing him flowers, and spending some quality time together. I was walking out the door when I got a phone call from my daughter-n-law. Her dog was hit by a car and she needed me to bring her my car because her dog is a great dane and would not fit in her little car. I spent the day over at her house baby sitting while she took her dog to the vet to have its leg removed. It was crushed in several places and they could not fix it. She cried like a baby, but I could not blame her. I would cry as well.

She was on her way back and she calls me to tell me my transmission went out on my truck, which I knew was going out, but was hoping it would wait a while. I had to get the kids dressed and meet her half way back and leave my truck at the gas station. I have another truck, so I was going to meet my mom after she dropped me off at home, but my mom had already started doing something else by the time I got home. So my entire day was blown today and I was pretty upset over it. I just came home and laid down for a nap and slept until my husband came home from work. I didn't have the heart to do anything else. I still miss my brother and not getting to go to his grave today depressed me.


September 29 is Confucius Day one his sayings is "By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." - Confucius
Prompt: Write a story, poem, or something about either this saying or Confucius.

I am not any good at this, but I will give it a try. He is the famous one for a reason and I am not for a reason.

I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. By reflection we find ourselves along with wisdom. You get to know who you are and what you believe in. What you stand for and what you will tolerate. By imitation is my favorite because, like he said, it is the easiest. I learn best by imitation. I have a bad memory, so repeating something over and over is how I get it. Now the experience is life experience, I think that is what he is talking about anyway, and that is where the school of hard knocks comes from. You have the best and worst experiences that way. You fall hard and float high. Dig deep or skim the surface. Either way, you learn something new and profound every day through this kind of wisdom.

30-Day Bloggers

Plot the perfect crime.

Take an elderly person and take out life insurance on them for about a year or two or try to be put in their will by taking care of them for several years. Give them a bath when they get bad off and drown them. Tell the cops you walked out to answer the phone and you came back to her or him drown. It might work.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
September 28, 2014 at 3:29pm
September 28, 2014 at 3:29pm
One of my favorites, and there were many, was {entry: 828423} because she showed us some of her work and was honest about how she felt about it, which all of us are. She just seems like such a sweet person and I am drawn to her blog.
My favorite of mine this week is this one. "Invalid Entry because I had so much fun coming up with that story to the alphabet.

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~
September 27, 2014 at 6:36pm
September 27, 2014 at 6:36pm
Blog City

Prompt: The __kids and Bobby_____________ helps me remember. I don't know what helps you but I would like to know....

I have virtually no memory anymore, so my kids and my husband, Bobby, help me to remember the good ole days. Without their help I don't know what I'd do. I'd be without a past. A blank slate being made new everyday. I, often, want to give up on writing because my imagination went with my memory. I have to struggle for inspiration and imagination to write from. It is a struggle everyday and I am, often, tired of it. I feel like I will not be successful due to this problem of mine and I don't know what to do about it. I am reading a book now about natural health and eating that is supposed to help with that kind of thing. I will follow it to the letter if it helps improve my memory and imagination. We shall see.


Prompt: How much does your happiness depend on where you live?

Well, I would have to say that a lot of your happiness depends on where you live because that is where home is and home is more than just a word. It is a place where you grow roots, spread out, be yourself, relax, and so much more. Home is where the heart is and where you long to be when you are away from there. It is the first place you want to take that special person in your life when you want them to get to know you on a more personal level. Your entire personality is wrapped up in your home and who you invite into your space will take a piece of you with them when they leave and know you a little better. Without home you are not complete, so I guess most of your happiness depends on where you live.
30-Day blogging

You've heard people talk about WORST PICK UP LINES. On creation Saturday, we are going to create a scene where one character delivers the worst line to another. You create the worst line and deliver it from characters you created. Have fun!

Jackson walks into the bar and saw Bobbie right away. He had to have her, but he had to come up with something great to get her to notice him, so he walks over to her, after he figures one out and ask her "Did it hurt?" and she just looks at him at first and then she says "What are you talking about." He said "When you fell from heaven. You are as beautiful as an angel, so I assumed you were one." She just smiles and walks away. He is crushed.


*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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#2006684 by Not Available.

'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~

*Cross1* Billie Gail Turknett *Cross1*
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#1998089 by Not Available.

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#2006060 by Not Available.

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#2006684 by Not Available.

'If sinners be damned, at least let the leap to hell over our bodies. And if they will perish, let them perish without arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unsprayed for.'
~Charles Spurgeon~

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